Brain Storm

Chapter 211: Sorrowful Spout Fish

A scene that made Xiao Yi feel weird appeared.

Generally speaking, energy creatures such as water jet fish should not be physically damaged. But at this moment, these water spray fish in front of Xiao Yi have been swept into the sky by this wave of energy. And even more outrageous. Their bodies were actually thrown out directly.

Seeing these water-spraying fish fall to the ground one by one, they were still motionless. It looked like he was fainted.

In this situation, Xiao Yi became more curious about the creature in front of her.

"Isn't all these fish already energy bodies? Theoretically, energy bodies should be able to fly, but why this kind of water spray fish can only travel through this water ..." Let Xiao Yi be full of reveries about the creatures such as water spray fish.

Lu Xuexin, who was still busy with the fish-picking career, had completely regarded her own dream door as the dream liner.

At this moment she was quickly moving through the water and even the ice. Due to the energy nature of the Dream Gate, at this moment Lu Xuexin completely broke the boundary between physics and energy, but the solid things can pass through them as if they did not exist. However, when Lu Xuexin wanted to catch the fainting strange fish, she only needed to use her own mental power to directly extend from the door of fantasy to capture the target she wanted to capture.

A series of changes in Lu Xuexin reminded Xiao Yi of his elementalization. Obviously, this dreamy door of Lu Xuexin gave her a physical immunity effect in disguise.

It seems that no one has the right to interfere directly with her without being recognized by her, as if it were a privilege. Privilege between energy.

But what made Xiao Yi feel weird was the so-called energy life of the spout fish. They have some of the characteristics of ordinary life, but also the inertia of fish. Never seems to leave the water. Or leave the water! Would they really die if they thought they survived this way?

This made Xiao Yi very curious.

At this time, Xiao Yi was still controlling one red and one purple lightning ball, and the clockwise rotation was fast. This move gradually raised a stronger tornado around here.

What's even more weird is that this tornado actually followed Xiao Yi's idea in action. And because Xiao Yi gave the tornado, because Xiao Yi injected two more energies into the tornado before, the scale of the tornado is also gradually expanding at this moment.

"Is this Xiao Yi's new ability?" Li Yunhe, who had been silent before seeing the magic tornado in front of him, was shocked.

"Boss Xiao Yi is really amazing!" Ding Hao also opened his mouth, and his heart was also amazed.

However, Li Yao sighed directly, and did not know what she thought.

But at the next moment, Li Yao took out a sofa directly from the storage space and placed it directly on the ground. Then she sat down and waited there.

When others saw the battle of supernatural powers in front of them, they couldn't get started. Everyone understands that accidental injury may occur once they participate in it without authorization.

At this time, the water in the small lake was getting scarce. The super tornado created by Xiao Yi is now sweeping through those substances that have formed solid ice. However, these ices have been formed for some time, and their hardness has reached a level that is so large that such a tornado cannot be destroyed in a moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi's brow frowned suddenly. The tornado created by Xiao Yi now has a height of tens of meters. At this moment, the tornado is surrounded by the water in a small lake. This water presents a kind of crystal blue, which makes Xiao Yi There is a weird feeling.

However, as this tornado absorbs more ice cones made by the water spray king, this tornado is undergoing an amazing change at this moment. It has changed into a similar magic ice tornado released by the great magician in ancient novel Effect. It looks spectacular!

And if it is an ordinary tornado, the tornado may have stopped completely after reaching this state. However, the energy of Xiao Yi's two lightning **** did not disappear. Even though the entire tornado was frozen at this moment, the frozen tornado was still spinning fast. At this moment the tornado has turned into a spinning ice top.

In this regard, Xiao Yi seems to be lamenting. What made him sigh is that although the tornado has now become an ice top. But this ice gyro still has a steady spiral of force. When it moved from above the ice layer, the energy life in the lake, the water spray fish, would still be transferred to the ice top.

With the rapid rotation of the ice top, these water spray fish will soon enter a vertigo state, and will be thrown into the sky with the force of the spiral. At that moment, these water-spraying fish would lose their original characteristics of energy and life, as if they had become a real material life, and they fell heavily to the ground. However, these energy lives will not really die. They are just stunned and unable to move, which is enough to make them lose their normal ability to perform abilities.

At this moment, as Lu Xuexin brought these water-spraying fish into Xiao Yi's small world, at this moment, Minglei was busy. At this moment, a newly opened large pit in the small world was full of dizziness. Water spray fish, it seems that a few have woke up, spraying water frantically.

It seems that only in this way can you make your body more comfortable.

"These fish are okay here." Lu Xuexin, who was aside, asked Xiang Minglei anxiously.

"Don't worry about zoos like ~, I do n’t know how many there are in the Red Devil, let alone these weak energy lives, as long as they control their energy load, the water they spray will be enough Watering flowers. "

"Especially here!" Said Ming Lei, pointing to the whole world here.

"The energy in space here is not natural, but it is released by me, so I say that as much water energy as they give them, they can spray as much water."

"Then I will rest assured, will you catch all the spout fish?" Lu Xuexin's clone asked a little doubt.

"Of course we have to catch them. These are all treasures. After we raise this fish, there will be no shortage of water with energy." Upon hearing this, Lu Xuexin's avatar suddenly looked at Ming Lei with surprise.

"I always thought you were not a money lover, I never thought you were a money lover."

"Where did you want to go?"

"Huh! But I saw it. Recently, a lot of energy vegetables appeared online. Did you sell them?"