Brain Storm

Chapter 1927: Auto balance

Bookstore building, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the brain storm!

"The deity, if this is the case, it is the transformation of energy, because this six-pointed star is connected to the six original potential spaces, which are the left and right brains and the pineal gland. This is the front triangle and the reverse triangle is the two temples. And the back of the head."

"The left brain and the right brain dominate logic and imagination, and these two structures must be complemented by the optic nerve. The pineal gland is where the optic nerve concentrates. The nutrition of the human body is mainly supplied here."

"The left and right temples and the back of the head are located. The temples are the dominant blood nervous system. The concentration of energy here can improve the blood. Correspondingly, the blood circulation in the head is improved. In the back of the head is the cerebellum, which is connected to the Governor Vessel. The human body’s top priority."

"This is the main energy energy central system. If the mental power in this central system is sufficient, system failures can be essentially avoided, and the six senses can be strengthened in the long run, because all energy will come from these two systems."

"However, in the consciousness space, if you exercise regularly and form a stable hexagram structure, it is actually more interesting to obtain information by itself."

"What do you say? Is it possible to concentrate energy, can you improve your six senses?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, to be precise, is the sixth sense, allowing people to touch the key to the six-dimensional law."

"What do you say?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity, for example, forms a six-pointed star in the consciousness space. Over time, it will move according to the space."

"In other words, this six-pointed star will be affected by heaven, earth and space, instead of being controlled simply by the influence of the human body."

"But it can be affected by the magnetic field, it can be said to be like a compass."

"Only speaking, such a system originally has one in the human body, which is the pituitary gland, but in relative terms, it is material, not energetic, relatively energetic? In fact, it will be more sensitive. ."

"So, in reality, a lot of energy in the consciousness space is out of control? Is it actually the influence of heaven and earth?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity? This has also led some practitioners to choose to build a Faraday cage or a spatial isolation system when constructing a space for themselves? Isolate all kinds of energy interference as much as possible."

"So? Once the six-pointed star is consummated, it can actually reach six dimensions." Xiao Yi said.

"The deity? To be precise? Is it possible to touch the six dimensions? It is not to master the six-dimensional law? Because of the mastery of the law? Is it because of the manipulation of something and practice makes perfect? ​​The memory produced? Even instinctive memory, intelligent memory.

"The biggest role of a hexagram is essentially to communicate the space of different energy ladders, which is related to the complexity of the star array."

"Is it a star array? It needs to be done step by step." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes? Any six-pointed star has a hexagonal center? When there are different energy frequencies in the human body, it can induce resonance."

"And if the six big spaces or even the eight big spaces? If such a fence can be formed, it can also organize the leakage of spiritual power, and then form a spiritual power gathering space."

"For a long time like this? In the consciousness space, it is not a simple six-pointed star, but a spherical space, and energy can be condensed in the center. In this way, a high-level space with legal boundaries is formed in the consciousness space."

"But Minglei, where does the energy come from?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity, energy is naturally solved by the body. Relative to the spiritual power of the human body, it can be used more or less, and if you don’t meditate to draw the corresponding star array, you will actually use it or not. The human body has mental power transforming into the void at every moment. This is due to the law of position."

"So, in fact, the most important thing is the star array, which can prevent energy from jumping outwards, better manage energy, and even absorb energy in the void, is that right?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, the six horns of the six-pointed star are connected to each other to form a hexagon again, and when the energy is gathered to a certain degree, it will be built into a crystal with two pointed ends due to instinct, which looks like The two pyramids are stacked together."

"Listening to you, I feel it is like the nucleus in the head of a zombie." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, compared to human beings, why, zombies can form brain nuclei, in fact, the main reason is that zombies have a strong instinct and know how to accumulate energy."

"On the contrary, human beings have too many desires and energy is often overdrawn."

"Speaking of which, human beings are really sad." Xiao Yi sighed.

"This deity, this is also related to the heaven and the earth. The heaven and the earth are not in harmony, and it is useless for people to be in harmony. The heaven and the earth do not allow such a high energy density to appear.

"Minglei, that means that six-pointed stars can build energy crystals. That's what it means." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, and the process of its construction, which is similar to the construction of DNA, provides energy lines, and things will be gathered together."

"Minglei, if you look at it from this perspective, if this brain nucleus is really formed, wouldn't it get bigger and bigger?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, first of all, this crystal is really an ionic crystal, which is constructed by combining with the cells of the human body. To be precise, the cells are still alive."

"That is to say, human cells and energy elements form an intelligent energy element. The rest of such a concept is the communication between its instinctive intelligence and the consciousness space."

"So I understand, it feels like making a solar battery." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, but this crystal can obtain energy from the void. No matter photons, electrons, or spirits, it will be its food."

"Minglei, is it possible for this crystal to be too big and affect the brain and damage the brain?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity, although it is called a crystal, is actually a virtual creation, which exists in the consciousness space, just like a house building in our imagination, but relatively speaking, the energy used by those buildings and characters is Very few."

"But this is a lot of energy, and energy restriction is done, and it is always done when needed."

"From the perspective of the incorporeal, it does not have unlimited possibilities. Even if the consciousness space is full, it can extend to the outside world, and even use external objects to strengthen mental power."

"Yes, this is the six-pointed star can have unlimited expansion capabilities."

"If you put a circle on the outside of the hexagram, it can be prevented from being in the center of the large hexagram. If you draw a circle at the center of the hexagram, you can put the small hexagram into the circle."

"So, doesn't the circle represent the six-pointed star?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes the deity."

"Minglei, from this perspective, I feel that there should be a small six-pointed star before a large six-pointed star, or is it because there is the earth first, and then the universe?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity can't understand it this way. It can only be said that there must be a six-dimensional before there are seven."

"The seven dimensions can contain the six dimensions, which is true at the micro level and at the macro level."

"In other words, there are micro-seven dimensions and macro-level seven dimensions, such as positive and negative dimensions."

"In the case of the hexagon at the center of the hexagram, theoretically it can gather the energy of the six origins, and then concentrate in the middle, and then merge into a circle, which is the place where the energy converges, and the opposite is also true. It means that both the outside and the center have six origins, which is equivalent to infinite. The six origins will always exist and only have a movement relationship."

"In other words, the six-pointed star has unlimited growth, whether it is energy absorption or energy release."

"Minglei, according to this logic, in fact, this process is the process of changing from the virtual to the real." Xiao Yi said.

"The deity also has a process of transforming from reality to virtual, depending on how you use it."

"Realization should be condensed from the outward center, and the virtual should be diverging from the inside to the outside." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes the deity."

"But Minglei, if this happens, wouldn't the six-pointed star that worked so hard to gather will dissipate." Xiao Yi said puzzledly.

"This deity, this requires gradual progress, and the consciousness space itself is also bounded by laws, so energy is not wasted, but relatively speaking, it may promote the development of other brain areas."

"What does this other brain area refer to?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, that is, the place outside of the six regions we call."

"For example, if it diverges, it will form an energy layer. For the brain, it will increase the frequency for the entire brain."

"What are the benefits?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity, you can think of it as the legal limit of the universe. Once such a limit is formed, you can avoid mental attacks and make your spirit more stable."

"Is that so?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"This deity, this is not surprising. The energy in the consciousness space is originally balanced, but with the formation of the six-pointed star, that will inevitably lead to the concentration of energy."

"In this way, it is bound to cause the hexagram to become a high-level space, and other areas to become a low-level space."

"If these spaces cannot be supplemented, it will inevitably lead to the high-level space of the six-pointed star itself not being too stable, because the constraints are too great, so even if the six-pointed star is condensed, it needs to be progressive."

"In this way, the stability of the consciousness space is the key to the formation of the hexagram." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, it can be said that the stability of consciousness space is the foundation of everything."

"But Minglei, how do you judge whether the consciousness space is stable?" Xiao Yi was somewhat later.

"The deity, first of all, is to see if there is energy overflow in the consciousness space."

"How to observe this?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, such as the photoelectricity seen when you are asleep, and the various images that appear in the dream, which in turn leads to the movement of people's consciousness, so you must learn to control the consciousness space."

"Avoid losing control of the energy in one's consciousness space. Once out of control, it will cause the environment in the consciousness space to change. Although it is all black, the energy density in the out of control black space has been greatly reduced. I feel that the human body is particularly tired because the space in the consciousness space has been emptied."

"In this way, the amount of energy in the consciousness space is actually impossible to observe." Xiao Yi said.

"The deity can use the method of condensing six-pointed stars to realize energy dispatch, and then keep the energy in the consciousness space as balanced as possible."

"You know, the six-pointed star we are talking about is connected to the six dimensions. If the energy is insufficient, it means that it will mobilize energy according to the law of potential."

"That is based on instinct." Xiao Yi said.

"The six-pointed star, will it dim or disappear?" Xiao Yi said.

"This needs to be based on feelings. If you feel empty, then you must stop your brain work and provide corresponding energy to supplement it. You can't always rebuild everything. UU看书"

"Minglei, besides the six-pointed star, can there be other ways to change the balance in the brain?" Xiao Yi said puzzled.

"Furthermore, if the balance is maintained, will it lead to difficulties for one party and five parties for support, and everything will be lost." Xiao Yi said worriedly.

"The deity, relatively speaking, this kind of a bit outweighs the disadvantages. If one party has been damaged, then it is the real tragedy."

"Humans may lose some instincts and some memories, and one party can hardly support the five parties, so even if there is a disaster, they can still retain the seeds of hope. It is relatively direct damage, and the advantage is too much."

"Minglei, is there a sequence for the construction of the six-pointed star?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity naturally has no energy sequence, because once it is constructed, it has already formed a cycle."

"Even the outwardly extending circle and the inwardly extending circle can be said to ensure that the cells in the brain have sufficient energy supply at all times."

"In comparison, this is equivalent to adding compressed space in the brain, and more energy is stored in it. For the soul fire, this six-pointed star is not a soul altar, it can actively influence the energy in the dark space to take an active transition. ."

"In fact, the biggest advantage of this is that thinking will become extremely agile. It is like a super cache in a computer, which caches everything in the memory. When the central processing unit calls it again, the efficiency will be high. A lot."

"It's kind of magical for you to say that." Xiao Yi said.

"The deity, in addition to the brain, is actually very important for all areas of the human body to maintain energy balance. Only by maintaining a true balance, will there be no problems such as reversed matter, energy exhaustion, and energy balance being broken."