Book of Technology

Chapter 230: Mechanical shark

I think after the entertainment here is under control, and then he left here. It is not necessary for him to stay here. What he has to do now is to go back first and doubt that she can meet with her, that is her own. Parents, what he has to do now is to let his parents leave here and see if this opportunity is available, if it really is.

They feel much better. If this opportunity is not available, then he would not be able to do this thing. So if there is such a thing, how can they still receive it? After returning to his home, what he has to do now is to speak directly to his parents, and then our parents heard what he said.

Immediately planned to go out with him, because Wang Xiao told him to go to a place, that place is the bottom of the sea, of course, this child is talking about the surface, can not go deep into the bottom of the sea, this bottom is a very dangerous thing It's very exaggerated, so if that's the case, then he will definitely not take this risk. I think what to do now, if you take a look now, see if it really does what you think.

Then he left here directly. After leaving here, I came over and found that someone would deeply want to come to this place to continue to operate the facilities of Wang Xiao. This sneaky person made me a bit difficult here. Accept, the best way for him to be such a sneaky person is to control it directly, so he immediately controlled it, but now it is on the beach surface.

So he didn't know what these people did, but now it seems that this person is absolutely problematic, otherwise it would not be possible to do so, so they also asked what this person wants to do, you People immediately said to Wang Xiao that he did n’t want to do it, or he wanted to control Wang Xiao here. So in one case, they would say that there is more of this. Opportunity for such an unconscious existence is impossible for anyone.

So in this case, everyone understands what is the role of tmd? So when I said it, I understood such a thing. Everyone knows what to do and what not to do, so if you say a downside idea, it is better to let him throw it out directly, but Wang Xiao is not one after all. No matter who cares about nothing, so the practice of throwing it out directly is also for your own morality and ability.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to do so, so now that he has such a form, he will definitely not make some mistakes in principle. In this case, it is easy to think of this matter going down the street and going down. After seeing this situation, the father stopped asking Wang Xiao what happened, as if he naturally told them that there was something wrong with such a thing, so he said this after his father heard the words on the Internet.

I understand that someone has been working on this idea. For someone who comes here, he thinks that this person may be affected by the knowledge of someone. If you do n’t want him to get it, their posture is not necessary. Of course, such an opportunity is compared It doesn't exist, so if that's the case, but according to the father's idea, he just let him down, but for the Internet he didn't plan to do this, but his father is a good old man.

It ’s because doing so in front of him may cause some unnecessary trouble, so Wang Xiao wo n’t do it, and there ’s no need to do it. He just intends to wait and see if the father will really As I imagined, how could there be such an opportunity to act on it, if their father is really the same as what they think, they would be good to say, but now it seems that the father and his own ideas are quite different. gap.

However, this gap makes them have some unacceptable red envelopes. So if they have a red envelope, they ca n’t do it, so when I want to, I will treat him directly as his father. After deflating and telling him to throw it out, I don't think it's against him or anything to him, because for him, you don't think it is necessary to do anything to this person.

Because Wang Xiao can only do this now, and soon he does n’t say much. Since that ’s the case, then what I have to do now is to control the situation here, and I must keep my own half Completely turn into a set. In other words, no one will be allowed to come in, and it is impossible to let them out even if they come in. It seems that Wang Xiao also has some memories when he is so happy in this life.

This device allows them to erase the memory, and it can only erase the memory. If they are very useful, if they cannot erase the memory, then the person I come in will not let it go, like The previous group of people was grinded out and then sent out. Such a person is very useful. At any time, he cannot betray his own existence, so if that is the case, they are all good to say more Already.

Then Wang Xiao is now swimming with his father in this Dapo Bridge ~ ~ His father and parents and Zhang Lin ’s father and parents have never seen such things. For them There is no such thing as the Great Barrier Reef, so it is impossible for anyone to change such a thing as the Great Barrier Reef to have such an opportunity, so that time is not waiting for others, since it is so, then they would say too much.

In other people, there will not be such a time for Tai Taifu ’s parents to come here. Only people like Wang Xiao can do it. After solving the worries, I have almost no idea now, so it ’s right It is also a good thing for him. If he ca n’t even do such a thing, then I ’m useless, so Wang Xiao will take a look directly here soon.

But he found that there was a shark that he didn't think of. What he didn't think of was that this shark turned out to be a mechanical shark. This mechanical shark is simply a terrifying thing. Both are irreversible existences. Of course, such an opportunity is very valuable to them, so it is difficult for him to do anything. This is an opportunity that is really difficult for them to accept.

Immediately after discovering the shark, he wanted to counter-monitor the shark, and it made him successful.