Brain Storm

Chapter 5: Powers and Fairies

好 "Well, just now you were directing things around the house."

"Really? I thought I was dreaming!" Lu Xuexin's face was full of excitement at the moment.

"Wow! It really is amazing!" At this moment, Lu Xuexin pointed a finger at a pot of flowers. Under the idea of ​​Lu Xuexin, the pot of flowers had left the window sill and gradually flew up!

"Be careful, don't break the flowerpot!" Xiao Yi reminded quickly.

"It's okay, I feel that I can control heavier objects." Obviously Lu Xuexin was not worried, and she was in the mood.

The next moment I saw the flowerpot flipping up and down, flying up quickly, left and right for a while, almost hit the wall several times.

"It seems like my ability, no fingers at all, just think about it."

"Oh? How do I feel there is a sense in the flowerpot." The speed of the flowerpot gradually slowed down.

I heard Lu Xuexin's confusion, and suddenly Xiao Yi looked up carefully, under the gaze of Xiao Yi.

Xiao Xiaoyi found the flower in the flowerpot.

"It, it, is trembling?" Xiao Yi is obviously also incredible about this, this flower is actually alive, but also knows fear.

The next moment Xiao Yi immediately reflected over and shouted: "Be careful with this flower, it is a bit weird, don't let it come close to you."

At this moment, Lu Xuexin was staring at the pot with big curious eyes: "I feel like it seems scared."

"Can you feel the emotions of plants?" Xiao Yi is obviously a bit incomprehensible, after all, he has not been exposed to this situation in previous lives.

"Yes, it is very scared, especially afraid of you." Xiao Yi suddenly became interested when he heard Lu Xuexin's words.

The next moment, a lightning ball appeared in Xiao Yi's hands.

The moment the electric ball appeared, the flower actually pulled its roots out of the flowerpot and ran.

Xiao Yi looked stunned.

"Is this flower really fine!" Just when Xiao Yi was about to start, Lu Xuexin suddenly spoke.

"I seem to be able to command it, has it surrendered to me?" While Lu Xuexin said this, the flower seemed to be motionless, and then suddenly danced.

"Sure enough, I can control it." With Lu Xuexin's command, the pot of flowers returned to the pot.

"Is it wise?" Xiao Yi asked curiously.

恩 "Well, yeah, and very clever. I feel that it should have as much as one-fifth of my spiritual body."

"By the way, our citizen terminal has a display of strength, agility, intelligence, and physical strength. Look, what is your value now?"

"Oh, you say that, wait for me to see ... 咦 ..., my intelligence is now 3."

"It seems that the blue psychic brain at the beginning of the last days can add a little more intelligence. It seems that we have more."

"What is the brain of the blue spirit department?" Obviously Lu Xuexin didn't know what it was yet.

Xiao Yi looked at Lu Xuexin, and she felt a little depressed. Would you like to say that it was taken out of her head after killing the zombies? Xiao Yi felt that if she said that, Lu Xuexin would feel very upset.

When Xiao Yi was still hesitating, Lu Xuexin seemed to suddenly think of something: "Is it the kind of evolving brain that was taken out of the zombie's head like the last-day movie?"

"Cough, that's the kind of thing, but it should be available in the animal and plant body." When Xiao Yi said this, his gaze was clearly looking at the direction of the potted flower.

Xiao Xiaoyi found that as he finished speaking, the pot of flowers shook even more.

"The IQ of this pot of flowers is not low." Xiao Yi said.

"Yeah! It seems that whatever we say, it seems understandable."

"There should be a brain in this pot of flowers, I don't know what color it is." After listening to Xiao Yi's words.

The pot of flowers suddenly knelt to Xiao Yi and Lu Xuexin. Xiao Yi determined that it was definitely kneeling, not other actions.

Lu Xuexin looked at Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi also looked at Lu Xuexin.

"Xue Xin, try to communicate with it mentally."


"Can communicate, it is asking for mercy, asking for work for us, and willing to call your boss."

"It's also called my boss lady. What a weird flower. How could there be such a weird consciousness."

"This flower is from where you got it. Why so strange?" Lu Xuexin asked.

"I remember the mountain picnic a long time ago. I went to look for firewood. This thing suddenly fell off the cliff. I found it strange at that time and brought it back. You all knew it later, I inserted it. It went into our pot and it came alive later. "

"Xiao Yi, do you think this thing is ... a monster!" Lu Xuexin seemed a little scared.

Seeing this from Lu Xuexin, Xiao Yi suddenly held the lightning ball in her hand and gradually approached this weird flower, and then said.

"Are you a monster?" At this moment, the sparks emitted by Xiao Yi's lightning ball are only 1 cm away from this flower demon. If the distance is closer, it will surely become mature like being struck by lightning.

"Xiao Yi, wait, he talked to me."

"What does it say?" Xiao Yi asked without looking back.

它 "It says the great boss! I only have a flower essence, not a monster at all."

"The ghost believes that you are not a monster! Honestly explain, what exactly are you UU reading? Otherwise I will let you die."

I heard Xiao Yi's threat, this shivered even more.

"Xiao Yi, take your lightning ball, stay away from this flower, don't worry, you really electrocuted it."

Hearing Lu Xuexin's voice, Xiao Yi suddenly took the lightning ball away.

"He said that he was originally a man. After a rock climbing, he fell off the cliff and died. He woke up and found in a dark space. At first, he thought he had been selected by the great **** to cross the flood and chaos. I did n’t know how long it took. Finally, he saw the light. It should be the loud noise for about half an hour. He fully awakened his consciousness and he became one with this flower. ”

When I heard Lu Xuexin's words, Xiao Yi thoughtfully.

"A human soul can actually reside in a plant. Does that mean that the soul can also be transferred." Xiao Yi suddenly remembered some stories in the myth, just wondering if he would produce a like the myth. Fruit, and then reincarnation.

Xiao Yi, as a person who has lived forever, feels that this flower is not as simple as the flower himself said, but he remembers that the aloe was originally planted in this flower pot, but I do n’t know why, since this flower kind , That aloe vera wilted or even disappeared completely.

"Xue Xin, let's ignore him first. Find a glass bottle and put him in first to avoid it from making a ghost!"

恩 "Well!" Immediately under the bed, a glass bottle flew out, opened automatically, and the flower jumped in automatically.

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