Brain Storm

Chapter 237: Upgrade and Lake of Life

"What are you waiting for, and you haven't rushed them in?" Hearing Xiao Yi's words.

"You need to appoint a prison director first, otherwise the prison will not operate. Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately looked at Ding Hao.

"In the future, you will be responsible for the labor camp and these people will leave it to you."

With Xiao Yi's words, Xiao Yi found out that Ding Hao's transparency appeared inexplicably with a golden symbol.

"What's that?" Xiao Yi pointed at the golden symbol above Ding Hao's head.

"That is the warden's logo. In addition, you also have it on your head. When you appear in the town, the villagers will immediately find you." Hearing here, Xiao Yi suddenly looked at the people around him, and sure enough others People are not imprinted.

"Then what positions can I appoint now?"

"You can't appoint any authority except prison." Xiao Yi was curious to hear this.

"Because you haven't opened a farm or built a police station."

"What's going on in prison?"

"Since you need it urgently, you have built a prison by default."

"Then, what else should I do?"

"The first is to lead the townspeople to reclaim. At present, your number of townspeople is 100." Hearing here, Xiao Yi looked at a few people in the town sparsely.

"Is there really 100?" Xiao Yi was a little skeptical about this.

"Yes, don't doubt the administrator's intelligence."

"Well then, how should I worry about the residents of the town?" I heard Xiao Yi's words.

Lu Xiuxiu immediately pointed to the center of the town, and Xiao Yi suddenly found that there was a clock tower there.

"What is that? Xiao Yi is a little confused."

"The original building was the administrative hall by default. Since you chose prison first, the administrative hall requires 500 power crystals to build."

"Can I see the building list?" Xiao Yi asked in doubt.

"There is no problem, this is the scope of your rights." At the next moment, Xiao Yi showed a lot of building data in front of him.

Functional building

The residence of the mayor in the town hall, a symbol of the mayor's rights, increases the level of the territory by 10 square kilometers for each level.

Tavern: You can post mercenary missions and recruit mercenaries.

Outpost: The key to maintaining law and order in the town.

Prison: Prisoners need to use labor to pay for their sins.

Farm: Can produce food and even farm animals.

Trading House: You can trade the items you want to trade, and occasionally there are loitering heroes.

Xiao Yi was suddenly speechless when he saw these lists. This seems to be really a game, but this game is actually played by real people.

"Xue Xin, what are you doing?" When Xiao Yi returned to God, she found that Lu Xuexin was actually standing next to a child.

"Nothing, just say hello to a child." When hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at the child who was talking to Xue Xin when he was confused.

The next moment Xiao Yi apparently stayed.

It was actually a very cute child, a bit of a two-dimensional shadow.

Seeing Xiao Yi's surprised expression.

"Don't worry, these children are not counted among the 100 villagers. They have all migrated from other places."

"But why didn't I see the team or anything?"

"The teleportation array does not need to be so troublesome, as long as the townspeople are willing to teleport from a distance."

"Uncle, can you build a park for me?" The next moment, the child came to Xiao Yi.

"Trigger the task of town construction. Only, build a park, get merit 5 and increase the attractiveness of the town by 20%" Suddenly Xiao Yi received this voice.

"Do you need anything?" Xiao Yi asked in his heart.

"You need to pay 50 energy crystals." Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin and looked at the child. At the next moment, Xiao Yi immediately took out 50 energy crystals. "

Seeing Xiao Yi's move, Luxiu Xiu, who was flying around, flew over.

"Are you sure you want to build a park?"

"Yes, please help me build the park."

"Okay, no problem, it's the next moment." Xiao Yi found that the surrounding scenery changed rapidly. The surrounding land seemed to come alive, but it quickly became larger and the plants moved quickly. "

Just as Xiao Yi was stunned, the scenery in front of Xiao Yi suddenly changed greatly.

"This ... the park is ready?" Xiao Yi looked around in confusion. "Xiao Yi, who had a lot of expectations, found that, except for a few more trees, there was no grass growing in the area where the bell tower was located."

"Is this okay?" Xiao Yi asked questioningly.

"Yes, your merit has increased by five, and your urban population has increased to 101. Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately looked at the direction of the clock tower.

Xiao Yi found that there was a small square in the bell tower, that is, just now, there was actually a piercing in there.

This made Xiao Yi feel very strange. Subconscious Xiao Yi looked at Tang Yunfeng and Lu Xuexin. Xiao Yi knows that among the team members, Tang Yunfeng and Lu Xuexin have the space ability.

The next moment Xiao Yi came to Lu Xuexin's side, at this moment Lu Xuexin was staring at the figure who just appeared out of thin air.

"Xue Xin, did you find anything?"

"When the teleportation array just turned on, I captured a picture." The next moment, Lu Xuexin projected the picture just captured into Xiao Yi's conscious space.

"Is this a city?" What appeared in Xiao Yi's consciousness was a photo.

"Immigration?" Xiao Yi was a little confused about the name.

"Yes, I just captured this picture just now." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi's gaze turned curiously. Those townspeople still playing around.

"Mr. Mayor, may I ask, can we use the water of the Lake of Life when we drink water?" Xiao Yi was a little confused when he heard this. It was a reminder sound.

"Will the townspeople be allowed to use the Lake of Life?" Xiao Yi was a little confused when he heard this.

"Is the lake of life special?" Xiao Yi inquired immediately in the space of consciousness.

"The water of the Lake of Life has the property of perpetual cleanliness, which can accelerate the growth of plants and long-term drinking to obtain a strong body." Xiao Yi, who heard this, did not directly entertain the village name but directly came to the Lake of Life Aside, carefully looked up.

The next moment Xiao Yi grabbed a hand of water, and seemed to want to observe the color of the water. When the water was sprayed into the air, a fiery seven-color light suddenly appeared around him. Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled. .

"Is it a rainbow?" Xiao Yi Nannan whispered to himself.

"It's not a rainbow, it's a reflection of energy." Lu Xuexin said extremely surely.

(To be continued.)

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