Brain Storm

Chapter 1804: 1 life is not enough

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"Non-human life?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, but there is one thing, but it is very interesting. The high life touches the low life, and you must also follow the law ladder."

"When you touch humans, you will also be transformed into humans, so humans see non-human life, but after contact with them."

"Is the law ladder?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes, or from another perspective, that is, heaven and earth are spirits, and people are also spirits, but relatively speaking, some can span multiple dimensions."

"Dark Thunder, the ladder of this dimension, once it jumps to the corresponding dimension, doesn't it mean that it can be transformed into life of the corresponding dimension?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Yes deity, but in order to form the corresponding latitude life, in fact, we must also follow the laws of the corresponding dimensions."

"Don't look at us talking about four dimensions, but to form a living body, at least three dimensions are needed, and then a body of other dimensions can be controlled by the incarnation of the body."

"And this process, in fact, there are experiences, the process of one life two, two life three, three life all things, it is a gradual process."

"So, this process should be very cumbersome." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, great perseverance and great wisdom are all here."

"How to use rules cleverly to automatically evolve this process is exactly what humans need to do."

"That Thunder, then I can understand, high life, in fact, it is very easy to do this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"In fact, it is true. For humans, their transitional intelligence is actually closely related to themselves."

"And the intelligence within it will also have corresponding dimensional evolution information."

"And this information, for energy, has certain constraints. Once it has been jumping in accordance with certain transition rules, it will gradually evolve a human-based world."

"Finally, at this time, the real high-level life can choose human beings in such a human world to explore a new world, and the advent is completed."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both felt incredible.

"Life in a world will be dominated by a high-level life." Xiao Yi was surprised.

"Yes instinct, based on rules, instinct jumps into intelligence, and if intelligence grows into a world."

"In fact, this intelligence is still an extension of the higher world ontology."

"This means that the high-level world deity, as long as the high-level rule, can directly control these intelligent life."

"Will there be any special requirements for the choice of advent?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity is naturally determined by the tendency of high life."

"Is there any difference in life based on its six-dimensional attributes?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, the intelligence it forms, is not only human, but even everything in the human world, everything needed for human life will evolve."

"And in this process, some of the power of life is weakened in the process of harmony between heaven, earth and man."

"The arrival of high-level life is generally to choose some relatively powerful life."

"Ning Minglei, I'm a little curious. If a world enters the end of the Fa era, does it mean that the high-level world has malfunctioned?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, entering the era of the last law, is the manifestation of the materialization of the four-dimensional world energy."

"That is to say, the four-dimensional world has begun to coincide with the three-dimensional world."

"That should be a different historical stage?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, at different stages, the world's energy will circulate in different laws."

"Like life in a world, they all begin to circumvent the six dimensions, and when they return to their origins, they are actually within the limits of a law, and there is less and less space for operation.

"Minglei, you say that, I feel that the high-level life is the zero dimension, and the energy of its transition in this new world has opened up its roots, one life two, two life three, three life all things, and finally These three things are still going to return to their origins." Speaking of which, Xiao Yi shook his head suddenly.

"My deity, your assumption gives a chilling feeling, but it is indeed very close to reality."

"But from this perspective, the spirits in this world actually come from the high world."

"But the management of the world should be the original life, and should not be called a race."

"But Thunder, from this perspective, what is the meaning of humanity?"

"The deity, from the perspective of energy operation, the original source is actually very large, it is a process from large to small."

"So there are several ways of understanding. The first is that a world has entered the physical limit, that is, it has triggered the law of the limit of the law, and then jumped into a new space, and then formed a new world."

Immediately in front of Xiao Yi, a circle was projected, and there were four planets on the circle.

And energy circulates between these four planets.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"My deity, this is the model of the law that I observed from the universe. Many galaxies cycle, their energy and energy are mutual. Although the conversion of matter and energy is very slow, it is actually going on."

"Then Thunder, how does it maintain balance?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, there is so much energy supply, and naturally there will be a balance."

"Energy transfer is one, it is impossible to transfer two."

"But Thunder, these energies, introduced into these four worlds, in theory they will evolve from one to two, from two to three."

"Yes deity, but in fact this is a step law, from high to low, and then from low to high."

Immediately, I saw the picture turn, but it was a picture that gradually increased from one point to one direction.

"This is Minglei?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, this is how its energy circulates."

With the voice, the picture accelerated quickly. When there was not too much, in the process of Xiao Yi's stunned eyes, the infinitely expanding space actually formed a law limit, and then squeezed each other, and then started again. The new rule limits.

"Minglei, does this process represent a transition from a three-dimensional world to a four-dimensional world?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes, if the three-dimensional world is broken, it will form a four-dimensional world, but in essence this is a process of returning three-dimensional to two-dimensional world, but relatively speaking, in this process, a lot of energy life was born. , Maybe it should not be called life, but it can be called intelligence, intelligence interwoven by instinct."

"Minglei, this should be a universe, it looks like it is still expanding." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, this expansion is endless, as long as the energy has kinetic energy."

"Minglei, according to this logic, that intelligence should have been generated when the energy began to generate laws and limits." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, as long as instinct gathers, in fact, intelligence has begun to form."

"For the origin of a universe, it is very stable, otherwise it will not be able to maintain its operation."

"But Thunder Thunder, there must always be a point of origin. Look at the four worlds you just projected, but it is a complete cycle."

"Is their energy to each other, can they really keep running?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, the macro world is certainly not possible, but it is possible in the micro world."

"Then Minglei, what do you mean by this?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"Lord, look here."

With the voice, I saw the four secondary images are connected together, but Xiao Yi is a little surprised, because this is clearly four huge galaxies, from large to small, and then from small to large, and then back and forth.

"These forces are essentially from the micro, not the macro."

"How do you understand this?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Based on the high-level energy, there will be a transition, and then the low-level transition will gather into a high-level, and this high-level can be used as the source to continue the transition."

"This has become a cyclical process, micro-aggregation, macro-dissipation."

"Will this microscopic power not disappear?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"It will disappear, but at the same time it disappears, new macroscopic things must have been formed."

"Minglei, how could there be a void area during this period?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, what we see is the macro world, and the invisible nature is also the micro world."

"Like the void space outside our universe." Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"Yes deity."

"Isn't this model built from the perspective of law and limit?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"Yes, but not the same. We have optimized it so that it will show such a shape."

"According to this model, doesn't it mean that from one to six dimensions, in fact, a cycle cannot be completed." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, to be precise, the next time will be a new parallel world."

"Only life that can stay in the original world will not repeat this process."

"What is the meaning of that?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, the life that can stay, that intelligence obviously already has its own universe, so it can not be bound by time."

"That kind of existence is essentially opening up a new dimension."

"In other words, you can pull out a source and radiate energy outward."

"What's the point of such radiation?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, the level of intelligence is high, the clearer it is to explore the micro world in essence."

"So what kind of life is a few-dimensional life?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, of course, is six-dimensional, and it can exist from the perspective of the universe."

"The strongest manifestation of Six Dimension is to reverse time and space and turn Six Dimension into one."

"Dark Thunder, that always exists in one dimension, would that have any special meaning?"

"The deity, for a life, its path of law will not be disrupted."

"To know the process of energy gathering is actually the collision of energy."

"Once collided, it will also lead to the fusion of energy, and this process actually takes advantage of countless memory fragments for information."

"My deity, you have seen a black hole engulfing the planet, the actual effect is similar to this."

"So, can't a black hole directly consume three dimensions?" Xiao Yi frowned.

"The deity, the three-dimensional world is for human beings, and for a world, in theory, countless dimensions overlap."

"This also leads to the fact that there are multiple dimensions of things in a universe at the same time."

"Like black holes are essentially six-dimensional channels, seven-dimensional channels, and even eight-dimensional channels."

"How come there are three?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity has its own circulation method for a planet. For a galaxy, it still has its own circulation method. For a large galaxy, it has its own circulation method."

"For eight-dimensional, the world that the deity knows is just one-dimensional Is that planet also one-dimensional energy?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"The deity, our Gaia universe, uses the universe as one-dimensional energy."

"Then, in this perspective, the parallel world should exist independently of the world we are in, right?" Xiao Yi said.

"The deity, once a life is free from the constraints of the universe, it has essentially taken the road of impact on the parallel world."

"Its energy transition in this world will cause the same frequency energy in another world to enter a high position."

"When the path of a law of life is synchronized in all parallel worlds, this is equivalent to the formation of a path of laws."

"Ming Lei, what is the significance of such a path of law?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"Once, this rule of law once formed, then the law of the world will have little effect on it."

"Speaking of it is a transcendent existence."

"And its existence can continuously improve the energy of its own path of law, and then gradually strengthen itself."

"So if you want to form such a path of law through four dimensions, will it be very long?" Xiao Yi asked with some doubt.

"The deity, forming such a path, is not completed in the lifetime of human beings. It requires countless world resonances of the same frequency to form. That is to say, it takes a long time."

"Minglei, compared to cosmic life, will it be simpler?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, naturally, will know that the universe itself is embodied from the perspective of law."

"Once you master a universe, it directly affects other parallel worlds on the timeline."

"If the impact is serious, everything in this world will be rewritten."