Brain Storm

Chapter 1913: Black hole white hole star

Shuwulou, the latest chapter in Brainstorm!

"You need to know that the biggest difference between elements and ions is actually density. There is essentially a repulsive force between ions and ions, which is the magnetic field."

"This has created a grid structure in ion space."

"So, isn't that atom the highest density state?"

"The deity, the generation of atoms. It is formed by the ions that have undergone the limit of the law and then inherited during the transition. Generally, atoms exist in the form of deposits and form elements with different densities according to different pressures.

"In reality, many of the earth's mineral layers are actually formed like this."

"It seems that there are quite a lot of conditions for the formation of legal boundaries."

"Yes, in addition to ions, the rule boundary can also be applied to atoms, even molecules, like many foods made by humans, which is actually the principle of the rule boundary used."

"When the ions gather to a certain degree, a rule boundary is formed, and then the magnetic field is squeezed against each other, forcing the ions together to form atoms."

"Ming Lei, what is the fusion mechanism among them?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"In the deity, squeezing generates a lot of heat, and the pressure disappears, and it releases a lot of heat. This will describe a mutual force of thermal expansion and contraction, and then ions and ions will merge into one."

"And this kind of neutralization can also be fused repeatedly. Depending on the density, atoms with very high particle density can be formed."

"Ming Lei, show me this scenario." Xiao Yi said.

"Good deity."

With the words I saw in front of Xiao Yi, a huge white hole suddenly appeared, and what seemed to flash in the white hole seemed to erupt at any time.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin both felt a little strange.

But the next moment, I saw a flash of white light, a light, but it was jetting out into a void.

But the white light did not stop after crossing an infinite distance.

"Minglei, is this?"

"My dear, please keep watching." With the voice, at the next moment a faster light was emitted again.

And this light is stronger and faster than the new talent, and it is precisely because of such a weird scene that there seems to be a ripple and it floats forward quickly.

"Ming Lei, what is that?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"The deity is not in a hurry, please keep watching."

With the voice, I saw a light, rushing forward faster. And the ripples got more and more.

At the next moment, Zi Lei projected a macro view.

"What is the film on the edge of Ming Lei?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Deity, this is the limit of the laws of this world."

With the voice, I saw that the light was quickly hitting the limit of the law.

The next moment the light began to question, and then flew towards the endless distance.

"Minglei, that light." Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Dear Lord, don't worry, please keep watching." As I said, I saw that the front of the light suddenly came to a certain light again.

Then a weird scene happened, and the light actually turned back.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My deity, it is the frequency that has been dispersed and synchronized."

Sure enough, as Ming Lei said, Xiao Yi saw countless light particles in the void. Although the light was not very long, it still moved in a small area, and then quickly formed a fan surface.

Minglei, this rule does not seem to be a circle? "Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"The deity, indeed, from this perspective, if it is viewed from the perspective of the white hole, it is still a circle."

"Oh, what happens next?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"My deity, next I will show the composition of this deity in this cone-shaped space."

With the voice, it turns out that this cone-shaped space directly in front of the white hole is beginning to appear triangular boundaries, but it is forcibly controlling the elements.

Looking at the surrounding light, it began to distort and spread over a wide range.

The electric field is rapidly condensing around, and then the lightning flashes in the positive space, as if the end of the world.

The weird scene surprised Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin.

But at the moment, the spherical space at the bottom of the conical space is condensed with a huge light.

It seems like a planet, and the planet seems to be growing fast.

"Minglei, within the limits of the law, can actually make a planet?" Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"The deity, the nature of matter itself is the collision of mass."

"It is hot first and then cold, which is the key to the formation of matter. This is a process from small to large."

Hearing here, Xiao Yi watched one of the planets grow rapidly at a speed of blowing balloons.

"Ming Thunder, how dense is this planet?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Deity, the surrounding elements are still increasing density."

With the words, a surprise scene was projected in front of Xiao Yi's eyes.

Under the action of an inexplicable force, several atoms are actually squeezing each other, and then a compressive force of the stars is undergoing fusion.

With the fusion, Xiao Yi also found that these elements became more resistant to high temperatures.

"Is this the transformation of elements?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Yes deity."

Seeing this, Xiao Yi seemed to think of something.

"Minglei, does that white hole emit only photons and electrons?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Our dear, of course not. It's just that this white hole was simulated by Gaia. Its characteristic is that it only emits photons, and then reaches a certain distance, which produces an aggregation effect."

"The process of changing energy into matter."

"But what I see is forming a planet." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, this is because the conditions of heaven and earth and peace have been met, so it is so simple."

"If in nature, white holes can actually release, not only light, but also the atoms themselves. That is to say, fusion cannot take place until it reaches its limit. At the moment of ejection, a large amount of material has been formed. , And then jumped in space. "

"It's just relative to those, those are already material, so it will not be so intuitive when presenting to the deity."

"Minglei, is there any difference between this evolution and the natural evolution?"

"The deity is mainly the sorting of elements. The sorting density of elements like ours is similar and gradually related to each other."

"Natural is messy, although there are certain rules, after all, it is impossible to directly emit macroscopic matter."

"But this randomness is the foundation of the creation of all things."

"Ming Lei, what about this we made?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, this one we made, you can understand as a metal planet, but in fact it will also maintain a certain range."

"Should such a planet fail to give birth to it?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, life is born of chaos. It requires regular collisions, and there is no such collision on our planet."

"The birth of life lies in Xiangke and exclusion."

"And here we are all rules of symbiosis, which will only increase once from low to high, and the element density will gradually increase."

"Ming Lei, I'm a little curious. Can high-density pure atomic metals block the penetration of the spiritual child?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Holy deity, this mainly depends on what we define as a spiritual child. In such a space, it is regardless of size and time."

"You say that it is a spiritual son, that is, a spiritual son. You say that it is an atom is an atom. In fact, they are all the same. Only by placing them in different universes can they be simulated accordingly."

"To what extent can the condensed atoms in the Gaia universe reach?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity can span many dimensions. You can imagine that the interior of a universe is all solid."

"Can such a universe give birth to life?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity, this belongs to the original universe. It cannot give birth to life, but it can produce ion transitions."

"Then it evolved a universe. You can also understand that this solid universe is actually a universe that has reached the limit of the law. Theoretically, the possibility of its explosion is very high because it has reached the limit of the law. Its stronger laws bind it, and it cannot compress any further. "

"Ming Lei, in our universe, how many such compressed planets?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"My dear, this is our first similar experiment, but there are many similar white holes."

"But there are powerful cosmic barriers, so don't worry about anything."

"Where is the black hole?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"In the deity, the black hole is an absolutely low space, and the high energy will instinctively jump towards it. From the perspective of cause and effect, the black hole is the fruit and the final destination."

"But Minglei, how did the force of this black hole come from? Spiritual power?"

"We have previously talked about some cosmic models of black holes and white holes interconnected. In addition to this case, there is also a black hole with a super magnetic field, but this black hole is generally formed by the extinction of a star that is originally depleted."

"It's made of super-quality metal." Speaking of which, Ming Lei let the white hole disappear from the void.

The huge metal ball in front of him turned into a black dot.

The next moment, a weird wave erupted from around Xiao Yi.

The power is not great, but Xiao Yi obviously feels attractive.

"This guy actually generated a magnetic field." Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

"Yes deity, although this planet has been developed in accordance with the rules of gradual progress, but because of this, there will be a snail similar to the one that talks about yin and yang fish."

"Once it spins, it will form a circle of space ripples."

"According to the law of progression, such ripples will also have corresponding appeal."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately projected a fluorine picture again, but the metal ball appeared in the picture.

At this moment, the metal ball is still stationary.

"Ming Lei, what would happen if I let it spin?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Our deity, the magnetic field ripples will accelerate. We must know that everything in the world has a magnetic field, and the magnetic field released by a metal ball happens to be negative."

"Once the rotation is accelerated, its gravity will be enhanced."

With the voice, in the home space, it is a ripple that quickly rotates as it turns.

Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin only felt their bodies light, but they were torn apart by a twist and pulled forward.

"It's so uncomfortable, if not for Gaia, it's already taking advantage of the meat."

"This frequency is not fast. If it is faster, it will be directly crushed into an ion stream."

"Is this the manifestation of a black hole?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.

"Yes, but this black hole will form as it touches the limits of the law, and then gradually loses its original magnetic field."

"Returned into a superplanet, but this superplanet may reburn before it becomes a superplanet due to its huge and super large magnetic field."

"Isn't that saying that we actually made the core of a star?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes, the core of the planet is a metal with a high compression ratio." When it is compressed to a certain degree, it will fission. "

"The reason why there is no fission ~ ~ is mainly because of its compression ratio, which is not too high compared to our rules."

"Minglei, this is not the same as a black hole that can penetrate the universe."

"The deity, the kind of black hole is connected to a world. Although it can be said that the principle is similar, the space for energy storage is much larger."

"For example, a multi-source galaxy can have such a black hole, and a black hole can become a passage through the world."

"But just like we have experienced before, there is actually life in the void, and even some life lives in black holes."

"Minglei, can this metal ball we make also have wisdom and become a living being?"

"The deity, of course, is okay. As long as the soul metal in it stores a lot of information and forms a specific virtual space network, its intelligent side will be reflected."

"But Ming Lei has no eyes," Xiao Yi said.

"For the deity, for the life at the source level, everything can be felt with light and electricity."

"So amazing." Xiao Yi said.

"My dear, you can experience it for yourself."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin.

"This is a good idea, isn't it?" Said Xiao Yi but cancelled it at once, the magnetic field of the metal ball.

The two fell on the ground again.

Xiao Yi closed her eyes the next moment, and then a flower appeared before her, but she appeared in a dark space.

But Xiao Yi can obviously feel a wave of energy, swimming in a space.

Looking at the spiral patterns around him, the next moment Xiao Yi started to guide.

With the rotation of the spiral pattern, a lightning bolt shot into the air shortly afterwards, and a lightning bolt suddenly sounded.