Brain Storm

Chapter 1022: Thoughts in travel

Ouyang Miao smiled and waved. Chen Yuanwen

"Miss Xiaweier, in this room, my two friends have already chosen."

After hearing this, Xia Weier glanced at Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"You guys." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this. Then took a look at Lu Xuexin.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Well, since this is the case, you don't need to make room for us." After that, I looked at the guards.

"Captain, let them live here."

"Yes, miss." Xia Weier turned her head, but then remembered something.

"I heard my father say that a few of you are all cultivators, and the servant that my father arranged for me for a while, so you live on this floor."

Having said this, Xia Weier came to the second room.

At that moment, the land captain looked at the crowd.

"Well, since the lady agrees with you to live here, you can choose a room across from you. Remember to stay close to the lady's room."

Several people heard this, but they all looked at each other.

"This is your money, please share it." Then he found a room and walked in according to Xia Weier's room.

The other guards found this room next to their captain.

It didn't take long for more than a dozen people to get onto the carriage.

"Captain, can we leave?"

"Well, no one. Let's go." With the words, the carriage moved again.

Those who have already returned to their rooms at this moment, everyone, are a little boring at this moment, but at this moment Xiao Yi is also paying attention, after all, only those who have seen 1-2 people, why bother.

As the carriage progressed, Xiao Yi observed the surrounding environment.

"Minglei, look around. I want to know what they are doing."

"Yes, deity." At this moment, Lu Xuexin came to Xiao Yi and sat down.

Watching Xiao Yi quietly.

"Xiao Yi, what are you doing?"

"Nothing, the carriage is out of town. I look at the surroundings."

"Is there anything else in this world that can hurt us?" Lu Xuexin said easily.

"This is not there, it's just that I feel that when we travel in this world, we should not miss anything, these will be our wonderful property as human beings."

"Wow, is that a tree house?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately looked at it,

Xiao Yi was a little confused.

Because there is no one in these tree houses, but there are one figure at a time.

With the enlargement of Xiao Yi's pupils, the next moment, Xiao Yi saw the appearance of these people clearly.

"It seems to be the legendary elves, but why don't they live in the city and live outside the city?" Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled.

After hearing this, Lu Xuexin thought for a while and said, "Perhaps because the city has a human card."

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin watched the passing scenes around.

Although it is a horse-drawn carriage, it is a luxury carriage with a body of about four meters. At the moment, as the carriage accelerated, Xiao Yi found that the speed of the carriage was getting faster and faster. Feeling this change in speed, Xiao Yi accidentally spread his mental power.

Immediately Xiao Yi found out where he is now, but this is a long downhill road.

Xiao Yi frowned, because the carriage was still accelerating at this moment.

"This carriage is too fast." Lu Xuexin sighed.

"Yeah, I don't know if there will be a turn, will this speed hit you?"

At the next moment, "Xiao Yi suddenly found out that the carriage suddenly turned. Under Xiao Yi's gaze, the carriage suddenly turned and continued to rush down the mountain.

"This road is too steep." Xiao Yi frowned.

"My deity, this French city is above the plateau, and now we have not returned to normal altitude." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned, as the carriage moved, Xiao Yi was holding the hand of Landing Xuexin, Lu Xuexin Relying on Xiao Yi's arms, he just looked at the outside scenery.

"This world is so beautiful." At this moment Lu Xuexin was attracted by the beauty outside the car.

"Yeah, this world has clear waters and mountains, and the colors of all things look particularly magnificent."

"Yeah, I feel the same way." Said that Landing Xuexin looked into Xiao Yi's eyes.

"What's wrong, Xuexin what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, I just want to see your eyes."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled.

"Xiao Yi, your pupils are so strange right now, aren't you uncomfortable?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin in doubt.

"Huh? Your eyes and pupils change so fast."

"Don't you be like this? Our new body is originally equipped with such power."

"Do not believe you look outside." Upon hearing this, he immediately looked outside.

However, at this moment, a picture was directly projected into Lu Xuexin's consciousness space with spiritual force.

"How? You look at your eyes like this." Lu Xuexin nodded when she saw the picture.

"It's amazing. If we are like this, will we be treated as strange by others?"

"Isn't this world strange enough? Everyone has it."

"Oh, no matter how many, this world is beautiful anyway, these eyes are awesome." Lu Xuexin said happily.

"Deity, Xuexin, your eyes can actually observe even smaller things."

"But I feel like I'm zooming in on the scenery at most?" Lu Xuexin asked with some confusion.

"That's just the basic function. The eyes will send lightning signals, and these contrasting scenes will enter your pupils."

"As long as you think about Gaia, the frequency of lightning you receive will change."

"But Ming Thunder, lightning frequency, do you mean electromagnetic waves?" Lu Xuexin was a little confused.

"Yes, Xuexin, this universe is full of electromagnetic waves of various forms."

"When you reach a certain zero threshold, the color of energy will change, from the five elements to the shape, from the shape to the shapeless."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded, apparently agreeing with Minglei's statement.

"I feel that the element is the same, as long as it reaches a certain frequency, it will become another thing." Xiao Yi also said.

"Well, I also have this feeling. The more I contact, the more I find. Regardless of matter, energy, or something else, I actually feel that it contains such rules."

"The deity, Xue Xin, human beings. We can assume that he is a sensor that can receive a certain range of energy, and this sensor can happen to render colors at a specific frequency, that is, our cognitive colors. These colors no matter Field, he will silently abide by this rule, or human cognitive instinct. "

When Xiao Ming said that, Xiao Yi frowned.

"I think human cognition seems to be an inheritance, or an inheritance of genetic code."

"For example, our eyes are produced by specific gene chromosome sequencing, but my current state was born by Gaia."

"Theoretically I can directly influence Gaia, change my vision and let me see what I want to see."

"Or, my eyes, it can be not just one eye, but the whole world."

"But this premise is that I must be able to communicate to Gaia, to wisdom. To wisdom, wisdom is a kind of instinct that can affect the rules. Following this wisdom, I will activate one of my instincts. . "

"Yes, deity, but often this operation is not simple, but a very complicated process."

"These Gaia Golden Eggs are part of the arrangement of the elements in my body at the moment. He is the only bridge for me to communicate with my body. If I obtain them separately to communicate with these Gaia, it does not seem meaningful. If we communicate together, this requires a huge The amount of coverage, if my spiritual power covers these things, what can I feel? "Xiao Yi murmured to himself.

"Instinct, you will feel the instinct of matter, the instinct of energy, these instincts will tell you some information about the surrounding matter and energy."

"What if I want to change this information?"

"Deity, what do you think the Tao is?" At that moment, Ming Lei suddenly asked a question.

"Tao? Maybe a state of practice? Master of the world?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"The deity, the Tao is the evolution of wisdom. Like every Gaia unit, it is in your body, but the Tao is everywhere."

"The Tao is the carrier for the universe and the sublimation for life."

"For the strong, the Tao is cohesion, for the weak, the Tao is single."

"If you want one Tao to beat another Tao, you must be stronger than that Tao. What is the criterion of strength?"

"That is to add two Taos together to defeat that Tao."

"What is the origin of the Tao? Do you remember the deity?" Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard this.

"The deity is power. If you want to add a word, it is spiritual power. Spiritual power is the origin of thousands of worlds. It was born from black holes and white holes, but to be precise, this is not right."

"Black holes are the engulfment of matter and energy, while white holes are the release of matter and energy."

"When we are strong enough, we can break the space."

"When our voice is loud enough, our throats vibrate more often."

"The origin of the world and the origin of the Tao are fluctuations, and different fluctuations can present different light colors. Light colors are things in our cognition."

"Beyond what we know, there will be another or higher, or the universe exists."

"The Tao is nothing more than matter and energy, and man is also matter and energy."

"Energy is infinitely small matter, as it is for humans, and it is relatively small matter for the universe."

"The relatively small matter has the property that it produces resonance effects and transmits frequencies."

"So energy is precisely said, energy is a small substance, the effect of the rules of force."

"But in itself, it is still matter. It is just this matter that is becoming smaller. And this small matter is born all the time."

"For example, when a person stands on the square and yells, it will definitely transfer the energy. At this time, you are like a white hole, emitting a beam of light."

"Anyone who hears this sound will have a resonance with you once."

"All the rules of time follow the way of balance. If you break the balance, naturally you are the winner, and your cry is a way."

"Your voice beats others' ears, so they hear it."

"The information you spoke defeated others' brains and caught their attention, so their eyes turned."

"After seeing you, if the imbalance continues, there are two consequences."

"One result is good, one result is bad."

"Good results trigger human intelligence."

"It's like Daosheng one, two in one, and three in two.

"These three steps are actually human instincts. Only after three instincts do physical behaviors begin."

"From this example, we can see that high frequencies can affect low frequencies, and low frequencies can affect lower frequencies, but lower frequencies can form potential energy, which is the real power, which is what we call energy."

"So lightning is the third form?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Yes deity, what is the difference between lightning and lightning?"

"Deity, lightning is life, and lightning is energy."

"Although the intelligence of the lightning element is not high, and even the life cycle is short, it is indeed life."

"Lightning may produce elements of lightning, but it must be maintained long enough."

"The Lightning Element cannot survive Lightning."

"Therefore, lightning elements generally have a field. People who have actually been exposed to lightning should know that thunder and lightning should be cleared. There are opportunities. There is an energy traction. This traction will give people a sense of oppression. This is actually a kind of gravitational guidance. "

"And this deity has Lightning ~ ~ and even shuttle, in fact, this function is used."

"You know that in this huge universe, gravity is everywhere, and gravity is a kind of spiritual force. He is a substance in itself. Any substance can be ignited, but the zero point is different. Once it is ignited, Trigger lightning. "

"Generally I use lightning. I use mental energy to lock the target first, or directly throw the lightning ball and throw it directly in accordance with the parabola."

"The lightning ball has unique gravity, especially the lightning ball made by the deity, hesitates to generate a huge magnetic field, and this magnetic field contains a lot of heavy elements, these elements naturally follow the parabola.

"It can be said that the electromagnetic waves entering the Earth's atmosphere are all distorted."

"Listening to you, I really want to cross it once when I have time. In the starry sky, but there are so many stars emitting gravitational waves, just like a beam of mental force."

"But is it just mental power?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.
