Brain Storm

Chapter 1864: Multidimensional life

"And even if this kind of thing fluctuates in a certain range, if it is artificially disturbed, it will cause macro-level fluctuations."

"The subsequent knock-on effects will also cause macro-level changes."

"You are the butterfly effect," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, deity, but in essence, it is still a step change in which atoms are affected by ions, and ions are affected by particles?"

只是 “It ’s just that this change is more dramatic for the macro environment.”

其 "It could be a Mars detonating a gunpowder barrel."

"How do you explain this phenomenon?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The thing that balances the limit is broken, and then loses its balance. What is it about this effect?"

"The balance of optoelectronics and electro-optic is essentially the same."

"Light and electricity form free electrons. Before free electrons are formed, electrons capture photons and they can begin to transition."

"But when light doesn't disappear, electrons will always jump."

"But at the same time as the transition, the photon itself also releases energy."

"As time goes by, the electrons will be transformed into particles, and light and electricity will return to their origin."

"Each ion has its own model, which means that light and electric ions also have their own models."

"Some models support full combustion, and some models cannot burn all."

比如 "For example, different elements have different colors. In fact, this is mainly the color that appears in human eyes."

但 "But it represents ion transitions of different energy levels."

"Wave light waves carry different energies, and different light wave energies can penetrate at different densities."

"Only in an absolute vacuum can light pass directly to eternity, but a vacuum cannot be completely a vacuum."

所以 "So generally you see billions of light-years of energy in the starry sky, and that's where you've reached the limit of countless breakthroughs."

"Is the light in the stars so scary?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"My deity, this is not horror, but the galaxy in the starry sky is so large, and the light it emits is not far from its body."

"Absolute vacuum, does it not mean absolute speed, without obstacles, can it easily exceed the speed of light? Or is that itself a space-time tunnel?"

"Holy deity, this is generally how our space-time tunnel is formed."

"Using elemental space distortion?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Holy deity, a black hole is a huge body. Even if the earth reaches the sun, it takes 7 seconds for the light to reach the world."

"At the same time, this also reflects a problem. Black holes and white holes can actually be understood as super electrons and super photons."

"When a photon encounters a superelectron, the electromagnetic field transition around the superelectronic itself continues to occur. Due to the large range of black holes, free electrons cannot transition at all, and the process of gaining energy and losing energy lingers, even A cyclic process upside down. "

"This also leads to the fact that many black holes do not have the ability to pass through matter. Once they enter a black hole, they will instantly become burning dust."

"Actually, this is similar to the burning of an alcohol lamp. When it is lit and the bottle cap is closed, the air inside it will be evacuated."

"The existence of light requires a foundation, just like fire, but its regional micro-level."

"If the macro level is the conversion of hydrocarbons, then different lights can be composed of particles of different structures, and particles of different structures will form different wavelength bands."

"This also means that light is essentially different. Since light is not only one kind of light in the universe, or the energy levels of light in different sections are simply not the same."

"That is, the same kind of light, but in different intervals, it can produce different effects, which is also the stepped energy law."

"In fact, it is like the existence of human beings, and it is similar to the existence of these things."

人类 "Human beings are a kind of creature. They are called advanced creatures for fun, but they are essentially advanced creatures like human beings, but they are always facing the influence of the macro and micro worlds."

"Not in the Five Elements, jumping out of the Three Realms, and thinking of arriving, you need to be in a good place when you need it."

"The laws of the human world are not only valid for human beings. There are multiple changes in multiple intervals, such as spring in spring, hot summers, hot autumns, and winters. This is for humans or animals. . "

但 "But if it comes to plants, it is another scene. Spring plants are reborn, summer plants grow, autumn plants mature, and winter plants reincarnate."

"There are many creatures in this world, all of which exist in the form of food chain."

随着 "With the development of human beings, human beings have driven the beasts and defeated the raptors with weapons."

但 "But these are what humans see and touch. In addition to these, there are bacteria and viruses in the microcosm that affect human health at all times."

"In the process, human beings also invented medicine, but more of it is an accumulation of empiricism."

"Everything in the earth, from life to life, that life has its own characteristics. No matter what kind of cell, bacteria, or virus, it will have its elemental form. Even if there is no elemental form, there will be an ionic form and no ionic form. There are also neutrino forms. "

"All human medicines are also in this category. Humans use the atomic release, ion release, and neutrino release of drugs to solve the problems encountered."

"These release processes all require conditions, not that you add atoms to release them naturally, which requires the cooperation of the environment."

"This is also the fundamental point of having a biotherapy bin in all the worlds with galaxy navigation."

"There is no absolute environmental impact, some drugs can only have a suppressive effect, and they cannot reach the neutrino level at all."

"In this way, isn't it 1,000 for the use of drugs and 800 for self-harm?" Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"Yes, so the absolute environment is a protection for living beings."

"It is impossible for different species to have the same environmental ladder."

"Find a zone to control war damage, and you can achieve optimal self-damage, and then achieve treatment for patients."

"Isn't this, the environment can strengthen Rao's resistance?" Xiao Yi thoughtfully.

"For the environment in which human beings live together, it must be very beneficial to the maintenance of the body."

"Electrons can devour photons, can photons also penetrate electrons?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity."

"Isn't it from the most fundamental level that humans are sick, which is essentially a contest between photons and electrons?"

"It's true, but it is precisely the relationship between different and intelligent collectives, whether they are eaten or eaten."

"The powerful virus is the one who eats, and humans are sick because they cannot resist being eaten."

"Is there anything that the virus cannot eat?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"This is closely related to its volume, and energy or magnetic fields beyond its own mass will affect it."

"Like a laser, you can easily kill the virus, and the magnetic field can easily capture the vitality of the virus."

"Similarly, if the energy of the virus and the magnetic field of the virus are increased, it will also have more destructive power, which is actually the production of antibodies."

"From the contention of the most fundamental energy, it is very easy to grasp the powerful source, support the action of light and electricity, and resist external invasion."

"Even with a fight, the two may become friends and then merge."

但这 "But it all requires some conditions to make it happen. Once fusion happens, this is evolution."

"Of course this is not a good thing for the human race, because it no longer belongs to humans in the conventional sense, and belongs to the category of mutation."

"If the rule interval produced by the fusion does not provide access to the original soul memory, it may become a vegetative."

"Will it not become a walking dead?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The results of the mutation in different environments are different. In this environment, the people and the people are wrapped in the right place, and the people here and the package can actually be regarded as the environment."

"For example, the physical environment between a healthy person and a person who has been cured for a long time is still very different."

"The environment is simple and the environment is complicated. This environment refers to the concept of the physical environment."

"From any angle of time and geography, the change of the photoelectric magnetic field affected by the movement of the receptor, the change of the photoelectric magnetic field affected by the geographical environment, and the change of the photoelectric magnetic field affected by the physical environment."

"You can be strong, you must incorporate these magnetic fields into your own forces to make it truly sublime."

"The meaning of life lies in exercise. Generally speaking, this can enhance your vitality."

"The stronger the vitality, the better the light and electricity in the body."

"A strong body can have more resistance."

但 "But this is stronger. It also has a certain interval. Once a virus in a high latitude interval jumps to humans, it can still cause damage to humans."

"What is the high latitude for this situation?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"First is the host of the virus, then the transition to a more suitable environment for its reproduction."

"Viruses that have an impact on humans are obviously very fond of the human environment."

"The birth of the virus is generally in the breeding period. Once breeding is successful, it will cause great damage to the human body."

"Some viruses are produced seasonally, just like the seeds of plants, which can germinate and grow in different seasons."

"But in essence, it has reached the required energy range, and then the corresponding energy operation mechanism will occur."

"This is the time to come, geographically, people and the impact on virus breeding."

"It can affect the change of temperature and magnetic field. When the air pressure rises in winter and the air pressure decreases in spring, a growth force will be formed between the ground to promote the recovery of everything, including viruses."

"Species born between the ground, with the change of time, they will show a kind of tight and elastic growth."

"Especially in spring, this effect is the most obvious, but for human beings, human beings, because of their intelligence, know how to benefit and avoid harm."

"Then the body's power for this growth is either developed to the limit or the body's instinct resists this growth."

当然 "Of course, if this growth force is maintained, humans may also appear as giants like a universe with different latitudes in a world."

"But Ming Lei has some doubts. Can it be germinated today, can't it germinate later?" Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"It is true that viruses are like plant seeds, but human cells are also seeds, and they also have the ability to draw energy."

"Once the power of the cell is exerted by the front, it will also produce a powerful phagocytic capacity."

"This is also the reason why the human body enters a high temperature state once it becomes ill."

但 "But to be truly healthy, you need instant temperature control."

"Like a change in pressure caused by time, one loose one tight, one loose one tight."

"Everything has a limit, and the limits of every living body are different. Once the limit of a species is broken, it will be forced to step up, and then release ions into the state of death."

"However, the virus is hardly like the fruits of plants in the macro world. UU Kanshu has a layer of dead, and there is a seed inside."

听 "Listen to you like this, but I think of a myth, rebirth."

"Don't the deity have done it theoretically, does cloning belong to dripping blood rebirth?"

"This is all right, but if there is no memory indoctrination, is there no way to clone the memory?" Xiao Yi wondered.

"The deity, the human body itself is a container that can hold macro elements and micro energy, and memory is obtained in the process of transforming elements into energy. Humans call this process survival, from survival to love and desire. Human beings with multiple latitudes. "

冥 "Minglei, then I have some doubts, is that a multi-dimensional life body strong, or a single latitude life body strong?"

"The deity, all life does not have a single latitude, if there is only a single latitude, there is no clustering relationship."

"That is the origin, there is no origin of the transition, but that itself does not exist."

"Only those who have transitions can be called the origin."

"If there is a jump, there will be a big, and if there is a big, there will be a different structure."

"Life like human beings are made up of countless structures."

"The human body is a comprehensive intelligent machine. It comes from macro intelligence and micro intelligence. All aspects are combined to generate a comprehensive understanding of the world."