Brain Storm

Chapter 335: Another level of understanding of zombie

"It's really good." At this moment Master Duan sighed again.

"Master, what's the matter with you, it seems that you come to our world with a bit of God?"

"You say me?" At this moment Master Duanjing pointed his nose with his fingers.

"Yeah." Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the young dull master smiled.

"I'm trying to connect to heaven, but your world doesn't seem to have a direct path to heaven."

"Hearing this, Xiao Yi is a little confused, do you say heaven?"

"Your small world, the theory is also in subspace, but why it is not connected to heaven."

"Connecting to heaven?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"Every ghost and fairy under the jurisdiction of the heavenly courts will be registered, and I am also among them. In addition, any ghost fairy that is included in the heavenly courts can directly use the heavenly register for long-distance space communication."

Suddenly heard of this information, Xiao Yi was somewhat shocked. After all, Tianting actually had similar functions to the main brain of the Galaxy, which made Xiao Yi feel incredible.

"Can't you contact the heavenly courts here?" Xiao Yi asked at this moment in doubt.

Hearing Xiao Yi's questioning, Master Ku Ji was a little surprised, and then nodded again.

At this moment, under the command of Ming Lei, the small world has killed a lot of funerals. ○ "Long ○" Wind ○ "Wen ○" Learn, w ← ww.cfw⊕xn ▲ et Corpse, the position of the door of fantasy has now moved to the top of the mountain Above. The formation of this mountain was actually piled up by the ashes of these zombies. The stranger thing in the small world was the energy in those ashes, which was not directly released, but was forcibly controlled on the ground.

"Mr. Xiao Yi, although those zombies are no longer normal lives, a slaughter like you is likely to cause some trouble to your small world.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Master Du Silent, is there any way to say this?" At the moment Xiao Yi was somewhat solemn and curious.

"Although a zombie is not a normal life, but he can move, and even has the desire to eat, he meets the characteristics of life."

"And the power that drives life comes from the soul."

"But the soul is divided into three parts, heaven soul, earth soul, human soul."

"The heavenly soul is the master of wisdom, the earth soul is the master of the body, and the human soul is the master of life. At the same time, this is the root of the three spirits.

"These zombies in front of you are the walking dead of only the souls who have lost their souls."

"What I want to say is that their heaven and earth souls, in fact, did not disappear, but were sealed in their bodies."

"You should have seen the zombies with Heaven and Earth Soul. They generally have unparalleled wisdom. Without the participation of human and soul, Heaven and Earth Soul are ruthless to the extreme."

"Does that have anything to do with my little world?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"After you kill these zombies, their soul power will be released and absorbed by the world, but have you ever thought that these intricate soul powers will come together and they will form a soul realm."

"But you shouldn't worry about it, because your world itself has the atmosphere of the earth, and once they form the soul world here, maybe they can really exist here."

At this moment Xiao Yi has already heard some information.

"Do you mean that after these zombies are killed, their souls will exist in my world?"

"Yes," Xiao Yi heard the words, but looked a little silently towards the corpse mountain where hundreds of thousands of corpses were piled up.

Xiao Yi now seemed to be able to see ghosts walking through it.

"No, I have to get them out of this area immediately."

Xiao Yi then used the identity watch to send information to Ding Hao.

"Come back, don't hunt the zombies anymore." Everyone who heard the message came to Xiao Yi and the dull master next to him.

"What happened to the boss?" Ding Hao was the first to come back at this moment.

"Did you not feel anything unusual?" Everyone shook his head when he heard what Xiao Yi said.

"Boss, what's wrong?"

"Xiao, the zombies they killed did not directly transform into energy form, so there will not be the situation caused by lightning hunting zombies over there."

"But it's better not to kill it for the time being, to avoid any abnormal changes over there, they are affected." Suddenly hearing such a message, everyone looked at Xiao Yi at this moment.

"Boss, what's going on? Why do I sound confused?" Tang Yunfeng asked his own question.

"Ghosts, you have all heard of this, this is the thing, Master Silent said that after the death of these zombies, there will be a lot of residual energy to save, and the increase of the zombie ’s soul power will form a soul world here.

"According to my understanding, it is very likely that some of these energy lives will be born."

"After all, my little world is also formed by energy. Although the elements are different, after all, wisdom can be generated."

Just when Xiao Yi and others were talking, the area where the gate of fantasy was located at the moment was changed, and a black gas was created out of thin air.

As a result, Xiao Yi saw a personal image in those dark mists.

They are all at a loss at the moment.

And at this moment the thunderbolt's lightning did not stop.

But soon, Xiao Yi also came over.

"My deity, it seems that a large number of energy bodies have wisdom. What should we do?" At the moment Xiao Yi received Xiao Yi's message.

"Protect the conscious, and kill directly without consciousness." Xiao Yi, however, gave a very command.

The next moment Xiao Yi's body shot out a purple awn out of thin air and flew into the sky.

The weird scene happened the next moment, and as soon as some huge souls appeared, they would be attacked by purple thunder. The soul energy that was originally gathered together in an instant will be instantly dissipated into the most original energy element.

"Master Xiao Yi, your ability to control Tianlei is simply amazing." At the moment, the master of silence was a little lamented. "Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Yes, Tianlei has absolute restraint on the soul."

Hearing these Xiao Yi was a bit surprised, Ming Lei's move.

Xiao Yi has discovered that as soon as the soul world is formed, countless unconscious souls actually start to swallow up the same kind, and at the same time, there will be greater spiritual mention.

The target of Minglei is those larger energy bodies that will be directly attacked.

At this moment, Ming Thunder has summoned a group of golden eggs. Obviously this is the clone of Gaia's host.

At this moment, the golden eggs are shooting out golden rays of light, and with the irradiation of golden light, these souls will form soul spar instantly. Then automatically suspended in the air.

Seeing such a mysterious scene, everyone around me looked a little bit.

(To be continued.)

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