Book of Technology

Chapter 216: perfect

Zhang Lin is very happy and very interested in what he is doing here under the net. For him, this kind of thing is really very interested. It is necessary to know that he does not care about these many times, but sometimes it is necessary He will definitely not miss some of the things, otherwise what should he do? So time himself is then for him.

As long as you wait slowly, Wang Xia doesn't think about time now. After all, in this online school, no matter what he does, someone will support him, such as this time, nuclear fusion, everyone. He would think from his own standpoint, which is a huge advantage for him.

He would be very surprised if he didn't say such a huge advantage, so he would only do so. Otherwise, according to Wang Xiao's personality, he would never tell Zhang Lin and his parents about this. Zhang Lin is very grateful for nuclear fusion and this r device. Besides, he said that this r device makes him very interested, because this coercion device is changed, and other people will not have such an opportunity. .

So he does n’t know why this r device is like this, but even if there is such a decision, then definitely do n’t say more boring things, so say time is not waiting for someone, and then I start my day life, Some things here should not be missed in this way, otherwise, the things that were missed in this way would be a bit meaningless, so that since such a result would not be so bad.

He will not have such a restraining existence, so it is said that Miss Wang will soon handle it according to a fixed route. If there is no such fixed route, what should be done? When Zhang Lin told me, she said that she wanted to enter the world of online school and take a look. For him, the world is still very interesting because it is really useful to him. She likes it very much. One world.

It's his pleasure to enter this kind of virtual world from a young age. The pleasure of trains does not exist. Since there is such a pleasure, there is so much to say, time is not waiting for people, and then I have Such a pleasure, then for him to do this thing according to his own way. Do you really want to enter that world? For Wang Xiao, if he is really allowed to enter this world.

May have some unexpected and unexpected troubles, these troubles may make him feel unusually uncomfortable, but it does not matter anyway, it is to do so anyway, what should I do if I do not want to do so? So if you let yourself do it, then everything about him is justified, Zhang Lin told Wang Xiao that she really wants to do it. If she doesn't, there is nothing she can do.

So according to all the ideas of Wang Xiao and Zhang Lin, then there is a great opportunity here, so with the understanding and consent on the Internet, Zhang Lin successfully entered the world here and started Ups and downs in the world is also a very good thing for him to send Zhang Lin in. After all, this world is not a ferocious beast, so in that world, it will be useful as long as it is a while.

So it was very useful for Wang Xiao to let him stay in that world for a while, otherwise Wang Xiao would not accompany her to that world at all, so he said that time did not wait for someone, and then he continued to study his nuclear Fusion technology, it is impossible for him not to study his own nuclear fusion technology, even if it is necessary to miniaturize nuclear fusion technology, accidental painting will not be done at all.

So come and look at some ideas from Wang Xiao, then they will come to some other things to do to the end, the opportunity is always reserved for people who are ready, like those who have not prepared for me, then it is not It may exist, so it is easy for him to feel it all. Wang Xiao did this for himself, not for others, if not for himself.

机会 A chance on his face wouldn't exist, so it's better to say everything for himself. Anyway, it ’s the same, and then time is not waiting. Wang Xiao has finally developed the small fusion technology. After so much and spent so much time, it ’s very worthwhile for him to research this thing. Sure, if it wasn't for the sake of knowing, he wouldn't have such a capability at all.

Therefore, she is more fortunate to be able to study nuclear fusion. Otherwise, she would not be so lucky. There would not be such an opportunity called nuclear miniaturization. Miniaturization is a tortuous process. It is another tortuous process ~ ~ These two tortuous processes have caused this situation. If one of them is not clear, then he will not do it.

So for Wang Xiao, everything is like a guide to destiny, so that he can continue to develop here. For him, this thing is understandable. I am not such an understandable thing, so what should you do? Do it? Therefore, what Wang Xiao has to do now is to manage this one's own thing, and only if he manages it in the virtual world, will it not cause other disturbances.

If this world cannot be managed well, then this riot will inevitably be caused, so it is unacceptable to change anyone, even if Wang Xiao is doing the same now, so for Wang Xiao said that everything is an unknown number. If there is no such opportunity, then this unknown number will only drag himself down to small nuclear fusion and make breakthrough progress. This is great news for him.

If it were not for such news, he would not have done so at all, so it is basically a powerless thing, so if Wang Xiao ’s family had such an opportunity, then he would never do it in March or Do some other meaningless things in exchange. Any such meaningless things will only cause him to be ruined. Therefore, according to Wang Xiao's current power comparison system, he is already a relatively powerful person.

If there is not even such a person, then such a powerful person would never exist. Therefore, for Wang Xiao, the establishment of his current system is the most important.