Brain Storm

Chapter 498: Research progress of Minglei

Seeing this scene, Xiao Yi was a little surprised, but at this moment Xiao Yi did not care about the eyes of those who were watched by the robot police, but took 6 Xuexin and walked towards the city center. Bayi Chinese?

As Xiao Yi approached, just then, Ming Lei's voice sounded in Xiao Yi's conscious space.

"My dear, why are you back? How can there be no one over the spaceship?"

After hearing this, Xiao Yi quickly explained.

"Don't worry, I've put the spaceship on a planet."

"That's good. If it's in space, it's too conspicuous." Xiao Yi smiled at this.

"Well, don't say me, where are the robot police and those people from outside?"

"Also said, did you capture a batch of Arantet warships with the spaceship just now?" Xiao Yi was a little hesitant to hear this.

"Well, Minglei, if you have something to say, don't worry about anything with me."

"Well, you may have captured it unconsciously, but they have been sent here now."

"How did they come?" Xiao Yi was still a little curious at the moment.

"Through your lightning elementalization, it was directly taken in, don't you know that the small world is the energy source of the entire spaceship?"

"With the energy recovery of your spaceship just now, naturally they all entered the small world. Fortunately, I was not too busy just now, otherwise there must be a big mess here," Xiao Yi was a little awkward to hear this.

"In addition to capturing the ships of the Arante Empire, you also captured the commercial transport fleet of Hedata."

"The people you saw just now are the ones who are being watched by the robot police. They are the caravans."

"They think of us as capable pirates." Xiao Yi was a little awkward to hear this.

"I was not careful. I was too fast at that time, and I didn't notice it for a while." Xiao Yi explained quickly.

"My dear, I didn't blame you, I was just curious, didn't you let you wait in place?" After hearing this, 6 Xuexin was a picture of the Star Hammer network that released the Argentine ship. Direct projection gave Ming Lei.

"This should be a defensive system. As long as this net is present, it can be immune to the attack of the Star Fortress Cannon."

After hearing this, 6 Xuexin aside laughed.

"Where is the net fish?" 6 Xuexin said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, I won't say that now." At the moment, Xiao Yi changed the subject.

"How is your research?"

"There are already some results, you should have used it, how about it?"

"The two golden fingers are very good, and they are very convenient to use."

"Convenience is convenient, but we can only use it ourselves, ordinary people cannot use it."

"Yeah, and that prank-like spell is too weird." 6 Xuexin laughed when she heard this.

With the conversation between Xiao Yi and 6 Xuexin and Ming Lei, Xiao Yi quickly obtained the research progress of Ming Lei.

The space door that Jeffrey needs, which is 6 Xuexin's fantasy star network, can basically be established.

The other is a deeper level, which allows the two abilities to use each other.

After hearing these words, Xiao Yi was a little confused.

"Do you make those Gaia golden eggs that work inside the chromosome?"

"Don't you feel the abnormality of your body?" Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little stunned.

"Minglei, what have you done to me?"

"Ahem, now Gaia Golden Egg is doing research in your body." Upon hearing this, Xiao Yi looked at it immediately.

However, Xiao Yi still didn't feel anything.

"Ming Lei, did you lie to me?" Xiao Yi was dissatisfied at the moment.

6 Xuexin on the side interrupted Xiao Yi.

"I'll zoom in and show it to you." At the next moment, Xiao Yi saw a magical scene. First, Xiao Yi's whole body appeared.

The next moment the picture was zoomed in quickly, and then I didn't know how many times it was zoomed in, but Xiao Yi saw some local details, and the details were still zooming in.

At the moment, with this behavior of 6 Xuexin, Xiao Yi is seeing some interesting phenomena in the air.

Red orange yellow green blue blue purple, all kinds of gems are filled with starry sky.

"Xue Xin, what are you doing? Don't tell me that those gems are real."

"Those are not real gems, but they are also gems, but they are too small in size and are of little value to humans.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi nodded, apparently thinking about what those things were.

The next moment Xiao Yi smiled: "Is this an element?"

"Not exactly, it should be said to be an elemental body, just like a cell body, he also has a shell, and smaller elemental particles. Those particles are the key to our ability to generate abilities. These things can make us connect with this universe. Unknown forces to communicate. "

"Hurry up and don't say this. I want to see Gaia Golden Egg."

"Those are much smaller than these." With Xiao Yi's urging, the picture continued to grow again.

Xiao Yixian, this time they actually entered some elements.

6 The element body that Xuexin entered is a green element body.

The next moment, a piece of green elements appeared, and soon, Xiao Yi was among these green elements, and now looks like a golden egg, but at this moment, the appearance of the golden egg is a bit strange. The particles are wrapped in the middle. "

Seeing this, Xiao Yi frowned.

"What's going on? Why do these elements wrap Gaia Golden Ball?"

"My dear, this is because the golden ball has a high degree of intelligence, so their replacement rule is to choose a higher intelligence, UU reading for survival.

"The Gaia Golden Globes are metallic. Can they still get into the Gaia Golden Globes?" Xiao Yi was clearly not convinced.

"Of course not. At present, I just use the utility of Gaia Golden Sphere to absorb these elements and classify them."

"And in the future, I will use Gaia Golden Globes for cell transformation."

"The golden power you just used contains this technology internally."

"It is precisely because of the countless dream cells that provide the power of dreams."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was a little curious.

"How many times can the golden power be used?" Hearing Xiao Yi's question, Ming Lei shook his head immediately.

"You don't have to worry about this. He has a space energy transmission array. As long as we don't have energy here, this thing can be used all the time."

(To be continued.)