Brain Storm

Chapter 1458: Interstellar predator

Seeing this, Xiao Yi did not let Gaia elements catch up.

Instead, he carefully observed the surrounding scene projected by Gaia.

At this moment is surrounded by a piece of golden ghost eyes, it is a small ghost eyes, but these ghost eyes are actually swallowing each other.

"Minglei, finish it like this, does it belong to us?"

Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"It is true. Such a moving galaxy may be our choice."

"What do you say?"

"The deity, a moving galaxy, should be able to use the power of heaven and earth. Although Gaia can control the power of heaven and earth, the use of this power has not increased leverage."

"What is Gaia's leverage?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, it's simple, a proton accelerator, a machine that uses magnetic fields to continuously accelerate."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

"Does this acceleration help?"

"The deed, the simplest function is to accelerate the operation of magnetic field energy."

"When energy can overflow the orbit, it means that the energy has been emitted, such as the purple light released by the ghost eyes we saw before."

"So what is this ghost eye?"

"The deity, this ghost eye, can be said to be a ghost eye galaxy. It is a kind of early galaxy. When people create mobile fortresses, few civilizations have thought about creating mobile galaxies. Among them, the link to increase energy preparation can be devoured. The energy of other galaxies misses themselves, causing them to constantly expand and then continue to grow. "

"The ghost-eye galaxy had a thousand light years in diameter before then!" Xiao Yi sighed.

"Compared to the Milky Way?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi froze immediately.

"Yeah, it's really a lot smaller."

"Yes, it is indeed much smaller, but its energy density can reach the level of the Milky Way, a 1000 light-year star, constantly showing its power."

"It's scary enough," Xiao Yi nodded.

"That's exactly why the Narb civilization was destroyed."

"By the way, what races did we see just now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"You can call it the eye tribe. Its head is a huge eye. Although it has a mouth, it is mainly for the purpose of achieving air resonance for sonic communication and maintaining intelligence. The head's water is retained by the head."

"It's a wonder all over the world." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, but this race is predatory in its use of energy. It can be said that the Stars will not welcome them."

"You mean, we must destroy them when we see them?"

"Yes, deity, if it is not destroyed, its energy reserves will be more and more. If they arrive at the Star World, they will use the World Channel to enter the world where the peoples live."

"What do you say will happen?"

"And their main action is to devour, devour everything! Although they don't have the habit of swallowing memory, it is mainly because their energy is too little, and swallowing too much memory will make their ghost eyes out of control."

"It's really terrible." Lu Xuexin said a little later.

"However, we now have this method in our deity, and we can deal with each other in the same way."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then what shall we do next?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Our deity, we can make a universe of galaxies with ghost eyes."

"When this moving galaxy is moving, it is a small universe moving. When it is close to other galaxies, it can directly confront the black hole and white hole. Through strong gravity, the white hole collapses and the black hole collapses directly."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi did not let Gaia elements catch up.

Instead, he carefully observed the surrounding scene projected by Gaia.

At this moment is surrounded by a piece of golden ghost eyes, it is a small ghost eyes, but these ghost eyes are actually swallowing each other.

"Minglei, finish it like this, does it belong to us?"

Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"It is true. Such a moving galaxy may be our choice."

"What do you say?"

"The deity, a moving galaxy, should be able to use the power of heaven and earth. Although Gaia can control the power of heaven and earth, the use of this power has not increased leverage."

"What is Gaia's leverage?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, it's simple, a proton accelerator, a machine that uses magnetic fields to continuously accelerate."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

"Does this acceleration help?"

"The deed, the simplest function is to accelerate the operation of magnetic field energy."

"When energy can overflow the orbit, it means that the energy has been emitted, such as the purple light released by the ghost eyes we saw before."

"So what is this ghost eye?"

"The deity, this ghost eye, can be said to be a ghost eye galaxy. It is a kind of early galaxy. When people create mobile fortresses, few civilizations have thought about creating mobile galaxies. Among them, the link to increase energy preparation can be devoured. The energy of other galaxies misses themselves, causing them to constantly expand and then continue to grow. "

"The ghost-eye galaxy had a thousand light years in diameter before then!" Xiao Yi sighed.

"Compared to the Milky Way?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi froze immediately.

"Yeah, it's really a lot smaller."

"Yes, it is indeed much smaller, but its energy density can reach the level of the Milky Way, a 1000 light-year star, constantly showing its power."

"It's scary enough," Xiao Yi nodded.

"That's exactly why the Narb civilization was destroyed."

"By the way, what races did we see just now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"You can call it the eye tribe. Its head is a huge eye. Although it has a mouth, it is mainly for the purpose of achieving air resonance for sonic communication and maintaining intelligence. The head's water is retained by the head."

"It's a wonder all over the world." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, but this race is predatory in its use of energy. It can be said that the Stars will not welcome them."

"You mean, we must destroy them when we see them?"

"Yes, deity, if it is not destroyed, its energy reserves will be more and more. If they arrive at the Star World, they will use the World Channel to enter the world where the peoples live."

"What do you say will happen?"

"And their main action is to devour, devour everything! Although they don't have the habit of swallowing memory, it is mainly because their energy is too little, and swallowing too much memory will make their ghost eyes out of control."

"It's really terrible." Lu Xuexin said a little later.

"However, we now have this method in our deity, and we can deal with each other in the same way."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then what shall we do next?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Our deity, we can make a universe of galaxies with ghost eyes."

"When this moving galaxy is moving, it is a small universe moving. When it is close to other galaxies, it can directly confront the black hole and white hole. Through strong gravity, the white hole collapses and the black hole collapses directly."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi did not let Gaia elements catch up.

Instead, he carefully observed the surrounding scene projected by Gaia.

At this moment is surrounded by a piece of golden ghost eyes, it is a small ghost eyes, but these ghost eyes are actually swallowing each other.

"Minglei, finish it like this, does it belong to us?"

Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"It is true. Such a moving galaxy may be our choice."

"What do you say?"

"The deity, a moving galaxy, should be able to use the power of heaven and earth. Although Gaia can control the power of heaven and earth, the use of this power has not increased leverage."

"What is Gaia's leverage?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, it's simple, a proton accelerator, a machine that uses magnetic fields to continuously accelerate."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

"Does this acceleration help?"

"The deed, the simplest function is to accelerate the operation of magnetic field energy."

"When energy can overflow the orbit, it means that the energy has been emitted, such as the purple light released by the ghost eyes we saw before."

"So what is this ghost eye?"

"The deity, this ghost eye, can be said to be a ghost eye galaxy. It is a kind of early galaxy. When people create mobile fortresses, few civilizations have thought about creating mobile galaxies. Among them, the link to increase energy preparation can be devoured. The energy of other galaxies misses themselves, causing them to constantly expand and then continue to grow. "

"The ghost-eye galaxy had a thousand light years in diameter before then!" Xiao Yi sighed.

"Compared to the Milky Way?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi froze immediately.

"Yeah, it's really a lot smaller."

"Yes, it is indeed much smaller, but its energy density can reach the level of the Milky Way, a 1000 light-year star, constantly showing its power."

"It's scary enough," Xiao Yi nodded.

"That's exactly why the Narb civilization was destroyed."

"By the way, what races did we see just now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"You can call it the eye tribe. Its head is a huge eye. Although it has a mouth, it is mainly for the purpose of achieving air resonance for sonic communication and maintaining intelligence. The head's water is retained by the head."

"It's a wonder all over the world." Xiao Yi sighed.

"Yes, but this race is predatory in its use of energy. It can be said that the Stars will not welcome them."

"You mean, we must destroy them when we see them?"

"Yes, deity, if it is not destroyed, its energy reserves will be more and more. If they arrive at the Star World, they will use the World Channel to enter the world where the peoples live."

"What do you say will happen?"

"And their main action is to devour, devour everything! Although they don't have the habit of swallowing memory, it is mainly because their energy is too little, and swallowing too much memory will make their ghost eyes out of control."

"It's really terrible." Lu Xuexin said a little later.

"However, we now have this method in our deity, and we can deal with each other in the same way."

Xiao Yi nodded.

"Then what shall we do next?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"Our deity, we can make a universe of galaxies with ghost eyes."

"When this moving galaxy is moving, it is a small universe moving. When it is close to other galaxies, it can directly confront the black hole and white hole. Through strong gravity, the white hole collapses and the black hole collapses directly."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi did not let Gaia elements catch up.

Instead, he carefully observed the surrounding scene projected by Gaia.

At this moment is surrounded by a piece of golden ghost eyes, it is a small ghost eyes, but these ghost eyes are actually swallowing each other.

"Minglei, finish it like this, does it belong to us?"

Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"It is true. Such a moving galaxy may be our choice."

"What do you say?"

"The deity, a moving galaxy, should be able to use the power of heaven and earth. Although Gaia can control the power of heaven and earth, the use of this power has not increased leverage."

"What is Gaia's leverage?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, it's simple, a proton accelerator, a machine that uses magnetic fields to continuously accelerate."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of something.

"Does this acceleration help?"

"The deed, the simplest function is to accelerate the operation of magnetic field energy."

"When energy can overflow the orbit, it means that the energy has been emitted, such as the purple light released by the ghost eyes we saw before."

"So what is this ghost eye?"

"The deity, this ghost eye, can be said to be a ghost eye galaxy. It is a kind of early galaxy. When people create mobile fortresses, few civilizations have thought about creating mobile galaxies. Among them, the link to increase energy preparation can be devoured. The energy of other galaxies misses themselves, causing them to constantly expand and then continue to grow. "

"The ghost-eye galaxy had a thousand light years in diameter before then!" Xiao Yi sighed. UU Reading Books

"Compared to the Milky Way?" Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi froze immediately.

"Yeah, it's really a lot smaller."

"Yes, it is indeed much smaller, but its energy density can reach the level of the Milky Way, a 1000 light-year star, constantly showing its power."

"It's scary enough," Xiao Yi nodded.

"That's exactly why the Narb civilization was destroyed."

"By the way, what races did we see just now?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"You can call it the eye tribe. Its head is a huge eye. Although it has a mouth, it is mainly for the purpose of achieving air resonance and sonic communication.

Remember the first domain name in this book:. Jiutian God Emperor mobile version reading URL: