Brain Storm

Chapter 1082: Mental power of conscious space

"This is exactly how science uses rules." Hearing Ming Lei said, Xiao Yi nodded.

At this moment, Lu Xuexin was in a room and found some strange ornaments with various colors. When she saw these ornaments, Lu Xuexin couldn't help exclaiming.

"Xiao Yi, look at it, what are these?" Lu Xuexin looked very excited.

Xiao Yi was still a bit stunned, but the next moment, Xiao Yi's eyes were forcibly plugged into a picture. In the picture, countless bright things appeared, looking like gems.

Suddenly Xiao Yi was attracted by one of the things. It was a silver-white metal ring in the center. There was a dense pattern around the metal ring, but in the center was a transparent gem. Below the transparent gemstone, there is a top thread, and the texture is presented through this transparent gemstone. From the position of Xiao Yi, this thing looks like an eye, but Xiao Yi knows that it is just an illusion.

"Ming Lei, what is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion. .

"From your point of view, this thing should be a mental energy ingestion device."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"What is it for?" Asked with interest.

"Gathering mental energy, whether it's someone else's or your own." Xiao Yi was extremely surprised to hear this.

"Isn't that a glance at others, and that person's mental strength will be overdrawn?" Lu Xuexin asked in doubt.

"There is such a possibility, but this metal ring cannot reach this ability." The next moment, Ming Lei projected the internal structure of this metal ring directly in front of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"My dear, now let's see how it works."

At this moment, there are densely packed silk threads, and the inner end of the collars of these silk threads are densely packed with cone-shaped crystals. From the perspective of Xiao Yi, this thing should be connected to the position of the temple of the person. Just looking at the pointed crystal made Xiao Yi feel a pain, while the other end was the eye-like crystal connected.

"It must be very painful to bring this thing?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"No, your deity's current vision is micro-vision. In reality, it is not so big." Xiao Yi smiled when he heard Ming Lei say so.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin was pointing at the gem.

"This thing is weird, how do I feel it is moving."

"Xue Xin, it should be spinning, that spiral pattern interferes with human vision."

"Well, it is possible."

"Ming Lei, what is this thing for? Is it a mental power storage device?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"External brain nucleus?" Lu Xuexin also asked.

"This thing does store energy. From this perspective, it should be regarded as an external brain core."

"But its energy storage core is very thin, which means that it can't store much mental energy at all. This should be considered a failure." Xiao Yi was disappointed to hear this.

"So what's the use of this thing? Is it for ordinary people?" Lu Xuexin asked curiously.

"Although this thing is not powerful, for ordinary people, it can develop people's mental strength. This thing can give people a place to store their mental strength, which can make people's mental strength break through quickly. "

"My dear Xuexin, look here." In the picture at this moment, the genetic text is displayed.

But the strange symbol above, Xiao Yi is an unknown.

"Do you know Ming Lei?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"It can be translated." The next moment, the text in front of Xiao Yi showed the Chinese language that Xiao Yi was familiar with. "

`` "Mana Multiplier"

"What a strange name." Xiao Yi sighed.

"What is the mana?" Lu Xuexin asked with some confusion.

"Spirit is mana. Mana is the power that can dominate the elements. The stronger the mana, the more elements can be dominated, and the more the rules of **** are, just like the relationship between spiritual power and spirit body, single element and many The elemental body formed by the elements can be influenced again by the combination of the elemental bodies. The so-called Daosheng one, two lifetimes, two births, three lives, and all three things. The level of three is the level of laws, or the world we live in Levels, rules are everywhere, but only rules that we know will be more valuable. "

"Does this thing work for us?"

"Our deities, you already have Gaia elements. Everywhere in your space, you have such a momentary mental power storage device, and it is dimensional. It is not comparable to such low-grade goods." Hearing this, Lu Xuexin was a little curious.

"Doesn't that mean that my mental power can appear where the Gaia element appears?"

"Yes, Xuexin, even you can use Gaia elements to create material and create life, but you must know the combination of these elements, otherwise you will only create some scattered elements." When heard this, Lu Xuexin was Suddenly realized.

"What are they doing to make this thing?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"My deity, I think this is a failed work. It may be used in the ordinary human world to train the mental power of ordinary people, but this is in the source world. There are more good ways to increase the spirit in the source world. Power, like this small town, the energy spar they are mining is not scarce, and they can use these gems to improve their mental power. "

"Is this okay?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"The deity, its working principle is mainly stress. To understand the relationship between mental power and elements, it has an interaction mechanism itself, which results in that the element's force on mental power is also constant. Capturing free spirit in space. "

"Free spirit?" Xiao Yi heard this term for the first time at the moment.

"Yes, deity, free spirit is actually the power of rules."

"The power of rules is intangible. It is explained from the perspective of human cognition. It is closely related to time. It can be explained as the source of all power. But from the perspective of the human body, we can find that humans can theoretically control this power. Based on our bodies, the mental power we can manage is not strong, so we need some high-pressure ratio media to strengthen our own mental endurance through the media, and even to extend the spiritual power through foreign objects. This external Matter actually refers to the element. The density of the element itself is closely related to the spiritual force. The free spiritual force follows the movement when the element is running, and even the birth of the spiritual force itself comes from the movement of the element. "

"This is the origin of our powers. The origin of powers is the use of spiritual power to control the elements. This is like developing a mental power pool in the human body. When we open the gate, mental power will be released violently. Usually we will You can lock them up.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"Before we had no brain nucleus, our mental strength was stored there?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Space of consciousness, human beings can gather mental power through meditation, but they must learn to manage mental power, otherwise mental power will easily disappear, and it may be a behavior that you have inadvertently consumed your long accumulated mental power."

When hearing this, Lu Xuexin was a little curious: "Ming Lei, where does our usual spiritual power come from?"

"There are many elements in food, these elements may be immobile, but in the human body, there will be a yin and yang conflict, and the yin and yang conflict will give birth to spiritual power, and since spiritual power belongs to a force, it will pass through your body The blood vessels in the middle pass through the veins, but in the transmission, the consumption is very large, and generally does not show the divine difference. In a world like the earth, ordinary mages must rely on magic wands to release magic. "

Hearing what Ming Lei said, Lu Xuexin at the moment was already interested. But the target is fixed on other objects.

"There is still something here." At this moment Lu Xuexin suddenly enlarged another picture.

In the picture, it is similar, except that the positions are obviously different.

"This should be a device for storing mental energy, but this room should have been in for a long time." Ming Lei suddenly changed the subject.

"Oh? You mean this room, they are not open?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, there is no trace of life coming on the ground. There is dust on the ground. If someone comes in, there will be footprints or no dust at all."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi looked around in doubt.

Xiao Yi saw this, but immediately discovered something interesting.

This is obviously a laboratory, and this laboratory is not like other laboratories. The equipment here is more special.

"Isn't it here for a long time?" Xiao Yi asked again.

"Yes, deity, at least years, no one is here."

"Yes, in the original world, although the magic elements are solid, it is not difficult to mine some magic ore in this world."

"Yes dear, this town, they are mining ore."

"The demon forest? Why is it such a name?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

"My deity, maybe it is preventing outsiders from peeping at this place, and you have also seen that this place has a puppet factory."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was shocked.

"Perhaps here is inextricably linked to the Demon Realm."

"Yes, deity, I guessed that too, but I was very puzzled. The energy supply here is obviously not enough to create so many demons."

"Ming Lei, I think we have a wrong idea." Hearing this, Ming Lei was also a little confused.

"Respect, did you find anything?"

"Yes, billions of years, even if one magic spar is mined a day, they can make an army of billions of demons."

"Indeed, it seems that we have underestimated the time that has existed here."

At this moment, the Gaia element is still spreading rapidly in the origin world. Because there is no one to interfere with the action of the underworld, the Gaia element is a weird lake in the west that gradually covers the demon forest. It is said that it is strange, mainly It's a lake like a mirror, all of which is mercury at the bottom of the lake. What's more weird is that there is a kind of glowing mist on the lakeside. These mists float there, but they wither immediately, which leads to the vicinity of this mercury lake. Within a few hundred miles, there is not even a single tree. In the marginal area of ​​hundreds of kilometers, there are countless dead bones, some of which have just died, while others have become Bai Sensen's fluorescent. bone.

When Xiao Yi captured these pictures, Xiao Yi was also taken aback by the pictures here.

"It looks beautiful here, but I didn't expect such a scary place." Xiao Yi sighed.

"My dear, here is the combination of mercury and water elements. The elements of water form a special formation. I think it may have been artificial or built by God."

"What do you mean?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Lord, look there." At this moment, Ming Lei directly projected a picture in Xiao Yi's consciousness space.

There is a little dot above the sky in the picture. With the enlargement of the little bit, Xiao Yi was surprised to discover that it was actually a giant umbrella, but at this moment, the giant umbrella had been damaged, and it had clearly become a relic.

"The deity should be it, it should have lent the light element here."

"What the **** is that?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Maybe something like a beam weapon, but this thing should be history."

"This lake should be a natural lake, only a magician or **** has transformed it."

"I don't think there is such a thing." Lu Xuexin was a little surprised.

At this moment, Gaia element is quickly passing through Mercury Lake, but there is a huge black volcano in the west of Mercury Lake. At this moment, the volcano is in an eruption state, and numerous magmas are sprayed into the sky.

This shocked Xiao Yi.

"This volcano is really too big. What is it called?" Xiao Yi sighed.

"The deity ~ ~ According to records, it should be called Chaos Volcano, according to legend, the origin of the realm was born here.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was surprised.

"Ming Lei, shouldn't there be the origin of the origin?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"It should be possible." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up.

"What are you waiting for? Let's see what's behind this world now."

"Okay, deity." Just the next moment, Gaia element suddenly plunged into the magma.

Immediately, a large projection appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness space, but at this moment all the pictures in front of him were red and red.

The picture is moving at the moment, but Xiao Yi is extremely sure.

As time went on, it was still a red picture.