Book of Technology

Chapter 312: frank

Wang Xiao wo n’t do it anymore, because it ’s not necessary for him to do so. He feels that these people dare to do it themselves, so there is definitely a premeditator behind it. If there is no premeditation, he will never do it himself. What Wang Xiaoxia did was very simple.

That is to destroy these people directly, and then to say that if other things are not eliminated, it is even more meaningless to do these things, and then Wang Xiao came directly to this person and planned to find He, then he said something to the man.

"Since you want to do something to me, then don't blame me for this thing. I didn't want to do anything to you, but I didn't have a chance. Anyway, I let you do it anyway. He didn't have any chance like this. What do you do? It ’s right not to do it, so you are asking for it, and you ca n’t blame us. ”

I heard Wang Xiao ’s words, and then this person did n’t say anything more. He also knew that Wang Xiao could n’t blame this thing, because Wang Xiao did n’t do anything wrong here. The mistake was with them, so In such a case, if I did something wrong, I would have to bear the consequences.

If you do something wrong and do n’t even bear it later, would n’t it be even more speechless to say these things? So if time doesn't wait for someone, then he understands the general meaning of doing these things, so what Wang Xiao is doing now is very simple, that is to control this person first, and then know from his mouth, Who wants to do it for themselves, and then directly follow the example to give you this example more domineering.

These people directly treat them with amnesia and let them go. You say that under such circumstances is the most important, and other things will not have such an importance, so it is important to come again. , I think you will not say much, anyway, it is meaningless to say anything, say these things more, he will make everyone look down on Wang Xiao here, I want to leave here, and then this person is very Anxious.

She doesn't know why Wang Xiao left directly here, but for the Internet, what can I do? Now that they have decided that they want to do something with themselves, leaving is the most important thing. Anyway, if you do n’t leave, everyone is useless anyway, so the opportunity is fleeting. Wang Xiao has left this person now, and is also very anxious , Immediately wanted to talk to Wang Xiao here, but is it so easy to speak?

Now it ’s not so easy to talk, so in this case, since there would be no talking to yourself, then everyone has understood something, and then Wang Xiao left after here, what he has to do is If you directly control everything here, and then control this place, then doing these meaningless things will only make people feel disgusted, will the disgusting things be done?

Certainly no one said, if anyone does anything, what else do I say? Then, Wang Xiao received his answer, that I wanted to do something with myself, and then let Tianhe No. 1 communicate with him directly.

"Why do you suddenly want to get along with me at this time? You have to know that you didn't get along with me before. Is it true that there are ghosts and monsters in doing this now, so I have to know your ultimate What ’s the motive, I do n’t want it. Someone walked around with me here. It does n’t make sense to do this. If you tell me your things, then I will absolutely spare you from death. Just call You let it go. "

They do n’t know if what Wang Xiao said is true, but for this person, he must read it. If he does n’t even read it, then I ’m not going to die. So if I want to gamble, Then there is nothing to say, and then all I have to do now is to wait here.

Waiting for the opportunity to appear, after waiting for the opportunity to come, Wang Xiao here through a series of other things, this thing can be done successfully, then it is a very good thing for her, if you do not do this thing If it succeeds, then this matter will make people feel very disappointed, so Wang Xiao didn't know, and then this person was shocked to heaven after hearing Wang Xiao's words.

I really didn't expect such a result for him, and immediately wanted to tell Wang Xiao something else here.

"Mr. Wang, I say everything here, so I hope you can forgive me here, and I will never do such a meaningless thing again. For us, we are also forced, and that one is forced by you. Yes, but even this strength is not as good as ours, then we don't know what to do, so I hope you can really let us leave here and ask you. "

Wang Xiao didn't expect that he actually said so, so that under such a situation, there is nothing to say, anyway, the results are the same, and then I am ready to say this sentence, but for the time being there is nothing to say Now, everyone is the same anyway ~ ~ Then since this person wants to say why he is targeting himself, then it is here too.

She doesn't want to become like that with some other people, that is, people who can't hear anything like that. Talents who can't hear anything like this are the most headaches, so they say they listen to everything. If you go in, then this kind of pain is even more unlikely. So after Wang Xiao said these words, then most people know that what he said is indeed true, so Wang Xiao listened carefully What this person said.

"Mr. My family, this time, we are the Yuanzheng Group, and the Star Group sent you together to deal with you, because we know that your ability is very strong, so we said that we were equipped with a lot of advanced equipment and weapons. I was urged again, so that was the one thing that made me feel uncomfortable, but I have already repented here, I hope you forgive me. "

For Wang Xiao, I feel that they really do n’t make any sense to them. You have to know what effect they have been against them. Anyway, most people have no effect. I do n’t want to say this to them now. Since If they want to target themselves, then let them do it. Most of the things have no effect anyway. For Wang Xiao, they really don't matter to Duan. Ps: My friends, I am a science and theology. I recommend a free novel app that supports novel download, listening, zero advertising, and multiple reading modes. Please pay attention to WeChat public account: dazhuzaiyuedu (long press and hold for three seconds to copy) Book friends, pay attention!