Bone Sculptor

Chapter 19: Afterimages & Remnants

Recently, the number of humans in high-risk areas has gradually increased. Most of them come for dormant fungi. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, An also reduced his activities during the day, and mainly came out to collect bones at night. However, if there is a trace of the Green Demon, then An Yi can't manage that much. After all, spiritual bones are rare, she doesn't want to miss it.

There is a situation!

An Yiji suddenly jumped out of the water, following the breath of the skeleton beast tutu. She used the word "quick", and her figure passed quickly in the forest like a gust of wind.

Only a few hundred meters away from her, a team of free mercenaries was cautiously groping all in. Being in a high-risk zone, no one dares to take it lightly.

"Boss, there is beast dung here. It is fresh. Depending on the size of the dung, it should be a medium-sized carnivore." A mercenary squatted on the ground and looked at it for a moment, then stood up and replied.

"This is the first time we have found a trace of a medium-sized carnivore in this area. Please be careful." The mercenary captain exhorted as he looked around vigilantly.

"The animal dares to **** here, indicating that this is probably its territory." said a tall and strong man. "According to past experience, carnivorous animals with a bit of taste generally only **** on their own boundaries and enter. After other people’s territory, they are basically the same as constipation."

The team members looked at him one after another, always feeling that there was a problem with his statement, but they couldn't tell where there was a problem.

But one thing is right, the guy who dares to urinate and urinate is not the owner of that territory, or he is confident. There are always dozens of domineering carnivores in each area. It's better not to mess with it or not.

Everyone circumvented the **** tacitly, and acted more cautiously.

At this moment, a mercenary suddenly saw a figure flashing past not far away, as if a fast-flying arrow disappeared in a swish.

The mercenary opened his mouth wide and almost screamed, so Xuan held back, and then turned around and asked the others: "Did you see it just now?"

"See what?" Everyone looked at him suspiciously.

"Someone ran past there just now."

"Who would run around in the jungle in the high-risk area?" Someone said in disbelief, "Even if there are, we can't even notice it?"

"His speed is very fast."

"Can be faster than our boss? Our boss is the middle-speed runner at the base."

That mercenary was speechless, no matter how fast the boss was, it was only a human speed. Just now, that guy had a launching run on his legs! He didn't know how to explain, seeing everyone showing a funny look, he had to shut up and didn't speak. Anyway, it was a human being, not a dangerous creature, so just treat it as if you didn't see it.

At this time, the mercenary captain spoke: "Xiao Ji, which direction did he go?"

"What?" The mercenary called "Xiao Ji" was taken aback for a moment.

"Which direction did the person you saw just now go?"

"Oh, oh." Xiaoji pointed in a direction, "over there."

"Go over there and have a look."

"Boss, do you really believe what Xiaoji said?" a mercenary said, "he is often surprised, maybe he reads it wrong, right?"

"You're right, don't you know?" Just as the mercenary captain was about to take a step, he saw a figure suddenly flashed past the bushes in front.

Everyone saw it now. Although only a few tenths of a second, it is enough for them. That is indeed a person, a person who is too fast to be scientific. At that speed, it is estimated that we can catch up with the shuttle car!

After a glimpse of Jinghong, everyone probably saw that the other party was wearing full armor and came from the military.

"Chasing!" Without a word, the mercenary captain chased after the figure disappeared.

Chase? Who can catch up with Nima! And is it really good to run in the jungle so presumptuously?

However, if they can really catch up with that soldier, they will definitely get some useful information. Seeing the other person, daring to walk through the jungle so casually, he should be quite familiar with the environment here.

Although it was chasing, the mercenary captain didn't dare to really let go of speed, but just followed the opponent's footsteps and tried his luck. What's more, even if he is at full power, it is impossible to catch up.

At first, the few people didn't hold any hope. Who knew that after ten minutes, they actually encountered the unscientific soldier who was squatting under a tree and stooping.

Several people were overjoyed, quickened their pace, and prepared to go up to say hello.

As a result, the opponent stood up suddenly, waved to them, and then disappeared into the same place like a gust of wind.

All the mercenaries had already raised their hands and prepared to return their gifts. They didn't expect that the other party would not give them a chance to increase their relationship at all, and they disappeared in the blink of an eye. This is a player! Don't want to have contact with them, you wave a P's hand, don't you know how much affection will be wasted by others?

In fact, they all blamed An Ye. She had just successfully refined a skeleton beast with a vague name, and she was excited. She didn't notice the arrival of these people at all, and the subsequent wave of hands was just activating the Kuaizi Jue.

The newly added skeleton beasts are widespread, and I don't know if they were affected by the Kuaizi Jue. After the resurrection, the speed is incredible. If An Yi could still see the afterimage using the Kuaizi Jue, it would move like a teleport, and it would be impossible to judge the direction of its movement.

Today seems to be An Yi's lucky day. The Green Demon's activities are unusually frequent. She went back and forth in this area, resurrecting a skeleton beast, and refining dozens of spiritual bones.

So this team of mercenaries was fortunate to see a convulsive figure, flashing in front of them from time to time, as if deliberately molesting them, not staying every time, but giving people a sense of weirdness everywhere, especially TM tortured people!

"My Kao! He is stalking us and teasing us!" Someone finally couldn't help but scold the street, don't bring such a dazzling person!

Another person took out a weapon and showed a fierce look: "If you show up again, you will shoot him!"

Others agreed, and even the mercenary captain did not stop it. It was really because the other party was too bullying. The speed is amazing, can it be faster than the RD's shooting! Sample, wait until you shoot him through, let's see what it is!

However, a certain creature never appeared again...

An Yi, who was ignorant and unconscious, left a deep thought in the hearts of this team of mercenaries.

An Yi returned to his base No. 2 with the bones. She is expanding the scope of her activities, so the base is gradually increasing. The new base area is an underground cave. In fact, it does not belong to Anyi. The real owner is a multi-claw beast that looks like an octopus. He is good at drilling holes and is curious. When I met, I touched her up and down with my tentacles, and after I was sure that it felt good (?), I happily accepted her move in.

An Yi thought it was enough to satisfy this guy's curiosity, but the facts proved that she was too naive. In the evening, An Yi saw this multi-claw beast came out of the cave with a dozen small multi-claw beasts, and ran over to greet An Yi one by one. The way of greeting was touch.

An Yi allowed the dozen or so multi-claw beasts to crawl around her bones like a sculpture, with long tentacles twisting out of her eye sockets, breastbone, and limbs. If this picture was made into a video, it would be appropriate How about a proper thriller!

In order to get the right to move in, An Yi also fought, giving up the morals and came to the not-so-good group P with them. Fortunately, I didn't let the sand cat come in with me, otherwise I don't know what it will be like.

After enduring the first time, the multi-claw beasts are still very easy to get along with. They are busy burrowing every day. Except for occasional encounters, they are a little tired and crooked. They do not interfere with each other at other times. They are usually responsible for alerting and providing food, although An also does not need food at all.

In the evening, after An Yi completed the three bone sculptures, while turning on the voice and learning Totas, he sent a message to Milos through Wangwang, telling him that there have been many mercenaries haunting the high-risk area recently, and he has not found a cure for virus fungi. Is there a way? Why are there so many people running into high-risk areas to take risks?

Milos quickly replied: [The mercenaries entering the high-risk area should be from bases 1 and 2. I have recalled all soldiers and announced the successful development of the vaccine. 】

[No. 1 and No. 2 don’t know about the vaccine? 】

[...I don’t have enough health. 】


An Yi laughed silently with her mouth open.

Researchers at Base 3 have been studying fungal vaccines, but so far, only Milos's blood is the safest and most stable. They also tried many times to use animal saliva infected with the fungus on the human body, but the results were not satisfactory.

The different effects of the two confused researchers for a while. Milos also got antibodies from animals infected with the fungus. Why can't others? Is there anything else missing?

They did not know that two conditions are required to produce antibodies on their own. One is that humans have not been infected with fungi before; the other is that animals must be fungal mothers. Nadine is the mother of the fungus. It can be said that the people in the entire base were infected by him. Sand cat is also a fungal parent, but it is a fungal parent with antibodies.

To put it simply, a good fungus is actually a kind of "self-attack and self-sustaining" microorganisms, depending on whether their host attacks or suffers...

[An Yi, you have been a little more careful recently and don't be discovered by others. ] Milos told her.

[I have always been very careful. 】

[I reserve my opinion. 】

snort! [Ba Ke! Convex^-^Convex】

[...Where did you learn the foul language? I remember that the audio courseware I downloaded for you are all elegant aristocratic models. 】"Ba Ke" is a curse in Totas, and it comes from the mouths of the little wanderers.

How could An Yi tell him that during the rendezvous that day, she secretly downloaded a set of "Spoken Language Collection for Self-taught Masters of Tongue Speaking" from the Internet.

Seeing peace, Milos didn't respond, so he immediately persuaded: [Speaking less vulgar words will degrade your style. 】

An Yi ignored him. How could her style be reduced by a few vulgar words?

[You are a smart and noble skeleton woman, and you should have elegant words and deeds that match your image. Milos felt that he had to save this crooked skeleton back, as long as she thought of her "ba Ke" at every turn, the whole person would be bad.

An Yi felt that Milos was simply worrying about him, so a cold and tough guy, how did his style of painting suddenly change? A skeleton needs to be elegant and has a P use, as long as she takes off her clothes and stands in the crowd, no matter how elegant she is, she will not be appreciated by humans. It is not bad to attack with weapons.

Unable to communicate with this man, Anyi decisively blocked the message with Wangwang.

Milos talked to Wangwang in his room for a long time, and after making sure that Wangwang would not respond, he finally gave up persuading and went back to bed to sleep. I don’t know why, he has a strange interest in transforming a skeleton, but unfortunately people are not very happy...