Brain Storm

Chapter 1128: Meditation and reproduction

"The rules here are part of the intelligence."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi frowned.

"But what are these rules for?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Any rule is a mobilization of energy. If you say a word, you can influence the rule. It means that your mental power conveys the rule to the element itself, and the element receives your instructions."

"It's quite possible to practice in this state and gain abilities."

"Doesn't that mean that everyone in this world has a chance to gain abilities?"

"The deity, the Kailing world is the celestial magnetic field, and we are only capturing a part of it."

"And do you think anyone has soul metal? Even if you think everyone can use soul metal?"

"How do ordinary people enter this world?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Ordinary people have some trouble entering this world. The first is to master the meditation method, so that they have a chance to enter this world. If you want to enter the world with a high probability, you need to master the right people, and you can provide a chance of success."

"That is to say, such a celestial magnetic field is always in operation?"

"Yes, the deity, and it is not a simple operation, but it is always changing. Therefore, if you want to be in harmony with the heavens and the earth, you must have a good place, and you must rely on luck to enter this. The world must resonate with the heaven and earth magnetic field, so it is not possible to consider only meditation. The operation of the world depends on the instincts of the elements, and the heaven and earth move endlessly, so the magnetic field is constantly changing. "

"If you want to enter the apocalyptic world or efficient meditation, you must master the timetable of the strength of the magnetic field, that is, find the magnetic field of the corresponding frequency, so that the best results can be obtained by active meditation. The best effect is mental strength and The heaven and earth magnetic fields are fused together. You can mobilize the heaven and earth magnetic fields as if you control the hands and feet. The heavens and the earth have spirits. Under the regular operation, you can naturally get the results you want. , But it is difficult to recover, but fortunately, it is mental power, there is no memory information, so it will not affect your consciousness to return to the body, even if consciousness does not return to your body, it will re-read your cells. The information is coming again. "

"It sounds like this magnetic field is like a computer's cache." Xiao Yi said with some surprise.

"Yes, deity, so human beings are a kind of relatively existing life. They stand in the state of Tai Chi, and are not infinite or unipolar. The body is like a register that can store a lot of information."

"And the celestial magnetic field or your brain wave will read the information in the register. After getting this information, you can use this information to resonate with the celestial magnetic field. Even if it fails, the body will make up for this information again."

When hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly remembered something.

"It's like you can't remember dreams when you sleep?"

"Yes, deity, but those who truly master the right method can use the energy space as a search engine, and take whatever they want."

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Human beings are the darlings of heaven and earth. It can be said that human beings are heaven and earth, so the same source may explain it."

"Man and world are always different." Xiao Yi said.

"It is true, but it is precisely because of this difference that there is an antagonistic relationship between man and heaven, which is like the changing relationship between yin and yang."

"Heaven belongs to Yang and earth belongs to Yin. Human beings are different numbers, corresponding to the unified relationship between heaven and earth, that is, Tai Chi, Tai Chi is creation, Tai Chi is life, which is different from Wuji."

"It is precisely because of this opposition that human beings have the power of yin and yang, and the power of yin. You can understand it as physical instinct, the power of yang, you can understand it as mental power, brain waves and the like. It's such a way to use the power of the sun to communicate the sky universe. "

"Is there any specific method?" Xiao Yi asked curiously. .

"Of course, human brain waves have delta one to three hertz, four to seven hertz, alpha eight to thirteen hertz, beta fourteen to thirty hertz, and the general state of meditation refers to four to seven hertz of west."

"Then, relying on the harmony of the heavens, the earth, and the people. Tianshi refers to the concepts of time such as spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Geography, places with magnetic fields, meditation in different places, different entering spaces, and the Kailing world is located in the sky and clouds. The world opens in summer. "

"When a person enters a meditation state and resonates with the surrounding magnetic field, they have the opportunity to contact dark matter at a specific node. Generally, dark matter refers to space elements, and among these space elements, there are some energy transmission channels. As long as you maintain the meditation state, you can gradually release your influence into the space around you. It is a transmission relationship. When your transmission relationship comes in contact with some strange magnetic field origins, you are equal to Established a connection with that magnetic field. In this state, human consciousness may see something strange, such as you put some information into the visual nerve, such as you put the picture into the auditory nerve, what you get The frequency information is different. "

"Either visual or auditory, they may appear in meditation, or even pain, but they may be hallucinations, but these are hallucinations, so it is best to focus on the energy itself when you meditate. If you come to get energy, you still come. Consumption of energy is the most important thing for a psionicist to capture energy naturally. If you unleash your energy indiscriminately, you will soon lose more than you can afford, and in the general magnetic field space, there may be intelligence. Once you do something excessively, you are likely to be driven away, leaving you out of touch with the energy world, and you may not even be able to return to your consciousness. "

"Isn't that dead?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Dead? It depends on all the memory information in your body. If it is complete, the ontology will read another copy. At this time, you naturally regenerate a new consciousness. Generally, the Yuanshen refers to your consciousness."

"If you have already cultivated, at this time your consciousness is left outside, your natural spirit is damaged, or even your mind is damaged, so it is actually a very dangerous thing to meditate.

"This Qiling world belongs to the energy world, right?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Yes, the deity is a world of adventure. In this world, human beings have what they want, so the information in it is extremely complicated."

"Of course, it is because of this that such a world will attract such and different people to explore this unknown world."

"Ming Lei, you just said that the energy magnetic field space, will there be many different types of magnetic fields between this heaven and earth?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Of course, there are many kinds of energy worlds between heaven and earth, there are yin, yang, and even chaos, infinite, tai chi, and the five elements space of Jinmu, water, fire, earth, and even the thousands of worlds, the world of thousands. , There is still some heterogeneous space. "

"For the world we live in, we can call it the world of the thousand, but compared to our larger world, here we are the world of the thousand. One day, there are people inside. So the greatness of the world can be relatively large or infinite, depending on the level of our knowledge. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded excitedly.

"Minglei, how do I get out of this state now?"

"Master, as long as you want to wake up, that's it."

Immediately the next moment, Xiao Yi found himself back in his conscious space.

Looking at the golden spiral nest in the conscious space, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Minglei, here, can you still connect to the origin?"

"Yes, dear, we have been able to connect since the last channel was opened."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded.

Xiao Yi then opened his eyes.

Xiao Yi found that at this moment Lu Xuexin was looking at herself with her eyes wide open.

"Awake?" Lu Xuexin asked.

"Well, yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

"What happened to you just now?" Lu Xuexin continued to ask.

"Captured a fragment of the Kaikai world."

"Apocalypse? Didn't you just put away that soul metal? How did you capture the apocalypse?"

Hearing here, Xiao Yi laughed.

"The metal flies around the earth and naturally **** in a lot of magnetic fields. Because of this, it captures a lot of information. At the spiritual level, that information will naturally appear in layers.

"Is there anything else?" Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard this.

Lu Xuexin smiled.

"Rex said just now that this place is similar to the world they live in. The only difference is that the time may be different. He asked if he could correct the time?"

"Oh, this?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"Master, it's hard to find the exact time."

"Is there any way?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Of course there is, just go back to the space just now, and try every space node. You have to know that the energy density of the nodes in each world is constant. As long as you find the same node, move it down, maybe . "

"Don't you want to see the deity in 2398?"

"Oh? Is there anything good?" Xiao Yi was immediately interested.

"In this world, human beings have entered the sea of ​​stars, and they already have super-powerful warriors like God."

At the next moment, Minglei projected some pictures in space.

Suddenly Xiao Yi was stunned, but there was an extra ring outside the earth at the moment. To be precise, it was a ring around the equator, all made of a black metal.

"How come all black?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity is solar energy."

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi sighed.

Above the planet's ring of stars, at this moment, it is like a dock. There are various types of spaceships parked, including round, square, long, and even bionic.

"It's so powerful." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, dear, when human beings are facing threats, they can unite and change the world." Xiao Yi smiled and nodded.

"Unexpectedly, this world has developed so far." Xiao Yi then looked at the world in front of her.

The next moment, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Since the world of Ming Lei is so developed, why can't we see the shuttle between heaven and earth?"

"This deity is actually very easy to consider. When the doomsday happened, there was already a quantum transmission. After so many years, the quantum transmission between heaven and earth is not a complicated thing."

"There is also a huge decline in the world's population after the doomsday. Now there are only about 200 million people on the planet. Besides, there are not many planets in layers of defense, and the planet is a very safe place."

"So few earth people?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Our deity, at the time of the doomsday, many of the power-generators had mutations in their genes, and no one was a ghost or a ghost. Their genes naturally lost their meaning. As a human being, no one wants their offspring to be monsters, but power Such a problem happened to the genes of the person ~ ~ The law of balance between heaven and earth of one yin and one yang, the orderly reproduction was broken. Although the power seeks strength to make itself stronger, single genes are like this. , If you modify it arbitrarily, there will naturally be chaos. At the same time as you acquire the ability to evolve, you will naturally squeeze other abilities such as reproduction. "

"This is really a serious problem." Xiao Yi said in amazement.

"Yes, deity, so after the doomsday, human beings will not have one, and it is good that there are still 200 million people on the earth, not to mention that many people have already migrated out of the earth."

When hearing this, Xiao Yi was suddenly realized, but then he remembered something.

"That's right. What was the Super Fighter you just said?"

"Dear Lord, a lot of people awakened during the apocalyptic catastrophe. Although they didn't leave their children, their cells and even their powerful genes were preserved."

"Through some special means, the development of some genetic agents can be used to train super-powered warriors. These warriors are currently mainly used in interstellar adventures, so they are also called space fighters. Many space fighters have full combat capabilities . "

Hearing here, Xiao Yi was interested, and then he found a place and landed directly.

This is the suburb of a city. Looking at the surrounding metal pavement, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Paved with metal now?"

"Yes, deity, the cost of metal paving is lower, and deity you should pay attention to the metal ditch next to it is the magnetic levitation track, the current levitating speed can be directly accelerated by magnetic levitation,"

"It's a really good design, Xiao Yi sighed.

Immediately they walked towards the city.

As he walked around, Xiao Yi found that all kinds of billboards in the past had disappeared, and the city seemed quite quiet.