Brain Storm

Chapter 1027: Arrangement of fate

Although the undead have already possessed the flesh, at this moment, most of the lower-level undead are still relying on the past habits of survival. Obviously, they only have undead with human skins, and have not yet found the feeling of being a human. Dust and Martial Arts

Everywhere in the world, there are battles and collisions that are not different from the past, and undead screamed and fell to the ground.

However, Xiao Yi's consciousness was silently watching all this happen.

Underground space

Xia Weier's mother has gradually fallen from the air at this moment, her eyes are still closed, maintaining a fixed posture, motionless, but the yellow light around her body has not completely disappeared at this moment, but Xia Weier Just quietly guarded not far from her mother, and everyone else was watching with curiosity.

At this moment, Xia Weier's crisp voice sounded.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, may my mother, when can I wake up?"

"Quickly." The slightly cold words made Xia Weier dumb, but at the moment Xiao Yi was not talking.

His gaze was still watching the changes in the operation of the entire undead world.

This world of undead is not as huge as you think, but the number of bones is a bit scary.

Xiao Yi is really a little puzzled now: "Are all people in this world like themselves and others?"

"The deity, this is not the case." Ming Lei's voice rang suddenly.

"Oh, what's going on?"

"This world embraces the world of destruction. Maybe it has some power or all the arrangements made by Gaia."

"Oh, do we disturb Gaia's arrangement in this world?"

"The deity, the Gaia consciousness, is the arrangement of destiny. It does not come out against us, it just follows the rules."

"Then what can we do?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Our deities, we can change the rules, weave the rules, weave the future, redefine their destiny for the life of this world."

"It's a good idea," Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"I saw that Undead Canyon and Undead Marsh, both have very powerful lives."

"Yes, deities, they are the masters of this world."

"Now the rules of this world have changed. I see those people in the Undead Canyon. They seem to be waiting."

"My dear, are you worried? In fact, you don't need to worry about this. Although they are powerful, their strength has nothing to do with us. We control the rules of elements, rules of life, and rules of time. Now we have changed The rules change. As long as the rules continue, they have to accept or not, or they must accept, otherwise I will completely modify their memory. Only we can make the rules of this world. "

"Well, this is very good. This world, if it becomes the home of human beings, I can't think of it as beautiful." Xiao Yi was inexplicably better now.

At this moment, golden tornadoes have swept across the entire undead planet, and all undead creatures swept by the tornado have flesh.

In a gorge, a small beast, in Xiao Yi's opinion, was a monkey, but before being tornadoed, it was a small figure with white and silver skeletons. After the tornado swept, it had flesh and jumped instinctively from a canyon.

Then let's make a sigh. The bone of this little beast wore from the inside to the outside. If it is a normal creature, it will definitely not survive, but this little monkey-like animal has tusks and called "squeak" a few times , And then quickly ran again.

This scene is happening in other places at the moment, but many creatures are mourning in horror.

Obviously, the undead creatures did not feel such pain. Even if they died, the fire of the soul went out, they only need to stay on this planet for hundreds of years, and they will be resurrected by chance.

The world of the undead is so magical, but at this moment, with the arrival of Xiao Yi and his party, the rules of this world have changed. The undead possesses the body, and even the fire of the soul does not know where it is.

The whole world is full of painful howls, and it is precisely because of this that all undead are actually accepting the new rules formulated by Minglei.

At the moment, Xiao Yi found a problem during observation: "The undead who possess the flesh have no food to eat, so that they who have the flesh will not starve again?" With this thought appear.

Ming Lei's voice rang quickly: "Deity, this planet is very barren, the proportion of elements is seriously out of balance, and there is nothing ordinary."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was looking at a group of humans walking on the plain at this moment. At this moment, their eyes had become green and secluded. They always felt that they were more scary than the state of the undead.

"Natural deities, these people are very hungry. Of course, they still rely on humans who instinctively move. You can understand them as living dead. Although they understand pain, they are instinctual."

As soon as Minglei finished speaking, the next moment, the whole world became almost chaotic at the same time, and the mutual damage between the creatures began. The battle between man and man, the battle between man and beast, no matter whether any human being is killed or the beast is killed, all will be regarded as food.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was reminded of the doomsday.

"Is this instinct?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, instinct, instinct is survival. Many animals have this instinct."

"It's terrible, Ming Lei, can you make them a little bottom line."

"My dear, we are transforming this world, and when we let the plants of this world grow, maybe they will have something to eat."

"Minglei, I don't want to listen to this now, you need to end this meaningless battle as soon as possible."

"My dear, do we need to provide them with temporary food?"

"Can the food stop them immediately?"

"Our deity, in addition, we can add some language knowledge and some common sense of life for them."

"What about the beast?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Naturally, they pass on a memory based on their race."

"In addition, the deities, these humans are not completely without memory, but those memories are idle. Simply sorting them out, they can activate some of their memories in life, so maybe they can obtain a certain wisdom and then form a complete soul. . "

"Why didn't the tornado just help them do this?" Xiao Yi asked.

"The deity, the tornado just now, just reshaped their bodies based on their memory information, and did not create a soul."

"Well, let them have a soul as soon as possible. I don't like such a walking dead." Xiao Yi nodded and said.

"Yes, deity." As Xiao Yi and Ming Lei finished communicating, a beam of light shot from the sky in the next moment.

Obviously this is not a very big world. The Gaia elements have flooded the whole world. As long as the thoughts of Xiao Yi or Ming Lei move, they can guide the world.

A golden light shrouded from the sky, a huge light of hundreds of meters or even thousands of kilometers. As it shrouded some human beings and even some animals, they seemed to have found their true self. They were still fighting. The human race and the beast immediately returned to their respective territories.

"My dear, the memory has been transmitted, and I have set territorial boundaries for them, and now I am ready to arrange food for them."

"As soon as possible." At this moment Xiao Yi has found that some people are still mourning, apparently too hungry.

"The deity, the earth's earthy nature is very unique. The large area of ​​metal elements fills the dust of the space with red, and the geocentric activity is even slower. If there is not a star in the sky, this planet cannot even survive humans."

"Can't grow crops? Will it be cold here at night?"

"The deity must transform a lot of water, otherwise the humans on this planet will have no way to survive."

"Does this planet have surface water?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"not at all."

"So groundwater?"

"There is groundwater, but it is also polluted by metals." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

"Minglei, is this world a doomsday world?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity, this world, or this planet, has indeed existed, but they should have lived underground, and not far from our open space, there is an underground city, but there are no people in it. "

At the next moment, in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, a dead city appeared. It was empty. To surprise Xiao Yi, it was the huge machines, but it was still standing there.

"What machines are those?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity is a variety of minerals, element refining equipment, and urban ecological security system, but it is now completely damaged."

"I never thought of such a world, there were actually indigenous people."

"My dear, I have prepared some seeds for this planet, so that these seeds can purify the land and water resources of this world."

In the next moment Xiao Yi's consciousness space, there was a picture of some seeds.

"My dear, this is the water source seed, this costume tree, this is the bread tree, this is the ham tree, this is the milk tree, this is the grocery tree ..." With the introduction of Ming Lei, Xiao Yi has already made a name for himself Almost everything grows directly from trees. This is really shocking Xiao Yi.

"The deity, so that the inhabitants of this world can survive in this world."

"Well, Ming Lei, then you should arrange all this as soon as possible." Xiao Yi was a little excited at the moment.

With the action of Ming Lei, the next moment, rays of light shot down from the sky, and water seeds were planted on the ground.

An instant of green appeared on an unoccupied land.

With the removal of silk and cocoons, the plant quickly germinated. Obviously, this plant is not an ordinary plant, but a kind of biochemical seed. It is like life, and it is quickly covered with a layer of green vegetation on the ground.

Then the vegetation began to secrete a clear liquid.

"Is this water?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, deity, and the most potable water for drinking."

With the emergence of water sources, various bread trees are blooming all over the world, and cities are rising silently in this silence.

The huge wooden towns, which are transformed from tree house seeds, add a touch of bright green to the world.

At this moment, a group of people have entered these cities. With entering this city, these humans seem to have more memories, but they are instinctively looking for his home in this city.

At this moment, huge tornadoes are blowing constantly, as if the ground is to be hung up. The original golden tornado, as the ground is suspended, the tornado turns red like blood, and with The tornado hangs, but the ground gradually turns yellow. Obviously this is loess, and the land is very soft. At the same time, seeds are falling from the sky and falling on these lands.

Then I saw that the plants that had just fallen into the ground suddenly stood up, as if they had the boost of the force of life. These plants grew like a life, but in just ten minutes, these plants were Has matured, and then produces a variety of food. As a gust of wind passed, the food on the tree disappeared instantly, but was blown to the gathering area of ​​humans and beasts. Immediately, it rained food.

Sudden cheers resounded throughout the world ~ ~ Obviously what Minglei needs to do is to completely transform the whole world. At this moment, the huge **** tornadoes that scratch the ground are still circling, and they are circling, Sky after sky, looks terrifying.

And just then, a golden light shone into the tornado, and then something weird happened. The tornado seemed to turn into a huge furnace, and it instantly gave off a dazzling light, and it was almost only an instant that the light dissipated. The huge silver castles were just floated in the air by the tornado, and the color of the tornado became transparent. .

With a few loud sounds of "Boom, Boom, Boom", at the next moment, silver castles were erected in every corner of the world.

"The deity is basically complete." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

Then the picture in Xiao Yi's consciousness space turned around, but once again came to the underground world.

"Minglei, this city, let it live."

"Yes, deity." Immediately, a golden light swept across the city, but the whole city was instantly renewed.