Brain Storm

Chapter 1202: Back to 4th Star Field

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi looked at the fireball being fluttered by herself, but rushed into the sky at once, but it disappeared after a while.

"The deity, it has been 10 years since the Pangu continent." Xiao Yi was startled when he heard this.

"How come? We've only been there for a while."

"Mayor, we may not feel the flow of time, but these worlds are truly flowing in time." Xiao Yi frowned slightly when he heard this.

After all, the world in his consciousness space has somehow accelerated, which is still a very incredible thing for Xiao Yi.

At the moment, in Qinggu City in the Pangu mainland, under the leadership of Borei, a science and technology center has been established. Under the authority of Borei to control the Pangu mainland, the exchange of Sharadimo and Pangu has been realized .

That's right, all the creatures living in the Pangu continent can basically reach the world of Sharadimo.

At this time, Ramosoa's Leo Simili and Shapra were looking at the third Samsung domain.

"Hey, God, how could a place like this be passed by people unless we become elements of fire."

"It's true that I have already tested the known substances now. SLRs will go in and they will melt immediately."

At this moment, Shapra was looking at Leo Simili very solemnly.

"Simily, I want to know, did you leave nothing behind when you left the third Samsung domain?"

Hearing this, Leo Simili smiled bitterly.

"I left No. 3 Samsung Domain, but at that time, it was not easy."

"Oh? What happened?"

"I can't say it, but I feel like an invisible force driving us away."

"Invisible power?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, that power doesn't feel anything at all, but I can know that I am moving through space, and even I can see a starry sky, but for some reason, I suddenly appeared here."

"Here is the first planet you reached in the third Samsung domain?" Shapra asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, I haven't left since I arrived here, until the emergence of the Galaxy Federation, and it was precisely because of the division of the Galaxy Federation that it became two civilizations."

"And we are naturally excluded. After all, civilizations dominated by godliness like ours, it is also normal to be excluded, otherwise my faith has spread to the entire fourth star domain."

"You told me before that the current Speaker of the Galaxy Federation is Xia Lihong?"

"Yes, speaking, I think you should have contacted me before." Shapra shook his head when he heard this.

"It's been a long time ago, it's been so long, I don't know what happened."

"Don't say that, but I know your ability to meet. It can be said to be the strongest of your three eyes."

"Three-eyed tribe? Oh, that's just a joke, you see the race that can see the future, but was killed by the future."

"Don't you live well?"

"But what about my people? They're all gone now." Said Shapra with a sigh.

"Maybe I shouldn't ask you these questions, maybe it'll make you sad." At that, Shapra shook his head.

"Do you know the real reason for the division of the Galaxy Federation?"

"Civil war, within a civilization, with two forces, war will naturally occur because of the imbalance of power, and the victims of war are often the poor."

"You mean, those mutants?"

"Yeah, they were deeply hurt by nuclear radiation. Without my help, it would be a problem for them to survive."

"Well, don't say that, what do you think of the third Samsung domain?"

"Aren't these all stars? I think we can use technology weapons to blast these planets and open a way, and then we are entering it."

"Hey, you are the **** of magic. You actually use the power of technology."

"Oh, I like it, why not?" Shapra shook his head with a bitter smile when he heard Leo Simili's words.

Then they were holding hands, and then they flew towards the stars.

At this time, Xiao Yi had conducted a comprehensive scan of the Pangu continent.

"The development momentum is good now. In some years, these activations should be able to master life technology."

"Yes, dear, should we make it more difficult for them?" Ming Lei suddenly suggested.

"Oh? Any suggestions?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Give them life limits in this world, which means they will still grow old in the Pangu continent."

"Why don't you grow old now?"

"Of course not, but it's too slow." Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard this.

"I really have you."

"What do you say, dear?"

"Oh, what can I say, it all depends on what you do." After speaking, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

At this moment Lu Xuexin was still standing beside him, but at this moment, she had already taken a magic wand in her hand.

They looked around, as if using some magic.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately followed the past.

"Xue Xin, what are you doing?"

"Sense my spirit."

"Oh?" Xiao Yi waved a wave of golden light and suddenly Xiao Yi added a magic wand.

As the mental power entered the wand, Xiao Yi was stunned the next moment.

"It's a weird feeling." At the moment when Xiao Yi's mental power was injected, Xiao Yi felt that his consciousness had grown a lot in an instant.

"The deity, this magic wand is itself a spiritual power amplifier. As long as the element appears nearby, it can be automatically captured by this magic wand, and then a magical force magnetic field is formed."

"Once you have an idea of ​​the elements in this magnetic field, you can release the elements inside, but the strength of the release depends mainly on how much the releaser compresses the element."

"Although this is an amplifier, it is only an amplifier. It cannot be used without mental energy."

"Oh? No neuron generator in it?" Xiao Yi was a little strange.

"My dear, such machines are very large and cannot be made so small."

"Is it really impossible to be so small?" Xiao Yi emphasized.

"Our deities, of course, if we can, but their technology is still at the material level. Although it has begun to transition to the energy level, it will take a long time."

"Okay." Xiao Yi shook his head, and the next moment, Xiao Yi's magic wand had released his mental power independently.

"Oh, free and easy, whatever you want to make, it feels good," Xiao Yi said with a sigh.

With a wave of lightning, a lightning bolt blasted out.

It was a joy to see Xiao Yi playing, but Lu Xuexin came over.

Take it easily.

"Be careful, this thing is very dangerous."

"Huh, what's the danger, isn't it just a high-voltage electric rod? Lightning through repulsion in a different magnetic field."

"This is really not, it is a high-tech product condensed by Gaia elements, it is no longer human." Xiao Yi said loudly.

"Okay, just such a broken thing, you say so much."

"This is the lightning wand that can be used with lightning at the new year."

"That's true, it seems that the energy level is a bit low."

"Whoever said, as long as Gaia Element's super-energy transmission mode is turned on, it is OK to release as much lightning as possible." Xiao Yi argued.

"But this magic wand, are you going to sell it in major cities?"

"And this magic wand, after leaving the Pangu continent, can you still use it?"

Xiao Yi was asked by this series of questions.

"I haven't really thought about this yet." As he said, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"I didn't expect this wand to be used in a different world."

"So, the design is already very good."

"And they have element storage equipment, which is even more remarkable."

"It's amazing." Xiao Yi looked at the fireball being fluttered by herself, but rushed into the sky at once, but it disappeared after a while.

"The deity, it has been 10 years since the Pangu continent." Xiao Yi was startled when he heard this.

"How come? We've only been there for a while."

"Mayor, we may not feel the flow of time, but these worlds are truly flowing in time." Xiao Yi frowned slightly when he heard this.

After all, the world in his consciousness space has somehow accelerated, which is still a very incredible thing for Xiao Yi.

At the moment, in Qinggu City in the Pangu mainland, under the leadership of Borei, a science and technology center has been established. Under the authority of Borei to control the Pangu mainland, the exchange of Sharadimo and Pangu has been realized .

That's right, all the creatures living in the Pangu continent can basically reach the world of Sharadimo.

At this time, Ramosoa's Leo Simili and Shapra were looking at the third Samsung domain.

"Hey, God, how could a place like this be passed by people unless we become elements of fire."

"It's true that I have already tested the known substances now. SLRs will go in and they will melt immediately."

At this moment, Shapra was looking at Leo Simili very solemnly.

"Simily, I want to know, did you leave nothing behind when you left the third Samsung domain?"

Hearing this, Leo Simili smiled bitterly.

"I left No. 3 Samsung Domain, but at that time, it was not easy."

"Oh? What happened?"

"I can't say it, but I feel like an invisible force driving us away."

"Invisible power?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, that power doesn't feel anything at all, but I can know that I am moving through space, and even I can see a starry sky, but for some reason, I suddenly appeared here."

"Here is the first planet you reached in the third Samsung domain?" Shapra asked a little surprised.

"Yeah, I haven't left since I arrived here, until the emergence of the Galaxy Federation, and it was precisely because of the division of the Galaxy Federation that it became two civilizations."

"And we are naturally excluded. After all, civilizations dominated by godliness like ours, it is also normal to be excluded, otherwise my faith has spread to the entire fourth star domain."

"You told me before that the current Speaker of the Galaxy Federation is Xia Lihong?"

"Yes, speaking, I think you should have contacted me before." Shapra shook his head when he heard this.

"It's been a long time ago, it's been so long, I don't know what happened."

"Don't say that, but I know your ability to meet. It can be said to be the strongest of your three eyes."

"Three-eyed tribe? Oh, that's just a joke, you see the race that can see the future, but was killed by the future."

"Don't you live well?"

"But what about my people? They're all gone now." Said Shapra with a sigh.

"Maybe I shouldn't ask you these questions, maybe it'll make you sad." At that, Shapra shook his head.

"Do you know the real reason for the division of the Galaxy Federation?"

"Civil war, within a civilization, with two forces, war will naturally occur because of the imbalance of power, and the victims of war are often the poor."

"You mean, those mutants?"

"Yeah, they were deeply hurt by nuclear radiation. Without my help, it would be a problem for them to survive."

"Well, don't say that, what do you think of the third Samsung domain?"

"Aren't these all stars? I think we can use technology weapons to blast these planets and open a way, and then we are entering it."

"Hey, you are the **** of magic. You actually use the power of technology."

"Oh, I like it, why not?" Shapra shook his head with a bitter smile when he heard Leo Simili's words.

Then they were holding hands, and then they flew towards the stars.

At this time, Xiao Yi had scanned the Pangu continent ~ ~.

"The development momentum is good now. In some years, these activations should be able to master life technology."

"Yes, dear, should we make it more difficult for them?" Ming Lei suddenly suggested.

"Oh? Any suggestions?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Give them life limits in this world, which means they will still grow old in the Pangu continent."

"Why don't you grow old now?"

"Of course not, but it's too slow." Xiao Yi shook his head when he heard this.

"I really have you."

"What do you say, dear?"

"Oh, what can I say, it all depends on what you do." After speaking, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.