Brain Storm

Chapter 1005: 5 million immigrants

What follows is that some more detailed pictures are beginning to be displayed on the wall. Dust Fate → Text ↓ Learn√Net

At this moment, a city is formed by black clouds, and the positive city is surrounded by black clouds.

As the screens changed, there were silhouettes fighting each other.

And their enemies are a group of skeletons and even some black knights.

With the appearance of these people in the picture, the people in the dungeon at this moment are at a loss.

"This world is too dangerous, can we defeat such a powerful undead?"

As far as the picture is concerned, the powerful magics are also appearing in the picture.

The first player to play was Dongfang Qilan. As a huge fireball condensed in her hand, accompanied by a loud noise, the enemy in front of her was instantly broken.

Seeing these, these people recruited by Chu Hao, at the moment, are a little hesitant.

"At this moment a group of people are gathering on the square in the dungeon.

At this moment, this group of people came with doubts, apparently hoping to get a statement.

"It seems we are in a hurry."

"It is true that there is no doomsday on the earth this time. Although these have been recruited by us, they do not have the proper qualities to deal with this doomsday."

"Excuse me, Mr. Chu, what does our company do, and why do we come here?" At this moment, a young man with white hair and white skin stood up.

This man's camouflage uniform was obviously a veteran, while behind him was a group of people in the same costume.

"This is another world. You have come here as a gift to you. Here you will gain unprecedented power so that you can survive in this world."

"You will be the first Aboriginal people in the dungeon, and you and your family will be honored for it."

"But a strange world."

"No, maybe everyone will come to this world in the near future." Chu Hao said confidently at this moment.

"Well, is this world a magical world?"

"That's true." Chu Hao nodded.

"Do we, as such, really have the power to survive in this world?"

"Naturally, you guys have no way to survive in this world."

"So in order to give you a skill, we will be responsible for training your combat skills."

"How to train, can we also have the same strength as the lady just now?"

"Of course, but this is a process of practice. Of course, if your results are satisfactory to us, my boss may also improve your strength."

"But I want to know, what exactly does your boss want?"

Chu Hao just wanted to say something, but at this moment, Ming Lei's voice was ringing in the hall.

"What our boss wants is not what you can give. You just have to live a stubborn life in this world and fight for a wider land for the earth. This is what you have to do, and we are complicated to train you all into strong Or let you occupy this place! "

As Minglei's voice fell, the next moment, a golden light suddenly formed in the sky.

Immediately after that, an identity watch floated in the air.

"This is an identity watch. With this watch, you are a citizen of the Dungeon of the Dragon."

"Remember we don't have any ideas for you at the moment." Hearing Ming Lei said, the identity watch slowly landed from the air.

Immediately appeared in the hands of everyone.

Someone cried soon.

"Wow, so versatile."

"Storage, teaming, teleporting, missions, achievements, markets, master brains, there are so many functions, which is too great."


"This watch comes with a lot of functions that can be used. Bringing this watch together will be your maximum guarantee."

"In addition, we must remind you that the main brain in the identity watch will be able to make friends with you. Even if your danger is automatically initiated and transmitted, it is also done by the main brain. If you want to get more functions, you need more multi-brain communication As long as the main brain is satisfied, more special abilities are also possible.

After hearing this, everyone was talking.

At the moment, the voice of Minglei did not fall, and various kinds of fierce materials were constantly added.

"Before you have mastered superpowers, your identity watch will be your only guarantee of survival. Make good use of the transmission function of your identity watch to ensure your own safety. Although this identity watch looks like a physical form, but In fact, it is in the form of energy. You ca n’t touch it without you, so you do n’t need to worry about who was snatched. Okay, that ’s all for now. I wish you good luck. ”

"Sir, you just said that someone would teach us superpowers. Is this true?"

But at the moment Ming Lei did not answer.

Chu Hao then connected again in the past.

"This is definitely there, and the main brain itself can give you some abilities. In addition, I heard the boss said that a magic and vindictive academy will be migrated for the Dragon Dungeon, so that everyone here can learn how to use magic. And combative use. "

"Magic and vindictive? Is there no magic or anything?" An old man asked at this moment with some dissatisfaction.

"Cough, I'm sorry, we haven't yet. We mainly cultivate superpowers here." The old man who heard this said was sitting on the ground.

"I am so old. If there is no way to cultivate an immortal, what can I do if I have mastered magic, oh oh, I haven't lived enough."

Xiao Yi, who heard this in the distance, frowned.

"Woohoo, I'm so old, I can't live long ..." The voice hadn't come down yet.

"Here you will live all the time. Don't worry about the old death problem. What kind of illness can you cure here?" The sudden sound of the voice made the old man startled and his voice trembled.

"But what's the point of living by me alone, and saying that I actually looked at all the people present, my wife and children are not here."

"Turn on the teleport, you can return to the earth, you can take them over." The next moment the voice of Ming Thunder had completely disappeared.

The old man was operating his identity watch at this moment.

In the horrified eyes of a few people around him, the old man turned into a golden streamer and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone was boiling, but only for a short time.

Everyone started operating their identity watches.

With the flash of light, there was a short time in the hall, and basically no one was there.

"Let them go back, is it really okay?"

"Even if they are here, it's useless. Let them experience the benefits first."

"Yes, deity."

But at this moment Xiao Yi turned his eyes back to the earth.

At this moment the earth is completely lively.

The 5 million people who disappeared suddenly appeared again, and all the major newspapers in the world were eager to report.

The world is boiling for it.

At the same time, Xiao Yi came to the residential building where Tang Yunfeng was at this moment.

With the flash of gold, Xiao Yi actually appeared in Tang Yunfeng's home.

At the moment Tang Yunfeng is doing this at the moment, something Xiao Yi did not expect.

When Xiao Yi entered Tang Yunfeng's home, a blue hole appeared in Tang Yunfeng's home.

But at this moment Tang Yunfeng had disappeared.

Looking at the waist-sized hole.

Xiao Yi fully understood that this Tang Yunfeng's ability has been raised again, and this must be another world.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Let's go in and take a look too." At the next moment, a flash of light flashed, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin entered a strange world.

The surrounding electro-optical flow, one by one, appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness.

"This is that?" Xiao Yi was very different. "

"My dear, you are now in a parallel space."

"What, parallel space? What the **** is going on?" At the next moment, Xiao Yi's eyes brightened, and then Xiao Yi froze.

At this moment Tang Yunfeng was in a room at the moment, nervously looking outwards in the door gap.

"What are you doing with Yunfeng?" Xiao Yi's voice suddenly sounded, but it jumped Tang Yunfeng in a shock.

At the same time, there was a "bang" sound from the door.

"What are you?" Tang Yunfeng said.

"Quickly withdraw." Tang Yunfeng actually climbed to the entrance of that space.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Position this world."

"Yes, deity."

Then Xiao Yi, Tang Yunfeng, and even Lu Xuexin returned to the original world of Tang Yunfeng.

"You and I have met, you are the one who helped me in the last game world." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Why didn't you go to other worlds?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"My ability is not strong enough, so I did not go, and I found the key to my ability improvement."

"Did you find anything?"

"In the world I went to just now, there is a kind of zombie. As long as I kill them, I can get a brain nucleus, which can greatly enhance my mental strength.

"Have you hunted the zombies there?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, but when I discovered that guy was a zombie, I was taken aback."

"How did you kill him?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"My ability is the Department of Space. I just opened a space door in his head, and then pulled out the contents."

"That's how you found the brain nucleus?"

"Yeah." After hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin looked at each other.

"It was unexpected that there would be such a killing method."

"So what happened at the door just now. Can't you hunt him?"

"This is not the same. It's too fast. Before I reach out, the other party is out of that coordinate."

"Are you hunting? We can help you." Tang Yunfeng's eyes were bright when he heard this.

"Then let's go." Then he pulled Xiao Yi into the space door.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"You go first, the two of us are behind." Tang Yunfeng climbed into the next moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin turned into electric light again.

When Xiao Yi appeared in that room, Tang Yunfeng had just climbed out.

Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised by Tang Yunfeng's speed.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi pointed forward, and every move outside the door was presented in the space in front of Xiao Yi.

At this moment, Tang Yunfeng's eyes were bright, but in front of him, a space cave flashed inexplicably. The next moment, Xiao Yi saw a brain nucleus directly from that hole, but for a flash, Tang Yunfeng had already Take the brain out. The weird thing happened at this moment. The zombie, who was still moving around, suddenly fell to the ground.

"He's dead?" Xiao Yi asked with some doubt.

"No, it's just that I can't stand up for a while. After a long time, I will still get up." Hearing here, Xiao Yi got up to heart.

"Ming Lei explored the surroundings to see if there were any zombies." With the communication in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, Xiao Yi's consciousness space flashed red dots.

At this moment, Lu Xuexin was curious about Tang Yunfeng.

"There are no other zombies in this room. Did you keep this zombie?"

"This zombie is resurrected once a day, every time I can get a brain nucleus, and my ability is usually terrible with a low chance of success."

"So how wide is your power release?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"I don't know. There seems to be no distance limit, but the longer the distance, the longer the tunnel, and it is impossible to reach the nucleus of a brain like this."

"Then I will help you again." The screen is switched again, and soon a few zombies in a daze are displayed again.

Tang Yunfeng kept in his hands, but these zombies fell down again a few moments later, and several transparent crystals appeared in Tang Yunfeng's hands.

"It can't be used anymore. If it continues to be used, I can't return to the earth. Thank you so much this time."

"That's it?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yeah, so much every day."

"Then when do you usually take brain nuclei?"

"I take it at home ~ ~ But as soon as I take the brain nucleus, my power will temporarily disappear. After the brain nucleus is absorbed, I will have strength again."

"Well, since this is the case, let's go back." Xiao Yi said with a flash of wind power from Tang Yun, he completely disappeared from the world.

When Tang Yunfeng turned around again, Tang Yunfeng found himself in his room.

"The boss is so fast." Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this.

"Pay attention to recycling your abilities, don't release them. Just don't, so you can't afford to waste it."

"Can it be recycled?" Hearing this, Tang Yunfeng came to his own space door.

At that moment the space gate had begun to get smaller and smaller.

"Of course, if you have absolute power control, you can even use the power losslessly."