Brain Storm

Chapter 370: The temptation of energy food

"Aunt Grandma, don't ignore me, you have a taste of this steak, energy cow, it's really unusual."

"So much, do you know to eat steak?"

"Isn't it said that cows grow from eating grass and trees, my wood-powered person might benefit from eating this." Ding Hao said to himself.

Hearing this, Li Yao was a little worried: "What should I eat?"

Obviously Ding Hao's words completely deflected Li Yao's attention. At this moment, their attention has completely shifted to food.

But at the moment Xiao Yi's consciousness came from Lu Xuexin's voice.

"Xiao Yi, was the purest brain you replaced for me last time?"

"It's like diamonds, I don't know if it's the purest." Speaking of this, Xiao Yi hurriedly asked Ming Lei.

Understand Xiao Yi's voice, Ming Lei's body of consciousness immediately looked at Xiao Yi.

"I want to know, is Xue Xin's brain calculated the purest?"

"Purity means that the materials that make up the brain's core are pure and free of impurities, right?"

"Please rest assured that it is absolutely pure and natural without pollution." When hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little speechless.

But then looked at Lu Xuexin.

"You heard it." Lu Xuexin nodded.

At this time, the sound of Minglei is ringing again. The purity of the brain core is not only the most critical. The energy stored in it is also very important. The frequency of these energy is directly related to the body. The brain of a capable person is produced according to his body, so there are impurities in it, and our man-made is free of any impurities, and can be created into a perfect energy heart according to the crystallization rule.

"I use this word to describe it, there should be no problem." Xiao Yi agreed with the words of Ming Lei.

"What you said makes sense. Xuexin, what do you think?"

"How can I see, as long as it gets better, I will rest assured, a smile has appeared on Lu Xuexin's face at this moment.

"Yes, Xiao Yi, now my energy has recovered to 80%, I should also have S-class power." I heard Lu Xuexin's voice.

"By the way, Xuexin, but I remember you changed the brain nucleus at that time, that brain nucleus was empty, and later swallowed a pure blue brain nucleus."

Upon hearing Xiao Yi's reminder, Lu Xuexin's expression instantly changed to look better.

"Then I know, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, ha ha." At this moment, Lu Xuexin was inexplicably happy.

"Boss, boss, can we take these foods away?" Ding Hao still made his voice.

"You like to eat?" Xiao Yi found at this moment that a group of people around the table were not talking and were busy eating.

"Of course, boss, in addition to the taste of your dish, it actually enhances the energy in our bodies. These things are just great."

"Boss, let's take some away." Li Yunhe made the sound.

In Xiao Yi's impression, Li Yunhe was a cold man, but at this moment he was also softened under the sugar-coated shells.

After seeing this scene, Xiao Yi smiled and said, "Of course, you can eat as much as you want, and you like what you like, you just take it." After hearing this, there was a cheer in the restaurant.

At this moment, Xiao Changyun, Mu Huiyun, Lu Tianming, Li Yunwan, Ziyun and Zhugeming all came over.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Dad, why are you all here?" Xiao Yi asked with some confusion.

"Son, what is your father doing to you?" Suddenly he heard this, but Xiao Yi was a little hesitant.

"Dad, what do you say? Of course it is very related to me and loves me."

"That's right. Mom and Dad are old now. Shouldn't you honor Mom and Dad." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi immediately noticed the strangeness.

"Of course I have the ability to honor my parents." Upon hearing this, Lu Tianming and Li Yuwan nodded.

"Xiao Yi, you are such a good boy." Suddenly heard Zhuge Ming said. Xiao Yi felt a little strange.

"Dad, mom, you all come here. Is this something wrong?"

"Son, your dad, and your uncle Lu, and aunt Yuwan, and aunt Ziyun, as well as uncles Zhu, have decided to come to you for a white meal in the future. Is there any problem with your reception?

Hearing this, Xiao Yi felt a little strange.

"Is the food here so delicious?" Xiao Yi was a little strange at the moment. At this moment, Xiao Yi has not done much with the food here.

"Son, you agree and disagree."

"Dad, of course there is no problem. You are welcome to come at any time, but it is difficult for my little world to come in."

"Don't worry about this, the main brain of the Galaxy has always had a spatial connection node with your world. As long as you make the food, pass it directly to us through your identity watch ~ ~ As Zhuge Ming's voice falls Xiao Yi came to his senses.

"Dad, how can you do this, I'm not a restaurant again."

"Son, you lie to your father less. This big hotel belongs to our family, so you can't bear to let my father eat well."

After hearing this, Xiao Yi had understood that Dad was going to be fooled.

"That's the case." Xiao Yi said with a pitying glance at Ming Lei.

"My dear, please rest assured that there is no need for me to personally manage it here. Basically, the food here will be automatically completed by robots. Moreover, the main brain of Gaia is not as simple as you think. Made of energy. "

After receiving a voice from Ming Lei, Xiao Yi immediately felt relieved.

"Father and mother, uncles and aunts, there is no problem, this request, I mention that Ming Lei should come down." As Xiao Yi's words fell.

Xiao Yi found that at this moment the team members behind him were all coming together.

"Boss ..." This is Ding Hao. "Boss ..." This is Tang Yunfeng.

"Boss! We will all follow you in the future, you have to take care of the meal." It was Tang Yunfeng who said this.

"Keke, this is no problem, I should go down." Zhu Geming, who saw this scene, suddenly thought of something.

"Xiao Yi, your strength is now surging forward. I decided to transfer you to my Macross to give you the position of head of a regiment." Hearing this suddenly, Xiao Yi was a little stunned.

"Dad, mom ..." Xiao Yi's now fully understood.

"Hehe, the rich man's son, it seems that your uncle Zhuge has spotted you."

"Zhu Geming, you old guy, the beauty you want, but I said to Tang Xuanzhi, let him stay with him."

(To be continued.)