Brain Storm

Chapter 4: Awakening and Hunting

Over time, Xiao Yi felt like it had been around for about 30 minutes. He found that the abnormality of the body had begun to recede, and his physical consciousness had begun to return. After about 10 minutes, Xiao Yi finally recovered his ability to move.

Xiao Yi is very happy, because there is no devil in his body this time. Although he does n’t know where the devil came from, Xiao Yi feels lucky at this moment.

I came to Lu Xuexin and looked up: "Are you okay!"

At this moment Lu Xuexin has opened her eyes.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurried to Lu Xuexin to the sofa.

"Do you have anything unusual now?" Xiao Yi asked with concern.

"I should be fine." While talking, Lu Xuexin started trying to stand up.

"Sure enough, what happened just now? I seem to be stunned. Do you say the end of the world is here?"

Xiao Yi quickly answered Lu Xuexin's question: "The end of the world has come, and I have awakened the power, so that our future life in the end will be worry-free." While talking, Xiao Yi stretched out his hand After coming out, gradually a group of electric sparks gathered in his hands.

"Is this a power? It ’s amazing." Lu Xuexin is no stranger to the word power. At the end of the 21st century, artificial intelligence was initially awakened to intelligence, which can directly generate online literature works into movies. This is why Lu Xuexin is not surprised by abilities.

"How are you doing now, do you feel anything abnormal?"

异常 "Anomaly? It does. I can see everything in this room with my eyes open or closed, as if I really saw it. I feel a bit like dreaming. Is this also a power?"

"Is it perspective or something?"

不 "No, I feel that if I have more power, I can still pick up something. Now I have a feeling that I can control the items in this room, but it seems that I don't have that power now."

"Mind control? That should be the power of the spirit system."

Xiao Xiaoyi looked at Lu Xuexin, and then took a lighter, you try to move this thing with your mind.

However, Xiao Yi soon discovered that the lighter didn't move at all.

Suddenly, Lu Xuexin became sweaty.

"What happened to Lu Xuexin?"

"It hurts my head, I feel tired."

"Is it a mental drain?"

"I'm not that big, it should be good to take a break. You take me into the bedroom and let me rest." Upon hearing Lu Xuexin's orders, Xiao Yi immediately picked up Lu Xuexin and walked towards the bedroom.

"Xue Xin, take a rest first, I will find a way to help you get a brain nucleus, and you will be fine." At the same time, he kissed Lu Xuexin's forehead.

Then Xiao Yi left the bedroom and came to the living room. At this moment Xiao Yi heard the vibration sound of jumping off the stairs from the stairs outside the house, what made people jump downstairs, and then roared. Sound proves everything, there is only one answer! Zombie! Someone upstairs turned into a zombie. The survivors who jumped down the stairs were apparently eager to escape.

Xiao Yi's lightning power of nature is powerful once it appears, especially Xiao Yi is a rebirth, bringing a huge amount of pure mental power from the future world, which also leads to Xiao Yi's ability to reach a very strong level. He felt like he could element the body like that devil. And he is confident that he won't have a headache like Lu Xuexin. Maybe the pain endured in the previous life is enough.

Xiao Yi looked at his hands, and then learned the previous devil's movement to try to move, the next moment Xiao Yi found that he did not hit the door. He passed directly through the iron gate.

Xiao Yi was overjoyed immediately, but before he was happy, a figure hit him on the next moment.

Xun Xiaoyi did not move, but the person who hit him was ejected and flew out.

Xiao Xiao Yi looked intently, it was a zombie, and the man who had just escaped apparently had left here.

Xiao Yi still remembers that this is Professor Zhang, a mathematician. Usually a bit sloppy, some people say that those who study mathematics are crazy.

This guy should have become a zombie as soon as it happened. As a mental worker, Professor Zhang should be able to contribute a blue brain.

At that moment, Professor Zhang's zombie stood up again, Xiao Yi ignored him, but re-elementized, passed through the iron gate again, and returned to the house.

This ability is really amazing. He picked up the self-made spear on the ground and opened the door in the cat's eyes. Professor Zhang immediately found the existence of Xiao Yi and walked towards where Xiao Yi was. Stabbed out.

The next moment Professor Zhang's body had fallen to the ground.

A blood hole appeared in his head.

Xiao Xiaoyi was also unpretentious. Immediately, he opened the door and opened the head of Professor Zhang with an axe. Although Xiao Yi did it for the first time, Xiao Yi had seen it many times in the past three years. His body grabbed the human head with his bare hands and looked for the brain nucleus. And did not appear.

Not long after, Xiao Yi found the brain nucleus. Although it was covered with blood, Xiao Yi took it out, and then the flashlight flashed on his hand. The blood on it was roasted to gray and fell to the ground. This is A sapphire-like brain, UU Kanshu is very beautiful!

"It really is spiritual, this is great!"

Xiao Yi looked upstairs, and no new zombies arrived. Xiao Yi immediately returned to the room and closed the iron door.

Xiao Xiaoyi decided to use this blue psychic brain nucleus for Lu Xuexin, so she could quickly participate in the battle.

In Xue Yi's heart, Lu Xuexin is not a vase, but a wise and rational being. In past work, she can often help Xiao Yi.

The next moment, she came to the bedroom. At this moment, Lu Xuexin was already asleep. Xiao Yi did not hesitate to open Lu Xuexin's mouth directly, and swallowed Lu Xuexin's brain like a glass globe.

Suddenly ... The painful expression on Lu Xuexin's face disappeared. Randomly, the objects around Lu Xuexin gradually flew up one by one.

下一 At the next moment, Xiao Yi heard a voice.

"Xiao Yi, what's wrong with me? Am I dead?"

"Lu Xuexin are you there?" Xiao Yi found that the sound was not from Lu Xuexin's body at all.

Xiao Yi squatted down and touched Lu Xuexin's forehead. With Xiao Yi's touch, Lu Xuexin suddenly opened her eyes.

At this moment, Lu Xuexin still saw countless runes flashing. Xiao Yi didn't know what it was, but Xiao Yi knew that it must be related to the power.

"Xiao Yi, I saw you just now! Just like usual, I used to dream, I don't often say that I can see you working outside!"

When I heard Lu Xuexin's statement, Xiao Yi suddenly made a black line.

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