Brain Storm

Chapter 1119: Passer and Spiritual Realm

"There are so many things, you are from the earth." Xiao Yi said with certainty.

"Yes, it looks like you are Chinese." Xiao Yi nodded.

"My name is Rex. I'm a rice national and I work as an economic analyst. I'm curious about the mismatch between your mouth shape and your voice." After that, Rex looked curious Looking at Xiao Yi's mouth.

"Does this matter? You are no longer on Earth, what could surprise you more than this?"

"Okay, what's wrong with them?" Rex pointed at some people around him who had been fixed in place.

"You leave my energy hood, you will be the same as them." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Are you Superman?" Rex asked in surprise.

"Maybe." Xiao Yi smiled.

"Have you seen my partner? And my boat."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi was a little strange.

"My assistant, Melanie." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi looked around.

She shook her head immediately, she did not appear here.

"Ah, it seems that only I came here, she should still be on the boat." She looked around in confusion as she said.

"What is this place? It seems that the natural environment of this world is very harsh."

"This is the place where the sun rises in this world. If it weren't for our appearance, you would have been gasified by the high temperature of the sun." Xiao Yi said playfully.

"Really? But they are all standing there very well. If you haven't come, maybe I'll be there like them." Speaking of this, Rex bowed to Xiao Yi.

"Thank you very much, my friend, I don't want to be a puppet, standing there stupidly, yes, this is where the sun rises? What does this mean?" Obviously Rex didn't understand.

"Well, you can understand it as a special rule of the other world. The sun here has to be launched from blue and blue stars, into space, and then land to the west, like a missile."

"Wow, this is really amazing. I really want to see such wonders."

"Yes, we also arrived here because of curiosity, but I think if we are not special, I am afraid we have been here for hundreds of years like those people."

"Stand on for hundreds of years, is it like that?" Xiao Yi nodded.

"Isn't that going to die?" Rex's mouth was so wide at this moment that he could lay down a duck egg.

"Well, don't use your exaggerated performance talent. I don't think you should ask, how should we leave here?"

"Haha, it is indeed the unsmiling Chinese who are serious about what they do."

"Are you saying we don't know how to appreciate your humor?" Lu Xuexin said angrily at this moment.

"No, your Chinese people have always been very friendly to us. I think my friends, you are willing to help me, and you have already done so."

"Well, for people like you, I don't hate that being able to meet humans on Earth in another world is an opportunity in itself. I am honored that you were rescued." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"So are we going to shake hands?" Rex said suddenly.

"Okay." Xiao Yi said, reaching out his hand.

"I don't think I have asked for their names. Can you tell me?"

"This is Xiao Yi, this is Lu Xuexin."

"Mr. Xiao, Ms. Lu, I am honored to meet you."

"Well, Mr. Rex, you should think about how we leave here." Lu Xuexin said suddenly.

"It seems that you are not planning to give up on me, which is really great."

"Yes, the earth people are counted as fellow villagers, and we have just arrived in this world. There is currently no place for a stop, but this place is too special, so we came here to take a look."

"What happened to those people?" Rex asked suddenly.

"Their time is stopped."

"So Mr. Xiao, can you save them like you saved me?" Said Xiao Yi, looking forward with anticipation.

"Maybe." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Xue Xin, let's get over." In the next moment, the Gaia sphere where Xiao Yi was floating floated.

Then he flew in one direction.

There was a young man and woman there at the moment, and at the moment they were opening their mouths in surprise, as if they wanted to shout.

However, time stopped at this one.

With Xiao Yi's approach, Xiao Yi's Gaia light ball quickly approached the pair of men and women.

"How do you save them?" Rex asked, puzzled at the moment.

"It's simple, just look at it." Xiao Yi finished.

The Gaia element, however, expanded again, and extended a piece, and then the two men were wrapped up.

"Jack run away ... run ... run away."

"No! Angelia ..." The next moment, their voices came suddenly.

At this moment, the two hit the mask wall formed by Gaia's mask.

"Well, it's all right, you are saved." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

But at the moment both of them fell to the ground.

Regus went up, but he helped the two.

"You are saved." Rex said excitedly at this moment.

However, the other two were confused and looked at Rex with a look of confusion.

"What is he talking about?" Jack pointed at Rex with vigilance, and Xiao Yi laughed when he heard this.

"He said, you are saved."

"Are you aliens?" At this moment Jack and Angela on the side suddenly became vigilant.

"What do you understand, can they understand?" Rex came over puzzled at this moment.

"Is there anything wrong with this?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"No." Rex was staring at Xiao Yi's mouth.

"Well, don't waste your time. People in this world don't understand what you say."

"Then you must have a translator, right?" Said a circle around Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"Do not."

"Evil alien species, I will fight you." Just the next moment there was a lightsaber in the hands of the young man named Jack.

An ornament in the hands of Angela on the side was also lit up.

"It seems that we are not welcome in this world." Xiao Yi frowned.

"Master, do you want to modify their memory?" Suddenly spoke at this moment.

Xiao Yi nodded.

At the next moment, the surrounding Gaia element was a sudden package, and the two were wrapped in it.

In Rex's severity, white light flickered around, and then returned to normal.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, it's nice to meet you." Just the next moment Jack made a sudden turn.

Seeing this, Rex was a little surprised.

"What did you do to him?"

"Nothing, he is my friend." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

At this moment, Rex is backing away, and it seems safer to stay away from Xiao Yi.

"I seem to make you nervous." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Your ability makes me feel scared." At the moment Rex was a little excited.

"Trust me, I did nothing." Xiao Yi continued to smile.

"Xiao Yi, don't scare him, let him change it together." Lu Xuexin added aside.

"Don't! Don't! I don't want to become an unconscious monster." At the moment Rex yelled.

"Oh, sir, are you okay?" Just then Jack was talking.

"Yes, this gentleman's spirit is really not good."

"See if I can help you." Angelia suddenly made a noise at this moment.

And in front of several people, they demonstrated their abilities, which was a beam of light directly connected to Rex's head.

"You are scared. Your spirit will collapse if you go on. You need to calm down."

"No, what are you doing to me?" Rex yelled now.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"Xiao Yi, relieve him of this situation. Although he is a smart man, he is too clever."

"Okay." With the voice, the next moment, Xiao Yi pointed at Rex, and immediately Rex was wrapped in Gaia elements.

The next moment Lexar's expression had returned to normal.

"Haha, that's great. I didn't expect them to be your friends." Then Rex seemed to find something.

"Hey, what are you doing? Why are you using the light of your soul to soothe me." Seeing this, Xiao Yi smiled.

Many people in this world have mastered the power of the mind, which is the ability to condense the spirit into a beam of light to transmit information over long distances.

For example, to pass you one, you are good now, you are very frustrated, you want to die now, you are dead now, it can be said that this kind of spiritual light is a super hypnotic skill, but in this world, it is Everyone has this ability.

It is precisely because of this that the talents of this world will crowd out the future. Everything is because of this noble blood. In this world, this power is used in battle and even in agriculture. They can even communicate with animals.

From this, we can basically see that the origin of this power should be considered a soul power, and it has no direct relationship with elemental powers.

At the moment Xiao Yi received this information, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"The deity, the human soul in this world is very special. Every spiritual power is surrounded by a large number of electrons. In addition to this, they also have a spiritual gem, which can accelerate the speed of spiritual power."

"Is the one we saw before?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes, deity."

"What can that gem do?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Scouting, attacking, controlling, mainly depends on the strength of the user. If the strength is not strong, the best results can be obtained when used by multiple people. Generally, the spiritual gems are divided into levels. The type we saw last time is four. A level of spiritual gem is usually used by one person to investigate, and two or more people can launch an attack. "

"If people with a special density of spiritual power can also implant information at the soul level, this is the most terrible. There is a profession in this world, and that is the hypnotist, who can simulate the special fluctuations of some souls. Injecting volatility into it can affect more people. "

"Wow, people in this world are really weird. Isn't everyone an amazing person?"

"Yes, deity, abilities, and ordinary people."

"But the people here can generally become spiritualists, they can get more pure mental power."

"Although there are no electronic surrounds, their brains operate faster."

"Isn't mental strength proportional to wisdom?"

"Spiritual power, he is a manifestation of power, and wisdom are two concepts. A person with strong mental power and the ability to control elements is an extension."

"High mental density allows for faster calculations."

"However, if you want to form a community, you will become more complicated."

"People with a lot of mental power will be faster when the natural brain thinks about problems, while people with a lot of electrons surround them. Although their mental power can directly interfere with matter, this mental power is affected by its characteristics and its density is not. It might be too high. "

"Of course, it is not absolute. After ordinary people are combined with spiritual masters in this world, there is a chance that there will be some people who have both kinds of powers at the same time.

"Is it serious?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"One-third of the distance, but these people are recovering faster."

"Oh? Why is this? The spatial elements they interact with naturally in this world match very well. As soon as they breathe, they can strip a lot of electrons from space."

"These electrons can become their natural energy, which will be more aggressive than ordinary abilities."

"Especially under the research of spiritualists, the constantly updated spiritual gems are constantly enhancing the power of spiritual users."

"That is to say, their abilities basically come from spiritual power. The element attached to spiritual power is generally the lightning element?" Xiao Yi asked curiously ~ ~ but it can be understood, but the lightning they control , Are free lightnings attached to space, you can also understand as electromagnetic waves. "

"The peculiar ability is that the mental force captures electromagnetic waves, sorts the electromagnetic waves, then obtains a magnetic field, uses the magnetic field to form a network, and then performs damage or even attacks on the target."

"And that kind of spiritual gem should be a tool for signal amplification and integration." Having said that, Xiao Yi laughed.

"This world is more interesting than the world we have encountered before."

"Yes, deity, the humans of this world are closer to the world before the awakening without the power of the earth."

"Well, I think that the most important thing in this world is to sort the magnetic field. Once you master this ability, you can get a source of gravitation, attract energy in space, and even form a heart of law."

"You can think of this, dear, I'm really happy for you."

"Thank you." Xiao Yi smiled.