Brain Storm

Chapter 1035: Crazy income

"Xue Xin is not as simple as you think. If you want to blend together, you must have the corresponding space energy. These boundary pillars just isolate several worlds, and then let each generate their own energy sources and become independent one by one It ’s just a world. Dust ↑ Margin ↓ Wenxue Xue?

"If these barriers are completely cleaned up, it can only cause chaos in the world's rules and even lead to the destruction of the world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was also a little surprised: "Why is this so?"

"Because of this isolation, fire and water will not collide. There is no minority in a mutually exclusive world like this, so you can live in peace after isolation."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi understood it.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi stretched out a hand, but suddenly Sbachel moved.

The next moment seemed to reflect it.

"What did you do to me just now?"

"Well, just knowing what we should know, now you have no value to us, so you can disappear from here."

"No, I don't want to die," Spahl said excitedly.

"No one wants you to die, just to let you go to a new world, stay for a while, and give it to me here."

"Brush" flashed with lightning flashes, and Sbachel disappeared instantly.

However, it was transmitted directly to Baiyin by Xiao Yi.

"Minglei, how should we enter the world in this boundary monument?"

"My dear, as long as you are close, you can do it." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi grabbed Lu Xuexin.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi only felt a flower in front of him.

Xiao Yi went directly to the legendary world of the undead.

At this moment, Ming Lei has already begun, and the style of some parts of the world has changed dramatically.

A huge cloud is advancing rapidly, and it is exactly Gaia Tornado controlled by Underworld Thunder.

Gaia tornadoes are formed by Gaia elements, which have an incredibly powerful reshaping ability. As long as they are involved, they will instantly become what the thunderstorm set for them.

The world is being transformed, and at this moment in a bone bone hall, there is a group of weird skeletons looking at this direction in doubt.

"What's that, is it a tornado? Why do you have flesh when you get in?" Just then a skeleton rushed in.

"Buzz" a series of sounds, but it seemed to be fear.

"Tiago, that guy's soul card is broken?" And just outside this hall, he rushed in again with a skeleton.


"What, human? Breaking into my temple of the undead?" Upon hearing this, the next moment, Xiao Yi and the two of them appeared directly in the hall.

At this moment a person is sitting on a throne of white bones. From the perspective of Xiao Yi, this throne is actually slightly larger than ordinary humans.

"Who are you? Why did you break into my palace?"

"You can talk to a skeleton, which really surprised me." Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Who are you?" At this moment Xiao Yi was blocked in front of a group of skeletons.

"Who are we? Does it matter? Your subordinate has been turned into a human."

"How is it possible that we are not humans at all, how can you turn us into humans."

"Santis, it's true." Just then a voice suddenly sounded. But a human came in from the door.

"Tiago, how did your soul become so weak?" Skeleton King Sandis asked in confusion.

"I don't know, but I'm an ordinary human now."

"Is this how you look like a human? Does it feel good?" Santis ignored Xiao Yi directly.

"How to say, it is heavier than the skeleton, but it is more flexible to move."

Hearing this, Santis looked at Xiao Yi.

"You have turned my friend into a human being. You are an insult to me and Santis."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi, regardless of the others, was enveloped by a wave of golden light, and an undead guard in the hall was immediately at the next moment. However, these undead were physically but began to grow meat. Almost all the skeletons appeared in an instant.

The next moment, a scream came out.

But a lot of skeletons are not used to the weight brought by the flesh, all fell on the ground.

"Well, your subordinates have become human beings, and you are still an undead." But it was not waiting for him to say anything.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi turned it into a man.

"Okay, this world, you don't need you, you can go." During the talk, a large amount of electric light appeared, and then the nest appeared. The next moment, everyone in the hall was sucked in.

It has been two days since Sbachel came to Silver City, and at this moment he already had an identity watch on his wrist.

The main **** here is very powerful, which makes him both surprised and scared.

As a guardian of the world, she felt that she should be transformed into a male, but at this moment she appeared to the world with a female face, which made her feel embarrassed.

At the moment Sbachel was looking for a job, and her goal was the Silver Building.

On the square in front of Baiyin Building, there was a line of people. At the entrance of Baiyin Building, there was a table and a person sitting there, looking at all the young people who were not in front of him.

This person is Chu Hao.

"Do you know where to work?" Chu Hao asked.

"Shangguan City." Chu Hao nodded.

"It is indeed Shangguan City, but Shangguan City is a very unique world. It is called the Freedom Field, and there you need to have some combat skills, such as martial arts, combat, and magic. After all, that world has Many terrible monsters and powerful monks, but there will be no problem as long as it is within the kingdom of the dragon. After you reach that world, you will become the people of the kingdom of the dragon. As long as you learn to use the Lord God, your Security is basically guaranteed. "

"Shangguan City is a city next to the Dragon City. This is also where we train your newcomers. Although it is two cities, it is a state-to-state relationship. We have reached a consensus with the Lord of Shangguan City. Trade, and the recruitment of personnel this time is mainly to arrange the issuance and exchange plan of Dragon Coin. "

"When you're officially there, you first learn how to protect yourself." Hearing Sbachel.

Is it a look of surprise, a new world?

"Don't ..." Just when he thought about it.

And the next moment, a bunch of robot policemen walked past her with a group of people.

A familiar breath made her eyes look.

With her eyes, one of the other people looked at him.

"Very familiar," Santis said puzzled.

"Yeah, very familiar," said Thiago aside.

"Sure enough, like the Lord God said, it is really a very good world."

"Ah, forget it, but we are all humans now. Although the Lord God has said that although the life is short, the soul can be reborn infinitely after death."

"Do you believe him?" Tiago looked at Santis with a surprised look at the moment.

"Believe it or not, since this is already the case, what else can be done." The two men were taken by the robot police and walked away.

But at this moment, Chu Hao's voice shouted, "Sbachel, what are you looking at? Come here quickly." Hearing.

Spahl was immediately awakened, and immediately came up.

"Sir, can I sign up?"

"According to your information, you have come to this world, but it has only been more than a day."

"Leave this world so soon? Don't want to learn something from the Combat Magic Academy before going outside?"

"Really?" Sbachel looked surprised.

"Of course, a beautiful lady like you, but many people are willing to help." Chu Hao is a gentleman with a look on his face.

Hearing Chu Hao's remarks, Sbachel suddenly felt a little awkward.

At this moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin have once again flew into the world in that boundary monument.

"Minglei, where is the origin of this world?"

"Here." At the next moment, Xiao Yi marked a region in his conscious space.

Xiao Yi looked at it strangely.

There is a huge red spiral nest, there is a huge red mist, but it is transpiring there.

"right here?"

"Yes, deity."

"What's underneath?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My deity, this is an element, or dusted iron oxide, which has a very high density."

"Can't you let these red smoke disappear?"

"It's unknown at this time."

"Why didn't you probe?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Please wait for my dear." The next moment, a huge golden tornado swept across the spiral nest.

As it approached the red spiral nest, it seemed that the flood had opened.

The uncontrollable large area escaped.

The instantaneous flow rate increased several times, and the whole world seemed to turn red.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned directly.

"Minglei, what's going on?"

"It's inertia, sucking more iron oxide out of it."

It didn't take long for the red mist in the sky to gradually condense, but after a while, the sky began to rain red stones.

"What are those?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It is a mist compressed body formed by red mist condensation and compression, similar to diamond."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi did one thing at a time, but it was a few gem-like things that were immediately taken into his hands.

Xiao Yi stroked the surface of Guanghua's gem.

"This stone is really red, but it has a metallic texture. It's amazing."

"This is the result of compression. You don't see these things in normal places." When hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled.

"Take away all these gems, I don't want to waste them."

"The deity, don't need to worry about the whole world, it will be used by us." Hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes brightened.

At this moment, a tornado is turned into three, and even a weird vacuum zone is formed between the three tornadoes. At this moment, a strange change has taken place in the vacuum zone. A mass of gas, like a ball, is spinning rapidly With.

With the massive addition of Gaia elements, the rain of red stones that gradually dropped from the air began to decrease.

"What are these red stones?"

"The deity, it is also iron oxide, or the legendary cinnabar." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Do you mean there is a cinnabar vein underneath? But why is it so evaporating like this?"

"I have observed this planet, except that the north and south poles are relatively calm, and its geocentric activity is very intense."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

And at the next moment, Xiao Yi's eyes appeared a projection screen.

The picture begins to show the planet in layers.

After a while, Xiao Yi saw something underground.

It is true that Xiao Yi is frowning at this moment, because the distribution of underground soil in this world is not the same as the ordinary line.

Centering around this spiral nest is a huge basin, and all the soil in this basin is basically red.

The other locations are still yellow.

"This is not right." Xiao Yi frowned.

"This is where I am weird. This planet is not that big, but it creates a lot of red sand."

"And looking at the range of red mist, it can cover the whole world. When I first came to this world, it was like blood."

"Are there any secrets underground?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"To tell the secret, there is only the center of the world."

"Ground?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Did you find anything?"

"The geocenter of this world seems a bit abnormal."

"How to say?"

"The electromagnetic response from the center of the earth is weak, but it is still burning again."

"Do you mean that the planet's gravity is not strong?"

"It can be said, but the geomagnetic field is weird."

"Let ’s go in and take a look." Xiao Yi was a little interested when he heard this.

Although it was an unknown place, Xiao Yi thought at the moment that we haven't experienced much?

At the next moment ~ ~ Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both turned into electric light and went directly into the depths of the earth.

At the next moment the two were already in the heart.

Looking at the red world around.

"Can there be any problem here?" Xiao Yi was somewhat different at the moment.

"The deity, there is very little soul metal in this heart."

"The kinetic energy itself is very small, and it is theoretically impossible to generate such a high temperature."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi moved to the ground.

"My dear, please wait."

"Did you find anything?"

"There is space fluctuation here." Just the next moment, Xiao Yi suddenly entered a more weird place.

"Is this the sea of ​​fire?" Xiao Yi floated in doubt over a large sea of ​​fire.