Brain Storm

Chapter 1938: Origin of Gods and Demons

   "Why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, even if it is in the dark space, most of its area may remain in a static state, but once such a substance jumps into a more active neutral space, then such a static substance will also be activated by the neutral space. "

   "In this way, it will also become a state of energy release."

   "And in the dark space, the substance that is originally moving will inevitably move at a higher speed."

   "Even through resonance with the neutral dimension, a new dark life is produced."

   "From the perspective of origin, darkness represents death, that is, the cessation of everything."

   "But from the perspective of monster invasion, this dark space has obviously passed that stage, and it also has its own life span."

   "This also leads to a self-neutral space in the dark space. The life in this space is divided into instinctive life and intelligent life."

   "The two kinds of life, the intelligent life is relatively high life."

   "Minglei, what about the opposite bright space, which is dominated by intelligent life, why do you say birth instinct?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "The deity, this mainly refers to creation, for example, an ant creates a nest, then its nest can only be presented there in an instinctive way? This is actually the instinct of intelligent creation."

   "Then human beings create and invent all kinds of things, isn't it also an intelligent creative instinct?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity. Although humans are in a neutral space, there are also life in the neutral space that are biased toward the light or toward the dark, which also leads to the evolution to instinct or to intelligence."

   "In this way, if the duality of human beings evolves, it will actually be the extreme demonization of instinct and the extreme deification of intelligence?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity is only relatively speaking. Whether its instinct affects the movement of darkness and light determines its scale."

   "Darkness and light exist from the planetary level, and also from the cosmic level. This range is very large, so it can only be a relatively light or dark tendency."

"Take the Black Demon Insect as an example. It means that after the gas containing the seeds of life in the dark world reaches the neutral space, it combines with local life and rejuvenates. Majin wait but it takes instinct to evolve to intelligence."

"But for the original neutral species, this is obviously obliterating its intelligent existence, so there will be a hostile relationship between the two, or in other words, each other is to pass on, rather than become its vassal. This is The relationship between the master and the slave."

   "What did the black demon insect form with?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

   "This deity, the Black Demon Insect is created by rats infected by the Black Demon Qi. You must know that 95% of the mice are genetically similar to humans. This also causes humans to be infected by the Black Demon Qi."

   "But what is the power used by Pastor Minglei?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "It is the energy of the light system. According to the energy of the human body, it is a thing called light spirit."

   "It is higher than the neutral space and similar to the dark space. It exists widely in the light space."

   "As long as human intelligence can resonate with the frequency of light spirit, then human intelligence will be deified, which is similar to demonization."

   "Only speaking, water flows to low places and people go to high places. This succinctly explains the crux of the problem."

   "Water and people?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "Does water represent darkness?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "The deity, water certainly does not represent darkness, it represents space."

   "The liquid space of water is relatively low compared to the gaseous space where humans live."

   "Why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, even if it is in the dark space, most of its area may remain in a static state, but once such a substance jumps into a more active neutral space, then such a static substance will also be activated by the neutral space. "

   "In this way, it will also become a state of energy release."

   "And in the dark space, the substance that is originally moving will inevitably move at a higher speed."

   "Even through resonance with the neutral dimension, a new dark life is produced."

   "From the perspective of origin, darkness represents death, that is, the cessation of everything."

   "But from the perspective of monster invasion, this dark space has obviously passed that stage, and it also has its own life span."

   "This also leads to a self-neutral space in the dark space. The life in this space is divided into instinctive life and intelligent life."

   "The two kinds of life, the intelligent life is relatively high life."

   "Minglei, what about the opposite bright space, which is dominated by intelligent life, why do you say birth instinct?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "The deity, this mainly refers to creation, for example, an ant creates a nest, then its nest can only be presented there in an instinctive way? This is actually the instinct of intelligent creation."

   "Then human beings create and invent all kinds of things, isn't it also an intelligent creative instinct?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity. Although humans are in a neutral space, there are also life in the neutral space that are biased toward the light or toward the dark, which also leads to the evolution to instinct or to intelligence."

   "In this way, if the duality of human beings evolves, it will actually be the extreme demonization of instinct and the extreme deification of intelligence?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity is only relatively speaking. Whether its instinct can affect the movement of darkness and light determines its scale."

   "Darkness and light exist from the planetary level and from the cosmic level. This range is very large, so it can only be a relatively light or dark tendency."

"Take the Black Demon Insect as an example. It is the gas that contains the seeds of life in the dark world. After reaching the neutral space, it combines with local life and rejuvenates. If there is enough time, it will transform into a Demon Insect, etc. , Warcraft, Demon, etc., but this requires the evolution of instinct to intelligence."

"But for the original neutral species, obviously this is to obliterate its intelligent existence, so there will be a hostile relationship between the two, or in other words, each other is to pass on, rather than become its vassal. This is the relationship of who is the master and who is the follower."

   "What did the black demon insect form with?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

   "This deity, the Black Demon Insect was created by rats infected by the Black Demon Qi. It is necessary to know that 95% of the mice are genetically similar to humans, which also causes humans to be infected by the Black Demon Qi."

   "But Minglei, what power does the priest use?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "It is the energy of the light system. According to the energy of the human body, it is a thing called light spirit."

   "It is higher than the neutral space, similar to the dark space, it exists widely in the light space."

   "As long as human intelligence can resonate with the frequency of light spirit, then human intelligence will be deified, which is similar to demonization."

   "Only speaking, water flows to low places and people go to high places. This succinctly explains the crux of the problem."

   "Water and people?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "Does water represent darkness?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "The deity, water certainly does not represent darkness, it represents space."

   "The liquid space of water is relatively low compared to the gaseous space where humans live."

   "Why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"The deity, even if it is in the dark space, most of its area may remain in a static state, but once such a substance jumps into a more active neutral space, then such a static substance will also be activated by the neutral space. "

   "In this way, it will also become a state of energy release."

   "And in the dark space, the substance that is originally moving will inevitably move at a higher speed."

   "Even through resonance with the neutral dimension, a new dark life is produced."

   "From the perspective of origin, darkness represents death, that is, the cessation of everything."

   "But from the perspective of monster invasion, this dark space has obviously passed that stage, and it also has its own life span."

   "This also leads to a self-neutral space in the dark space. The life in this space is divided into instinctive life and intelligent life."

   "The two kinds of life, the intelligent life is relatively high life."

   "Minglei, what about the opposite bright space, which is dominated by intelligent life, why do you say birth instinct?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "The deity, this mainly refers to creation, for example, an ant creates a nest, then its nest can only be presented there in an instinctive way? This is actually the instinct of intelligent creation."

   "Then human beings create and invent all kinds of things, isn't it also an intelligent creative instinct?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity. Although humans are in a neutral space, there are also life in the neutral space that are biased toward the light or toward the dark, which also leads to the evolution to instinct or to intelligence."

   "In this way, if the duality of human beings evolves, it will actually be the extreme demonization of instinct and the extreme deification of intelligence?" Xiao Yi said.

   "Yes, the deity is only relatively speaking. Whether its instinct can affect the movement of darkness and light determines its scale."

   "Darkness and light exist from the planetary level and from the cosmic level. This range is very large, so it can only be a relatively light or dark tendency."

"Take the Black Demon Insect as an example. It is the gas that contains the seeds of life in the dark world. After reaching the neutral space, it combines with local life and rejuvenates. If there is enough time, it will transform into a Demon Insect, etc. , Warcraft, Demon, etc., but this requires the evolution of instinct to intelligence."

"But for the original neutral species, obviously this is to obliterate its intelligent existence, so there will be a hostile relationship between the two, or in other words, each other is to pass on, rather than become its vassal. This is the relationship of who is the master and who is the follower."

   "What did the black demon insect form with?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

   "This deity, the Black Demon Insect was created by rats infected by the Black Demon Qi. It is necessary to know that 95% of the mice are genetically similar to humans, which also causes humans to be infected by the Black Demon Qi."

   "But Minglei, what power does the priest use?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "It is the energy of the light system. According to the energy of the human body, it is a thing called light spirit."

   "It is higher than the neutral space, similar to the dark space, it exists widely in the light space."

   "As long as human intelligence can resonate with the frequency of light spirit, then human intelligence will be deified, which is similar to demonization."

   "Only speaking, water flows to low places and people go to high places. This succinctly explains the crux of the problem."

   "Water and people?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "Does water represent darkness?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

   "The deity, water certainly does not represent darkness, it represents space."

   "The liquid space of water is relatively low compared to the gaseous space where humans live."

   "Why is this?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"This deity, even if it is in the dark space, most of its area may remain in a static state, but once such a matter jumps to a more active neutral space, then such a static matter Will also be activated by the neutral space."

   "In this way, it will also become a state of energy release."

   "And in the dark space, the substance that is originally moving will inevitably move at a higher speed."

   "Even through resonance with the neutral dimension, a new dark life is produced."

   "From the perspective of origin, darkness represents death, that is, the cessation of everything."

   "But from the perspective of monster invasion, this dark space has obviously passed that stage, and it also has its own life span."

   "This also leads to a self-neutral space in the dark space. The life in this space is divided into instinctive life and intelligent life."

   "The two kinds of life, the intelligent life is relatively high life."

   "Minglei, what about the opposite bright space, which is dominated by intelligent life, why do you say birth instinct?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

   "The deity, this mainly refers to creation, for example, an ant creates a nest, then its nest can only be presented there in an instinctive way? This is actually the instinct of intelligent creation."

   "Then human beings create and invent all kinds of things, isn't it also an intelligent creative instinct?" Xiao Yi said.

   "It is the deity. Although human beings are in a neutral space, there are also life in the neutral space that are biased toward the light or toward the dark. This also leads to the evolution to instinct or to intelligence."