BOSS Always Bends [GL]

Chapter 82: The nineteenth evaluation of Yin Yang Co

With the three views of the explosion, Chao Ge maintained the state of seemingly calm as before, but his heart was already cracked. He didn't know how to get back to the branch compound of the Ling family.

The group of **** who were facing the Yin and Yang gathering threw another message to her: "Five days later, when the division selection begins, Ling Tianquan will come and sit down in person."

Still immersed in the shocking days just now-Chaoge, unable to extricate himself from the scene, sat on his chair expressionlessly, with one hand against his chin, his eyes immediately became confused, and he didn't know where he went.

Ying quietly pointed to Chao Ge's direction and cast an inquiring gaze to Yaochen.

The boy's mature expression that did not match his age completely made up for his lack of height, and only shook his head to indicate that he was not clear.

Jiang Ningtao originally slept well on the table by the window, but only when he came back from Chaoge did he get up and concentrate. At this time, he glanced at the situation in the house, slowly got up from the chair, and stretched lazily. The waist stretched the tendons----

Then he said casually: "Everyone should go back first."

The yellow-haired female cat quietly jumped from the table next to Chaoge to the ground, and jumped into Sibo’s arms as if she understood the human words, and even stretched out her front paws to pat his arm, silently urging him to hurry. go.

Mo Nian had always listened to Ningtao, and was undoubtedly the first to go out, waiting for Ningtao to come out by the door. The most talkative movie also noticed that the atmosphere was not right at this time, so he picked up the fresh fruits and vegetables that hadn't been eaten on the table, curled his mouth and walked out.

Sibo looked at Yaochen and Chaoge's direction, then looked at the other companions who had almost gone out, and then hurriedly picked up the pace and walked outside.

Almost as soon as they turned the corner when they left the house, Chaoge's voice sounded in the hall, without much emotion, and said: "From today, no matter what the situation, Yanjia will report everything that can be found to me."

Although the black-haired boy didn't understand at all, he still didn't answer any objections. Then he sat down on a chair near her, because the chair was a little high, no matter how neat the little boy climbed up, he felt a bit of joy.

But the girl who usually took the opportunity to laugh at him, there was no movement at this time, she still sat there in that position, her face gradually gloomy.

A few minutes later, the girl stood up and hurriedly walked towards the room, not paying attention to whether the people behind her followed.

Almost as soon as the door was closed, she quickly turned around, half-bended her hands on the boy's shoulders, glared at him paranoidly, and asked with gritted teeth, "Do you know that Li Wanfang is dead long ago? Yanjia, the woman sitting in the position of mistress, she is not my mother at all!"

Yaochen was taken aback for a moment, and then the computing system was processing relevant information at a speed that surpassed the speed of light, but he was still calm on the surface. Not everyone thinks of you as a rhetoric, do you think so?"

A simple sentence was like a slogan, and instantly stripped Chaoge from the extreme emotions.

She let go of her hand in a daze, straightened her waist, bit the curved joint of her right index finger, forced all her emotions down, her eyes gradually regained her clarity, and she muttered, "...You are right." Even if Li Wanfang in this world is dead long ago, that is not really her mother.

She was just not worthy of the original words, the more she knew, the more she felt that the original body was a sad person. He tried so hard to get admitted to Yuandu in his life, but was poisoned to death on the way to my home. He didn't even have a chance to see his biological parents. But Chaoge, who had come back alive, waited for her to have a smooth life that was still not a turnaround. First, she was told not to think about the position that should belong to her, and then directly forced her away from her home.

Even the person she likes so much, she never knew what that guy was thinking. In other words, I know, but I can't understand.

Now tell her that the relatives who love you so much as you originally thought are not the original ones.

And that person is the culprit who caused all of her.

Yan Chaoge is of course past the age when people can believe whatever they say. So I want to know the truth more urgently.

Knowing the root of Yanjia's current situation, avenging Qinghe, after doing these two things, she will go home.

Going back to the place where there is no need for her to put all her heart and soul into a fight and someone will love her so so.

"Yaochen, tell them tomorrow. Let's choose the best place for M3 to eat. It is to cheer for the selection in five days." The brain that was shocked to be short-circuited was rearranged, and Yan Chaoge finally relaxed. After talking to Yaochen, he reached out and opened the Zhinao page to focus on Yanjia's news.

Fortunately, he has long been used to her rollercoaster-like topical jumping, and he put out his question very uprightly: "How much money is burned?"

Chaoge pretended to smile mysteriously: "Yes." Anyway, it wasn't her who burned.

The next day.

Chao Ge raised his eyebrows at the restaurant where the materials in any corner can automatically extend the table and chairs.

"Hao inhumanity..." Ying shook his head and looked at the luxurious restaurant with deformed materials, feeling that he had walked into a crystalless mine.

Even Jiang Ningtao's sleepiness froze in an instant. The next second he looked at the surrounding walls, the light in his eyes was so hot as to light up two small light bulbs.

Only Chaoge and Yaochen were expressionless. Chaoge even raised his hands and yawned a little—so disappointed. Knowing it was such a surprising place, she chose the second-ranked restaurant to eat.

"Unheard of high-tech? Who picked this restaurant?" The boss Qingxiu who yawned without expression still had a cold taste when her face became rigid.

Ying raised his hand and looked straight at Chao Ge with admiring eyes: "I! Worthy of being the boss! Such a large area of ​​deformed material can't touch you!"

Chao Ge tilted his head slightly, and his dark brown eyes looked in the direction of Ying Zai, and smiled brightly: "If the food on the table isn't delicious later, you can stay here."

The boss suddenly ghosted, Ying Baobao felt very wronged.

Because the bangs on the front of the forehead were not trimmed for a long time, it was about to affect his eyesight. Chaoge took out a hairpin from his pocket, stroked the bangs back of his head very arrogantly, and fixed it with the hairpin.

So the delicate face, which was slightly immature in the past, finally looked mature at this time.

Watching her a single action can destroy the domineering accumulated before, Yaochen’s smile reveals a touch of exhaustion-as a high-level auxiliary brain, he really failed, the owner’s leadership temperament is similar to that of an electronic product. I still need to recharge, use a little less, what can he do?

He is also desperate!

Because of the rare opportunity to slaughter the boss, coupled with the pressure of not opening for a long time, and no source of income, the people of Yin Yang Ji successfully stimulated their appetites, and the orders must be expensive and cherished materials. The characteristics of the crystal-free empire brought up are not even a song. Have seen.

Even she has a little appetite.

Then when he saw the series of zeros at the checkout-Ying took two steps towards the door, thought for a while, and then resolutely stepped back to Chaoge.

Chao Ge looked down at Yaochen, [What's wrong with her? 】

[Just now I was worried that you could not afford to pay and prepare to run away. Then I thought about it and felt that if you couldn't afford it, you might conflict with the restaurant, so even if you are distressed about the materials of this place, I still have to firmly support you. Yaochen stood calmly next to Chaoge from beginning to end, but his analysis of Yingying's behavior was quite accurate.

[Oh, thank her for her trust for me. 】

"Swipe the card." When he passed the card in his hand, Yaochen noticed the transparent corner in his afterglow, and after subconsciously putting his attention to it, he opened his eyes in surprise.

[Are you crazy? ? ? 】

I immediately thought of yesterday's events, and some reminiscences came. She wanted to lead someone over and confront that person with the provocateur.

It's crazy.

Yaochen looked at Chaoge with an unbelievable and unreasonable look, almost wanting to know the structure of her brain.

How could she decide so lightly that she wanted to meet the terrible woman Qin Muge again!

But no matter how he objected, this has become a certainty.

M3 is the core urban area of ​​the neighboring province where the Ling family is located.

The girl who was doing nothing to bite the biscuits in the shop selling nutrient solution and looking down at the news suddenly stopped, and the crumbs of the hard high-nutrition biscuits fell to the ground.

Biting her lower lip, the girl's movements suddenly stopped, and light lines appeared on the half of her face hidden in the shadows, which no one could see.

The breath on her body became gloomy for an instant, as if it blended with the shadow on the wall, and a few inaudible words leaked from her lips: "How dare she!"

The girl who made a big news when she went out for a meal didn't even realize that she was troublesome, and walked back to the Ling's house from the back door calmly against Yaochen's murderous gaze.

The big problem of brain pain will take a few days to get the answer. Chaoge is idle at this moment, and even wants to go back to the house and sleep until four days later for the division selection.

Maybe it’s because Ling Tianquan is sitting in town. Those guys who usually split up and provoke two waves at the door have not been able to see anyone recently. Of course, it’s also possible that they have tried their best to practice in private to fight for the day after tomorrow to brush in front of Ling Tianquan. Face.

As a result, Chaoge was really so idle until the day of selection.

The selection rules for the division of the Ling family are very simple, only testing personal abilities and the ability to operate mechas. The personal ability test is relatively comprehensive, and the operation of the mecha also tests many aspects, but the rules are simple and rude-fight.

At the beginning, it was divided into dozens of different arenas, and the promoted players continued to compete in pairs until the last one remained.

Chao Ge really wanted to give a thumbs up to the guy who came up with this idea.

Brother, the brain is a good thing, why don't you have it?

The only thing that made her gratified was that Ling Tianquan had not been there since the morning. Seeing the empty seats in the judging center, she felt more relaxed physically and mentally.

The man's aura was usually more domineering than Qin Muge's. As the second God of War in the Empire with the strongest combat power among the generals, Chaoge didn't really want to confront such a guy who generally matched the intuition of a beast.

Because only thinking about relegation, Chaoge has no plan to show how much power to alert others in individual competitions. The same is true for the people who come with her at Yin Yang Ji. The power used by each person has long been limited to Chaoge, and it is not allowed to exceed six. Star and a half. Once you feel your opponent surpasses this strength, surrender.

When she uttered this standard, a groan sighed from inside the Yin Yang Ji.

[Add to this. Yaochen's mood hasn't been adjusted yet. At this time, she was grotesquely in Chaoge's mind, referring to her since she dared to attract Qin Muge, why bother to hide it?

[Being exposed to that person's eyes and being exposed to the eyes of the whole world is two different things. Chao Ge explained something patiently.

[Isn’t Qin Muge your world? Yaochen sneered and continued to return to her. Ying, who was walking next to him, felt a chill, and turned his head to look at him somewhat puzzled. Some did not understand what was wrong with the sudden sneer of the second master.

Chaoge was too lazy to take care of his abnormal problem with Shang Qin Muge, glanced at him, and continued to answer: [You can eat rice but you can’t talk nonsense, Little Red Riding Hood. I can live without her, and I can't live without you. 】

Yaochen's footsteps suddenly stopped, and he tripped and fell with his left foot like a dead machine.

Then he got up silently and took a look at Chao Ge:

[Do you think that talking about this kind of sorrow can make me not angry? 】

Chao Ge met his gaze, shrugged and walked forward.

I wonder if anyone cares whether you are angry or not, it is already very pleasant to see that your system is disordered, okay?

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

The author has something to say: Ah...I was so annoyed by the professional internship, so I am going to update the article 23333

They will meet in the next chapter! ! Is this forecast happy?

Tell me how many years have you waited hahahahaha!

So, if you are happy, please comfort me?