Brain Storm

Chapter 1438: How to build a spiritual world

"The deity, of course, is another element, like this."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that a cyan spirit was burning.

"Do you think this kind of spirit is good?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"But after the cyan spirit son burns, it will be golden, and our Gaia element will go further. We can open up small worlds within these spirits, and open up more Gaia space within them.

"The principle is similar, but what we have changed is just the content inside, so that it can carry more."

"We have talked about before, truth and false reality, truth and falsehood, everything in materiality, between existence and truth and false reality."

"The collection of real and false reality has formed our colorful world. To further go, falsehood is a number. Trueness is energy. Of course, energy used to represent falsehood is still energy."

"For example, using falsehood means that there are one hundred trees. The falsetree does not exist at all, it only needs to describe the relevant material information and quantity with a small amount of energy."

"And when one hundred trees are represented by true and false, the true and false will directly describe all the material information of a hundred trees with energy."

"Relatively speaking, true and false is the representation of the physical world, and false and false is the representation of the computing world, so less space, but more information can be stored."

"Corresponding information, only a few projections are needed to achieve a few information, which can represent many, many hypothetical substances."

"It is for this reason that Gaia's false calculation alchemy allows Gaia to record more information than the physical world."

"Besides this, that is, the microcosm of matter, that is, energy, and then the microcosm of energy, there is still energy and matter in it."

"In this way, for one element, we have almost infinite computing power."

"But when this information is called up, don't you still need to use it to carry space?"

"Yes, the deity, but when we use the truth, for example, when the deity creates a projection, there is an upper limit to the information energy that the deity needs to accept."

"In this way, we only need to transfer very little energy, and we can reshape some of the information that the deity needs nearby."

"You need to know that elementary particles, that is, spirits, are everywhere. Spirits are smaller than cells, such as human feelings, but they actually feel different spirits."

Hearing this, both Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin nodded.

"I have done experiments before, using my senses to feel the world around me, and I found that at the beginning, I was not skilled at this ability."

"Every time I use the cells of the whole body to feel the surrounding space, my pores open up as if they are absorbing the surrounding air."

"At this time, I will feel a coolness, but when I don't do it, I don't feel it, I just feel that the energy in my body is working."

"Xue Xin, this matter is not complicated. Open the pores of the whole body to feel the surrounding space. This behavior is caused by internal forces contacting external forces."

"The spirits carried by the air in the outer space are generally colder, so we can see that the spirits can carry temperature."

"This behavior that often opens the pores and contacts the outside spirit can make you resonate with the surrounding spirit, but the temperature must be close."

"That's why so many people have nightmares when they're cold."

"The internal spiritual force in the human body is different from the external spiritual force in the external world."

"What kind of information do you have to carry to your advantage? This has something to do with the construction of the spiritual world."

"Ming Lei, I want to know, after the external spirit is incorporated into the body, can it become my own spiritual?"

"Of course, it is possible, but the transformation is in line with the rules you want to build the world."

"The deity, of course, is another element, like this."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that a cyan spirit was burning.

"Do you think this kind of spirit is good?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"But after the cyan spirit son burns, it will be golden, and our Gaia element will go further. We can open up small worlds within these spirits, and open up more Gaia space within them."

"The principle is similar, but what we have changed is just the content inside, so that it can carry more."

"We have talked about before, truth and false reality, truth and falsehood, everything in materiality, between existence and truth and false reality."

"The collection of real and false reality has formed our colorful world. To further go, falsehood is a number. Trueness is energy. Of course, energy used to represent falsehood is still energy."

"For example, using falsehood means that there are one hundred trees. The falsetree does not exist at all, it only needs to describe the relevant material information and quantity with a small amount of energy."

"And when one hundred trees are represented by true and false, the true and false will directly describe all the material information of a hundred trees with energy."

"Relatively speaking, true and false is the representation of the physical world, and false and false is the representation of the computing world, so less space, but more information can be stored."

"Corresponding information, only a few projections are needed to achieve a few information, which can represent many, many hypothetical substances."

"It is for this reason that Gaia's false calculation alchemy allows Gaia to record more information than the physical world."

"Besides this, that is, the microcosm of matter, that is, energy, and then the microcosm of energy, there is still energy and matter in it."

"In this way, for one element, we have almost infinite computing power."

"But when this information is called up, don't you still need to use it to carry space?"

"Yes, the deity, but when we use the truth, for example, when the deity creates a projection, there is an upper limit to the information energy that the deity needs to accept."

"In this way, we only need to transfer very little energy, and we can reshape some of the information that the deity needs nearby."

"You need to know that elementary particles, that is, spirits, are everywhere. Spirits are smaller than cells, such as human feelings, but they actually feel different spirits."

Hearing this, both Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin nodded.

"I have done experiments before, using my senses to feel the world around me, and I found that at the beginning, I was not skilled at this ability."

"Every time I use the cells of the whole body to feel the surrounding space, my pores open up as if they are absorbing the surrounding air."

"At this time, I will feel a coolness, but when I don't do it, I don't feel it, I just feel that the energy in my body is working."

"Xue Xin, this matter is not complicated. Open the pores of the whole body to feel the surrounding space. This behavior is caused by internal forces contacting external forces."

"The spirits carried by the air in the outer space are generally colder, so we can see that the spirits can carry temperature."

"This behavior that often opens the pores and contacts the outside spirit can make you resonate with the surrounding spirit, but the temperature must be close."

"That's why so many people have nightmares when they're cold."

"The internal spiritual force in the human body is different from the external spiritual force in the external world."

"What kind of information do you have to carry to your advantage? This has something to do with the construction of the spiritual world."

"Ming Lei, I want to know, after the external spirit is incorporated into the body, can it become my own spiritual?"

"Of course, it is possible, but the transformation is in line with the rules you want to build the world."

"The deity, of course, is another element, like this."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that a cyan spirit was burning.

"Do you think this kind of spirit is good?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"But after the cyan spirit son burns, it will be golden, and our Gaia element will go further. We can open up small worlds within these spirits, and open up more Gaia space within them."

"The principle is similar, but what we have changed is just the content inside, so that it can carry more."

"We have talked about before, truth and false reality, truth and falsehood, everything in materiality, between existence and truth and false reality."

"The collection of real and false reality has formed our colorful world. To further go, falsehood is a number. Trueness is energy. Of course, energy used to represent falsehood is still energy."

"For example, using falsehood means that there are one hundred trees. The falsetree does not exist at all, it only needs to describe the relevant material information and quantity with a small amount of energy."

"And when one hundred trees are represented by true and false, the true and false will directly describe all the material information of a hundred trees with energy."

"Relatively speaking, true and false is the representation of the physical world, and false and false is the representation of the computing world, so less space, but more information can be stored."

"Corresponding information, only a few projections are needed to achieve a few information, which can represent many, many hypothetical substances."

"It is for this reason that Gaia's false calculation alchemy allows Gaia to record more information than the physical world."

"Besides this, that is, the microcosm of matter, that is, energy, and then the microcosm of energy, there is still energy and matter in it."

"In this way, for one element, we have almost infinite computing power."

"But when this information is called up, don't you still need to use it to carry space?"

"Yes, the deity, but when we use the truth, for example, when the deity creates a projection, there is an upper limit to the information energy that the deity needs to accept."

"In this way, we only need to transfer very little energy, and we can reshape some of the information that the deity needs nearby."

"You need to know that elementary particles, that is, spirits, are everywhere. Spirits are smaller than cells, such as human feelings, but they actually feel different spirits."

Hearing this, both Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin nodded.

"I have done experiments before, using my senses to feel the world around me, and I found that at the beginning, I was not skilled at this ability."

"Every time I use the cells of the whole body to feel the surrounding space, my pores open up as if they are absorbing the surrounding air."

"At this time, I will feel a coolness, but when I don't do it, I don't feel it, I just feel that the energy in my body is working."

"Xue Xin, this matter is not complicated. Open the pores of the whole body to feel the surrounding space. This behavior is caused by internal forces contacting external forces."

"The spirits carried by the air in the outer space are generally colder, so we can see that the spirits can carry temperature."

"This behavior that often opens the pores and contacts the outside spirit can make you resonate with the surrounding spirit, but the temperature must be close."

"That's why so many people have nightmares when they're cold."

"The internal spiritual force in the human body is different from the external spiritual force in the external world."

"What kind of information do you have to carry to your advantage? This has something to do with the construction of the spiritual world."

"Ming Lei, I want to know, after the external spiritual child is incorporated into the body, can it become my own spiritual child?" You want to build the rules of the world. "

"The deity, of course, is another element, like this."

At the next moment, Xiao Yi discovered that a cyan spirit was burning.

"Do you think this kind of spirit is good?" Xiao Yi shook his head.

"But after the cyan spirit son burns, it will be golden, and our Gaia element will go further. We can open up small worlds within these spirits, and open up more Gaia space within them."

"The principle is similar, but what we have changed is just the content inside, so that it can carry more."

"We have talked about before, truth and false reality, truth and falsehood, everything in materiality, between existence and truth and false reality."

"The collection of real and false reality has formed our colorful world. To further go, falsehood is a number. Trueness is energy. Of course, energy used to represent falsehood is still energy."

"For example, using falsehood means that there are one hundred trees. The falsetree does not exist at all, it only needs to describe the relevant material information and quantity with a small amount of energy."

"And when one hundred trees are represented by true and false, the true and false will directly describe all the material information of a hundred trees with energy."

"Relatively speaking, true and false is the representation of the physical world, and false and false is the representation of the computing world, so less space, but more information can be stored."

"Corresponding information, only a few projections are needed to achieve a few information, which can represent many, many hypothetical substances."

"It is for this reason that Gaia's false calculation alchemy allows Gaia to record more information than the physical world."

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