Brain Storm

Chapter 1863: Infinite Transformation of Time

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!

"It's amazing. What is its ability?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"As long as the spirit is connected to it, it will manifest itself, which is a passive state."

"Why is this so?" Lu Xuexin also asked.

"This is the refraction of energy. The refraction of energy is first of all energy."

"Different lives have energy waves that match themselves, and this wave actually contains a lot of information."

"And once this information comes into contact with the mother emperor, the two will merge into one and feed back."

"You can understand this is a kind of mental superpower of camouflage."

"It's really amazing. It's an instinctual ability. What specific harm does this ability have?"

"The harm is that what you see is not real. Once any creature comes into contact with it, it will behave quite harmless and win the favor of each other.

"Just as if she would not be malicious to herself, this ice bug queen has such ability."

"Once you step into it, it will quickly pull out countless threads and kill the creatures close to it."

"It seems that this mother emperor is very cruel." Xiao Yi said.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately mobilized the picture. The group of ice giants in the picture are still fighting, looking extremely powerful, but there are countless large and small ice worm bodies on the ground.

"It's really terrible." As he spoke, the few ice giants who had just fallen suddenly stood up again.

"My God, what is this?"

"As long as the Ice Giant has a soul, it basically will not die. Another thing is that it has a powerful elemental function. It has a powerful element aggregation ability. Over time, it has the ability to repair itself. "

"This is exactly the ice giant that is dead, almost all intact."

"Doesn't that mean that even the dead ice giant has the ability to heal itself?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Yes, this is the natural environment based on part of the ability to heal."

"Doesn't that mean heaven and earth people should have the ability to recover it?" Lu Xuexin said in surprise.

"Yue Xuexin, in fact, it is not only targeted at these strange races, even human beings, but they also have the ability to recover. This is mainly a matter of environmental compatibility. Heaven and earth and harmony are not simply to say that they really need to be heaven and earth Harmonious coexistence between the two places, and the birth of the heavens and the earth, requires the formation of a high law of the righteousness of the heavens and the earth, and then the transition to humanity. "

"But in fact, it is very difficult for humans to do this, because the war between humans and nature has never stopped."

"Compared with the life of these elements in front of us, the rules they need to endure are actually simple, so as long as the environment can, naturally they can acquire the ability to speak."

"This world is all ice-powered, and their bodies are also ice, which means that the cold around them is always strengthening all the ice life here, even ice bugs, in fact, they are Living beings adapted to this space. "

"Compared to humans, it can be said that humans are a broad-spectrum life body, which can target different living spaces, even non-living spaces. Areas that humans cannot reach can be reached with various vehicles. This is a powerful place for humans, but The vehicle has become the limit for humans to reach any area. "

"And in this process, it is the tool used to invent and observe before inventing the tools used for observation. This is a process of one after the other."

"Human beings are a kind of intelligent life. Observing and analyzing, exploring and investigating, and then obtaining environmental analysis according to the environment, whether human beings can obtain the right to survive in the environment is what human beings need to judge."

"But within the huge life space of a universe, in fact, human beings are just a drop in the ocean. If human beings can reach any corner of the universe, they cannot reach them with the physical substance. They must be blocked by laws and boundaries to prevent their high life from affecting themselves. Eradication of life. "

"Give an ant a powerful holographic zoom combat suit, which will increase regardless of the size of the power, and then retain the ant's fighting instinct."

"From a spiritual point of view, the human body is, in a sense, the human body's combat suit."

"And the creation of this combat suit has evolved over time, and once damaged, it is difficult to repair."

"Is there any natural environment that can be repaired against humans?"

"Energy can make people change, but in fact it is mainly to maintain balance, and to maintain energy as much as possible, to absorb energy to condense energy. This is a cyclic process, absorption, condensation, metabolism, release."

"From the perspective of harmony between heaven and earth, any element from high to low will have a limit."

"This means that any element has energy potential, and dig it and dig it."

"At this time, the environment needs to be changed again, and the element level of itself has been raised, which means that it has reached a balance with the original element level."

"This means that the high-to-low energy transition will reduce the effect by half."

"And to continue to improve this effect, you need to find elements that are multiples of it, and the effect will be relatively obvious."

"This will inevitably lead to two choices, constantly increasing the energy level, but the energy in the sky and earth obviously does not have such conditions."

"And human beings must live in the heavens and the earth. If the more natural they are, the more their own elements must make up for the heavens and the earth."

"In fact, many humans have unknowingly entered the high return mode."

"Then there is any good way to solve this problem?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"The body gets more energy to replenish the human body, and more energy is available, but the infinite expansion of energy will make its own energy-carrying container constantly larger, which will result in less energy, the body will not work at all, and the laws of the human body will not be compatible with heaven and earth. , Naturally, the corresponding person's position of transition to heaven and earth will also be formed. "

"The difference between energy and elements between heaven and earth is essentially the difference between low-density energy and high-density energy."

"But I feel there is something different in it." Xiao Yi said.

"It is true that energy will actively jump, but will the element not? Obviously not, this transition is relative in nature."

"It's as if we live on the planet, but we can barely feel the planet is transitioning, but in fact the planet itself is constantly transitioning, even the galaxies are always transitioning."

"And what is the nature of the planet, that is, a collection of elements, and the planet is transitioning, then it has energy characteristics."

"Just relatively speaking, it is still within a specific orbital range, so the planet can be said to have no escaped superelectronics. This super refers to its size, which is for life on the planet."

"What about the stars?" Xiao Yi asked.

"The surface of the star is ionic, but this reflection is mainly caused by the reflection of numerous atomic fission, which is a compound fission phenomenon."

"What is the complex fission phenomenon?" Lu Xuexin asked puzzledly.

"It mainly refers to the mutual fission reflection between elements. Generally, stars show the law of normal rotation, that is, they always release energy outward."

"Essentially, the energy released by stars is not simply energy in human cognition. It is a community of energy and elements, so it can be called an energy element."

"The energy elements of stars are mainly divided into several intervals, mainly the free electron interval of stars, the photon interval of stars, and the electron interval of stars. This is a process from large to small."

"All the stars that make transitions on the surface are stellar free electrons. They are in a detached state. When they reach the starry sky, they start to dissipate. The stellar free electrons with strong energy will continue to jump, and the weak ones will decay into stellar electrons and stellar photons . "

"When it jumps to the planet, its stellar photons will show a refracted state, and the stellar electrons will show a state of material dust, and then become a part of a planet."

"Minglei, this is the star's supply to the planet, is that Menglei, whether the energy elements in the planet can also have this kind of supply to humans."

"The deity, relatively speaking, the planet itself is a superelectron, which has a certain adsorption capacity for stellar electrons."

"This results in a large number of stellar electrons on the planet's surface."

"But then the stellar electrons can no longer be called stellar electrons, but planetary electrons."

"This part of the planetary electrons is supplemented by planetary photons, and it will jump, and then float between the heavens and the earth, wandering around, and then the motion layer, which is the space between the sky and the earth."

"And humans live in a world based on the interweaving of planetary electrons and stellar photons."

"Growing in such an environment, creating nature in this environment, this also results in the human body being unable to break the bond between planetary electrons and stellar photons, and its isokinetic interval of energy is always maintained within a fixed range."

"It sounds like it doesn't seem to be complicated to break this line." Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"The deity may be easy for newborns, but it is very difficult for humans who have been growing for decades or even hundreds of years."

"As humans move from babies to children to adolescents, youth, middle-aged, and elderly, this is a prosperous process."

"And this process is always affected by environmental changes between heaven and earth, which also leads to the influence of heaven and earth on people, which can be said to involve all aspects."

"If you want to change, if it is natural, you need the opposite space to achieve it."

"Isn't that just spring, summer, autumn and winter, addition in spring and summer, and subtraction in autumn and winter?" Xiao Yi said with some doubt.

"Yes, but man is not a simple existence. It contains the right place, the right place, and the right person. We can't just think about the right place, there is another person, and such variables."

"Ming Lei, I'm a little curious. Can people live if they don't eat in spring, summer, autumn and winter?" Lu Xuexin asked suddenly.

"Xue Xin, this question you asked is a good question, unless the change time of spring, summer, autumn and winter is shortened, you will have a chance to live."

"For example, a person will starve to death without eating for 7 days, then this is the limit."

"Eating too much food in a short period of time will also kill you. This is also a limit."

"Although heaven and earth are balanced, they are not directed at humans."

"And if people want balance, they must change the world to achieve their own balance."

"Ming Lei, is there a similar world?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"Of course it is, but it is not habitable for ordinary people."

With the words, a strange planet was re-elected in front of Xiao Yi.

It's just that Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are both speechless, but this is a mini planet.

On the surface of the planet is a strange crystal pyramid suspended, and the pyramid is rapidly rotating around the asteroid.

Soon the picture was enlarged, and a crystal space was presented in front of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

I saw the central position in this space, but there was a person sitting on the plate.

"Ming Lei, who is he?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"My deity, this is a practitioner who seeks longevity."

Just as Xiao Yi was observing, the surrounding light suddenly went dark. UU Kanshu

Then the stars appeared in the surrounding starry sky.

But not too long ago, the entire planet returned to the light form again.

"It's a short day and night." Xiao Yi sighed.

"For the planet, such days and nights have very good meaning for life."

"It's cold and hot, and then there is someone and this person is not strong."

As the voice saw the surroundings, it showed some trajectories of energy flow.

Seeing suddenly gathered around Neng Yuan.

"Is this 45-degree angle refraction?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes deity, the 45-degree angle of refraction of this crystal pyramid just sends the light to the human being in the center."

"And at night, it will be the same, will it not be burned?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The burn of the deity also takes time, and the time here basically turns around in 3 minutes."

"I want to know if it will add extra life pressure to him?"

"It's like a tree produces annual rings every year. Does a person age as a result of the planet's rotation?"

"The deity, there is no such thing as the deity you said. Because it alternates too quickly, it can produce a good exercise capacity for cells."

"Does the alternation in equilibrium play a very important role in human evolution?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes, in this state, cells can be strengthened, and then return to the world in the natural world, and the body will be greatly strengthened."

"Ming Lei, who is this person?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"His deity is Yuefare, the Holy One of the Thai Empire." With the words, he saw a star map immediately before Xiao Yi.

And the cursor lock appears quickly in the picture, and soon a planet is enlarged.