Brain Storm

Chapter 1044: Sporadic

Zheng Shaodong said worriedly. Dust Fate → Text ↓ Learn√Net

Hearing this, Li Qiyue frowned first.

"I'll try it." Said Dr. Li Qiyue immediately strode forward, only walking into the range of the altar, standing on the edge of the middle circle.

Seeing this scene, Zheng Shaodong behind him immediately caught up.

"Qiyue, you are too messy."

"Who allows you to call me that!" Hearing the conversation, someone suddenly laughed.

Suddenly, Li Qiyue glanced at Zheng Shaodong and immediately walked forward.

"Don't!" As soon as Zheng Shaodong's words fell, the next moment, a huge white light surrounded the middle of the altar. "

Instant white light shone.

But Zheng Shaodong's communicator made a sound.

"Captain, what happened?"

"I don't know. Dr. Li entered the altar and disappeared."

"Will you report the situation here to the Star Mercenary General?"

"Not for the time being, I also try. If I fail to return within 5 minutes after entering, you will immediately report to the General Administration."

"Yes, Captain."

Said it was turned around, Xiang Xiang and other students and Dr. Li's students.

"I'll go in and see. If you don't come out within 5 minutes, you will return and suspend this scientific investigation."

"Captain ..." A team member was about to say something but was interrupted by Zheng Shaodong's wave.

"Some things are the responsibility of the man." Said Zheng Shaodong recycling and walked towards the altar.

As he waved his hand, the next moment Zheng Shaodong disappeared into the altar.

Li Qiyue was puzzled at the moment, she had no idea where it was.

The place where she appeared at this moment was not on the altar, but a huge green field, a green field that could not be looked at.

She looked up at the sky, trying to find the sun, but it quickly disappointed.

There is no sun at all, as if this world should have been bright.

"Where is this?" Li Qiyue shouted at this moment.

The next moment Li Qiyue walked around, trying to find altars, but those altars all disappeared.

"My dear, there is a man in a space suit who has entered the space-time hub. What shall we do with her?"

"Give him freedom," Xiao Yi said lightly.

At the next moment, there were several altars around Li Qiyue, but Li Qiyue was a little dizzy at this moment, totally unaware of where he came from, and went in a subconscious direction.

Soon it frowned.

"Where should I go? If I step on these altars, will I be sent to some strange worlds." Just as Li Qiyue thought, suddenly, Zheng Shaodong also appeared in the space.

"Li Qiyue, what are you doing here, how do you get in, don't say go back and tell everyone, so that everyone is worried."

Seeing this, Li Qiyue ran towards Zheng Shaodong immediately.

"Are we from here?" Li Qiyue pointed to the altar behind Zheng Shaodong.

"Yeah, I appeared here as soon as I appeared." Upon hearing this, Li Qiyue frowned and looked around.

"Did I just hallucinate just now?" Zheng Shaodong was a little confused when he heard Li Qiyue talking to himself.

"Why, what happened?"

"No, everything is fine." He looked at the numerous altars around him.

"Give me your gun," Li Qiyue said suddenly.

"What are you doing? You said it and you don't understand it." After hearing this, Zheng Shaodong immediately handed a pistol with a waist to Li Qiyue.

Immediately after seeing Li Qiyue opening the insurance, he immediately started firing towards the ground.

"Bang, bang, bang" Three consecutive shots, but they were fired towards the ground.

"What are you doing?" Zheng Shaodong couldn't understand Li Qiyue's actions at all.

"I just think the ground is a bit weird. Although there is grass growing on it, I can't feel it clearly. She is green."

As the bullet hit the ground, it was weird, but it rushed straight into the soil and disappeared.

Looking at the bullet holes on the ground, Li Qiyue frowned.

"It's completely different from what I just said."

"What's wrong?" Zheng Shaodong looked puzzled.

"I didn't have these altars when I entered here just now, but later I didn't know how to come here, or these altars suddenly appeared." He also pointed to the altars that appeared around him.

"If you don't show up, I'm afraid I'm lost."

"What the **** is this place?" Zheng Shaodong looked puzzled.

"Unclear, but these portals should probably lead to one place."

"Captain Li, now I need you to build fortifications around this place to prevent monsters from appearing in other altars."

"Why, how can there be such a thing in such a bright place here." Just in the second round, a strange monster roar suddenly heard.

"Our deity, a beast strayed into the space-time hub." And when Ming Lei and Xiao Yi reported this news, the beast rushed into an altar.

In Xiao Yi's space of consciousness, the appearance of the beast was left. It was a standing walking monster, a giant scale armor tail, a pair of long-legged monsters, and a black-green scale armor on his body. With a big mouth filled with blood, it was even more amazing to run. It was like a spring, and the flying snake went out far away. In Xiao Yi's consciousness space, he had already drilled into another altar and disappeared.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, there is no information about this creature in our data, but it has a pair of legs that can run and jump, and its mouth is a huge bone. I am afraid this is an ancient meat-eating creature."

"Looking at the speed of running, it might as well give the animal a name like Ben Thunderbird."

"Is the Thunderbird a good name?" And at the next moment, the altar that the Thunderbird dived into was flashing white again, but this time the Thunderbird was desperately running, obviously showing blood on his body. .

"What happened?" The next moment, a huge beast rushed out.

"Tyrannosaurus Rex?" Xiao Yi looked at the creature rushing out of the altar with surprise.

As soon as he entered here, Tyrannosaurus looked around in confusion, and immediately locked the galloping Thunderbird, and ran straight away.

The mountain shook with the movement.

Xiao Yi frowned at watching all this at the moment.

"Minglei, will this tyrannosaurus destroy our altar?"

"My dear, please rest assured that any creature here will be in order, but it will take a while."

"Tyrannosaurus chased the Thunderbird desperately, but the next moment the Thunderbird rushed into an altar again.

The white light was gone.

But the Tyrannosaurus stopped at the altar at once, and it turned around, looking suspiciously at the direction it came from.

The next moment, it ran back to the altar according to the footprints it stepped on.

"What is it doing?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The brains of such a large creature must not be small. Although they are not as creative as human beings, they must be a cunning creature, otherwise they cannot grow to this size." Lu Xuexin said aside.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

And when the Tyrannosaurus Rex went to the altar, he looked at the altar, then turned his head, and suddenly uttered a huge roar in the air.

"Oh-" The sound wave was like an air wave, blasting towards the Quartet.

At this moment, Li Qiyue and the two were just looking at that direction, with the roar coming.

Zheng Shaoqiu pulled Li Qiyue in one fell swoop.

"Dr. Li, we must leave here."

"I know, but it hasn't appeared before us. If it's a beast, we have a way to subdue it."

"You are crazy, the light is such a scary creature. You actually want to subdue it. I worry that it roars in front of us, and we can't move at all. This voice is just a sonic weapon." Zheng Shaoqiu shouted aloud aside .

"Enough! You stupid, you are wearing space protective clothing, let alone the sound, even if it is 100 times larger, you only hear it to that extent, don't you always want a Bokosa-class spaceship? "

"What does this have to do with the Boksa-class spaceship?" Zheng Shaoqiu was puzzled at this moment.

"Now there's a chance, you can grab that beast and bring it back to the Celtic Star Alliance, and you will be able to buy at least a Bokosa-class spaceship!"

"If you have your own ship, I can come to your ship to be the captain! I have a captain dream!"

"You said that is really strange." Zheng Shaodong rejoiced at this moment.

"Well." Li Qiyue nodded.

"Then we go back first, we need a little time." Then the two entered the altar together.

After the Tyrannosaurus roared again, he looked at the empty space around him, and suddenly entered the altar.

"Why are you gone?" Lu Xuexin said in doubt.

"This is a journey of discovery, and they will come back again." Xiao Yi said with certainty.

With the voice, at that moment the Thunderbird rushed out again, but at this moment it was running with a meat leg in its mouth.

"What the **** is that bird doing?" And the next moment the bird had penetrated into an altar.

But the altar rushed out by Ben Thunderbird did not move at all.

"What a weird behavior of Ben Thunderbird. Do you think this is a hunting factory?" Xiao Yi had just finished.

Just then, Li Qiyue and others entered the world again.

It is just that Li Qiyue and others who entered this world brought more things.

White lights flashed, and several aircraft were also teleported in.

The next moment, a small reconnaissance aircraft flew up into the sky.

However, before it had reached 20 meters, the sky suddenly burst, and a huge lightning struck directly.

Immediately, the aircraft was burnt down and landed on the ground.

The sudden change in weather was a jump for everyone.

At this moment the lightning in the sky was still flashing, and a weird dark cloud flew over.

The next moment, the light rain came down.

"My dear, is it really good for us to do this?" Ming Lei asked Xiao Yi at this moment.

"I don't want anyone to control this place. They can be allowed to develop a base here, but they must not be allowed to occupy the sky here."

"My dear, I understand what you mean, as long as items that exceed a certain energy level are not allowed to be used?"

Xiao Yi nodded.

"The deity, in fact, is not as troublesome as you think. This space is completely formed by Gaia elements. The life that enters here is theoretically formed by Gaia elements. Even if you leave here, its body has been branded by Gaia. . "

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The rules should let them know, not blindly let them test."

"Ming Lei, I totally agree with Xiao Yi's point of view. In fact, even if you tell them, they will test, just be more cautious. Only if you don't tell them, they will be observed as rules. Lu Xuexin's words made Xiao Yi and Ming Lei a bit stunned.

"Xue Xin, you're right." Xiao Yi agreed.

"The rules of the sky, anyone who wants to explore must pay the price, so is I." Xiao Yi sighed.

"I don't agree with the vague rules, but it's not easy to get lost." Ming Lei's voice suddenly sounded.

"But dear, Silver City is not yet connected to this space-time hub."

"Specially create a space. After all, Silver City is our place, and it can be considered an insider." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

As the aircraft was struck by a thunderbolt, it scared everyone. And the dark clouds that are accumulating in the sky have made everyone instantly return to the blood star.

"Qiyue, it doesn't seem right. It's a clear sky. How to fly to the aircraft will encounter a lightning strike." Hearing Zheng Shaodong's words, Li Qiyue shook his head.

"Don't ask me. I don't know. I'm wondering why the lightning attacked the aircraft."

"Captain, we still have a lot of equipment over there, what should we do, don't we?" A young man at the side said suddenly.

"Well, Xu Hua, I know you are worried that those things are the property of the Star Alliance Agency. If you ca n’t get it back, you have to pay a lot of money. If there is any problem, I will bear it alone.

"Captain ~ ~ Alright, Xu Hua, don't say anything." Zheng Shaodong rushed in the next moment.

Then Zheng Shaodong looked at the sky with some doubts, but at this moment the dark clouds in the sky had dispersed.

However, the aircraft that was destroyed by the lightning just fell to the ground.

Immediately saw Li Qiyue and others also walked in.

"Captain, Sister Qiyue said, let's fix this area to a defensive terrain first."

"Zhang Sanli, I know you are good at these, and these are taught to you, try to see if the engineering robot is bad."

"Yes, Captain." With Zheng Shaodong's words, they each acted.

At this moment, Li Qiyue was carrying a small shovel with his students and dug up plants on the ground.

"Teacher, what kind of plant is this? Why haven't I seen it before?"

"The teacher didn't know, but it was an unknown world."