Brain Storm

Chapter 410: Aging and rebirth

410 Chapter Aging and New Life

But at the moment Xiao Yi can't estimate so much. What Xiao Yi has to do is to return to the real world quickly, instead of walking around in this energy world.

The elementary Xiao Yi passed directly through the huge metal door, through the passage, and appeared again in the underground space where the brazier burned.

The next moment, Xiao Yi looked around.

"And at this moment, Lu Xuexin waved at will, and then a door of dreams was formed." Seeing the door of dreams, Xiao Yi did not hesitate to pass through the door of dreams.

"Finally back." Xiao Changyun was sighing at the moment.

"Father, how should we find our mother?" Xiao Changyun, who heard this, looked at Ziyun.

"She should have joined Xiao Yi's space gate through my small world and entered Xiao Yi's small world." After hearing what Ziyun said, Xiao Yi hurriedly asked Ming Lei.

However, Xiao Yi was a little dreadful at the next moment, because the voice of Minglei became a little weird at this moment. Obviously the frequency is stretched again.

"Xiao Yi, what are you doing, come soon!" At this moment, Ziyun had opened the door to his own small world.

The called Xiao Yi went in subconsciously.

When it appeared again, Xiao Yi had returned to the small world of Ziyun.

The small world seemed extraordinarily quiet, but there was no one, but at the moment, Xiao Yi and others' goal was the space door connecting Xiao Yi's small world.

"Damn, the energy is exhausted." Seeing this, Xiao Yi was a little anxious.

"Yes, Xuexin, can you inject energy into this space door?" However, Lu Xuexin has not yet answered.

At this moment, Ziyun was a finger and a finger, and another purple awn shot on the space door.

At the next moment, the space door lit up again, and at the next moment, Xiao Yi suddenly felt a scream.

Obviously felt a breath.

"I feel your mother, he's fine." Xiao Yi was relieved when he heard what Xiao Changyun said. "

"Ahem ... the space door was pushed open the next moment."

"Several elderly people came out of it."

"Are you Huiyun sister?" Ziyun couldn't believe it at this moment.

At this moment, Xiao Yi, Xiao Changyun and Lu Xuexin immediately ran up.

At the moment they are still followed by a man and a woman, and at this moment they are already old-fashioned and look very old.

"What the **** is going on with you?" Xiao Changyun asked at this moment.

"It's not you! Whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)") Mu Huiyun choked at this moment.

Seeing this, Xiao Changyun looked at his good brother Lu Tianming.

"Hey, if it weren't for me to come to Xiaoyi World, this would probably not have happened. We entered the channel that day, and we did n’t know how the channel could not go to the end. Later, I used space power to perform several space moves. Later, I moved a few more times, and then I did n’t know how many times I moved, but I still did n’t see the end. At that time, I knew that it was over, you must have taken the small world away. "

"Fortunately, you are still!" Ziyun sighed at the moment.

"Perform a gene repair, or your body won't be able to take it for too long."

"Just then, another person stepped out of the space door."

"Minglei? Why are you out?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at the moment.

"I couldn't reach you just now, I was a little worried, and I came after it."

"Can my mother and Xue Xin's parents be cured like this?"

"There should be no problem, don't forget the power of Gaia Technology, if you are willing to rebuild a body for them."

"Well, Xiao Yi, although I know that your Gaia is very bullish, my abilities have withered, and it is better to die alive." Lu Tianming was speaking.

Hearing this, Xiao Changyun held Lu Tianming's hand.

"Tianming, it's going to be okay. There are still many secrets of Xiao Yi. Even if it's not working, there is also the world of Ziyun, so that you can continue to survive."

"Maybe." Lu Tianming looked at Ziyun the next moment.

"Ziyun will bother you for more care in the future."

"Ahem, some of my loved ones, don't you believe what your son said?" Ming Lei was speaking at the moment.

At this moment Lu Xuexin was standing beside Xiao Yi.

"Is there really a way?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"As long as there is energy, nothing can be done."

"Now there is not enough energy, but it is easy to create a new body for them, or repair their bodies."

"Then my abilities can be retrieved?" Lu Tianming asked his own question directly.

"Uncle, you are Xuexin's father, and I am the clone of Xiao Yi. Although I have independent wisdom, I also call you an uncle, so I will not hide you, as long as you have energy, you want to go back , Even stronger. "

Hearing this, Xiao Changyun's eyes brightened. Then I looked at Ziyun ~ ~ Ziyun, you have to help me in this matter, I want the veins below Mars. "

"This won't work, that's too important for Mars."

"But what do they do?"

"To the world we went to just now, there may be a way." Xiao Changyun nodded when he heard what Ziyun said.

"Ming Lei, although you are a clone of Xiao Yi, but you now have an independent body, you can be considered my son."

"Start treating your mother and Xuexin's mother now."

"No problem, the next moment Ming Lei looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Xue Xin opens the door of dreams, enters the small world, the energy transfer is faster." Upon hearing Ming Lei's words, Lu Xuexin nodded silently.

The next moment a rainbow-like light hit the ground, and a door of dreams appeared in front of several people.

"Let's go." The next moment Ming Lei first walked into the door of fantasy.

At this moment in the small world, Mu Huiyun, Lu Tianming, Li Yu bowl's body is already floating in the air.

"The cell death rate is over 50%, and it is a miracle that you can survive."

At this moment, several Gaia avatars are hovering quickly around several people, emitting a golden light from time to time.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked suddenly.

"This is a warm light of life, with the ability to restore human vitality."

"The next moment, another cyan light fell from the Gaia avatar in the air."

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked again.

"Supply the water needed by the cells."

This process was fast, but at this moment Xiao Yi was so worried about his mother that he was so anxious that he didn't realize that he was different from others at this moment. (To be continued.)