Brain Storm

Chapter 208: Small world was discovered

"This world, although very illusory, also has a very real place. When the seeds of the physical world are planted here, they can grow energy vegetables."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"What energy vegetables?" Lu Xuexin immediately pointed to the place where Ming Lei was busy.

"The fruits contain mental power, and if eaten, they should be comparable to half a brain nucleus.

"Xue Xin, you should have been with me just now, but why did I come in and say hello to them before you came in?"

"The white color in this door represents time, and it may be because of this that this portal is delayed."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi looked a little surprised, and there were several other colors in this space door.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin's deity is very excited to continue to talk.

"Everything born here is energetic." Said Landing Xuexin pointed to the earth's mass.

"For example, if you grow vegetables in this soil, the survival rate of vegetable seeds will not be said, and the dead can become alive."

"The most amazing thing is that you look at the vegetables that Minglei just planted, but now these vegetables have sprouted."

"Xiao Yi, do you know what this means?" Lu Xuexin's words made Xiao Yi a little bit unturned.

"What are you talking about!"

"You can use the exchange system to exchange items here for honor points and soft sister coins."

"It's all apocalyptic. Just spend enough money. Why do you want money?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Of course it was shopping. Recently, Ming Lei has bought a lot, and we have spent all the money on our account. Fortunately, not much.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"It was Ming Lei who gave me an avatar." Seeing Xiao Yi's expression, Lu Xuexin said immediately.

"Then you gave it?" Lu Xuexin nodded immediately.

"Then I bought so many seeds. At the moment Xiao Yi was a little speechless.

"Will the energy here be consumed by planting vegetables?" At the moment Xiao Yi was a little worried about this issue.

"Should not, once these vegetables leave this space, the energy in them will leave these vegetables."

"Have you experimented?" Xiao Yi was surprised by Lu Xuexin's words.

"Oh, I've experimented in my storage space before.

"Do you remember the log that Ding Hao lived in?"

Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi sounded the piece of wood, which was also the wood that could store the soul.

"Is that piece of wood still there?"

"Yeah, I've always kept it as a flower."

It was here that the space gate did suddenly experience a sudden wave of fluctuations, but the next moment it came in alone.

"Boss, what are you doing?" The next moment Ding Hao walked into the small world.

"Wow, this is that?" Ding Hao's mouth widened at the moment. "

"Ding Hao, are you inside?" Li Yao came in the next moment.

"Ahem ... Just the next moment Li Yunhe and Qing Xue also came in.

"Why are you all back?" Xiao Yi asked with some curiosity.

"It's a rush to see the captain. You're leaving. We are worried about what's going on with you, so I'll follow up and see. I just didn't expect to see a strange space door."

"Later, they said that they couldn't find you. I guess you might have entered this space door, and we all came in." After hearing Ding Hao's words, Xiao Yi suddenly understood.

"Is there no one else out there?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Also, but I let them wait outside."

"They also saw the space gate?" Xiao Yi asked, worried.

"Yeah, I saw them all." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi felt powerless for a moment.

"Xue Xin, what to do, the secret was leaked."

"The leak just leaked. Now the country has built so many small worlds, and we are afraid that there will be more of us." After hearing this, Xiao Yi's heart became less tense.

"Is there anything over JZ001?"

"It said that several spoutfishes were found to the west, but the powers had been arranged to kill them.

"Boss, where is this place?"

The air here is really good. "

"Yeah, I feel awake when I breathe."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi suddenly laughed bitterly.

"This is a small world established by Xiao Yi, but it is not complete yet, and can only grow vegetables." Lu Xuexin, on the other hand, gave a generous introduction to everyone.

"Xiao Yi, do you grow vegetables in this space with energy?" Li Yunhe asked suddenly at this moment.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi, Lu Xuexin, Ding Hao and Li Yao were all a bit surprised by Li Yunhe's topic.

"Why do you look at me like that? I can also grow vegetables in my storage space. Although I can't enter people, there is no problem in growing vegetables.

"Speaking of Li Yunhe actually opening his storage space, the next moment a pot of vegetables appeared in everyone's field of vision.

"This is me and Qingxue."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was suddenly surprised, but at this moment Ding Hao muttered to himself, why I didn't think of it.

"Boss, do you have seeds, I want to grow vegetables too." Xiao Yi smiled bitterly when suddenly heard Ding Hao's words.

Xiao Yi's Space

However, I was very surprised that Li Yunhe could think of using storage space to grow vegetables.

"Xiao Yi, I feel that the space you have here is similar to the space of the dragon, except that you are bright here, and dark there.‘

"You're talking about the inheritance hall in Dragon's Space. I won't hide it from you. I got something from it to build this space."

"The oxygen here is made from blue energy crystals. Doesn't it feel like I'm breathing for a while?"

"Brother Xiao, it's really nice here. I almost want to stay here for the summer."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was speechless for a while.

"Xiao Yi, UU reading we have to go out first, otherwise everyone will come in." After hearing this, Xiao Yi's face became serious.

"It's always coming, so let's go out first. Here, you have the opportunity to come and wait for the vegetables to mature. I will let Xuexin cook and cook for you."

Lu Xuexin, who heard this, said with a little embarrassment: "Cooking is not necessary. Our life assisting robot can satisfy any food for you."

With the conversation of several people, several people and quickly left the small world from space.

The small world has become a two-person world in which Ming Lei and Lu Xuexin are separated.

"Ah. It doesn't seem to be ours entirely here."

"Where's Xiaolong?"

"It's safe to sleep on those clouds."

"There is a lot of good stuff in the Gaia database. Without Gaia's sun projection, it might be dark here.

(To be continued.)