Brain Storm

Chapter 506: Zerg's reflection

Hearing this, the head of Belos was trembling. Bayi Chinese? = ≤

"As a great Tier 1 citizen, why do you do such a thing, you will definitely be tried by the Alliance Court."

"Okay, don't say that." The guards took them down, but the next moment there were two machine guards leading the Captain Bellos out.

"Ding Hao, why are you scaring them?"

"These guys are not simple, do you think they are really as simple as the Hatta Tower?"

"What do you mean?" Li Yao was puzzled at the moment.

"Boss Xiao Yi captured a girl."

"One? Girl? Did I hear something wrong?" Li Yao couldn't believe it.

"To be precise, a bug with a human appearance."

"Her name is Belloch."

"Is there anything weird about the head of the delegation just now? Is it because he is also named Bei?"

"He is not as simple as the surname Bei. He has a worm gene in one quarter of his pedigree."

"They're all working for the Zerg."

"How did you know this? Xiao Yi told you?" Li Yao was unbelievable at the moment.

"Of course not. I have survived that long in the last days. When I see a monster, I know that he is a monster."

"But in the test of the last days, you will play too much, let the zombies be our porters."

"It would be great if it was in the real world, but unfortunately there are fakes. Since the boss asked me to manage it, I will make it a botanical paradise in reality." At this moment, Ding Hao was full of respect.

At this moment we turn our perspective to Xiao Yi.

"My dear, that Xiao Bing has been arranged by me. He will have three meals a day at Huanhe Hotel."

"That's fine, pay attention to remind him to eat three meals a day."

"Okay, I see." The sound of Minglei suddenly disappeared the next moment.

"Finally busy with something."

"Xiao Yi, that Bellocchi, what are you going to do? It's the Zerg's little princess. His uncle is a big beetle."

"Hey, it's all troublesome things. I didn't expect that we actually caused such a big trouble."

"Will you put them back?" 6 Xuexin asked doubtfully.

"No, it may be more troublesome to put it back."

"What then?"

"It can only be closed here, we already have a lot of people."

"Ming Lei said, the city of Huanhe has been expanded?"

"Yeah, I should go there if I have the chance. In addition, listen to Ming Lei said that Ding Hao and Li Yao are now out, and they are directing the crew to build the farm."

"It would be good if there was no food for Ming Lei to make some. Why should you plant it yourself?"

"I think this is a good thing. After all, we can't let so many people there waiting for us to raise them. In such a long time, they will lose their ability to work."

"You think very thoughtful." After talking about these 6 Xuexin, suddenly remembered something.

"Now that our golden fingers have been manufactured, should we ship a batch to Jeffrey?"

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi suddenly shook his head.

"No, we just need to give Tom Brett my avatar, and your Windsor Elise one golden finger.

"As for Jeffrey, our cooperation with him is to help him open the door to space."

"And Brett and your Alice, they are empowered by Minglei to arrange them for work."

"But then, has Xiao Yi ever thought that my fantasy star network will not be able to fill the world."

"Xue Xin, have you ever thought about it, if the year's Phantasy Star Network is full of this world, can you still recognize, is it there?"

"Is Xuena helping me manage it?"

"Xue Xin, I ask you a question, in your dream door, after the door is opened, is that imprint permanent?"

"Of course it is permanent. I haven't seen that disappeared, so I said that my dream star network can be built."

"Also Xiao Yi, do you know, my fantasy star network is between fantasy and reality, you say it is true, it is true, you say it is false, it is false, control these, only Need me a thought. "

"Then you make so many golden fingers, aren't they all imitating your thoughts? If there is a civilization similar to ours, does that mean you can unlock the secret of your power."

"So I don't think we can give this gold full fat to aliens, especially aliens we don't know."

Just then, the sound of Ming Lei sounded.

"Our dear, now there is a large-scale abnormal energy source." Xiao Yi suddenly wondered when he heard this.

"Where?" As the voice dropped, a red dot appeared on the ship's large screen.

"What's going on? What is it that surrounds this place?"

"It seems to be capable of this world."

"Hey, hey, now the signal source, whether it is connected." Hearing that, Ming Lei was a little hesitant.

"what's the situation?"

"Should you come in and see?"

"Will they see us?" Xiao Yi asked in confusion.

"No, unless we want to."

"Then come in."

"Hello, this is the Emperor Senlotia. What civilization do you have?" After hearing this, Xiao Yi started lightning time subconsciously.

"Minglei, what's going on, how could a first-level civilization appear here?"

"Perhaps it was because they noticed the disappearance of the ice blue star here."

"Wait ... what is that?" At the moment, Ming Lei was a display on the enlarged large screen with a doubtful look.

"How could there be such a large creature around here?"

"Is this a bug?" Xiao Yi was a little confused at this moment.

"What are they doing? Is it the ship that is going to attack Senlotia?"

"My dear, I think we should leave here for the time being ~ ~ Okay."

With the control of Minglei, the Bronze spacecraft quickly entered the invisible state, but for a short while, it disappeared from its place.

The next moment of lightning time has been cancelled.

At this moment, Xiao Yi's spacecraft has been separated from the original ice blue star field, and it should be said to be a dark star field at this moment.

"My deity, there are such huge bugs in many places nearby, what is the race doing?" At that moment, Minglei's voice came out suddenly.

"Does this have anything to do with us?" Xiao Yi was somewhat indifferent at the moment.

"Respect, maybe it really matters. Don't forget that we caught the Zerg little princess."

"You mean, these bugs are going to attack the humans here?" As Xiao Yi and Ming Lei talked, the huge bugs suddenly changed.

(To be continued.)