Brain Storm

Chapter 170: Rebellious Dragon

However, at the next moment, this class of mini-element dragons suddenly flashed and disappeared in place. ???? hunting ????????

"Xue Xin, where did it go?"

"It's over there." He pointed and pointed, the direction of the corner over there.

"Let's go and see."

"En" 6 Xuexin nodded, and then the two walked towards the corner. As soon as I got there, I heard a voice, muttering to myself, and seemed to keep the voice down.

"Ah ... **** it! What is this, **** it! My undead body is not your food, get out of me!" Suddenly hearing this voice made Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin somewhat confused, for sure Not a member of the squad, the voice is too weird, or it does not look like a living person at all, and the undead body in his words has clearly explained some problems.

"Is that the undead wizard?" 6 Xuexin gave Xiao Yi a voice in confusion.

"Look at it!" The two turned around and said, and a pale-skinned man appeared there. He was wearing a black robe, but it was worn-out, apparently severely damaged. I don't know how long this guy wore. At this moment, the man was struggling on the ground, and it seemed that something had entered his body.

Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin immediately thought of Desar.

"Desar!" Xiao Yi shouted suddenly!

Suddenly I saw two people in front of me. This man actually stood up and turned around and ran, completely ignoring that there was another elemental creature in his body.

Just when Xiao Yi was chasing, she was stopped by 6 Xuexin. "Wait a minute, his body is weird, or he is not a real human." Xiao Yi was a little confused. Suddenly he saw a contraction in the back of the man, and his skin actually showed a small hole. Suddenly, in these small holes, numerous green light spots were emitted.

Xiao Yi instinctively entered the state of lightning time, and then the world slowed down. Although there were a lot of stars, Xiao Yi immediately controlled his lightning one by one to offset it.

The next moment I saw a flash of white light, the green ball of light released by this weird all disappeared.

The man saw a bad situation and ran faster.

Xiao Yixian's quality is simply a pervert and a good exaggeration, which cannot be described by humans at all.

"Xue Xin will use your mental strength to float to him."

The weird man running wildly left his feet on the ground the next moment.

Xiao Yi caught up with them immediately.

"Who the **** are you? Are you Desar?"

"The name of the adult is also something you can mention! You are blasphemy! When the adult wakes up, it will be your death! Scream screaming."

"The energy in his body is very violent, not good! He wants to explode!" The next moment he "banged" and the whole weird exploded.

Xiao Yi left with 6 Xuexin instantly.

"This guy is really terrifying, he can blow himself up."

"No, look at the ground, those green fluorescence, they are moving."

"Is this a green mold? How could they move? Is he running away?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

At this moment Xiao Yi is somewhat confused.

"The Elemental Dragon has grown a lot!"

Just in the air, a large group of black dragons floated there, and now they were chasing after these green molds.

"What's going on, is this elemental dragon evolving?"

"It seems to be eating these green fluorescents."

"It's growing fast."

"Be careful, that weird wasn't there just now." But the next moment, this elemental dragon suddenly flashed and disappeared in place. "

"Xue Xin, where did it go?"

"There seems to be something very incredible, come with me, let's go and see." The two men rushed towards the corner, and a black figure suddenly appeared around several people.

But at this moment a person fell to the ground and kept screaming miserably.

"Abominable, what is it, you can come out to me!" Suddenly hearing this voice made Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin a little confused, because this person was not a member of the team, and the team of Han Sen did not enter the underground space.

Appearing beside Xiao Yi was a withered old man, but his face was very cruel, which easily made Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin think of the undead wizard Desar.

Xiao Yi asked, "Who are you? Why are you here?"

"I want you to control!" The next moment a green glow appeared in the man's hand, attacking Xiao Yi.

"Xiao Yi saw this hand with a wave of thunder and lightning, and the next moment the green fluorescence disappeared out of thin air."

The man had poor knowledge and soon stood up and ran in one direction.

"He's going to run! Xuexin uses your mental power to control him."

As soon as he turned and didn't take a few steps, the man's feet suddenly left the ground.

"Who the **** are you? Are you Desar?"

"You can also mention the name of an adult! You are blasphemy! When the adult wakes up, it is your last day."

The weird scene was born the next moment, the body of this black robe man suddenly burst open and "banged", the green light was going in all directions.

And Xiao Yi took 6 Xuexin's body just for a flash, and he had already left the corner.

"It's weird, this guy blew himself up!" The next moment the two returned to this corner.

"The impact is not as great as expected."

"No, look at the ground, those green fluorescence, they are moving."

"Is he going to be resurrected?"

"Can he still regroup himself?"

"The internal structure of this thing is actually similar to that of green plum, but it seems to have been connected by a silk thread. It is really strange."

"Huh? What's that?" At the moment, Xiao Yi had a black spot scattered with blue light in the air ~ ~.

"It's the elemental dragon. What is it doing? Why has it grown so much?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"What's that in front of Xiaolong." Xiao Yi suddenly showed what Xiaolong's mouth was biting.

"Is it the brain nucleus? How round?"

Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Wow wow, you little monster, let your uncle hurry up, don't bite!"

"Woohoo, it hurts." Just as his painful voice came out.

There is indeed an illusory form that will appear and disappear once.

"That bead seems to be the place where this person's soul lives." 6 Xuexin said with some doubt.

(To be continued.)