Brain Storm

Chapter 476: Hacking

"Wilt I ordered you to investigate where I was going. ㈧㈠ 中文 网 ん ⒈"

"Your Majesty." The man dressed as an officer went out immediately.

"Your Majesty, will you be discussed if you treat Balmain like this?"

"Arguing, above this hall, would any of you betray me?" While saying this, Kabula glanced at everyone in the palace.

Seeing such eyes, one minister at a time quickly lowered his usual proud head.

"This ship is going so fast!" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"My dear, this spacecraft's energy reactor is quite good. It can provide space jumping energy quickly. He can often use space jumping, so it is so fast."

"So why can we still catch up?" Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Deity, that's because we have been jumping, so of course they are not as fast as we are."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was immediately curious to cast lightning time.

The weird picture appeared at the next moment. As the battleship's jump started, Xiao Yi appeared. There actually appeared a black spot out of thin air, and the entire ship quickly became smaller until it disappeared. At the next time, it was already Reached tens of thousands of kilometers away.

"Great, are they using black holes?"

"Yes deity, because of the maximum power limitation, they can only open so far energy channels, so they only have so far each teleport."

"Do you mean, our energy can travel infinitely in subspace?"

"Yes, their energy is a one-time consumable, but ours has an intelligent element. As long as they are not artificially destroyed, they can be reborn. Simply put, they can exist as long as there is space."

"Element? Doesn't this galaxy have this element?"

"The element density is too thin to form an intelligent element autonomously."

"Earth humans have used science and explored for so many years until the end of the world that they were unable to get out of the solar system."

"But when the end of the world came, we crossed the stage of interstellar civilization and came directly into space."

"The earth is now civilized, the energy is too abundant, and life on earth is controlling energy.

"They are going there?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

As Xiao Yi's voice was asked, a star map appeared on the big screen the next moment.

"This is the star map detected immediately. There should be a galaxy ahead, maybe their target is there."

At this moment, the star map is like a stellar system, and huge planets appear in the vision of Xiao Yi and others.

"The planets here are so big."

"This should be similar to Jupiter. This is bigger than Jupiter."

"This sun is so big, such a big planet is really rare."

"It's true that we have come all the way. Planets larger than Earth are rare. I didn't expect such a big place here."

"What's up there?" At the moment Xiao Yi saw the rows of metal equipment in front of him, suspended in space.

"It should be a military defense system." At this point, the spacecraft suddenly decreased and gradually stopped.

"What to do, Xiao Yi, the spaceship flew in."

"Well, the electromagnetic wave signal was received. Well, the frequency is being decrypted."

"Alas, decryption failed, alas, decryption succeeded, Alaska data link is being generated."

"Well." As the voice sounded, the next moment, a picture appeared in front of Xiao Yi and others.

"What is this?" Xiao Yi asked Xiang Minglei with some doubt.

"It should be the virtual network of this world."

"Energy world?"

"No, it's just a brain-dominated virtual network, not in storage space."

Just the next moment, the picture on the screen changed, but a huge square appeared.

At that time, an alarm sounded in the central main brain center of the Baidi Alliance Star.

"Well, smart access is unknown."

"Well, rejection failed, hey, rejection failed."

"Hey, the shutdown failed, hey, everything is OK." After hearing a series of alarms suddenly.

At this moment, the managers of the central brain center are at a loss.

"Mr. Modis, the system has not failed, but now the main brain has no way to restart."

"No failure, why can't I restart."

"Dia is the most important property of our Baidi Alliance, and I don't want him to have any accidents."

"Okay, you rush to arrange for an expert to overhaul."

"Yes. Mr. Modis."

"His Highness Bereny, why are you here?"

"Well, I know Modis."

"This master brain purchased from 1-star civilization this time is very important for our Baidi Alliance."

"The other news was that from Portland, Arante actually ruled out the warship's attempt to attack the Portland star."

"Is Portland?"

"A new Portland ship just entered the port, and then Dia got a breakdown."

"Damn, there must be something wrong that we didn't notice."

"Report!" An officer ran in the next moment.

"What happened?"

"The central main brain is wrapped in mysterious power. At present we are unable to approach." Hearing this, all eyes changed.

"Damn, communication was interrupted, and an emergency case was initiated."

"On the next moment, fierce alarm sounded over Baidixing."

"What the **** was born? Is there another war?" At this moment some civilians on the street were looking up at the sky.

"Don't run yet! What's so nice about it." After hearing the prompts from friends around me, he rushed into the emergency shelter nearby.

Baidi Alliance Star ~ ~ This is the political center of the alliance, a community of destiny established by a hundred emperors.

"Princess Carlucchi, it seems that Bai Dixing has given birth to something."

"Can you contact Abraham?" Caruchy said with some concern.

"Not yet. The virtual network seems to be broken."

"Willn't it be my brother's lunatic sending a warship over?"

"It's impossible, you know, the strength of the Star Fortress cannon is something that is only found in Level 1 civilization." Delin said decisively at this moment.

"What the **** was born? How could the master brain be invaded?"

"Moldis will start the recovery system. It's too bad for us to delay now. We don't know what happened."

If Xiao Yi were here, Xiao Yi would immediately understand at a glance,

(To be continued.)