Brain Storm

Chapter 1467: Indigenous Biology: High Energy Life

"It seems that it can only be controlled with a magnetic field, otherwise it is not good to reduce the spiritual power of this world. At that time, I am afraid that I will become a sinner of eternity." Said Zilag, however, quickly pulled a lever of the operating platform.

Instantly, the external array antenna quickly adjusted its angle, and then saw several antennas rise again.

Obviously, this is to strengthen the density of electromagnetic waves, so that the power of this control system can be increased again, and soon a white area appears in the sky.

However, according to Xiao Yi's observation at that moment, it was not a cloud at all, but a huge piece of floating ice floating in the air. The entire piece of floating ice, like a huge mirror, suddenly saw a light ray from the air hitting the ground. The ice and snow melted in an instant, but a huge pit with a distance of 1,000 meters was formed between them. The power of this ice mirror cannot be underestimated. With the rapid evaporation of water vapor, the ice mirror in the sky is expanding at a strange speed. With.

Obviously, this method of manipulating the nature by manipulating the weather is not so simple, at least it can be used as a super weapon.

And such a power is actually in the hands of an old man with a low profile, which makes everything incredible, which is obviously terrible.

"I'm afraid that weapons can definitely gasify human beings." Lu Xuexin said seriously.

"Yes, such a device, this Minghui will get the planet to deploy for the first time, I really don't know what they are afraid of." Xiao Yi said with some doubt.

With the rapid completion of the metal storm, it is clear that more meritorious scientists can no longer sit still, and began to enter the world with their own experimental teams in batches.

"Mr. Speaker, I think the backup team should also enter that world immediately."

"No hurry, Saraang, we can still maintain real-time communication, and the energy source of this planet that we use in this channel will not shut down until it is destroyed, which will take at least hundreds of thousands of years. "

"Okay, Mr. Speaker, I'm anxious."

With the entry of more scientific research teams, the big screen of the speaker's room at the moment had a different signal.

For a powerful Ming, any scientific research results of them are directly contributed to their own Ming, and it does not need any cost, which makes their Ming grow to this day.

Because of this, almost all people can watch this live broadcast.

At this moment a holographic map production team has entered the Samros star, and has begun to release the first accurate map of Samros.

Since it is called a holographic map, it is a full three-dimensional, placed in the virtual world, almost the same as the real world, and at this moment someone is watching all this in such a virtual world.

Although the speaker came to the scene, the speaker may not see as many pictures as ordinary citizens.

With the advent of holographic maps, everyone in the lobby, and even the external Samros humans, pressed a pendant-like thing on the chest, but this was a holographic information terminal, and a holographic screen was projected the next moment.

And at this moment, the Sanlos people of this world are using this technology to look at the scene of the Sanrose star.

With the rapid refreshment of one pass, the number of explorations in the north was 2,938 times, the number of explorations in the south was 3,885 times, the number of explorations was 3,323, and the number of explorations in the west was 3,432,200.

This is the number of visitors to this holographic map.

However, it didn't take long for the residents of the Sunross star of the virtual information terminal to start posting messages one by one.

Various balloons fly in the sky.

From time to time, people with terminals floating in front of them can use their fingers to open balloons, and then each message appears on the screen in front of them.

In the virtual world, there is actually a mirror image of the capital of Samros. The combination of reality and illusion makes the whole city full of intelligence.

In reality, if you go there, you will also be synchronized there in the virtual world, and the main brain records all your whereabouts. There is no objection to the Sanlos people at all, because these information are all passed to their clones.

When they die, their clones will continue to live on their behalf.

But at this moment, the major information of the Samos virtual city is released endlessly.

The data in the lobby where the speaker is located.

However, after a while, some people seem to have discovered the New World.

Along with a series of blue alarms.

The speaker is also looking at the information of the holographic information terminal at this moment.

"What happened?" The speaker frowned in confusion.

"Mr. Speaker, the virtual community should have been discovered, unknown creature!"

With a series of voice positioning information, it was sent to the terminal in front of the speaker.

Seeing a creature like a crystal wolf appeared, in front of the speaker.

The screen of the crystal wolf is moving.

"These images are simulated. What are their powers? I have not come to see them."

"Megel, we must know the fighting power of these beasts. We must know that the crystal beasts have powerful bodies. It is difficult for ordinary energy weapons to harm them. They can only be attacked through physical attacks, but their bodies are extremely flexible."

"Speaker, this is the coordinates where these crystal wolves were found. The valley under the outer ice layer 500 kilometers west of the metal storm should be a wolf tribe."

"It seems that the legendary crystal wolf is right. Send a robot squad to experience it. If their combat power is not captured, I remember a long time ago. Before Sanrosming was established, my memory, There seems to be a creature like Crystal Wolf. "The speaker frowned.

"Mr. Speaker, you have forgotten, but I have ordered the main brain to search. Some of the crystal wolf genes are still present in Samros National Laboratory. Sorry. "

"Send the Robot Combat Team first to see it."

"It's Mr. Speaker." Then Meigel turned sharply.

But at this moment Xiao Yi also saw this creature, just looking at the crystal wolf.

"Extraordinary creatures are actually made of memory metals. The most important thing is that they rely on the principle of crystallization. This makes it easy for them to repair their bodies. As long as the original core is not bad, they can almost survive forever.

"Minglei, I don't see how they seem to be slow."

"My dear, that's not dull, but there is nothing to do. Standing there can replenish energy. They are not like ordinary life. They stand tired when standing."


"Look at this dear!" As the voice saw some machines flew down the canyon side.

Along with a series of gunshots, a huge wolf howling suddenly sounded.

However, this howling shook the entire canyon. With the sound of rumbling snow and ice collapsing, the entire canyon was quickly buried.

The crystal wolf disappeared into the ice and snow.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"They are not afraid of the cold?"

"My deity, this is a memory metal life, and it was born in this extremely cold environment. For cold, it is equivalent to immunity, and even they can control the power of cold."

"It can also be said that their instincts are only effective for those living in temperate zones like ours, and have little effect on the native life of this world."

At this moment, the live broadcast situation is that the speaker tightened his fist.

"Mr. Speaker, the sneak attack failed. Their voices are sharp, and sound waves can shatter ice and snow."

"I saw it. Noise squads were sent to support you without catching them alive."

"Yes, Mr. Speaker." The next moment Meigel turned and left again.

Immediately, a few special robots with huge antennas suddenly flew into the air, and followed the combat robot in one direction and chased past.

After a while, I found the new foothold of Jinglang. However, when the huge wave was about to make a sound, suddenly a special wave filled the void, so that all the sound waves could not be transmitted.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were somewhat surprised.

"Honour, this is a sound wave blocking technology, which uses low-frequency sound waves to pierce through Asian suppression by counteracting its high-frequency sound."

"But the canyon did not collapse this time." Lu Xuexin said with some doubt.

"Yes, but this is mainly because it is too fast, so there is no reflection at all."

Crystal Wolf found that he could not make a sound, and those robot hands of Sky Farmer shot a huge grid from time to time in an attempt to catch Crystal Wolf, and saw that Crystal Wolf got into the snow and disappeared again.

After chasing and escaping in this way, they quickly reached the end of the canyon, but there was a hole in them, and those crystal wolves drilled in.

On the next amount, the opening was suddenly closed.

The speaker widened his eyes when he saw this scene.

"What's going on with Meigel. Is there any other intelligent creature in this world besides Crystal Wolf?"

"Mr. Speaker, the abnormal magnetic field in this area cannot be detected at all."

"I know, investigate as soon as possible, and let the new capital builders build a defense system."

Then the speaker sighed. Obviously, if a new planet has indigenous life, it is a very troublesome thing, especially for this high-energy planet. If it encounters indigenous life, it may face more trouble.

At this moment, Xiao Yi is controlling Gaia's entry into the cave.

As Gaia elements entered the cave, Xiao Yi's eyes appeared in an instant, countless blue eyes.

Obviously this is one place, the crystal wolf's lair, there are more than 500 in total.

"It seems that it can only be controlled with a magnetic field, otherwise it is not good to reduce the spiritual power of this world. At that time, I am afraid that I will become a sinner of eternity." Said Zilag, however, quickly pulled a lever of the operating platform.

Instantly, the external array antenna quickly adjusted its angle, and then saw several antennas rise again.

Obviously, this is to strengthen the density of electromagnetic waves, so that the power of this control system can be increased again, and soon a white area appears in the sky.

However, according to Xiao Yi's observation at that moment, it was not a cloud at all, but a huge piece of floating ice floating in the air. The entire piece of floating ice, like a huge mirror, suddenly saw a light ray from the air hitting the ground. The ice and snow melted in an instant, but a huge pit with a distance of 1,000 meters was formed between them. The power of this ice mirror cannot be underestimated. With the rapid evaporation of water vapor, the ice mirror in the sky is expanding at a strange speed. With.

Obviously, this method of manipulating the nature by manipulating the weather is not so simple, at least it can be used as a super weapon.

And such a power is actually in the hands of an old man with a low profile, which makes everything incredible, which is obviously terrible.

"I'm afraid that weapons can definitely gasify human beings." Lu Xuexin said seriously.

"Yes, such a device, this Minghui will get the planet to deploy for the first time, I really don't know what they are afraid of." Xiao Yi said with some doubt.

With the rapid completion of the metal storm, it is clear that more meritorious scientists are already unable to sit still, and began to enter the world with their own experimental team in batches ~ ~ Mr. Speaker, I think the backup team Should also enter that world immediately. "

"No hurry, Saraang, we can still maintain real-time communication, and the energy source of this planet that we use in this channel will not shut down until it is destroyed, which will take at least hundreds of thousands of years. "

"Okay, Mr. Speaker, I'm anxious."

With the entry of more scientific research teams, the big screen of the speaker's room at the moment had a different signal.

For a powerful Ming, any scientific research results of them are directly contributed to their own Ming, and it does not need any cost, which makes their Ming grow to this day.

Because of this, almost all people can watch this live broadcast.

At this moment a holographic map production team has entered the Samros star, and has begun to release the first accurate map of Samros.

Since it is called a holographic map, it is a full three-dimensional, placed in the virtual world, almost the same as the real world, and at this moment someone is watching all this in such a virtual world.

Although the speaker came to the scene, the speaker may not see as many pictures as ordinary citizens.

With the advent of holographic maps, everyone in the lobby, and even the external Samros humans, pressed a pendant-like thing on the chest, but this was a holographic information terminal, and a holographic screen was projected the next moment.

And at this moment, the Sanlos people of this world are using this technology to look at the scene of the Sanrose star.

With the rapid renewal of a passing figure, the exploration in the north was 2,938 times, and the exploration in the south was 3,988 times.

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