Book of Technology

Chapter 4: set off

为什么 Why do n’t you go if you have money? Wang Xiao is now in a time of lack of money, and he is relying on state subsidies for his studies. Otherwise, this university would not be successful.

"How much is it?"

Wang Xiao stared at Professor Zhang with a sharp look.

"Is your kid short of money? It's all in the eyes of money."

Professor Zhang Zhang is helpless.

"It's a bit sad to talk about money, but it's absolutely impossible to have no money. I'm short of money now, and of course I will go if you have money, but you have to tell me a number."

"Let's say that, if your project is said to be fancy by others, so few hundreds of thousands, and millions of them."


Wang Xiao no longer knows how to express his inner thoughts. Hundreds of thousands of millions. This is an astronomical figure. He dare not think about it. He usually tens of dollars and hundreds of dollars in the ordinary days. Use.

"I ask you to read more books, and now you can only express your inner thoughts with a lie."

教授 "Professor Zhang, be sure to pull me when you go."

Wang Wang Xiao looked at the old man with affection and saw him as a goosebump.

没 "No problem, it's a trivial matter, and I'll pay for your ticket."

"Let's also pay for accommodation and living expenses together."

"Your kid is really poor, forget it, wrap it on me."

After I finished speaking, they talked briefly again, and then went back happily to each other.

Wang Xiao is naturally happy because he has the money, and Professor Zhang just found a rare talent because he can teach a student, an excellent student, for his half-earned person. , Is very fulfilling for myself.

The date that Wu agreed with Professor Zhang was very early, about a week or so. This week, Wang Xiao must enrich his knowledge of computer and mechanics.

But computer knowledge, no matter how he memorizes it, it has no effect. Mechanical knowledge is very useful. Any book on mechanics can be memorized with a glance.

Professor Zhang is naturally not busy these days. He is studying Wang Biao's bionic robot. Whether it is the code on the computer or the mechanical structure of the bionic robot, he has thoroughly studied it, but he has not developed any. .

The code was so overwhelming that even people like him looked at it. You must know that his computer level and mechanical level are the same. Otherwise, he would not be a professor in this field.

But even he can't see the meaning of this code and the various control commands, which makes it more difficult for others to understand.

In fact, it is not that the professor cannot see the meaning of the code, but that Wang Xiao intentionally kept some useless codes when he entered the code. These invalid codes disturbed people's sight. Only by removing these invalid codes can he Look at the kernel of the entire piece of code.

Of course, this is all attached to the simple robot presented by the system. Wang Xiao is not capable.

This also directly eliminates the imitation of robots at a fundamental level.

The more I studied about Professor Zhang, the more shocked he became, and the more he became concerned about Wang Xiao's affairs. He investigated Wang Xiao's various background materials, and it was easy to obtain these materials by virtue of his identity.

According to the data, Wang Xiao is indeed a kind of poor, and he is too poor to expose the pot. His parents are rural people in remote areas, and it is a miracle that he was admitted to the university.

In college, he studied computer science, but he didn't show up in computer science. All grades were moderate, or some grades were low.

He just was such a simple man, who actually created this bionic robot who was shocked to see him.

From time to time, Professor Zhang Zhang sighed. Maybe Wang Xiao has been hiding for so many years.

In the library, he thought Wang Xiao was picking up girls, but now it seems that the other party does have this ability.

Fortunately, it was because he discovered it early. If anyone found it, and left the robot in the laboratory like Wang Xiao unsuspecting, it would definitely be taken by others.

At that time, he might cry without tears, but fortunately, Professor Zhang didn't have that narrow mind.

Uh ...

One week passed quickly, and on the day of the scheduled departure, Wang Xiao and Professor Zhang gathered early.

The difference is that there are two female classmates beside Professor Wang, one of whom Wang Xiao has also seen.

"It's you?"

Chen Wei couldn't believe her eyes. She heard Professor Zhang said that there was another person to go with, but she did not expect to be this person.

"Come here, let me introduce to you, this is Wang Xiao, the close disciple I recently recognized."

Wang Xiao stared at Professor Zhang with a black line on his face.

"When will I become your close disciple? Don't put gold on your face."

Wang Wangxiao said angrily.

"You stupid boy, do you know how many people want to be my close disciple?"

The old man was almost not confused.

薇 Chen Wei helplessly held up his forehead, and then pulled them both apart. UU read the book She was a little confused about the situation and did not know what medicine the two were selling.

"Well, I won't talk much nonsense. This name is Chen Wei, and this name is Liu Xin. Both of them are outstanding in the mechanical department, and they brought their works to this robot exhibition. . "

诧 Chen Wei looked at Wang Xiao in surprise. Since he was attending the robot exhibition, it also showed that he had his own work in hand.

The fact that Professor Zhang cares so much shows that his work is definitely not too bad, maybe even better than her own, which makes her a little curious about Wang Xiao.

"Hello Chen Wei, thank you for your help that day, otherwise I will be punished by this professor."

Wang Wangxiao thanked Chen Wei.

"it's okay no problem."

Wang Xiao waved his hand and did not know how to answer.

After the introduction, they took a special bus to the airport.

Since attending the exhibition in the name of the school, the tickets for the four of them are all out of the school's funds, even for their accommodation.

After learning that all the expenses were out of school, Wang Wangxiao gave a scornful look at Professor Zhang.

Wang Xiaoxiao has never taken an airplane in his life. If the school is not a straight distance from their hometown, it is about more than a thousand kilometers. He has come by train for such a long distance.

"This is the first time I have flown, and I won't crash!"

"You crow's mouth, don't say it anymore, you'll be turbulent later, don't yell."

Sure enough, the plane flew over for a long time when encountering the tropospheric turbulence, which made him almost scared to death, but fortunately, he reached his destination safely.