Brain Storm

Chapter 1391: Elemental group

"No hurry, Ming Lei will first detect the situation in this world."

"Yes, deity." With the words, Gaia elements quickly and rapidly differentiated around Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

The feedback from the timeless Minglei resounded in the consciousness space of the two: "My deity, this is a very interesting world."

"Oh? Did you find anything?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion. .

"It may be hard for you to think of this deity. There is only one small town in the world, and there is only one person. And the weirdest thing is that this world has almost the same origin, simple and mellow.

"Does this have any special meaning?" Xiao Yi asked in amazement. .

"According to the detection of Gaia elements, the small town here has just formed, and it looks like a small town. In fact, there is no difference between the density of earth and rocks. Those people and the village basically have the same element frequency. The only difference is Some elements move, while others remain static. "

"Interesting, let's fly over and see."

"Go, anyway, there is only one small town in the world. Where can I go without going?" Lu Xuexin said.

In the next moment, the Gaia elements on the bodies of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin gradually disappeared, but they did not enter the invisible state, but they did not feel any dangerous feelings about entering this world.

With curiosity, the two began to explore the life journey of this world.

Within the town

"Patriarch Jushan, what happened?" A magnificent blond man asked at a moment in doubt.

"Jinshan, two humans have entered our world, don't you think this is strange?"

"Is it just happening? Are they there?"

"You know that my element feedback is very slow, but I still feel them. You don't grow up in the mother star, they just entered our world."

"Then where are they?" Jinshan asked puzzled.

"almost there."

Jinshan nodded when he heard the words from the mountain. "Then I will use my avatar to look at it." As the voice dropped, I saw Jin Shan beckoning in front of him, but two suddenly grew on the ground. Golden silk threads.

Immediately, these gold threads quickly twisted and overlapped. It was not long, but weaved into a little boy, and there was a golden cow beside the child.

The next moment, I saw the little boy riding a cow, but ran out of the town.

When Xiao Yi arrived at the door of the village, Xiao Yi just happened to see the little boy and rushed towards the two with a cow.

Seeing the cows rushed, a Gaia element flooded the village entrance and stopped the little boy's cows.

Before Xiao Yi could speak, the little boy's questioning sounded: "Who are you? How dare you break into our world." The question from the little boy made Xiao Yi a little bit surprised.

Seeing that the cow had stopped, Xiao Yi waved his hand, and the space returned to calm in an instant.

"We are just passing by here, and we are hurrying." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"You lied, people in this world, I have seen them, but I have never seen you."

"Well, we did not say that we are from your world, we are interstellar travelers, just passing by here." Xiao Yi said again.

"You lie, Star Trek can't get into the guardian's elemental space."

"What is the guardian's element space? What are you?" Xiao Yi suddenly asked Gaia to start reading the surrounding space information.

Immediately after the Gaia element fluctuated, the little boy immediately began to answer Xiao Yi's question.

"You don't know the elemental space of the Guardian? That's it, who is this? I am the incarnation of the great **** of gold. I am the golden boy. This is the golden bull.

"You know where we are?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

"This is of course. As soon as you enter the guardian's elemental space, we will feel you. Your breath does not belong to this world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded.

"We really don't come from here. We come from the universe of galaxies."

"The Galaxy of All Realms? Where is this and why have you never heard of it?" Just then a voice interjected.

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yi heard the sound and looked at it, but instantly saw a few big figures appearing on the street of the town.

"The Galaxy of All Realms is our civilization, and it can be regarded as a hub of time and space. It is mainly a center for the exchange of civilized materials with major galaxies."

"Oh, this is a very interesting place, but shouldn't you trade the elements there?" It was Giant Mountain who spoke.

"Elements are not sold, but we also sell energy crystals."

"Then you are definitely different from ours here. We are all transactions between the elements, and they are all equivalent transactions. They are all fair. The mutual transactions between our elements are to protect the world. You should be there. This is not the case. "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused and didn't fully understand it.

"Ming Lei, what are they talking about?" Xiao Yi wrote doubtfully.

"Deity, they are talking about the conversion between elements. When the world is unbalanced, they will transform the earth element into other elements. This is the transaction."

"Well, can this be considered a transaction?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, of course, is a transaction, and it is a rule-level transaction."

"Is it a matter of language?" Xiao Yi was surprised.

"The deity, in short, is the same thing, some stay on the surface, while others stay on the level of the law." After hearing Ming Lei's explanation, Xiao Yi looked at the four people ahead.

"Guy, please come with us. This is not our hospitality. Please come to our house and we will bring our special products here to entertain our guests." The four of them said they had left a way, just one hand Means.

"It's okay, let's go."


As Xiao Yi communicated with Lu Xuexin's silent consciousness, the two and the four of them soon walked towards the town.

Along with entering the town, Xiao Yi found that the soil elements in this town are very strong. Obviously, there is a lot of soil elements in the space, and even the fragrance of earth can be smelled.

The only problem was that it was too quiet, with only a few people's footsteps.

"Did you show this town?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly.

"Well, be it." Patriarch Jushan nodded.

As I walked around, it didn't take long for me to come to a white house, but the whole house was made of stone, but Xiao Yi could see it at a glance.

The facilities in the room are very simple, even some essentials are not available, but there are seats, tables and chairs on the ground, and the area is very small.

"Sit down, everyone." The group of six came to a round stone table with the words.

The stone table is very large. Obviously this is designed for their body shape. Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin looked at the surroundings a little, then they chose a stone seat and sat aside.

With Xiao Yi's gaze looking at Jushan: "You should be the leader here?" Xiao Yi said directly.

"Oh? How do you know?" Ju Shan started a little surprised, then relieved, seemingly thinking something.

But Xiao Yi's voice also rang: "In this town, your strength is the strongest."

"Then what's the matter of your sudden visit to us?" Ju Shan's expression was very serious.

"Don't do this. We are not malicious to you. It is only an accident to enter here. Your space-time projection is reflected in the Galaxy of All Realms, so we will reach you."

"Oh, you mean, the world projected by the violent fluctuations of space the other day?"

"Yes." Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then how did you get to our world?" Ju Shan was a little one.

"The Galaxy of All Realms is a space-time hub. If you want to reach that world, you only need to transfer directly from the space-time hub, that is, as soon as those projections appear, I know where it is, so I will come in."

"But here I am the guardian space of the Elemental, do you know what this means?"

Xiao Yi shook his head.

"This is the world of God. For you, that is the spiritual world. I and five of us have mastered the five main powers of the world and are the guardians of this world. Once the source of this world cannot circulate, we will repair it. it."

"How do you fix it?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"It's very simple. It only needs to send the discordant elements in the world to the existence that needs it, and according to human beings, it is called smooth weather."

"Are you talking about the energy cycle of the world?" Lu Xuexin was curious.

"It can be said that if the energy of a world cannot be recycled, if we do not take action, it will go to the edge of destruction. Because of this, whenever the world is destroyed on a large scale, we will come and bring some bad things. Take away from this world. "

"Take away, where are you going?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"It's very simple. Bring them into the element space. Their future is to enter the element space, which is us, just let them enter in advance."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi thoughtfully: "I did say this to you, but since I came to your civilization this time, I still hope to establish contact with your civilization."

"Contact?" The four were all somewhat surprised.

"Yes, in your civilization, establish a transmission channel so that your civilization can access more technology in the outside world." Xiao Yi said very seriously.

Hearing this, the other person shook his head together.

"Although science and technology can promote the evolution of wisdom, it will also damage the environment. Once the environment fails, we will shoot. We have warned countless times in the past ten years. At the same time, we have died countless times. You can understand the kind of construction Destroyed again? "

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"I don't think you are like this." Xiao Yi was a little speechless.

"My dear, don't listen to them nonsense, their world still has technology, don't forget the things like boxes."

"Doesn't your world also have technology?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"It's exactly what you said, but they are all under our control. Once external civilization intervenes, this will cause disturbances in the cycle of heaven and earth elements, which we don't want to see."

"Okay, then we leave." Said Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin's figures disappeared.

Seeing the figures that Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin dissipated directly, a few of them were a little nervous.

"Jushan, what are they?"

"I don't know, but I don't feel the slightest overflow of elements."

"It's true of me, too. It seems that unrecognized beings have appeared in this world again. Fortunately, they don't seem to be so interested in our world."

"Contact the jaws of the Yupan galaxy, and he must be notified."

"Well, patriarch, I'll take care of this." Jinshan, however, turned directly into dust and disappeared.

"Jushan, this time we are awake, it is also because of them. It is better to summon the peoples and hold a peoples meeting."

"Ah, there are thousands of people there, and now many elemental gods are sleeping, and even some are being destroyed by the micro-life destroying the law of elements."

"How many years have we been asleep in Jinshan?" Jushan asked suddenly.

However, there was no sound coming around.

After seeing this, Jushan smiled: "It really is old."

"Only Jinshan and Fengshen have been active for a long time."

"Patriarch, nothing will happen, at least the core elders will still be."

Hearing this, Ju Shan nodded.

However, at this moment Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin returned to the Galaxy.

"I didn't expect such an exclusive civilization." Xiao Yi said with a frown.

"Deity, they are similar to us, but in different forms."

"I know that the equivalent exchange of elements is to maintain the balance of the world, which is very interesting."

"Deity, they are elemental life."

"Look, where is that big galaxy?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, opening the space-time tunnel is a bit troublesome."

"Oh? What happened?"

"The space tunnel is blocked and cannot be accessed directly."

"Is it done by those guys with elemental illusions?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Maybe, but it's likely that elements like space are conscious."

"Looking up, they are not powerful ~ ~ Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"My dear, we have entered the information reading mode just now, but they can still dominate the rhythm. You should have discovered their anomalies."

"It's true that they don't want us to intervene in their civilization."

"Undermine, if we continue to explore, will it cause any bad results."

"It's hard to say, but it's really not an ordinary world."

"If not, just strip them off." Lu Xuexin said aside.

"But the origin of the universe of galaxies has changed." Xiao Yi said.

"I know, but there are so many universe galaxies, just find a universe to hang them up."

"No matter how much it is, the world continues to explore. It is the same there. If it is a threat, then we must show our means."