Born In England

Chapter 208: Give 1 powerful medicine to break the ba

Before we knew it, it was early 1915.

The battle that lasted for more than half a year saw more and more troops on both sides.

The weapons, financial, human and material resources invested by both sides are getting higher and higher.

Among them, the biggest beneficiaries, for the time being, are these weapons companies, energy companies, various material companies and so on.

Among them, Li Lin is one of the biggest beneficiaries.

Of course, he mainly sells weapons and energy. Of course, he also sells a batch of trucks, as well as vehicles such as motorcycles.

Like the US emperor, they mainly sold a lot of various war materials, and they also made a lot of money.

In particular, the cars and motorcycles produced by Li Lin's side play a huge role in the transportation of troops and artillery.



Li Lin looked at the newspaper in his hand, and more than half of the pages were introducing the latest battle reports from the West.

A certain unit broke through a certain front today.

Tomorrow a certain unit will call back again.

the day after tomorrow……

"Tsk tsk, this year should be the second stage of the tug-of-war, and there will definitely be several large-scale land battles. It seems that some of my new weapons should also be sold!" Li Lin thought to himself on.

That's right, he's selling tanks!

In fact, speaking of the invention of the tank, it really came from the First World War.

During the First World War, in order to break through the defensive positions composed of trenches, barbed wire, and machine gun fire points, and to break the deadlock of positional warfare, it was urgent to develop a new type of weapon that organically combines firepower, off-road and protection!

The British Swinton discovered in an accident that if a tractor was equipped with an artillery or a machine gun, wouldn't it be invincible? In October 1914, the battlefield in the First World War was at a stalemate. A lieutenant colonel serving in the British Expeditionary Force proposed the need to break the dreary stalemate on the Western Front by creating an armoured vehicle that could cut roads over barbed-wire battlefields, climb ditches, and destroy and suppress machine-gun fire. The British Army at the time had no interest in it.

Of course, the first tank in the real sense was only produced in 1916, that is - the "Mark" Type I tank!

Of course, throughout the entire World War I, not many tanks were invested.

First, this first-generation tank is immature, and its combat capability is unsatisfactory.

Second, the speed is too slow and the firepower is too poor.

Third, the difficulty of production! Because the design is silent, many of them are easy to lie down when they are produced, and various problems continue. This is caused by various problems with the design and the first generation of tanks.

But now Li Lin is different. His tanks are all mass-produced, and the designed tanks are mature and stable.

"Call the Emperor and say that we have a new type of weapon to sell to them, ask them if they are interested, and say to him, our weapon is a new type of weapon that combines firepower, off-road and protection. , has an invincible charge against the enemy's defensive positions composed of trenches, barbed wire, and machine gun fire points, which can make the enemy feel despair and fear!" Li Lin said to the female secretary beside him.

"Yes, boss."

"By the way, remember to introduce our No. 2 tank to them!" Li Lin said.

"Yes, boss."


The emperor received the news.

"The new weapon can ignore the enemy's defensive position? The name is a tank? The whole body is made of steel, with machine guns and cannons as weapons, and the speed is not slow. The enemy's artillery can't even penetrate the tank?" After seeing the description on this telegram, everyone was stunned.

"If this weapon is really as powerful as Li Lin said... Maybe it will definitely be a huge boost for us. We must see how this tank looks like!" The Minister of War was moved.

"Okay, let Li Lin arrange it immediately, we have to go and see for ourselves!"

a week later.

Originally, Li Lin had a branch company in the mainland of the country before, and there were many arsenals.

One of the arsenals contained 100 tanks.

Directly asked the staff to transfer 2 tanks to show this group of people.


Gu Kong

On the outskirts, in a temporary position.

This position is composed of barbed wire, trenches, machine gun positions, and bunkers, a total of three.

In the position, there are hundreds of soldiers, all of them are machine guns, rifles, grenades and other weapons.

At this point, 2 tanks charged towards the position.

That's right, Li Lin just asked people to personally practice the role of tanks on the battlefield.

Just let the tank charge straight ahead. If you don't shoot, let the soldiers on the ground fight!

boom boom boom...

Throttle booms.

2 tanks charged towards the position.

Those uneven positions, those trenches, could have blocked the advance of cars, trucks, etc., but at this moment, they could not stop the advance of tanks at all.

at the same time.

Arriving in front of the barbed wire, the tank rushed directly over.

The barbed wire was directly crushed and broken...


The soldiers in the position were fighting against the tanks.

However, bullets from rifles and M2 machine guns hit tanks and simply cannot penetrate them.

Can only helplessly watch the tanks open to their positions.


De Huang and the others watched the whole process, and they were all shocked beyond measure!

"My God, he is simply a steel monster! In the field, it is like returning to his own home!"

"It's terrifying, it's terrifying. We thought the solid position was so fragile in front of it! It hasn't fired yet. If it did, there would be more than 100 people in the position, which would not be enough to kill!" The minister was surprised.

"I bought it, I bought it, it's definitely a nightmare for the infantry!" Emperor Tai decided to buy it.

Immediately talk to the people from the Li's Arms Company at the scene.

"A $100,000 car?" Emperor Tai frowned slightly after hearing this.

That's £20,000 a tank!

Prices are not cheap.

But he knew that now that he was asking for this weapon, he had to buy it too expensive!

"Buy 100 cars If the effect is good, I will buy more later!" De Huang said.

"Okay, Your Majesty." The staff on Li Lin's side couldn't be more happy.

100 cars, that's £2 million!

This is the appetizer, in the future, there will be more orders.

Li Lin also does not need to sell to other forces.

When its role on the battlefield is reflected, he is still worried that there will be no sales?

He has another tank.

At that time, it was specially reserved for the British and other Allied forces.

Sure enough, a month later.

The No. 2 tank appeared on the battlefield.

Immediately deal a heavy blow to the Allies!

It is simply a monster, which makes many soldiers feel terrified.