Brain Storm

Chapter 1162: Black zone found

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"No?" Lane Carey asked in confusion.

"Of course not. This is the black zone. I ’m afraid they ca n’t fly out of the black zone. They have become a pile of scrap copper and rotten iron. There are still three ice beauties. Although they are our enemies, these three ice beauties will bring back and bring It's our chips. "

"The girl named Su Fei is probably the granddaughter of Su Yuanlong." Hearing Oranhiri said, Lane Kerry's face suddenly showed a clear expression.

"Well, that really can't let them out. If they die, it will definitely cause crazy revenge on the Galaxy Federation, but since they are already in our hands, this may be our chip."

Just as the Olefa spacecraft kept flying, a colonel suddenly came in.

"Sir Marshal, something mysterious was found on the Black Zone Star Road."

"What?" Oransirie asked, puzzled.

"It's a huge golden coffin." Upon hearing this, Lane Carey immediately thought something.

"Can it be the coffin of time and space?" Oran Hirri's eyes flashed when he heard Ryan Carey's words.

"Bring in the image." With a "Yes", the colonel immediately pointed and pointed up in front of him, and a huge holographic projection appeared out of thin air in the conference room.

"Hello Marshal, this is the live video."

At this moment, a few people in the room looked at this huge golden coffin floating in the black area without blinking, and Oransiray was a little emotional.

"It really is this legendary thing. I didn't expect that the black zone was so large. We could even encounter this thing. It did not fly into the deep black zone."

"I remember this project. There was no failed launch of the golden coffin. How could there still be this thing? Who sent it here?" Lane Carey on the side was puzzled.

"I can't control that much, now that I've encountered it. Then take it back and see what's on it." At the moment, Oransiray said with great excitement.

"Hello Marshal, it's too cold outside. If you open the protective cover, it will consume a lot of heat in the spacecraft."

"How about building a pod and letting us do it?" Lane Carey suggested.

"I'm afraid not. I don't have a support shield for the magic reactor. I'm afraid it will become ice debris after a few clicks."

"You need to know that there is something like a dark storm in the black star area. If the speed cannot meet the requirements, I am afraid that it will be directly brought by the power of the fairy galaxy into the faraway universe."

"Let's go and see for yourself." The three men in the room left quickly.

At the moment, Xiao Yi noticed this golden coffin, but Xiao Yi was also a bit surprised, because it was clearly the kind he had come over, basically the same.

And there is also such a golden coffin in Gaia space.

"How did this coffin appear here?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"My dear, here is our star road to the fourth zone."

"Minglei, can you detect what's inside?"

"The deity, it is a small space inside, similar to the one we entered before. There are not many ice sculptures in it. Those who are riding the ice coffin should be!"

"My dear, that spaceship has begun to pick up the ice coffin, what shall we do next?" Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this.

"Enter the spaceship and take a look." With Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Yi quickly moved towards the spaceship.

At the moment, Lu Xuexin is still wrapped in Gaia elements, and Gaia elements form their own space. Therefore, under the cover of Gaia elements, it is also equivalent to being in a world.

When it came into contact with the spacecraft's protective cover, it was a golden light flashing, and it actually integrated into the spacecraft's protective cover, and Xiao Yi then passed directly through the protective cover.

At this moment, the people on the ship did not find anyone had invaded their ship.

As he entered the spacecraft, Xiao Yi walked up and down the corridor. From time to time, an individual shuttled from their body.

"I heard no, in the black zone, we actually found the ancient golden coffin."

"I know this thing is used to pass through places such as the black zone. How could it appear here ..." This is the astronauts in the spacecraft communicating.

But also in the next moment, the two men passed through Xiao Yi's body.

"I feel like we are ghosts now." Xiao Yi sighed.

"My dear, this is different. There is no way for the ghost to materialize, but we can."

"Okay." Xiao Yi nodded and continued to move forward.

The target is the storage area of ​​the Olafa. The storage area is very large. The Olafa is a child-and-airship. It has 5 anchor space for the main ships, and it can pull the spaceship into the Olafa. Internal storage. "

At this moment, Xiao Yi came to a place called a storage area. The huge corridor was 40,000 meters high, and the diameter of the entire spacecraft reached 200 kilometers.

The huge metal doors around the storage area were all closed. A huge golden coffin was parked at the very center of the storage area. This was arranged by Marshal Oleixiri. At this moment, a group of mechanical workers were surrounded by them. This golden coffin was motionless.

"What's wrong with them?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, that golden coffin has experienced years of erosion, and its coldness has even changed the nature of gold. It is too cold and the energy has been frozen. The current temperature is 15 degrees Kelvin."

"Wow, no wonder." Xiao Yi sighed at the robots that had begun to freeze around the bodies of the robots, and were completely motionless.

"The deity, its cold nature is mainly attached to the golden coffin, I am afraid there will be trouble around."

"Oh?" As Ming Lei's voice dropped, Xiao Yi suddenly looked around in confusion.

As time went by, Xiao Yi also found some problems. The golden coffin seemed to be affected by the cold of unknown years, and a temperature of 293.15 degrees Kelvin suddenly appeared. He couldn't withstand this pressure for a while and suddenly broke Come on.

Then a large amount of cold air was released from the brain, the surrounding air was frozen, and the air immediately became ice crystals and fell on the ground.

An alarm sounded inside the spacecraft.

"My dear, with the technology of this world, I am afraid these are not saved."

Just then Marshal Oransiree came over.

Seeing that it was going to be frozen in the snow, I frowned.

Immediately his third eye opened, but then he looked closely.

However, Xiao Yi moved half of the mischief to overlap with Oran Shirley, because Xiao Yi could see some pictures on his retina.

"My dear, you don't think you->> , the latest chapter of Brainstorm is updated soon!

Is this weird? "Ming Lei reminded.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi smiled at the corner of his mouth, at the same time Xiao Yi found that Oran Shiri also laughed.

Immediately he saw that he chanted a spell, the spell was very long, unlike ordinary magic.

But with the sounding of the spell, there seemed to be a kind of rhythm in the surrounding space, and it was actually full of regular movements. The earth element, fire element, water element, and wind element were all mobilized.

For the magician, many people can only perform magic step by step and rely on fixed spells, but for the magicians who can truly control the magic to the element level, they control the element itself, and through the law of elements that intersect each other, then Can transform the magic of life two and life two.

At this moment, the skill of Olensiri controlling elements is obviously at this level. At this moment, the four major elements of the fire, water, wind and wind are all derived from their respective elements, the earth element is derived from the earth element, and the fire element is derived from the light element. The water element derives the ice element, and the wind element derives the electric element.

At the next moment, the earth element wrapped the golden coffin, but the light element wrapped the earth element again. The earth element dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, but it seemed to be affected by the extreme cold in the gold coffin. From time to time, ice crystals are formed again. It is obviously a contest between water and fire. At the moment, the two have reached a wonderful balance. As time goes by, the earth element is now like gold. "

At this moment, the surrounding ice element quickly formed a shell, wrapping the entire golden wall inside it, and immediately after the wrapping was completed, the ice-coated gold coffin flew into the air. In the surroundings, there is a wind element like a hurricane. During the rotation of the wind element, a giant Razer jumps.

Xiao Yi, watching this happen, had a shocking feeling.

Oransiree, at the moment, was also frowning, because as control increased, he found some problems.

His ability to meet was actually launched. He looked around in confusion, but found nothing.

"Hello, Marshal, what's wrong with you?" Lane Carey asked in confusion.

"I don't know, it always feels weird, but I can't say it." And in this room, Xiao Yi, who was almost coincident with Oransiray, smiled.

"Just a little bit, I didn't think his power could penetrate here." Ming Lei sighed.

That's right, Olan Shirley felt weird because his power was actually excluded by space. But just for a moment.

"Ming Lei, he still seems to be able to feel me." Xiao Yi said extremely surprised.

"Yes, the space barriers we create are too powerful and different from the surrounding space density. It is not surprising that he feels abnormal. After all, we are too close now."

At this moment, the golden coffin was already wrapped in a ball, and it was turning with the speed of the wind element. In the two directions, it was a white plume.

About dozens of minutes passed, and Oransiree sighed at this moment.

"Okay." With the words, the ball gradually fell from the air, and then returned to calmness. A sphere appeared in front of several people, but there was actually a portal above the sphere.

"My deity, he has repaired all the cracks." Xiao Yi felt extremely surprised to hear Ming Lei's words.

But the next moment, the portal opened automatically.

Immediately after that, several humans wrapped in mud appeared in front of Oransiree and others.

"Well, Colonel Reims, I order you to smash that layer of skin." At this, Reims looked at Oranhiri with some doubt.

"Sir Marshal, this is an exquisite work of art. Is it a pity to knock it out?"

"No, it ’s humans. I just used the earth element to maintain the pressure in their bodies, to understand the consciousness of freezing and prevent them from bursting.

"Oh, what am I going to do?"

"Knock open."

Hearing this, Lance never hesitated, and walked towards several statues.

With the punch of Lance's iron fist, Lance slammed, but Lance crouched on the ground.

"Wow, wow, good Teng." Then he carefully walked over and looked at it with his hands.

Then Lance frowned, as he heard the echo of the metal.

"Marshal is this metal?"

"No, just high-density ore."

"Broken it up, you have to use the machine and put these people out so that your men can fight it out.

Hearing this, the next moment, a group of robot soldiers came out carrying these statues.

The spacecraft repair center is also in the storage area, but at this moment is here, but looking for a cutting equipment to cut.

"Lord Marshal, we can't judge his thickness." At the moment Lance was somewhat distressed.

"Stupid, this can't be solved, what is it for you?" Said the atmosphere took a few steps.

A fist banged at a statue.

With a loud noise, a crack appeared in the statue.

"Hello Marshal, you are so strong."

"Enough." He walked towards several statues at a time, each striking a punch.

Immediately after that, several statues shattered, among which blood was left.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"Minglei, we can't let them play like this."

"Our deity, he has different strengths."


"Don't you pay attention to this deity, this writes that humans are from different ethnic groups."

"The three-eye tribe was not injured, and the others were intentionally killed by him." Hearing this, Xiao Yi was stunned.

"Different pre-leasing? Or what?" Xiao Yi is a little weird ~ ~ Okay, take care of these pieces and send them to the special isolation medical cabin. "

"Yes, Your Excellency Marshal."

Immediately Lance got busy.

At this moment, Lance moved the fragmented sculptures directly to the spacecraft's garbage outlet and dumped them out.

In the next moment, some debris actually appeared.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi flew directly, accompanied by a flash of Gaia's golden light.

Those fragments were reunited a lot.

"Minglei, is this really necessary?"

"My dear, these people have been very rescued for a long time and have good research value. This is probably the ancestors of several ethnic groups here." Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.