Brain Storm

Chapter 1865: Super organization

Bookstore building, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the brain storm!

"Do you want to get rich overnight? Do you want to really live? The Brave Space welcomes you, Brave Space, a game for the brave, the latest 23 large-scale space maps, a lot of treasures waiting for you to explore."

Seeing such an advertisement, Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"What is that? Brave Space?" Xiao Yi was a little startled.

"This deity, in this time and space, there are many powerful organizations. For them, exploring the unknown void and getting some space debris is a very common problem."

"However, it is very difficult to analyze the information in these space debris, so it will be taken out. As an open world, it is possible for people to explore."

"These space fragments are taken out for others to explore, but others will also collect the information in these fragments. For organizations that open up these worlds, this can also obtain a large amount of law information, such as energy-based The law of position, such as where is the energy core in this world."

"For the brave adventurer, in these open worlds, the brave can also get a lot of resources."

"Of course, these organizations are not philanthropists. Many of the worlds are developed. They are not necessarily safe worlds, and even some extremely dangerous worlds."

"Minglei, I'm a little curious, why can I even obtain space debris, can't I control the life inside?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"This deity, this is different. No one knows what is in the space debris, not even those powerful organizations. Information is everywhere. It looks like information in the micro world, but the macro world cannot be obtained at once."

"Why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, human feelings, can other animals understand? Can humans understand the feelings of other lives?"

"I should be able to understand a little bit," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, after all, human beings are advanced intelligent beings, but if the macro world enters the micro world, intelligence will actually be degraded."

"This is in terms of quality."

"Although the macro power can directly convert the micro world into energy, the value between a world and a bunch of energy is not comparable."

"In this way, the world is more valuable than energy." Xiao Yi said.

"For example, the world we are in now has this rule. A world requires at least several million spiritual stones."

"But if a world wants to transform spirit stones, it can't transform so much. After all, the world is long-lasting and it can run forever, but its origin is long because of the cycle, not because of its many origins."

"This also leads to the fact that the world is very expensive, so the world must be developed, and the developed world is more valuable."

"This has also led to the emergence of things like Brave Space, allowing mortals and even extraordinary people to explore these worlds."

"Ordinary people can have the opportunity to become extraordinary, and extraordinary people can also get more resources."

"Each world has a current dimensional interval, such as the transition from three-dimensional to four-dimensional early, mid, and late."

"A large number of innate civilizations appeared in the early stage, the technological civilization sprouted in the middle stage, and the mutant civilization began to appear in the later stage."

"Which of these three civilization periods is more dangerous?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, relatively speaking, is naturally the early stage of the innate creatures and the late stage of the emergence of mutant beings. Both time and space are respected by the strong."

"Like a post-mutation world, there are often a large number of zombies and mutant beasts. This is an inevitable result of technological development."

"Why is this?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"My deity, when science and technology research becomes commonplace, all labor is replaced by robots, and humans start to study life at this time."

"You can't imagine that in the age of mutation, there is another era of name compilation, in which all humans can participate in the development of life."

"From simple crossbreeding to genetic evolution, continuous evolution can also form some huge behemoths."

"Once this kind of research surpasses the management limit of the law, it will naturally release its original instinct, and the weak will come."

"Then what kind of world are the 23 spaces of Brave Space?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deities are all three-dimensional post-mutation worlds, but even this kind of world is different. Some are still before the crisis, and some are already in crisis."

"Then this world is very dangerous?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity, so the world that can directly harvest the benefits will naturally be harvested directly, and the world that cannot be harvested will be released, otherwise there will be no such thing as the brave space."

"Minglei, did the brave die in such a world?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, they are more like players, not to mention that these explored worlds generally belong to the micro world, which actually only consumes a certain amount of spirit."

"For example, if you enter the brave space today and hang up, you only need to rest for a few days, and then you can return to the original."

"But if you experience successive deaths, it will be difficult to recover."

"Then if you die too much, will the adventurer die?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Death will definitely happen, but this world also has its own unique place. The organization that manages the brave space also provides a memory reading function. As long as you pay for the spirit stone, you can risk yourself in a dangerous world without losing yourself. Up."

"However, the charges are different according to their own value."

Following the voice, a picture was immediately projected in front of Xiao Yi.

It was a huge gem with blue light, and it was suspended in a hall.

From time to time, a beam of light envelopes a person, and sometimes the huge gem suddenly projects some humans. After the projection of those people, the white light of the washed humans flashes, and they become real humans. At the beginning, they will be a little confused, but Soon there will be an information blog directly into his brain.

"How does this memory gem collect information?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"My deity, pay attention to the connection on their necks."

Hearing the sound, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both looked intently.

"It looks like a collar?" Xiao Yi said puzzledly.

"Yes, this deity is called a memory collar. In addition to the memory collar, there will also be memory bracelets, memory coaches, memory pendants, and various accessories."

"They are like a terminal, whose function is to transmit information to the server, this huge stone of memory."

"When the host dies, this memory stone will also be resurrected based on the information, and then you can continue to take risks. It is somewhat similar to the collision space of information fragments we have just seen, and it will repeatedly collide infinitely. "

"Only speaking, all adventurers who enter these spaces are worthy of making themselves into information fragments, and then the memory gems provide the source of energy."

"When the information is broken, it can be revived from the broken place."

"Then what if you are not dead?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Then it depends on the specific progress, but memory gems also have energy limits, and they need to be recharged if necessary."

"So, doesn't this gem possess a lot of original energy?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, but the memory gem only provides a resonance frequency. Some are like quantum entanglement. Its energy is mainly provided by the brave space using spirit stones. If there are too many deaths, the explorer will owe the brave space spirit stones."

"In this way, entering this brave space is actually like playing a game. You can read files if you are not happy," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, if you have rich wealth, you can also buy power gems, agility gems, spirit gems, etc. Once you enter these worlds, you will immediately become a superman, and then quickly acquire the resources of the corresponding world."

"However, compared to the micro world, its support may be greater than the gain."

"Why is this?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"The deity, only a high position can crush a low position, which also makes it inevitable that cannons hit mosquitoes, and the resources they acquire are often out of proportion to their consumption."

"That is to say, the behind-the-scenes organization does not oppose you to use a large amount of energy to explore one world, but the cost of the previous topic is paid."

"So anyone died in the brave space?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"There are a lot of debts, and there are very few deaths, but once you are in debt, you will lose the freedom of your soul and you will be forced to work for the brave space."

"And when there is a certain percentage of such adventurers, these organizations will auction these brave men in debt, and then become members of other organizations, and then work for these organizations until the spiritual stone is paid off."

"Let's go to that brave space to see." Xiao Yi said.

"Good deity."

Immediately, a road was projected in front of Xiao Yi's eyes, obviously the fastest way to reach the building.

There were too many people around, and the two of them were crowded for a while, and they came to the building not too many times.

A huge plaque read the four characters "Brave Space".

And a group of people lined up at the door.

Seeing this, the two also lined up and walked up. Not too long, the two came to the building, but at this moment, the scene in the building was organized by someone to transmit.

Following the people quickly, the two of them walked into the teleportation formation. With a flash of white light, they had already arrived in another city.

And in the center of the city, it is the memory gem projected by the mine just now.

"Use the memory gem to go to the left, 500 credits for free."

"Adventure space goes to the right, no charge."

"Why not charge?" Xiao Yi was a little startled.

"The deity, the soul has entered it, this is the greatest wealth."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi looked at the memory gem on the left, then shook his head: "Xuexin, let's go directly to the right."

Following Xiao Yi's decision, Lu Xuexin immediately followed.

Not too long, the two came to a huge space-time tunnel.

At this moment, a person is adjusting the space-time coordinates.

The two stopped and watched.

"It's a world of abyssal difficulty. If you enter such a world, wouldn't it mean that you will die if you enter." A person said.

"Hehe, although it is the abyss world, this world has no demons, no warcraft, just a mutated technological world."

"Old Chu, don't lie to people, I heard that last time I said it was the world of technology, but when people went in, the world was full of ghosts and ghosts."

"That was an accident, you don't understand the plane collision."

As he said that, he saw the man called Lao Chu pull over a young man, pointed at him and said, "This is my grandson, Chu Tianyun, the third rank of the Transcendent. He will take the Chu Family Army's Transcendent Squad. Let's explore the world together."

And just at this moment, a young man suddenly rushed into the space-time tunnel, and disappeared with a whirl of "brush".

"Hold your second child, wait for me." The young man named Chu Tianyun shouted at this moment.

"Grandpa, it's time for me to go too, the second son of the Jiang family has gone in."

Hearing this, the grandfather nodded: "Be careful."

"Everyone, hurry in, hurry in." Following the old man's voice, many people who were hesitant rushed in.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin didn't hesitate, and rushed directly into the space-time tunnel.

"Wait..." But everything came in no hurry, Old Man Chu looked at the disappearance of Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin. UU reading

"It's actually useless to use memory gems to store memories. Don't you worry about getting lost in the turbulence of time and space?" He shook his head as he said.

At this moment, Xiao Yi only felt that the sky was spinning, and then there was a scene of time and space spinning around him. What surprised Xiao Yi was that the people in front were also spinning with them, and the strangest thing was on their bodies. , Both are connected by a white line, but Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin are not physically present.

"My deity, don't worry, it's much better to have Gaia elements as a backup than that memory gem." Xiao Yi smiled when he heard this.

Immediately, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin's bodies also lit up with a ray of light. At first they were golden, but the piece turned white.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction.

I don't know how long it took, Xiao Yi only felt that the rotation speeded up significantly.

Suddenly the surrounding area brightened, and then the surrounding area went dark.

Subconsciously, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin blinked, and Xiao Yi looked around in a daze.

I can't see my fingers around, and I can hear the sound of wolves in the distance.

At this moment, a group of people like an army quickly walked towards Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

"Are you acting on your own or with us?" The person here was the person named Chu Yuntian.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi shook his head: "No, thank you for your kindness."

"Well, those two take care." Then the team ran away quickly.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi shook his head.

"Minglei projects the surrounding map to us in the consciousness space."

"Yes, deity."

Soon a clear map was projected in the consciousness space of the two.

"What is the red dot? It seems to be approaching us?"

Immediately, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin hurriedly looked around.