Brain Storm

Chapter 230: Death Farm (2)

"Just the next moment, Xiao Yi's consciousness space sounded a task prompt."

"Hunting 5 pheasants, making them delicious, and giving them to Rudada for tasting, can increase the favor between Rudada and your squad." Suddenly, I heard this strange task.

The next moment Xiao Yi instinctively exerted his abilities, the next moment, Xiao Yi froze, and the lightning ball did not appear, but when he just wanted to use the lightning ball, a white light flashed out.

That was a flash of lightning. At this moment, the pheasant struck by the lightning had turned black. Under the stare of Xiao Yi, the pheasant turned into a black charcoal like that.

"This ... due to Xiao Yi's shot, the pheasants all started flying, and the surrounding animals began to run wild.

Seeing that Xiao Yi hastened his elemental pursuit of those pheasants.

"Xiao Yi found that his elementalization was still there, but at the moment Xiao Yi felt a little weird. With his elementalization, Xiao Yi found that his body obviously did not know how many times it was bigger.

Taking a random walk, Xiao Yi actually found that he was no longer around Lu Xuexin and others. Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurried back, and the next moment Xiao Yi returned to his place.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi felt a little relieved. However, Xiao Yi was a little bit distressed about how to catch these pheasants.

But at this moment Lu Xuexin looked at herself with a smile.

Xiao Yi soon discovered the change in Lu Xuexin's ability. Around Lu Xuexin, there are actually several avatars of Lu Xuexin.

"My mental power avatar seems to be strengthened." The next moment, Lu Xuexin's avatar rushed out, and with a wave of his hand there was a colorful glow covering a pheasant.

The next moment, this pheasant actually appeared next to Lu Xuexin. Lu Xuexin rejoiced at this moment.

This made Xiao Yi extremely envious, but the moment Xiao Yi turned his head, Xiao Yi froze. At this moment, Ding Hao was actually picking the seeds of the surrounding herbs.

At this moment, Li Yunhe waved a hand, there was a blue ray, shot forward, and the next moment a small animal will be completely frozen into an ice sculpture.

However, Qingxue's ability has become a bit weird. Qingxue actually said something to a pheasant, and this pheasant actually walked towards Qingxue himself.

What Tang Yunfeng did at the moment was the most shocking to Xiao Yi. Tang Yunfeng was here and summoned the space door, but Tang Yunfeng was hesitant at the moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurried over.

"What happened to Yunfeng?"

"This space door is a bit weird. I'm here and can't connect to the outside world. What about this space door?"

"I don't know where to connect. This should be a random portal."

"You mean, once you enter this space door, you can't get back here?"

"Yes, my power has been changed."

The next moment, Tang Yunfeng waved his hand toward a clearing, and suddenly a few black stars flew out.

Just the next moment, there was a big hole in the area that didn't know how deep.

"This should be a dimensional cut, but this dimensional cut cannot open the space here."

"My abilities have also changed. Although elementalization can still be carried out, once I move, the speed will become quite fast, and it is as fast as I can't control it." Xiao Yi obviously lamented his abilities Change.

Just then, Lu Xuexin came over with a few pheasants.

"Xiao Yi, the pheasants have all been caught. Where do you want to put them?" Xiao Yi heard some trouble.

The next moment Xiao Yi remembered the tethered ox rope he chose. While thinking in Xiao Yi's mind, Xiao Yi found that his vision had undergone a subtle change, and a transparent wrapped picture was projected on In front of Xiao Yi. "

"Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly chose to take out the lanyard."

The next moment a long rope appeared in Xiao Yi's hands.

"Xue Xin, tie the chickens with this rope." Upon hearing Xiao Yi's words, Lu Xuexin immediately picked up the rope.

At this moment, Luxiu Xiu flew over: "This is an infinite lanyard rope, you can cut it, it will change from one to two."

Just the next moment, Lu Xiuxiu's voice changed: "Wow Kaka, there are so many pheasants, how did you catch them?"

"This is simply too drooling, saying that Lu Xiuxiu actually walked to the pheasant bigger than himself and started to feel it up and down."

"The most strange thing about Xiao Yi was that with Lu Xiuxiu's actions, these pheasants actually lowered their heads. Xiao Yi was quite puzzled to see this scene."

"Not surprisingly, this is a natural deterrent to the barbarians."

"As a powerful barbarian, my racial talent is the pheasant killer, haha."

"You mean, you're good at catching pheasants?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Wrong, it's because I can eat pheasants very well." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi had an urge to laugh and spray.

At this moment Lu Xuexin has tied all these chickens with infinite cattle ropes.

At the same time, Lu Xuexin also discovered the magical effect of this with the infinite swing.

This rope will always retain the extra 2 meters of extra rope.

"Don't be surprised, this is used to dump cows. In fact, as long as you want to tie, no matter how much you tie, it is OK, provided that the strength of the door can not exceed the cattle, otherwise the rope will be broken.

"At this moment Ding Hao was curious and came to Lu Xuexin's side. Lu Xuexin grabbed the chicken and tied the chicken, and at this moment Ding Hao looked around Lu Xuexin.

"Isn't this world called a death farm? Can I raise chickens?" Lu Xuexin asked in confusion. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

"It can be, but once it's time to die, these pheasants are likely to become giant monsters."

"I remember one time, a pheasant raised by a guy turned into a raptor." Xiao Yi was suddenly speechless when he heard this.

"Xue Xin, or don't raise it."

"But people like to eat chicken wings."

"Will there be so many chickens here in the future?" Lu Xuexin continued to ask Lu Xiuxiu.

"Chickens and these small animals are refreshed first, and various wild animals may be refreshed in the future. There is a biological chain relationship between them. In the future, such pheasant clusters will not appear. At this point, Lu Xuexin immediately looked at the car as if she had captured something. Lu Xuexin immediately used her mental strength to grab the clone faster.

With regard to catching pheasants, as long as Lu Xuexin has only one thought, he will fly back with a pheasant from a distance. (To be continued.)