Brain Storm

Chapter 1111: Time and space visitors?

"Xiao Yi, we haven't seen each other for a long time." When hearing this voice, Xiao Yi was a little confused, and this voice Xiao Yi was somewhat familiar.

"Who are you?" Xiao Yi looked at the young man in doubt a little.

Xiao Yi can be sure that he has not seen this person,

But Qu Lao smiled at the moment.

"Grandpa Qu?" Xiao Yi looked at the other in doubt.

"I didn't expect you to recognize me, I'm Zhu Geming." The other side said his name.

"Have we met?" Xiao Yi did not answer this question directly.

"What are you talking about? You have helped me move." Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something.

"Then why are you here?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"You are here, so I am here." Xiao Changyun said with a smile.

"Oh? I don't understand what you're talking about." Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Part of Pangu's plan, you should get some information from the Galaxy Hub."

"The Galaxy Hub?" Xiao Yi seemed more puzzled.

"From your expression, you should have seen the Galaxy Hub. In fact, I am the owner of the Galaxy Hub, but I have never been there." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Is that right?" After speaking, Xiao Yi shifted the topic: "Excuse me, where is this?" Xiao Yi looked around curiously.

"This is in the earth's crust. At present, you are at the X test base, and you are an important part of the Pangu plan in this base."

"Me?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Xiao Changyun, your father, he has optical power, Mu Huiyun, your mother, she has electromagnetic power. The simple understanding is the combination of light and electricity."

"According to the calculation of the main brain of the Galaxy, you will have a chance to become Pangu." Upon hearing this answer, Xiao Yi frowned.

"What is Pangu? And, what exactly do you want me to do?"

"Cooperate with us for some experiments, can you do it?" Zhu Geming looked at Xiao Yi very seriously.

"How to cooperate? Will it restrict my freedom?" Xiao Yi asked cautiously.

"When there is an experiment, you must be at the test base. Without it, you are free and can move around the earth, but when something happens, you must return to the X base, and we will call you when that happens." Hear Zhu Geming In this words, Xiao Yi nodded.

"This is an acceptable condition, but what exactly do you want me to do? If it was a mouse, I would not do it." Xiao Yi said decisively.

"Of course, we definitely don't do that, but let you do some experiments in cooperation.

"Like what kind of experiment?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

Immediately, I saw what Zhu Geming pressed, but Xiao Yi's front left was a light screen, and the screen displayed the picture of the East China Sea.

Zhuge Ming pointed his finger at a cloud in the East China Sea.

"Based on our observations, there should be a space-time tunnel, and I saw you just went there. I want to know, what did you see there, and what did you do?"

"My deity, you can answer truthfully." Ming Lei suddenly reminded at this moment.

"It is indeed like you said, there is a space-time tunnel there, and I transformed the rules there so that the energy that appears in that passage can be used by me."

"You have been seen by many people, do you know?" Zhu Geming asked.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"I know, but I can't help it, can I erase all the memory of those who see it?"

"Can't you do that?" Zhu Geming asked suddenly.

"Why, is there anything wrong with this?"

"Your actions have been noticed by the Space Management Committee."

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Xiao Yi asked again.

"This is an interstellar organization. Your behavior has been noticed by aliens. Do you think it's okay?"

"The Red Devil?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"No, it's the Wind Devil. At present, the Wind Devil is very strong on the earth and the base is in Antarctica. They have mentioned you to us."

"How did you get to this world?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Remember Ziyun?" When hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, that's the Martian Gaia, she brought me." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Are you talking about Aunt Ziyun?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Yes." Zhu Geming nodded, but then reached out and pressed a button, and a light screen appeared on the right side of the next moment. No one started.

But Zhu Geming already shouted.

"Ziyun, can you see me?" Zhu Geming shouted into the video at this moment.

"Oh, why, did you find that little guy?"

"Yes, but I'm not sure yet, he can help us with this plan."

"Really? He's there?" Just the next moment, Xiao Yi's right side of the light was a surge of purple light, but it suddenly appeared like Aunt Ziyun.

"Oh? Really?" Ziyun asked incredulously.

Hearing this question, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Looking for a needle in a haystack, it's not easy for me to find you," Ziyun said suddenly.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

Seeing Xiao Yi's expression, Ziyun smiled.

"Have you seen Sha Xing?" Just the next moment, the shadow of a planet appeared on the right-hand side of Zi Yun.

Xiao Yi nodded: "Xiao Yi nodded."

"So here, you should have seen it before." Said Ziyun but waved again.

"Cursing the temple?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Yes, you took us through there, then we reached Hei Xing, and then you and Xue Xin disappeared."

"Where have you been?" Ziyun asked suddenly at this moment.

"This ..." Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"It's hard to say." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Are you going to hide from Aunt Ziyun?" After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked around.

"I don't have a lot of familiarity with this place. This time and space feels to me, but it's not how real." Xiao Yi said with some depression.

"A really cautious guy, well, look at this again."

The next moment, Xiao Yi saw that Ziyun used the space-time tunnel to send Xiao Changyun Mu Huiyun Lu Tianming and Li Yuwan into the time tunnel.

"Later, your father and mother, and Xuexin's mother and mother went to you." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Did they find you?" Ziyun asked in confusion.

After hearing this, Xiao Yi thought about it.

"It should be found, but this issue may need to be confirmed. Aunt Ziyun, I think there are some things, I think we should meet for a while."

"This is not a problem, then let Ge Ming arrange it, and I will prepare it." But talking about the video communication, the figure has completely disappeared.

"So I'll arrange it?" Zhu Geming asked Xiao Yi.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi saw a beam of light appearing in the center of his eyebrows, and then saw that beam of light penetrated into the ring of his wrist.

Xiao Yi then felt as if something had spread out around him.

Kunlun base.

In one room at this moment, Xiao Changyun, Mu Huiyun, Lu Tianming, Li Yuwan, and Lu Xuexin were all sitting in one room.

"Xue Xin, where are we?" Xiao Changyun looked around in confusion.

"I don't know how to say it. I have such a place in my memory."

"Where is the space-time hub?" Mu Huiyun asked.

"I don't know, I can't feel the power of the elements I'm familiar with." Lu Tianming frowned as he heard this.

"Xue Xin, how do you talk."

"Sorry, I'm thinking about the problem." Lu Xuexin suddenly stood up.

"You going there?" Li Yuwan asked at this moment.

"I'm going to find Xiao Yi."

"What will happen?" Xiao Changyun asked.

"I don't know, but I don't feel good at all."

"Will you just worry?" Lu Tianming asked.

"That Qu Lao is very problematic. In our world, there is absolutely no such person. Do you have any impression of this person?"

Hearing these words, the four were all caught in the memories.

"Qu always appeared in this world." Xiao Changyun frowned.

"But why, I'm so strange to him."

"What shall we do now?" Xiao Changyun looked at his wife.

"Chill, start as soon as possible, and we will leave here as soon as possible. If Xiao Yi's power is as strong as Xue Xin said, as long as we leave here, they will not be able to complete any of their attempts.

"Who the **** is it for us?" Li Yuwan said with a frown.

"Well, we leave here as soon as possible." Xiao Changyun nodded when he heard this.

"Tawny, start your teleportation, we leave the solar system first."

"Xue Xin, use your perception to contact Xiao Yi."

"Okay," the two said in unison.

The next moment Lu Tianming entered the state of element condensation.

But at the moment Xiao Yi was still in Zhuge Ming's room.

"How's it going?" Zhuge Ming asked.

"I need to talk to my father and mother."

"They will agree, you watch the video." As he waved at Xiao Yi's left wall, Xiao Changyun and others appeared in the picture.

"Xiao Yi, how could you be with your uncle Zhuge." Xiao Yi frowned when he heard this.

"My dear, this is a video image, not a real-time communication."

"Fake?" Xiao Yi asked in his heart.

"You can say that."

"Oh, Mom and Dad, where are you?" Xiao Yi asked tentatively.

"My dear, Xuexin came to ask you, where are you?"

"Would you like to hear it from you?"

"Let me do a good job. I give you control of my body. I communicate with Xuexin."

"Okay, deity." At the next moment, Xiao Yi's consciousness entered the body.

"Xue Xin, what's wrong with you? Why did you suddenly contact me?"

"I found some problems."

"what is the problem?"

"My memory in this world is gone."

"Disappeared?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, not just me, similar things happened to our father and mother." Xiao Yi frowned when he heard this.

"What are you doing?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"We plan to leave the solar system and find a place to hide first. This gives me a sense of insecurity."

"That song is old and very problematic, you have to be careful."

"Can I see my father and mother?" Xiao Yi asked.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi saw Xiao Changyun.

"Xiao Yi, where are you? How dark?" Xiao Yi was a little embarrassed to hear this.

"To return as soon as possible, we must leave here first." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"Father, I see."

"Ming Lei, divert my consciousness, and leave it here to a person to solve."

"Yes, deity." With Xiao Yi's thoughts, in the next moment, Xiao Yi's consciousness space suddenly appeared a black origin.

Immediately collapsed.

The next moment, Xiao Yi only felt that he was in front of him.

In front of Xiao Changyun and others, a colorful light gate appeared.

Xiao Yi then came out.

But at this moment Zhu Geming was standing in front of Xiao Yi. Still smiling and talking to Zhu Geming.

"Mom and Dad, I'm back."

"Well, Xiao Yi, this is really good." Xiao Changyun said, giving Xiao Yi a hug.

"Mom and Dad, did you find any problems?"

"It's not a problem ~ ~ Qu Lao and everything in this world has disappeared in our consciousness, Xiao Yi, do you know what this means?" It was Li Yuwan who spoke.

"Mom, is there anything wrong with this?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"Fake, this world is fake. Someone is confusing us, trying to change you and our destiny."

"Mom, do you mean someone wants to control us?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

"You can understand it this way." After hearing this, Xiao Yi waved a hand, but live streamed a picture.

Everyone in the room frowned when they saw these pictures.

"He said he was Zhu Geming, and I saw Aunt Ziyun."

At this moment, Xiao Yi's father and mother are talking to Xiao Yi.

"Trouble," Xiao Changyun said suddenly.

"What's wrong? Father?"

"I seem to have a connection with me in that picture."

"Really? Xiao Yi is a little surprised."

"I don't know, but the memory is indeed mine."

"Boss, I'm ready." Lu Tianming said suddenly at this moment.

"Well, let's go first." Xiao Changyun looked at a few people.

Hearing the voice, Xiao Yi was a little puzzled, but quickly entered Xiao Changyun's transmission channel.

In the fourth star field, there is a place called the Black Star Belt. At the moment, a cave opened suddenly on a meteorite here.

Xiao Changyun frowned to protect the crowd, but came out of it.

"Wow, how are we in space?" Li Yuwan frowned.

"Where is the planet of life?" Mu Huiyun said with some doubt.

"This is really not intentional."

But at the moment Xiao Yi in front of Zhu Geming, his eyes cooled down.

"Zhu Geming, you must give me an account."