Brain Storm

Chapter 1834: Coat of Law

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"For the resonance of matter or energy, it is a reflection of interaction within a specific frequency range. As long as the output of energy or matter continues, this response will continue."

"This also leads to different energy element intervals and different results."

"When a matter resonates, it will appear in several states, such as separation, collision, and friction, and then energy is born to generate light, ionize, and transition."

"The ionization transition is the cause of resonance. It can also be said that the ionization transition is the basic force of resonance."

"Different matter and energy have different frequency cycles, which leads to different resonance results, like sound resonance, which is the resonance result of air."

"In addition to these, there is the resonance between stars and planets, and the transfer of photons is actually the result of resonance."

"That is to say, the field of things like the astrolabe is actually an energy resonance field, and the birth of this field has brought the law of gravity to mankind."

"And people also have the ability to resonate, because people can hear sounds, see images, feel tastes, and touch. This is actually a reflection of resonance at the same frequency or even resonance at different frequencies."

"It can be said that the reason why a universe exists, this law of resonance plays the greatest role."

"Resonance is an inevitable process of interaction between matter and energy. When there is a transition, there is resonance. When there is fusion, there is also resonance. It is just that different frequencies have different results in different intervals, which is related to mass density."

"For example, the transmission of light, which can illuminate the surrounding space, is itself a kind of resonance radiation."

"The energy provided by this kind of radiation will be absorbed by different elements, but the same energy corresponds to different elements, and the effect it can achieve is obviously different."

"But once the light is transmitted, it will actually activate the transition ability of these elements, and then produce the transition light of the corresponding elements."

"It's just that for humans, the ions of many elements belong to invisible light, and the light that can be seen is all elements with very large radiation, which is a threat to humans."

"For example, fire and electricity, which are often used by humans, are good for humans, but they are still very cautious in their application. Relatively speaking, when humans use them for a long time, they also generate an instinct. , Knowing how to protect oneself, this is actually a kind of law ladder, indirectly using the law ladder to control the corresponding energy."

"But it is very difficult for humans to protect themselves in order to be exposed to or not aware of the element ion energy."

"There are so many elements between heaven and earth, once it gets the energy of the corresponding frequency, it will also have ion energy jump out."

"And some elements that have unique frequencies and can exist for a long time, the ion radiation from their transitions can be maintained for a long time, and their penetrating ability is also very strong. If the human body does not have the corresponding law ladder Protect, the human body is easily injured."

"Minglei, then I am a little curious, can't human beings use this energy for their own use?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Nature is there, but in relative terms, life in this high-radiation space can already cause humans to mutate, and then allow humans to adapt to another energy range."

"The change of the energy range is destructive. After it adapts, it will not adapt to the ordinary space. This is very contradictory."

"And a ubiquitous space is of great significance to humans."

"The conflict between space and space. Once the high-level energy reaches the low-level space, its radioactivity will increase and then radiate to the surroundings. This is actually a resonance effect."

"But when a life form with high-level energy survives in ordinary space, when it loses radiation to a certain level, it represents death."

"It's like three-dimensional life becomes four-dimensional life, only very few lives can return from four-dimensional to three-dimensional, in fact, this also requires the cooperation of heaven, earth and human.

"Minglei, the elementalization we used before, is it three-dimensional to four-dimensional?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, this is still different. The elementalization of the deity has indeed moved from three dimensions to four dimensions, but more often remains in three dimensions."

"Oh? Why do you see it?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, those who enter the 4th dimension can shuttle at the speed of energy."

"For the deity, it is elementalization rather than energeticization."

"But at first we just added a coat of energy to our appearance?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, but this energy spill is actually a ladder of law."

"Ordinary people can use it to touch things like high-voltage electricity."

"The deity's abilities can form lightning acceleration at the micro level, which is the result of the variable speed of the law ladder."

"Then Minglei, does that mean quantum entrapment, or electromagnetic entrapment, which can create a high-speed motion field between man and space?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the magnetic levitation uses this kind of ability, but it is relatively basic. It further uses space resonance to achieve anti-gravity flight and shuttle between spaces. This is actually the law of resonance. A gift from mankind."

"Then Minglei, if humans wear a coat of law, they can actually act like photoelectricity?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity, the material of this law coat, is actually constructed by different law ladders, from high to low, multiple steps are connected, and the core is the life ladder where human beings are, and it is maintained. That is to say, for this law coat to work, another key factor is needed, and that is the thought energy conversion system, which allows human consciousness to exist as intelligence in different law ladders."

"And once the coat of law is constructed, one of its biggest functions is actually instant eternity."

"Like many worlds that exist in an instant, if you want to pass through these worlds, you need to reach a certain speed. Because the speed is slow, these worlds have been destroyed."

"If a life suddenly enters it, it will naturally be affected."

"Minglei, then my lightning element is actually the coat of law, right?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity, that is to say, driving thunder and lightning is only its subsidiary energy output skill."

"But the deity has also discovered that the deity's law coat, in fact, the thought energy transformation system, needs the deity to understand."

"Moreover, if this law coat does not have Gaia's blessing, it will actually be very unstable in operation and cannot operate for a long time."

"Interesting, I can't think of analyzing a resonance law, there will be so many interesting things in it." Xiao Yi said with a sigh.

"The deity, the law of resonance is undoubtedly the source of life for life, and it provides basic needs for mankind."

"This has also led to a result. What we humans call the harmony of heaven, earth and human beings, in fact, is whether the intelligent frequency born after the interweaving of multiple energies can resonate with humans."

"This is very important for the energy balance in the human body.

"Humans store energy. This state is called fusion, and humans release energy. This state is called transition."

"Inter-frequency energy, there is another state called assimilation."

"Human beings are actually very many."

"High-frequency energy will transition to low-frequency energy. Is it the attraction of low-frequency or high-frequency transition? This is actually inaccurate. This is the resonance of frequencies. There is a corresponding space between them to allow mutual quality to exist. But on the surface, there is the inevitability of the two laws of transition and attraction."

"Resonance allows both matter and energy to be transferred, some are blending, some are discrete, which is actually very complicated."

"But once the resonance frequency is locked to make it have a specific effect in a specific energy space, it can also form an intelligence."

"And this intelligence can also jump to a specified frequency of energy, just like human cells, even including the human digestive system, but its resonance material is human dimensional acid and material friction resonance, when the two process the material into corresponding After the frequency of matter or energy, it can be used by human cells."

"In this way, human beings are actually highly dependent on the law of resonance." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity, not only the human world and everything are highly dependent on resonance, the resonance frequency in the human body can keep a human being in a balanced state."

"Minglei, can the human heart also be understood as a kind of resonance?"

"Yes, the heartbeat and pulse are actually resonance. Once the frequency is too high or too low, it means that something is wrong."

"Minglei, how can this frequency be high or low?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The reduction of the resonance frequency is definitely a manifestation of the corresponding reduction in the pressure of the original energy, that is, the corresponding substance or energy cannot get light, and then the resonance frequency cannot be generated."

"It may also be that there is too much matter and energy, which in turn leads to a small amount of light. During the resonance process, its energy is annihilated."

"You must know that resonance is actually a kind of energy transition performance, and once this transition performance is interfered by unexpected factors, it will naturally form energy resonance deflection."

"And this kind of deflection, once it appears in the origin of human beings, it will inevitably cause an imbalance of energy."

"Over time, it may cause secondary damage, a large amount of energy is accumulated, and then the energy channel is blocked."

"Minglei, if something like this happens, how to save it?"

"Energy detection can be performed on the human body, and then the blockage can be located, and the corresponding energy can be used to achieve resonance interference in the designated area."

"Once the interference is successful, either matter or energy will produce a transition. To make it reach the micro-level transition standard, it is necessary to use a resonant screen to prevent energy transitions. Only the energy that meets the specific requirements can make it transition."

"Following these points, you can dredge the energy in the human body, but for humans, the human body is extremely fragile. Once blocked, it may cause energy to flow out. Such damage actually still requires energy. Guide healing."

"For human beings, once you master the energy sieve technology, you can actually use energy to maintain the immortality of life and soul."

"If we go further, we can even transform human beings into photon life, which is to use the outer garment of law to directly connect the soul and build a unique energy storage and supply system.

"Interesting." Xiao Yi sighed.

"The deity, the core of this, the most meaningful to human beings, is actually that energy can make matter move."

"Like the earth on which humans live, it is a gravitational space itself, and such a space can actually guide the material or energy in the human body through a 360-degree space bed, and even use high energy to neutralize low energy, and then It activates the inert energy and promotes the directional transition between matter and energy."

"Minglei, according to this logic, UU reading can actually solve a lot of problems with resonance," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the 360-degree space bed, once resonance is achieved, can easily change the structure of the human body and even affect the balance of energy supply of the human body."

"This is also the reason why ordinary people are prone to vomiting and dizziness when performing a 360-degree rotation, because it breaks the balance of the human body."

"If it breaks, it will be restored, and conflicts between energies will inevitably occur."

"The 360-degree space bed is a set of precise positioning and striking system. Its function is mainly used to adjust the internal structure and metabolism of the human body, and then to achieve the balance and stability of the human energy circulation system."

"In fact, some fitness behaviors like humans can be used as application data for 360-degree space beds."

"Energy resonance can be said to be the source, and guidance is the direct manifestation of intelligence and instinct."

"And this also leads to a result, specific space, specific interval movement, will form specific intelligence and instinct."

"In the space bed, if the corresponding data is provided and the corresponding energy supplement is provided, the development of specific intelligence and instinct can be realized."

"This is actually the use of external intelligence and instinct to interfere with the human body."

"Any matter and energy can be added to the human body's cycle during a specific adjustment process. This can also be understood as an evolutionary machine."

"In that case, one of its most important functions is to adjust the energy ladder of the human body."

"Yes, as long as the law ladder in the human body is normal, the human body is naturally healthy."

"If the human body's legal ladder extends further, it will naturally be able to survive in more space."

"Minglei, then is this just the process of constructing the coat of law?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.