Brain Storm

Chapter 1795: Daily rules

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"Actually, even if human beings control themselves, it is very remarkable if they can obtain this kind of forced execution ability."

"Is there such an enforceability in the human body?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Instinct, there are naturally, it is actually human instinct."

"So the premise for instinct to be powerful is to be intelligent."

"Whether intelligence is powerful or not depends on the dimension and the dimension ladder."

"Ming Lei, this dimension ladder should refer to the process of energy transfer?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, to be precise, is the process of collecting energy and releasing energy, and these two processes, in fact, one changes from more to less and one from less to more."

"Then Minglei, should this process be considered an intelligence?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, for humans, the intelligence in the human body is a compound multi-step structure."

"It is precisely because of this that mankind can control Jingqi Yuanshen, these five energies."

"So how do humans use this law ladder?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"A deity, such as a spirit, can synthesize a god, and a **** can become a spirit."

"This is how God communicates when God is dissipated, which is how people communicate with the sixth-dimensional world."

"Yuan Sanyi will form God again, and God's convergence will form Yuan."

"But Thunder, although Yuan is material, it seems that we humans want a more appreciable contact, it seems still far away."

"Yes deity, these are dominated by the internal power of the human body, and are not directly related to the human limbs and five senses."

"But it has something to do with the sixth sense." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity."

"Isn't this a ladder of laws? If such a ladder becomes very powerful, wouldn't it have many incredible abilities?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity. Generally, humans use spirit to communicate with nothingness, which is basically the state of primal spirit."

"Then there was the concept of Yuanshen building intelligent machines."

"Using our primordial spirit to maintain direct contact with one dimension or even zero dimension, and then directly obtain energy from heaven and earth."

"But Minglei, can't humans also absorb two-dimensional light and electricity?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, but light and electricity at frequencies relative to the human spirit are actually not at the same frequency as the outside world."

"If you want to use these external energies, this requires the Yuanshen to form a transformational intelligence, which can complete the energy absorption."

"The two-dimensional world of heaven and earth, the light and electricity that jumped out is essentially fused with the element, and more directly touches the target, which is the human cell."

"Once the cells obtain these energies or substances, if they have the time to transform, the human body will use it, or if it is too late to turn the flower, it may be abolished, and then activate the body's protection mechanism metabolism."

"Then Thunder, how does the human body use light?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, the light that the human body can absorb, is the separation released by the Yuan, and this separation is what we call God."

"Gods and gods are also different in nature. Gods based on the human body have their own frequencies, and as long as the human gods have mastered the conversion frequency, they may be promoted to gods of other frequencies."

"And this conversion mechanism is actually completed by Yuan, but there must be a channel of divine power within Yuan."

"That is, its channel can run the transition of separation, and then realize the two processes of aggregation and dissipation of separation."

"Then the law ladder is formed, and the energy level is continuously improved until it can affect the material changes of the three-dimensional world."

"For humans, the rule limit is not a single rule limit. There are six rule intervals within which human beings can survive. Once one rule interval is missing, the cells in the corresponding interval of the human body will also be damaged."

"This phenomenon is like the air entering the blood vessels of the human body. When the air circulates to the heart, the heart beats, but it is difficult to guide the air to form a general circulation."

"Ming Lei, is there a direct connection between the six law intervals between you and me and the dimensions?" Xiao Yi said.

"The deity, the six intervals, essentially refers to the six original ways of the six-dimensional space."

"But based on different frequencies, there are essentially countless sources."

"Ning Lei said so, in essence, human beings must gradually master these rule intervals, then the human body will change in essence?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Yes deity, like ordinary people can actually pay attention to very few energy intervals."

"For example, the spirit of spirit that is often said by humans actually only focuses on three energy intervals."

"The interval between them is not reflected in it at all."

"What does this mean?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"The deity, three unconnected intervals, naturally cannot generate the law ladder."

"Based on instinct, naturally its intelligence is hidden."

"If you realize it, you will understand it. If you don't realize it, you will not understand it. The key to neglect in the middle is that it has become an obstacle to the ladder of understanding.

"This will cause the energy system in the human body to gradually become chaotic and eventually unbalanced, which in turn will lead to the collapse of the intelligent system of the human body."

"It's like the hardware of some electronic devices in the human world. If there is no good software, then the hardware is definitely very inefficient."

"If the software in it is excellent, it will inevitably cause the hardware to play its maximum form."

"Compared to humans, human hardware itself must be more advanced, and even have the ability to self-upgrade and self-replicate."

"It's just that, in relative terms, humans who can't master the ladder of laws, while using these powers, gradually degenerate humans and eventually walk into death."

"Why is this so? Is there no good solution?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, of course, has a solution. It is like the spirit that human beings have long said. In fact, the operation of the spirit is the result of the interaction between spirit and spirit."

"However, in the process of using the brain, humans often do not know how to adjust their own spirits, or what the real spiritual formula is, which leads to the human body easily entering into a lethargic state once the spirit is overdrawn."

"Spirit also has a formula?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Yes deity, this is not surprising, Jing Qi Shen, in fact, predecessors warned mankind to obtain these three important energies of Jing Qi God."

"The image essence is obtained from the five grains, and the image energy is obtained from the heavens and the earth. What about the gods is naturally reflected by the spirit essence."

"This shows that God represents intelligence in the human body, and essence and qi represent instinct."

"Essence and qi combine to form a god, which shows that the human body is constantly synthesizing intelligence."

"And when intelligence is generated, it can also control all the human body's abilities, including the six senses of hands and feet.

"But Minglei, how does this essence and qi synthesize to God?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Essence essence is relatively molecular structure, and relative to Qi, Qi is essentially based on the state between molecules and atoms, and this state is a law of disintegration."

"This is the rule of law between the three essences."

"Once the energy starts this process and continues to be produced, it will also produce the law limit phenomenon, which will cause the yuan to jump away, and this separation is also God."

"Like human breathing, the breathing air mainly extracts oxygen, and the synthesis of God is hydrogen from the essence, oxygen in the gas, and then promotes the formation of combustion in the body."

"The interior of the human body is very large. In addition to having light, it also has electricity. This also leads to the fact that ionization reactions in the human body are actually very common in many cases, but this process generally occurs inside the cell."

"When humans move on a large scale, this reflection will be very obvious."

"For example, humans need a lot of oxygen during exercise. This oxygen actually participates in the reflection of the cells, and then is born into the yuan, and then the yuan is transformed into the separation, and then the gods needed by the human body are generated."

"Then Thunder, why do humans supplement God after sleeping?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, this is achieved by ourselves and the energy rules of heaven and earth."

"When the person is not moving, the energy level of the human body is at a low level, and the energy level of heaven and earth is at a high position. The energy of the high level jumps into the human body, and the energy of the human body is supplemented."

"Some strange materials between heaven and earth can also pray for similar effects."

"It is because of these energy that can be stored and guided, it has also been developed various magic tools."

"When it encounters high energy, its energy will be activated, and then its energy will jump out."

"If there is more energy around, it will also cause energy resonance, such as lightning."

"Even some rookie monks, using clever ways to get Neng Ling, will also attract thunder, which is actually the case."

"The position of the human body must be transformed at all times, otherwise there will be too much energy and the human body may not be able to bear it."

"Strange material, what do you mean?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, such as dimension crystal and soul metal, can basically store energy and store information."

"And the key to this is the law ladder, especially the law ladder that fits with people."

"Like humans working on high-voltage wires, in fact this is to find the law ladder, cause resonance, and then be regarded as a part of energy."

"Then it is a kind of lowering the impact. There is no law step load bearing law buffer, then welcome the high impact of the law."

"Wasn't the rule of law that builds humanity become a top priority?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, and the law ladder that can be adjusted at any time, this is the most important."

"The energy of heaven and earth is always harmonious, sometimes not harmonious, sometimes it has huge harm to human body."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi seemed to want to understand something.

"Minglei, so to speak, humans should adjust the energy range, should it start with food? Air? Consciousness, these three sources?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, and then promote the energy in the human body, from large to small, from small to large, and then form a circular system."

"The other thing is to stop, stop, move and move, which is very critical, because the world and people need to maintain, this requires constantly adjusting their own physical state, so that their frequency can resonate with the world and can disconnect with Heaven and earth resonate, this is very important."

"The human body is the human body after all. If it resonates with energy of too high a frequency, the human body may not be able to bear it, and then it will cause the body organs to fail.

"But when a person adapts to a certain frequency range, he can briefly drive this energy range and then accomplish something for himself."

"After all, this short-lived energy is high, and it has a strong transition ability for the low."

"And relatively speaking, what the high-level energy actually does is the impact on the limits of the low-level laws."

"Minglei, didn't this human have mastered supernatural power?" Xiao Yi said.

"The deity, the understanding of the concept of supernatural can't actually be understood only from the macroscopic From the microscopic perspective, human breathing is also supernatural, because it is virtual energy, breathing and It is not just a transition, it is also a process of intelligent cohesion."

"When this process is completed, in fact, the human body already has a spirit."

"This actually shows that the efficiency of the human body's birth spirit is still very efficient."

"In this way, isn't it the most life that can cause changes in nature? It's just relatively small." Xiao Yi said.

"Instinct air itself is also a kind of energy element, and its operation process is to move between instinct and intelligence."

"The source is intelligence, and intelligence generates instinct."

"The intake of human breath is actually the natural instinct after the human has played a low position, jump into the human body, and then get the required gas in it, and then jump out of the instinct based on the intelligent source, and then this process It is integrated into nature."

"In this way, the gas between the two has completed an exchange."

"But relatively speaking, this kind of power is often not particularly valued for human desires."

"For a long time, the breathing mode will inevitably have deviations, which will lead to the loss of breathing frequency and insufficient energy supplementation. When the intelligence and instinct of the air are ignored, it may also face the attack of high air, which may lead to the damage of the low space and then decrease. Breathing quality."

"Compared to the human lungs, it plays the high space at the time of exhalation and the low space at the time of intake."

"But in essence, it is a legal limit that can switch frequencies."

"Once this rule is bounded, in the process of obtaining or transitioning energy, once abnormal high-frequency energy appears, it may have an impact on the rule bound itself."