Brain Storm

Chapter 1550: Rebirth and Rebirth

"But this process is relatively important for photons. Fortuitousness is particularly important."

"During the impact of the electrons, the electrons will be broken, and then photons will be formed."

"But in the process of electrons and photons, after they decay, they will become dark matter, which means that the original source of photons and electrons will run out of energy before dark matter will be formed."

"Compared with the energy running in the universe, it has no energy, and it can also make itself huge by supplementing electrons."

"Often the electrons that are adsorbed are accompanied by other elements. The electrons of this element are transferred to the core of dark matter, but this substance has no electrons. It also becomes a state that requires energy. The outer layer always needs electrons. As it grows, it gets harder and harder, and it becomes metallized. It's like a cycle. Dark matter gets bigger and bigger, eventually forming a black hole. "

"This is really incredible." Xiao Yi sighed.

"From weak to strong, for a life and a planet, a black hole is the same, but some things are relatively difficult to observe."

"To make an analogy, for example, a shooting star breaks into the atmosphere of a planet, and the atmosphere becomes the digestive system of the planet. It will cause these objects to burn quickly, and then the entire meteor will be digested by the planet. "

"In fact, this is similar to the human digestive system, except that this action appears to be even higher. After all, it is a macroscopic existence. Weak human beings are generally surprised when they see the magnificent system."

Gravitational field is actually more common in the universe. For example, the gravity of some planets, in fact, it has the characteristics of black holes. It can be said that a planet is a world wrapped in the inner box. "

"To make the black holes in the subspace work, it needs huge energy support."

"Relatively speaking, to make it fly out of order, if you don't want to pay too much energy, you must have a planned star track. This star track is like a fairway and is most suitable for shuttle."

"I know this, it's like a cargo ship on an artificial river."

"Yes, satellites revolve around the main star. This is a state of energy circulation. Where the planet drifts, there will be obvious traces in the subspace. Even where there is movement, it will be left in the subspace. trace."

"It's just how powerful this inertia is."

"Then what constitutes this power?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, naturally, is the source of gravity. The macro drives the micro, the micro drives the micro, and the cycle goes down layer by layer."

"The out-of-order flight of a spacecraft relies on strong energy to achieve positioning and obstacle removal. Similarly, the planet can also achieve out-of-order flight and break through the constraints of the rules of the universe through its original power."

"But in the long years, we can do so, but it is also a completely self-centered way."

"Minglei, can we not make such a star trail? Then let the planet move in a star trail."

"My dear, I don't recommend that, after all, this is too dangerous for a civilization."

"Anyway there is no one, you can try it first." Xiao Yi said.

"It is not necessary to keep a planet's orbit in a circle. It can take hexagons, zigzags, etc."

"It can be, but what does it mean, is it a spaceship or a planet?"

"What's more, who will provide energy for such an orbit?"

"Know that circular orbits consume the least energy, and the planet itself will become part of the host star."

"Well, I listen to you, I think more." Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi a little embarrassed.


The reason why such a planet is used is mainly that there are too many space depressions here.

"You must fill in these distortions."

"Where is the twist, what is going on?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, in simple terms, is affected by the gamma-ray burst. Some spaces have been broken down to the subspace level. A large amount of energy matter is stored in the subspace, which is actually dark matter.

"The dark matter has a strong gravitational force. It was precisely because of this dark matter that this starry sky was quiet."

"All that must be done now is to bring these dark matter together and form a circle so that it can perfectly cycle here."

"This is also known as star orbit. It is a black hole in subspace. It has a certain auxiliary effect on the orbit of the planet."


"You mean, seeing this scene, Xiao Yi looked at the stars floating in the starry sky around with some confusion.

"Minglei, why do you create so many planets?"

"My dear, since we are going to be a satellite,

"But this process is relatively important for photons. Fortuitousness is particularly important."

"During the impact of the electrons, the electrons will be broken, and then photons will be formed."

"But in the process of electrons and photons, after they decay, they will become dark matter, which means that the original source of photons and electrons will run out of energy before dark matter will be formed."

"Compared with the energy running in the universe, it has no energy, and it can also make itself huge by supplementing electrons."

"Often the electrons that are adsorbed are accompanied by other elements. The electrons of this element are transferred to the core of dark matter, but this substance has no electrons. It also becomes a state that requires energy. The outer layer always needs electrons. As it grows, it gets harder and harder, and it becomes metallized. It's like a cycle. Dark matter gets bigger and bigger, eventually forming a black hole. "

"This is really incredible." Xiao Yi sighed.

"From weak to strong, for a life and a planet, a black hole is the same, but some things are relatively difficult to observe."

"To make an analogy, for example, a shooting star breaks into the atmosphere of a planet, and the atmosphere becomes the digestive system of the planet. It will cause these objects to burn quickly, and then the entire meteor will be digested by the planet. "

"In fact, this is similar to the human digestive system, except that this action appears to be even higher. After all, it is a macroscopic existence. Weak human beings are generally surprised when they see the magnificent system."

Gravitational field is actually more common in the universe. For example, the gravity of some planets, in fact, it has the characteristics of black holes. It can be said that a planet is a world wrapped in the inner box. "

"To make the black holes in the subspace work, it needs huge energy support."

"Relatively speaking, to make it fly out of order, if you don't want to pay too much energy, you must have a planned star track. This star track is like a fairway and is most suitable for shuttle."

"I know this, it's like a cargo ship on an artificial river."

"Yes, satellites revolve around the main star. This is a state of energy circulation. Where the planet drifts, there will be obvious traces in the subspace. Even where there is movement, it will be left in the subspace. trace."

"It's just how powerful this inertia is."

"Then what constitutes this power?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, naturally, is the source of gravity. The macro drives the micro, the micro drives the micro, and the cycle goes down layer by layer."

"The out-of-order flight of a spacecraft relies on strong energy to achieve positioning and obstacle removal. Similarly, the planet can also achieve out-of-order flight and break through the constraints of the rules of the universe through its original power."

"But in the long years, we can do so, but it is also a completely self-centered way."

"Minglei, can we not make such a star trail? Then let the planet move in a star trail."

"My dear, I don't recommend that, after all, this is too dangerous for a civilization."

"Anyway there is no one, you can try it first." Xiao Yi said.

"It is not necessary to keep a planet's orbit in a circle. It can take hexagons, zigzags, etc."

"It can be, but what does it mean, is it a spaceship or a planet?"

"What's more, who will provide energy for such an orbit?"

"Know that circular orbits consume the least energy, and the planet itself will become part of the host star."

"Well, I listen to you, I think more." Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi a little embarrassed.


The reason why such a planet is used is mainly that there are too many space depressions here.

"You must fill in these distortions."

"Where is the twist, what is going on?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, in simple terms, is affected by the gamma-ray burst. Some spaces have been broken down to the subspace level. A large amount of energy matter is stored in the subspace, which is actually dark matter.

"The dark matter has a strong gravitational force. It was precisely because of this dark matter that this starry sky was quiet."

"All that must be done now is to bring these dark matter together and form a circle so that it can perfectly cycle here."

"This is also known as star orbit. It is a black hole in subspace. It has a certain auxiliary effect on the orbit of the planet."


"You mean, seeing this scene, Xiao Yi looked at the stars floating in the starry sky around with some confusion.

"Minglei, why do you create so many planets?"

"My dear, since we are going to be a satellite,

"But this process is relatively important for photons. Fortuitousness is particularly important."

"During the impact of the electrons, the electrons will be broken, and then photons will be formed."

"But in the process of electrons and photons, after they decay, they will become dark matter, which means that the original source of photons and electrons will run out of energy before dark matter will be formed."

"Compared with the energy running in the universe, it has no energy, and it can also make itself huge by supplementing electrons."

"Often the electrons that are adsorbed are accompanied by other elements. The electrons of this element are transferred to the core of dark matter, but this substance has no electrons. It also becomes a state that requires energy. The outer layer always needs electrons. As it grows, it gets harder and harder, and it becomes metallized. It's like a cycle. Dark matter gets bigger and bigger, eventually forming a black hole. "

"This is really incredible." Xiao Yi sighed.

"From weak to strong, for a life and a planet, a black hole is the same, but some things are relatively difficult to observe."

"To make an analogy, for example, a shooting star breaks into the atmosphere of a planet, and the atmosphere becomes the digestive system of the planet. It will cause these objects to burn quickly, and then the entire meteor will be digested by the planet. "

"In fact, this is similar to the human digestive system, except that this action appears to be even higher. After all, it is a macroscopic existence. Weak human beings are generally surprised when they see the magnificent system."

Gravitational field is actually more common in the universe. For example, the gravity of some planets, in fact, it has the characteristics of black holes. It can be said that a planet is a world wrapped in the inner box. "

"In order for black holes in subspace to function, huge energy support is needed ~ ~ Relatively speaking, if they want to achieve disorderly flight, if you don't want to pay too much energy, you must plan The star track, like a fairway, is most suitable for shuttle.

"I know this, it's like a cargo ship on an artificial river."

"Yes, satellites revolve around the main star. This is a state of energy circulation. Where the planet drifts, there will be obvious traces in the subspace. Even where there is movement, it will be left in the subspace. trace."

"It's just how powerful this inertia is."

"Then what constitutes this power?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, naturally, is the source of gravity. The macro drives the micro, the micro drives the micro, and the cycle goes down layer by layer."

"The out-of-order flight of a spacecraft relies on strong energy to achieve positioning and obstacle removal. Similarly, the planet can also achieve out-of-order flight and break through the constraints of the rules of the universe through its original power."

"But in the long years, we can do so, but it is also a completely self-centered way."

"Minglei, can we not make such a star trail? Then let the planet move in a star trail."

"My dear, I don't recommend that, after all, this is too dangerous for a civilization."

"Anyway there is no one, you can try it first." Xiao Yi said.

"It is not necessary to keep a planet's orbit in a circle. It can take hexagons, zigzags, etc."

"It can be, but what does it mean, is it a spaceship or a planet?"

"What's more, who will provide energy for such an orbit?"

"Know that circular orbits consume the least energy, and the planet itself will become part of the host star."