Brain Storm

Chapter 1122: Power of Dreams Crack Mystery Paper

As Xiao Yi nodded, the expression of that little boy suddenly became serious the next moment.

Seeing the appearance of the little adult, Xiao Yi felt a little funny, and could not help but ask Ming Lei.

"Ming Lei, have you given him wisdom?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The deity, not yet. It has just taken over its central nerve."

"Oh, that expression is yours?"

"My dear, this is the expression of wisdom. At present, I am in a state of serious thinking. Please do not disturb me. I have to compile this information." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Why, do you want to give him a very advanced soul?"

"The deity, at least he can live like a complete child. Respecting life is respecting myself, which is something I need to consider."

"How is the progress?" Xiao Yi also became serious.

"It will be a while, and an autonomous wisdom bank is being established." Xiao Yi nodded, but then turned his head to the direction of Lu Xuexin Station.

At this moment, Lu Xuexin was standing in front of the books that could not be decrypted, staring quietly, frowning from time to time, seeming to understand something, but did not want to understand anything.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi couldn't help but be curious, and then went over.

"Xue Xin, what are you looking at?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

Upon hearing the question, Lu Xuexin's expression was very serious.

"I have a paradoxical feeling. As if I can see some pictures, they appear in front of my eyes, but I can't see clearly."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi frowned, and then asked Ming Lei in his heart.

"What did Xuexin see?"

"My dear, this should be regarded as a gift. Xue Xin sees a world projection. The density is not very high and it is not clear. Do you need Gaia to help?"

Xiao Yi looked at it and just said a word, he continued to study Lu Xuexin and nodded

"Help her." Hearing Xiao Yi's words.

The next moment a Gaia element suddenly shook.

As if it were the most sophisticated computer, it was constantly computing, but it was around Xiao Yi, and it shook.

Just then, Lu Xuexin's eyes lit up.

"I think I thought about it." Xiao Yi's eyes brightened when he heard this.

"Xue Xin, what did you find?"

"In these papers, there should be a world hidden. To be precise, it is a world of energy. At the beginning, I was a bit vague. I looked at Xiao Yi, but you gave me help just now, so let me see It's clear. "He said with a sweet smile, and then kissed Xiao Yi.

Feeling a light kiss on his cheek, Xiao Yi smiled.

"It was unclear just now, and suddenly a yellow light flashed, and I found that my feeling seemed to connect the entire universe in an instant. Do you know the feeling of Weng? It was that feeling, all of them suddenly opened , The whole world is resonating with me, it's a great feeling. "

"Perhaps an illusion." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Lu Xuexin shook her head: "This cannot be an illusion. There are always some reasons for what we can see and what can be produced. Whether it is energy or matter, it is not created out of thin air. Such things are more complicated to trace, but once traced, we can find the truth of things. "Said Landing Xuexin sighed.

"This thing is too obscure, it's still a bit unclear, but it should already work."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Why, was your state just awake?"

"I don't know, it should be counted as a kind of predictive ability. I always feel that I can know something that I can't know now. These mysterious gray symbols have given me a lot of inspiration."

Said that Landing Xuexin was the little boy with one finger beside him: "Perhaps it was the inspiration he gave me."

"You mean a little boy, that smart smile just now?"

"Yeah, you know, how big is this sense of wisdom when it comes to a child?"

"So what did you find? Is it so?" Lu Xuexin nodded when she heard what Xiao Yi said.

"It seems that this should be a story related to this little guy?" Xiao Yi guessed.

"It should be relevant, but we have to take a look first." Said that Landing Xuexin's hands quickly gathered a seven-color light ball. With the light ball condensing, Lu Xuexin pressed the light ball directly. On a piece of paper.

The next moment, Lu Xuexin actually opened a door in front of her.

"That's right, the answer is here." Lu Xuexin finished and made a gesture to Xiao Yi.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded blankly, but then stepped forward and held Lu Xuexin's hand for invitation, and the two walked into the door of dreams.

The fantasy door displayed on the object is somewhat different from the ordinary fantasy door. In short, this channel is almost negligible, but at this moment, the two have directly entered a illusory world.

And just then, the little boy's memory seemed to have been sorted out, and at this moment, came in the door of this dream.

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, who just entered the gate of fantasy, were surprised to see the existence of this gate of fantasy.

"Minglei, are you?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes, dear, I am currently restoring this child's memory. I'll see if I can get the information I need here."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

The expression of the little boy who entered the gate of fantasy changed again. Xiao Yi even felt the slightest energy fluctuation and was converging towards the child.

Feeling this abnormal Xiao Yi frowned.

"Minglei, what's going on?"

"The deity, it is this world and this body that have an energy resonance, and it seems that there is really some relationship."

"Look what's that?" At this moment, Lu Xuexin frowned at the large piece of broken power in front of him.

"This world is really too illusory. I didn't expect the world to be like this." Xiao Yi frowned.

In this world, there are only some wrecks floating still.

"Everything here is fragmentary. I can't guess what it was like here." Xiao Yi frowned.

But at this moment the sound of Minglei was ringing.

"My dear, I think I'm looking for what's on those papers."

"What is it?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"It can be thought of as a treasure map, or some world information memorized with a strange rule, and just now Xuexin opened only a piece of paper, so the world will be so incomplete. The paper runs through once with the power of fantasy, and then with the Gaia element reordering the fragments in these worlds, we should be able to get a more real side of this world. "When they heard Ming Lei, both eyes were bright.

"What are you waiting for, Ming Lei, please hurry up."

"Yes, deity." In the next moment, Xiao Yi's body flew a large number of Gaia elements, and then flew out along the doorway.

It didn't take long for the golden light to fly back.

And as the golden light flew by, the surrounding space seemed to be affected by something, and the pieces began to appear in front of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

Xiao Yi frowned and looked at the muddy land that was gradually changing around. This was just a swamp.

Just as Gaia elements flew up into the sky, the sky was suddenly dripping with drops of water, and the sky became extremely dark. The whole world seemed to be shrouded in the end of the world.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

At this moment, the surrounding environment was quietly changed under the witness of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin. The swamp appeared and the town also appeared. Xiao Yi stood in front of the swamp, and at the previous point, there was a trail and the end of the trail. , But it is the shadow of a small town.

"This world is more and more real." Lu Xuexin sighed.

"Yeah, I'm also surprised that some people will use paper to store a world." Xiao Yi was suddenly thinking of something.

"Perhaps this record is originally a piece of information, but the power of fantasy is capable of reading the information on these pieces of paper." Xiao Yi said with a smile: "It is really amazing."

As the rain drops, the muddy water in the swamp rolls up, but the position of Xiao Yi's feet gradually becomes muddy. If you follow this speed, it wo n’t take a while for Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin to have the name Little boy, maybe all in the swamp.

At the next moment, Xiao Yi used the Gaia element to protect all three, suspended in a place only 10 cm from the ground.

"It looks like this should be a world that is happening." Xiao Yi guessed.

"Well, in this form, it should be a story of land subsidence, the destruction of the town?" Lu Xuexin also guessed.

"Story like this is not mainstream, deity, Xuexin, I suggest you should walk up the town, maybe there is more truth there."

"Then please ask us to arrange our formation." Said Xiao Yi actually pulled the landing and Xuexin actually sat in the light ball formed by Gaia elements.

"Haha, okay, deity." At that moment, Minglei's hearty laughter sounded.

Immediately the next moment, the Gaia element was in space and moved quickly. It took only a few breaths, and Xiao Yi and his party appeared at the entrance of the town.

"It seems that this is really a small town." It is true that Xiao Yi is frowning at this moment, because no one can be seen in the small town.

At the moment, Gaia's light ball has already entered the town.

But at this moment Xiao Yi noticed a weird scene. The surrounding portals opened from time to time and closed from time to time, as if there was some kind of power driving all this.

"What's going on with that door?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion.

"The deity, it seems to be a rule." When hearing this, Xiao Yi pointed to the door.

"Go and see." After hearing this, Ming Lei immediately controlled Gaia's light ball and flew over.

Xiao Yi immediately opened the door of the room, and it seemed to be a shop.

As the door was opened, a plate had just left the counter, but flew back again.

"I feel like someone is here." Lu Xuexin frowned.

"Well, I feel the same way. It seems that we can't see them, and we don't even have a voice. What's going on?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"The deity, maybe the rules are incomplete, so the world presented here is like this." Speaking of here, Ming Lei suddenly found something.

But Xiao Yi's words also sounded.

"Can it be completed?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Maybe it can." Just the next moment, Xiao Yi noticed that the child beside him moved.

At the same time, the Gaia elements around Xiao Yi's body suddenly disappeared.

The little boy appeared directly on this world.

A weird scene happened, and the surrounding scenery suddenly felt a shock, as if the world had unlocked some authority.

At the next moment, a personal figure suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"Mr. Miloch, this plate is really not expensive. You are not thinking about it."

"Well, the traitor in Hadley Town, I will use other methods to get it ~ ~ said but turned and left.

"Poor ghost, dare to threaten me, do you think you are still away from the town?" Then he pressed a button next to it.

A door behind him opened, and a majestic middle-aged man came out.

"Mr. Prall, can I help you?"

"Of course, Mr. Miloch, I don't want him to leave here and bring him and his money back."

"Yes, boss." Xiao Yi was a little surprised when he heard the name.

"It's the son of God, and it looks like he's getting older at this time." Lu Xuexin said doubtfully.

"Perhaps there is some connection with the origin world." He looked around in confusion.

The little boy, however, opened the door and ran out, soaking in the rain.

Xiao Yi frowned.

"Minglei, what are you doing?"

"My dear, I must repair this world, and I can only repair what I see through the eyes of this little child."

"Oh." Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were both somewhat surprised.

"Then you can clone a few more of him," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, deity." Immediately the next moment, a few little ghosts appeared.

Immediately flew out around.

Under the observation of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin, various rushing crowds appeared on the long streets of the town.

Obviously they were hiding from the rain, and the merchants were covering their goods.

"Unexpectedly there are so many people on the street, Minglei, can't they see us?"

"Yes, dear, they don't see us yet. We haven't integrated the rules here, just because we can't see them just now."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.