Brain Storm

Chapter 1931: Terrible high instinct

Bookstore building, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the brain storm!

"Minglei, then do you think there are similar rules in the universe?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, in terms of the universe, there are very few rules of evolution based on intelligence."

"In terms of the formation of intelligence, this requires the reversal of the energy bounded by the laws of the universe. Of course, this means that when the universe was just formed, the universe at this time, instincts just appeared, and the rays reverted back to the state. The intersection of energy instincts with linear operation leads to intelligence."

"And the formation of this kind of intelligence is closely related to its reflective surface. The universe is infinite. As the instinct jumps to the edge of the universe, the surrounding instinctive light will gradually spread away, and then in a void, there is only A beam of light is flying, and when the power of the photon gradually attenuates, photon superposition will also occur.

"Once this state appears, it means that it has reached the end of light energy. If it can form a legal limit, then it will also be the edge of the universe."

"But the contingency of the formation of the universe is still very large. When the light elements accumulate and reach a certain mass, they may also form a second original transition. In this way, it is equivalent to continuing to expand the legal limits of the universe to infinity."

"Only speaking, this kind of expansion will occur many times. As for the number of times, it will only be closely related to the origin. The key is how much energy the original origin transmits."

"However, once the legal limit is formed, it also means that the light element has formed a whole. For example, several huge star clusters may form a cosmic shell.

"While Zaiyoubenyuan's light is still being transmitted here, it may be because of some factors, and then the direction of the light transmission? Then it will also jump inward. This is a process from virtual reality to reality. , When time progresses to a certain point? The universe's ability to reverse will also be formed."

"When the reversal and instinct are connected? The universe can actually give birth to many galaxies? The returning light has the opportunity to return to its origin."

"This is actually very similar to the limits of the laws that formed the universe."

"By the way, Minglei, you just mentioned the limit of the law, but I thought of a question? Since the limit of the law is also an origin? Doesn't it also have six dimensions?" Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"The deity does have six dimensions, but among these six dimensions? There are three dimensions that are internal."

"So? Instinct plus intelligence? Is the real six dimensions?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes the deity? It is precisely because of such different universes that the laws of time are different? The manifestation is that there is a certain gap in the time ratio between the large dimension and the small dimension."

"As far as the revolutions of planets and stars are concerned, the orbits of the two are not comparable, not to mention large galaxies with super stars, super planets and super neutron stars as their core."

"Minglei? I have a little doubt? If you look at the big world from a small world? Does it feel like sitting in a well and watching the sky? Are the laws that can be observed are true?"

"It is true that the spectrum can be involved? But the spectrum that is not involved can actually be inferred based on the corresponding interval. There may be errors, but the error will not be too large."

"As far as the laws of the universe are concerned, this is actually based on the opinions of different beings."

"If there is a life that is countless times larger than the universe, then it is not a universe, but a mote. For it, the so-called legal limit of the universe is not just the shell of an element."

"Minglei, according to this understanding, the elemental shell should be the gathering of dense elements."

"Yes, the deity is not as simple as the element. It can be understood as the bidirectional name of matter and energy, which can be replaced by energy."

"The legal limit of the universe's justification is that its general multi-dimensional blending state does not only have a specific shape, but the shape is also random. Even at the edge of the universe, there may be a large number of neutron stars, stars, etc."

"Otherwise, when looking at the outer shell of the universe, it would not exist in a burning state."

"In this way, the law limit itself is also undergoing an energy transition." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, the deity is not so much a reflection of light, it is actually that the light has reached this step and has formed an independent cosmic space, and this cosmic space already has the ability of light transition."

"When this kind of light is intertwined with the original light, more intelligence can be born. This can also be regarded as the beginning of the large-scale birth of intelligence in the interstellar. The position where each light intersects may give birth to intelligence, which changes slightly. Big, if it is multiple interweaving, then the possibility of forming a world will become even greater. Energy is constantly interweaving, and constantly jumping around. This is actually a growth process."

"When this point gradually grows over time, its law of potential will cause a large amount of energy to extend outward from it, and then this is the initial growth state of a world. This growth process requires Long years, even billions of years, tens of billions of years of growth, or even longer time, but for the universe, the moment is eternity. Before life is born, time is meaningless, or Time does not exist at all."

"In such a world without time cost, the energy is always maintained in a state of convergence, and it will eventually grow into a nearly eternal origin."

"Even if its original source disappears, its energy is enough for its combustion transition. Its instinct will form new intelligence on the edge of its energy can be involved, that is, new intelligence, and then it will form a continuous expansion of a certain range. The origin body, until a real universe law boundary is formed, and its internal energy balance can be achieved without leaking, such a real universe is considered to be formed."

"At this state, civilization should be born?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, this deity actually requires multiple destruction and collisions to form a stable universe in the end."

"Minglei, does the center of the universe have a huge star like a planet?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, any universe, has its inner core, just like a star core, but in relative terms, whether it is made of positive matter or antimatter is related to the nature of the universe itself."

"Minglei, how did the core of the universe form?" Xiao Yi was curious.

"The deity, take the solar system as an example. If its energy keeps jumping and jumping to the edge of the solar system, its energy density continues to increase, and there is no upper limit, then it can also form a legal limit. Once the legal limit is formed, then The sun becomes the core of the planet."

"The planet has also become a super planet. This is the evolution of a star to a super planet."

"In fact, planets like the Earth are actually the same at the beginning. Deep enough underground, occasionally some stone **** can be dug out. In fact, these are stars in a specific material range, but they are a little smaller in scale. That's it, the quality is a bit smaller."

"What's more, human beings can even discover the atomic universe in atoms, and the cellular universe can also be found in human cells."

"Minglei, according to this logic, isn't that the center of any universe, it should actually have a core." Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"The deity can only say that the young universe has a core, and the aging universe has no core."

"So like the earth, is it considered old or young?" Xiao Yi was a little puzzled.

"The deity, if you compare the earth to a galaxy, it means that it has a certain excess of energy and then turns the entire galaxy into a material universe."

"Minglei, then I'm a little curious, do those spheres have magnetic fields?" Xiao Yi said puzzledly.

"This deity, this is inevitable, even the original orbit of the earth still exists. If it meets certain requirements, it can still operate in a certain orbit."

"But such a track is no longer possible," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, with the change of matter and the outward extension of the core power caused by energy resonance, the original planetary orbit has lost its meaning."

"Minglei, can any star system become a super planet?" Xiao Yi said with some confusion.

"This deity, this requires certain conditions, for example, there is quite a lot of matter in the universe, so that when a star comes into contact with it, the volume of the star will gradually increase."

"Know that in the depths of the starry sky, there are often pictures of stars swallowing stars, and then old stars can acquire the power of young stars and revive their own power."

"Minglei, can human cells do this?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity, all of this is done by instinct, to make two cells merge into one cell. If conditions do not allow it, this will cause cell mutation."

"Then cancer cells, don't they belong to this kind of cells?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"This deity, the production of cancer cells is generally caused by ordinary injuries, which in turn causes the cells to fail to recover according to a specific genetic sequence, and then the injury is added to the injury, resulting in genetic disorder."

"It's like chaos, it will continue to grow until the root of such cells is completely removed, and even in this state, it will be spread among normal cells."

"This mainly depends on the spread of the energy range. Life is sometimes very powerful, but this kind of power is really not what humans want."

"Minglei, is there a way to correct such a cell?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"The deity can only do cell implantation. First, remove the corresponding problem cells, then use the artificial vessel to cultivate specific cells, and implant the corresponding cells to reach the flesh and blood as needed."

"These cells are nourished by flesh and blood, and they will also grow rapidly. Because these cells are implanted in a nano-scale matrix, they can completely solve the corresponding problems and provide no space for other cells to grow."

"In this way, if you want to treat cell problems, you actually have to create tools for large-scale manipulation of the cell level." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, life seems to be powerful, but its power comes from the microcosm, just as human beings often say that energy does not come from small cells."

"Even the instinct of the cell is the instinct of the soul. There is nothing wrong with this. It's just that, relatively speaking, with the brain as the center, the instinct of the cell can be ignored at critical moments."

"Minglei, from the perspective of the cellular universe, how did the damaged cells cause it?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"This deity, it is like the evolution of a star system to a super planet. It will inevitably need additional energy elements. With energy elements, the kinetic energy of the cell nucleus has not surpassed the kinetic energy of this extra energy element, and the core kinetic energy of the cell itself is suppressed. , The freezing of the external energy element becomes the mainstream, which in turn causes the external force to become a high position and become the initiative of the force, and it will also make a leap in accordance with the law of potential."

"At this time, the cellular universe will also lose its original order, and this influence is produced by a high position, which surpasses the power of the cell itself. If this power continues to exist, it will continue to It spreads around and then swallows all normal cells until the original energy disappears, but accidentally, if such power is provided again, it may cause such high energy to start to jump again."

"My God, this is terrible." Lu Xuexin said from the side.

"Yes, from the perspective of energy elements, if the human body's energy elements are suppressed, this is the result."

"So if cancer cells appear in any person's body, it is actually caused by mutations in the energy element, which in turn leads to abnormal high energy, transitions, and then breaks through the constraints of the cell membrane."

"It only inherits the instinct of the law of Wei Shi, but it does not inherit the instinct of the cell."

"Minglei, from this perspective, is there a way to solve this problem?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"My deity, from this perspective, if you want to clean up this situation, the only way is to neutralize the high energy, and this requires the ability to neutralize the energy to achieve penetration."

"In the cities where ordinary people live, humans with common cancers are generally caused by taking a lot of high-calorie foods, and then leading to indigestion. When eating, they don’t feel it, but every time in the collection, it affects the body again and again. In the long term, irreversible injuries will occur to the body, which in turn will cause the human body to enter a vicious circle."

"Is neutralization the only solution?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"If the deity has not interfered with physical means, relying on the body's own neutralization and dissolution is the only way, but this way, it is difficult to locate its own damaged cells."

"So, that is to say, it is necessary to cooperate with corresponding equipment."