Brain Storm

Chapter 1963: Connection of high-dimensional channels

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"Under normal circumstances, there is no interference."

"Can the main world send information to the micro world without interference?" Xiao Yi was puzzled.

"The deity, the world is also different from the world, just like human beings can create themselves in parallel worlds."

"Does the world also produce energy transitions? Then an energy world may also jump out, and then the energy world will be born."

"But such energy circles actually appear in history, that is, they are not in the present or the future."

"It's like a one-dimensional space, where a large group of spirits converges into a bundle of spirits and jumps into the void."

"And the forefront of this transition is actually now, and those tail flames are pushing the present to the future."

"And the parallel world is equal to the state of the tail flame."

"The core things will be inherited now, and the surroundings of history will also be moved away mercilessly by the main world."

"Does it feel cruel?" Ming Lei said.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded: "Yeah, but I can understand, after all, this is a new beginning."

"Yes, but relatively speaking, the total energy quality is actually reduced. The energy levels between the main civilization and the parallel civilization cannot be compared with each other. The gap is too great.

"But can they also create a new main world?"

"Yes, but such a world itself is relative."

"Even the main world may have jumped out of the tail of a certain main world."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi seemed to understand something.

"Minglei, what are we looking for? Looking for the main world of this world?"

"The deity, first of all we have to determine whether there is such a true main world around us."

"So, should we be born in a world of tail flames?"

"Yes, this is a fact. If we want to break the rules, we must first find our way home."

"Even if we find this so-called main world, what can we do, integrate the power of the source, and then look for a new main world?"

"The deity, found the Milky Way from the solar system, and then found more galaxies."

"The facts tell us the truth. These universes are actually like particles, all maintaining a state of rotation."

"Isn't it that the universe and the world in this order are all in history?"

"Yes, this is how time is expressed."

"But it is precisely because of such a way of expression that our world will be rich and colorful."

"Minglei, if we go back to the reality, or now, what kind of world will we return to?"

"The deity, mainly depends on what is in this world."

"But generally speaking, in such a world, there are powerful living bodies that control powerful rules of instinct."

"Doesn't it mean that there is actually very little life in this world?"

"Yes deity, there may be only one life, two lives, but this is the real space of higher life."

"This world is low-dimensional life, and such a world does not allow low-dimensional life."

"How did that low-dimensional life come from?" Xiao Yi frowned a little.

"Nature is a high-dimensional energy transition."

"Dark Thunder, the low dimension returns to the high dimension."

"The dimensional transition is actually mainly the frequency difference. Humans only need to keep increasing the frequency."

"Phenomenon of man-made law limit can cross dimensions."

"So how to achieve it?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity, in fact, is just the accumulation of energy."

"For example, the stacking of light, the stacking of electricity, the stacking of wind, the stacking of fire, the stacking of water, and the stacking of soil. In fact, these can all be generated by the law.

"Like big characters, there is a limit of its own rules. Once its own pressure compresses itself, it is actually a phenomenon of limit of rules."

"This also leads to the fact that if humans want to break the limits of the law, it is actually very simple. It only needs to use the corresponding resources for heaping.

"In this way, in fact, things like diamonds, which are formed by pressure, are also caused by a breakthrough in the rule of law."

"Yes deity, it can be said that the formation of elements is related to the breakthrough of the rule limit."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin were confused.

"But Thunder, hasn't this material or energy changed its form? Should it be said that it has moved to the macro world?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, but before it is not cooled, it is also a high-dimensional energy state."

"Knowing that heat is also an energy, you can also add energy density."

"Composite law limits?" Xiao Yi said with some surprise.

"It is true that multiple law limits will occur within one law limit, but this is mainly due to the mutual conversion of energy, which in turn is caused by multi-dimensional cognition."

"For example, the three forms of water, liquid, solid, and gas, but it is water, but you say there is a form of ice, which can also be used as a single dimension."

"But this is actually an interval."

"But Minglei, if so, water, gas, ice, can not actually reflect in a space at the same time?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, to be precise, their mutual reflection will be neutralized and eventually assimilated into an element."

"So, it is still an effect." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, in fact, there are many elements between heaven and earth. From the perspective of the spirit element, it looks a lot."

"But when it comes to the level of Lingli, in fact, it means that there is more energy than less energy, and mass is more than small."

"In the state of Lingzi, basically, they are only distinguished by instinct and intelligence."

"But Minglei, according to this logic, this way of improving the dimensions, in fact, will not increase our own quality?" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes deity, so even if you jump into the new world, it is difficult to grasp the rules of the new world."

"Because you are not the life of that area, limited by your own quality, the things you can see are directly proportional to your own quality. It is impossible to be more or less, but for a high-dimensional world, that It ’s terrible. "

"You may only see a corner, maybe the volume of a flying insect can be bigger than our world."

"It's even possible that we are just above a tiny dust."

"What about this way of our Gaia now?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

"We improve the dimension and quality together, so that the final result is the basic life state of the high-dimensional world."

"It will eventually grow into a high-dimensional world, which is the state we have been using Gaia."

"The only regret is that the deity as a person, I am afraid that I have to often bear parting."

"Leaving a world and coming to a world, seriously, this is really not a very good feeling." Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah, I also feel this way. Since coming out of our original world, I found that everything seems to be out of control. At the beginning, I could vaguely feel the shadow of the manipulator, but Xiao Yi later After this world has fought over the shackles of that original world, after coming here, I found that our new beginning really started. "

"And this beginning, let us walk on the endless road, such a road has no end, but there is no end road, what is the meaning of it, seriously, I really can't understand."

"But now hundreds of billions of years have passed since this moment, and it is really hard to imagine such a ratio."

"In addition, I just want to know that since our world has passed so fast, isn't it true that other civilizations in this space are also so fast, but why do they still exist?" Lu Xuexin frowned.

"Xue Xin, the question you asked is very good. The civilized time in the law space is indeed accelerated, but Xue Xin, you should notice that the law space is actually a space where time stops."

"But this is only for the law space, but in the law space, it is the path of the law that can see the life in the law space."

"This also means that the long river of time is an energy band, and it is bound to the core of the universe."

"But for us, it is actually some clouds, the same thing, you can think of them as the energy world."

"And such an energy world has always existed."

"But human beings live in it, and can you feel the years running? Is this a bit confusing." Xiao Yi asked.

"The deity, what is it, reading the information on the path of the law? Now? Past? Or future?"

"Listen to you, now, in the past, in the future, are things so simple, not laws?"

"The deity, what the law is, the law is the basic operation of energy, which leads to the fact that energy guides energy, which is also very common."

"In a one-dimensional world, we can often see some energy entering some worlds."

"But from a human point of view, what we see is that energy jumps into our world."

"But these energies will actually reflect it, and it contains a reserve of the past, the current burning, and the future burning are exhausted, and then completely become a part of the new universe."

"Ming Lei, so to speak, the law space is actually not static, but relative to humans, they are static in terms of their dimensions?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"Yes deity, and the rules of time are actually maintained by the source of time, and this process is actually produced by time, that is, the power from light."

"There is actually a reason why light is called time, because there is light, there will be a transition of elements, and then the transition behavior of the most basic elements, there is a fixed concept.

"Without light, everything is frozen, but is it still? At least on the surface level, no elements are working."

"As for whether there is any movement in one dimension, I have to say something else, because the one-dimensional world and the traditional world are actually separated by a two-dimensional world.

"That one dimension is moving?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, things have many sides, so it is not easy to look at it this way, it may be moving or it may be stopped."

"It's like an egg, it looks dead on the surface, but it may be a life in it."

"We can't judge the inside of a thing by its appearance."

"Minglei, that means that the two-dimensional world is in a frozen state. Even if the one-dimensional world is at the spiritual level, there is actually a high probability that it is in a frozen state."

"Yes deity, at least it takes time to recover, which is enough to explain this."

"That two-dimensional freezing, one-dimensional active, what does this mean?"

"The deity, this generally refers to sleeping intelligence, it may be an energy world."

"Lord, look here."

Along with the voice, I saw a void that was rapidly zooming in. Before long, a huge hole appeared in front of Xiao Yi.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked doubtfully.

"The deity, this is some cosmic memory found in a world assimilated."

"Cosmic memory?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised by this ranking.

"My dear, UU reading Yes, this memory comes from the accumulation of the universe, but these accumulations have already told us the truth. This used to have a dimension upgrader."

With observation, Xiao Yi quickly found clues.

"Minglei, do you mean someone borrowed this universe to make a dimensional jump?" Xiao Yi looked at the huge pyramids in the stars with some surprise.

"Yes deity, the law of energy resonance limits the phenomenon, will connect the stars into a long and huge network of energy."

"And if the energy in the energy network is infinitely filled, it will generate law limits."

"And the limitation of this rule may tear the time and space, and then open a channel to the high-dimensional world."

"This is really an incredible idea, so here should be considered a ruin? But it seems quite confusing." Xiao Yi said.

"The deity, yes, after the formation of its dimensional channel, the place closed itself again, and the place was abandoned."

"One-time?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised.

"The deity, you can imagine that there used to be a high-dimensional life form here, using the rules of planetary formation to break through the space."

"Then jumped into a high-dimensional world."

"You mean, we want to open this channel?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise.

"Yes deity, at least we have to know what the high-dimensional world is."

"Well, you say that, I am also interested in it." Xiao Yi said excitedly.

"How to restore the track?" Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"The deity only needs to inject energy into this universe."

With the voice, I saw a lot of golden energy and entered the world at once.

At the next moment, those pyramids that had been decaying were revived again.