Brain Storm

Chapter 239: Hunting Captain Amu

At the next moment, Li Yao went and ran out.

Seeing this crowd just smiled.

Just then, Ding Hao came in.

"Boss! The seven people are really easy to use, much better than those farmers." Xiao Yi was a little puzzled when he heard this.


"It was the townspeople in the town. They came and became farmers, but they seemed to be of average physique. I heard that the strong men were preparing to go hunting with a townsman who had been a mercenary.

"Do these townspeople need to eat?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"Listening to the townspeople, there is a townsman who has been a mercenary. He is organizing a man to hunt in the wild." Hearing Ding Hao's words, the members of the surrounding Xiao Yi team were a little surprised.

Xiao Yi has always felt that if this is a game, this group of people must be the protagonist. Even if there are other protagonists, they should come from the outside world. But this town's people actually want to open a mercenary regiment. This is how it happened.

The next moment Xiao Yilai was not in a hurry to stay longer in the town hall, and went straight out.

Xiao Yi, who spent so much money to make them, actually said that he was abducted and then abducted. Xiao Yi was emotional.

When Xiao Yi came to the square, Xiao Yi was a bit surprised, because it was at the corner of the park, where I don't know when there was an additional wine shop. At this moment there are no one. ∞∞long ¥ ∞ 风 ¥ ∞ 文 ¥ ∞Learning, w⊙∽wx. ■ t, seems to be preparing to do something.

"When is the pub in the town built? Why don't I know?" Xiao Yi's two questions were directly thrown to Lu Xiuxiu, who was always with him.

"Not surprisingly, this is a system reward. When your town is 500% attractive, the system will automatically reward a tavern."

"Boss, you are amazing. The attraction of the town has reached 500%. How big is the population of the town now?" I heard this question.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xiuxiu aside again.

"At present, your urban population is 110, but there are still 500 people awaiting naturalization." Xiao Yi was somewhat puzzled when he heard this. Suddenly looked towards the surrounding park.

The next moment Xiao Yi was choking, and some corners of the park were almost full of people.

Seeing such a picture, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Why are so many people naturalizing? Is this 500%? Isn't that more than 50,000?"

"500% is the basic value. Because you have opened the Lake of Life, as long as you are naturalized in your town, you can get the right to use the Lake of Life."

"You need to know the value of a cup of life spring water, but it is very high, even if it is not purified life lake water." Hearing here, Xiao Yi turned to look in the direction of the lake of life.

"Will this lake of life disappear?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"In theory, it can be used for 2 years, and it will not disappear in 2 years." Hearing here, Xiao Yi nodded at ease.

"Then it doesn't matter that much. Now you tell me why there are people who have not been naturalized?" With Xiao Yi's question.

Luxiu quickly gave the answer: "Due to your small town, you do not employ household registration personnel."

Xiao Yi was very surprised to hear this.

"Does anyone need to manage these too?"

"Yes, in theory, your town will be composed of local residents and foreign residents. The initial 100 residents of the town will be expanded as the level rises. You are responsible for all of your life, death, and death."

Outsiders, they are all free, and they can choose whether to stay in your town.

"And when you announce that townspeople are allowed to use the water of Lake of Life, your town ’s appeal will increase so much."

"Is the lake of life worthwhile? Is there a specific measure of value?"

"About a bucket of water can make a crystal of life. A crystal of life can be dissolved into 10 cups of life." As Xiu Xiu said these.

"A life crystal is equivalent to an energy spar. Since it can prolong its life, its value is even more difficult to estimate." Hearing these moments, Xiao Yi has become somewhat excited.

This actually coincided with Xiao Yi's previous thoughts. When Xiao Yi felt the abnormality of this lake before, Ming Lei reminded him in space.

The lake here can be used as the raw material for the production of crystals by the labor skeletons in his small world.

"The normal mercenary, what is the monthly salary?" Xiao Yi asked a little bit puzzled.

"The cost of hiring mercenaries is generally 550 energy crystals, and the strength is generally between 2 and 5 stars. The cost of hiring heroes ranges from 10 to 1,000 energy crystals, corresponding to 510 star heroes.

"The other are legendary heroes and epic heroes, but these are basically not seen in the town." Xiao Yi can understand the reason.

Xiao Yi was a little surprised to hear Lu Xiuxiu say this.

"Did you know this before?" Lu Xiuxiu shook his head immediately when he heard this, because he became your deputy task manager, so he will gain the indoctrination of these memories. "

"Then I ask you, my primitive townsman, do I need to eat?"

"The system comes with the amount of things for 7 days, that is, after 7 days, you need to prepare food for them."

"What about the migrants?" Xiao Yi pointed to the people who were resting in the park.

"Immigrants do not need food rations during immigration. When immigrants acquire local status, the system will also ration food for seven days."

"Once a villager has no food in the town, instability events such as robbery may occur." Xiao Yi, after listening to these.

At this moment the gaze was looking towards the tavern.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in chain mail was standing on the platform in front of the pub.

"I belong to the Mudada Mercenary Regiment. Commander Amu, I chose to relocate randomly. I didn't expect to come to a small town where the windowsill was still being reclaimed. I was fortunate to be a town citizen in that town.

In order to show my sincerity, I will lead you out for hunting, get prey, and let everyone handle it at will. "When hearing this, Xiao Yi was somewhat surprised.

Luxiu Xiu,, gave an explanation immediately.

"This will increase the mayor's affection for him." Hearing Lu Xiuxiu.

Xiao Yi pointed at himself?

"You said I would like him?"

"Yes, isn't it?"

Hearing this, Xiao Yi did feel relieved. A mercenary commander, like a local manager, sells well, reducing the burden on the town. This does not mean that the head of the group is available.

"Now you can appoint him as the head of the hunting team, so that they will get food for hunting, and it will be controlled by the town.

Just then, Xiao Yi found a small figure.

"Ding Hao, what is Li Yao doing?" Xiao Yi pointed to it, and asked Li Yao, who was busy by the lake of life.

(To be continued.)

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