Brain Storm

Chapter 1860: Yuan Shen and Ling Shen

Bookstore building, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the brain storm!

Without waiting for Xiao Yi’s instructions, in the next moment, on this planet only tens of kilometers in size, a large number of pavilions and pavilions were quickly built, and energy walks interspersed in it, and the energy seemed to be affected. Traction is generally gathered together.

Soon each area, under the guidance of these walks, became a sea of ​​spiritual energy.

It was in a pool in the center that began to condense the spiritual fluid.

Just after this scene happened, a somewhat illusory walkway was connected to the center of the pool, and the surroundings were almost surrounded by spiritual power.

"What a beautiful place," Lu Xuexin said with a sigh.

"No hurry, it's not over yet." As I said it, I saw the light in the sky, but it suddenly began to condense. When it was not too much, it condensed into a small sun that emits light.

And in space, meteorites farther away, as if attracted by something, quickly approached the asteroid.

The next moment, at the boundary of the outer law of this asteroid, a thick shell began to form, and the entire planet was wrapped in it in the blink of an eye.

"This deity, this is a fortress star that nurtures spiritual power, and it can become our car in the future."

"This kind of existence is pretty good." Xiao Yi nodded and said.

"Yes, this deity can be regarded as the most useful thing we get in the four-dimensional world."

"Minglei, can it be used in other universes?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"This deity, this is natural, but we have to do more than that. All worlds have spiritual laws. What the deity has to do is to become familiar with and control the laws of nature, instead of using Gaia to indirectly master the laws of nature."

"Many beings form experiences in the process of using and absorbing energy, and record these experiences and pass them on. This is the method of practice. Those who inherit these methods are practitioners, and practitioners can cleverly use the power of the laws of the primitive world. , And then make the outer world assist the inner world, making mankind stronger."

"In other words, anything that accumulates experience is in practice. Having experience in eating can avoid being hurt by food. Having experience in making food can make food taste better, and the energy contained in it is more suitable for the human body. ."

"Anything about human beings can be said to revolve around the origin of energy. Whether you eat or do things, it is actually to supplement or reduce energy consumption. Humans pay for gain, and gain for giving. Although contradictory, it is reasonable."

"Human experience revolves around the origin, so as long as you find a way, you can make humans stronger, just like paying for rewards, and rewards for paying for energy when you need to pay."

"And all this actually revolves around people."

"Isn't that person the origin?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but it's not precise. Why do people move and think? This is because of the body and the soul, so the body and the soul are the source."

"That is what we call the Yuan Shen, Yuan represents the body, and God represents the soul."

"No matter what world we are in, we need to maintain our own Yuan, maintain our own God, and make ourselves stronger, because in this way can we exist."

"And the essence and spirit, the essence and the god, respectively correspond to the essence of the body, the human body will be strong, and the soul must be strong to obtain the spirit god."

"Essence transforms into Yuan and spirit transforms into God. This is the relationship between diffusion and aggregation."

"Origin is the origin, essence and spirit will revolve around the soul."

"From the real bigness of the essence and the imaginary smallness of the spirit, to the real and imaginary middle of the soul, this is a process of constant dissipation and constant convergence."

"For the comprehension of this rule, the larger the power range the deity masters, the faster our Gaia will expand."

"This is the force of nature. Once it can be leveraged, the energy in the Gaia universe will increase substantially, which will then increase the legal limits of the universe and promote the universe's potential."

"Speaking of it, this is still somewhat different from before. One is to take the initiative to master the power, and the other is to keep the power in check."

"In the past, we also had the initiative to master the power, but we need to master the source of the initiative to master the power, so that the power we master will become stronger."

"Like we used to take the initiative to master power, we actually rely more on the deity's abilities, which are mainly related to the brain nucleus."

"But since the deity mastered Gaia, he has always relied on Gaia's power."

"The nucleus of the brain is also integrated into Gaia. Now the body of the deity is condensed by Gaia. If it is not protected by the Gaia element, it is an ordinary person."

"Then can't I reconsolidate a brain nucleus?" Xiao Yi said.

"Of course it is possible, but you don't know what its origin is. This will leave yourself flaws in the process of your power domination."

"Is it flawed? Didn't the Gaia element make up for it?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity, but the deity is more governed by authority."

"Well, I agree with this point. I feel as if I am alive with the authority." She said that she looked at Lu Xuexin.

"But Minglei, even if this is the case, Gaia is also me, isn't that enough?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity, then it is about our purpose of exploring the four dimensions. We need to acquire a more comprehensive power to make Gaia transform again."

"Although Gaia can be crushed under absolute strength in the past, we still can only evade against the masters of the law. Even if we can win, we will be nervous, and even the incarnation of the deity will fall, and Gaia will reshape it. body."

"Well, Minglei, what is the new power we found?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, this kind of power is actually virtual power and strength, virtual power is represented by spirits, and strength is represented by essence."

"Relatively speaking, the spirit **** is a kind of energy that can be used directly."

"This also means that if we go to a strange time and space, as long as we find the spirit god, we can quickly improve ourselves, and even directly create the spirit **** ourselves."

"The transformation from big to small, from small to big, is what Gaia elements are good at."

"As far as the deity's body is concerned, there are actually more benefits. The body's spiritual power can reduce dependence on Gaia, and then the deity's life characteristics will be strengthened. This will be a good thing."

"What do you say?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, the better at using Gaia, the closer its life breath is to machinery. Machinery does things purposefully and never does useless work. This is the reason why machinery lacks creativity."

"And the deity, if the **** gains a lot of spiritual power to make itself stronger, then the soul will automatically evolve, plus Gaia, it is equivalent to having a double law of evolution."

"Of course it does not mean that the deity has no ability to evolve. It's just that when the deity thinks about problems, its thinking of the law is not sound enough, which will lead to bottlenecks when it wants to break through the limits of the law."

"This is also the reason why the deity needs to practice for a period of time, and then uses the corresponding spiritual power to transform a world, and the deity also has two powers to create the world."

"The natural world and the Gaia world, although the two worlds are the same, but one is compatible with the original universe, this will leave us with a lot of strategic space."

"Moreover, many universes are not Gaia universes. Once we can directly use the power of those natural universes, then we will also be compatible with the energy there. When we want to use the energy of that universe, we can greatly reduce the need for Gaia elements. The consumption of original energy."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded: "Next, let's practice cultivation."

"Yes, the deity." Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked around.

"The sky is so beautiful." Xiao Yi said with a sigh.

Immediately, Xiao Yi sensed the elements in the space, and soon Xiao Yi felt a warm force, undulating up and down in the space.

"It's a very comfortable world." Xiao Yi nodded with satisfaction.

"Xiao Yi, let's take a look at the illusory walkway," Lu Xuexin said.

"Well, let's go." With that, Xiao Yi pulled Lu Xuexin and walked toward the illusory walkway leading to the central platform.

When approaching the middle, Lian stopped, Xiao Yi stretched out his hand suspiciously, and suddenly felt a space barrier, a sense of restraint, but it came.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and immediately pulled Lu Xuexin into the platform above the Lingchi.

"It feels so special," Lu Xuexin said.

"These are all auras," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, you can try to meditate."

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin immediately sat down cross-legged.

"My deity, Xuexin, you must pay attention to energy resonance."

"Energy resonance? What is that?" Xiaoyao asked suspiciously.

"The deity is similar to the feeling of finding balance, but this is not in the material state, but in the energy state."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi and the two immediately began to adjust their bodies, looking for that kind of opportunity. When it was not too much, they actually flew slowly from the ground into the air.

"My deity, Xuexin, you have done a great job, pay attention to maintaining it."

Hearing this, the two of them were silent, but their bodies were undulating in the air.

"My deity, pay attention to adjusting the frequency. Your frequency is too high. If you don't control it well, you will fly out."

"Xuexin, your frequency is a little bit stronger, your flying is a bit low."

"Oh-oh!" Lu Xuexin fell off.

"Xuexin, are you okay." As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Yi also fell.

"Ahem... how could this happen?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, the spirit resonates with the surrounding space, this is the consciousness space resonance."

"When you want to answer a question, its frequency will also change, and its frequency will fluctuate up and down, and naturally you will not be able to maintain balance."

"Is there any solution?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"In addition to the consciousness space, there are also the spiritual space and the soul space for use."

"If the deity Xuexin wants to use these two spaces, it will also need to inject mental energy into those two spaces."

"Mental power is also the original spirit, but it is actually impossible for ordinary people to have such a variety of gods. If they have not exercised, they will naturally be unable to control."

"But the deity Xuexin doesn't need to worry, as long as the Gaia element is needed, it can be matched at all times."

"Is there any difference between the original spirit and the original spirit?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, in fact, this can be understood as primordial divine power and spiritual divine power, one is from the macroscopic divine power, the other is from the microscopic divine power."

"These two powers, which power is stronger?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity only has different purposes. Spiritual power can strengthen the body, and the original spiritual power can strengthen the soul."

"That is, spiritual power can promote three-dimensional evolution, and primordial power can promote four-dimensional evolution."

"Then what is the situation in this world where we are?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, the main energy of this world is spiritual power. It can be said that the world in the black hole is generally spiritual power."

"But it doesn't mean that this world has no primordial power, but still has primordial power."

"Like the deity that resonated with just now, what comes from the earth is the original power, and what comes from the sky is the spiritual power."

"Once you resonate with the two, you are at the center of the two The deity and Xuexin also float."

"The power of the brain to control the body is not the spiritual power?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes the deity, but this kind of spiritual power is still different from the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Relatively speaking, its quality is low, and the power it can bring is actually very small."

"Minglei, for example, water rises into clouds, and clouds fall into water. What is this?"

"This deity, this is the transformation between essence and qi, the energy between heaven and earth does not break the legal ladder of the two, so it has not advanced."

"What about breaking the ladder?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, once the ladder is broken, there are many phenomena, such as hail, rain, thunder, thunder and so on."

"Minglei, is there any difference between thundering and falling thunder?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"This deity, the thunderbolt has just broken through the legal limit, and it is still within a stable limit, and the occurrence of thunder is actually a manifestation of the rule out of control."

"Why do you use it?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The law ladder is unbalanced, leading to energy leakage."

"Just like the deity and Xuexin were meditating just now, when they suddenly woke up, both the deity and Xuexin fell."

"Minglei, then is this thunder a spiritual divine power or a primordial divine power?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity has been aggregated from childhood to large, so it is naturally considered spiritual power, but it is still acquired spiritual power."

"Innate spiritual power or primordial power, only black holes or white holes can be born."

"Minglei, what is the energy in our space?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"This deity, this is the innate spiritual power and original spiritual power."

"What is the difference between them and the acquired spiritual power and primordial power? Are they also coming out of black holes and white holes?"